I Am Born With A Sliver Spoon

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 579

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 579

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 579

In the room, Fang Jiannan started telling Chen Hao about what happened since they arrived at Mo Island three months ago.

It turned out that, a year ago, Fang Jiannan’s younger sister, Fang Yi, had wanted to find out who San really was and had gotten into a car accident.

She was rendered completely paralyzed.

Initially, Old Master Fang had thought that all his troubles were over, that he had finally fixed his relationship with both his daughter as well as the Chen Family. Everything was seemingly going well, and he could enjoy his later years in life.

However, no one had expected that something like this would happen to Fang Yi.

Due to extreme worry, Old Master Fang had fallen sick once more half a year ago.

Fang Jiannan hurriedly went to find Miracle Doctor Zuo. Thereafter, for the past whole year, Miracle Doctor Zuo had been treating Fang Yi non-stop.

On top of that, Old Master Fang was gravely ill too.

Fang Jiannan followed the instructions that the doctor had given her and started to look around for solutions.

Finally, the two medicinal recipes needed to treat the two of them were found, but both recipes were missing an initiator.

That initiator was known as the Purple Vine.

However, there was none of it inland, and there was very little news of it everywhere else.

Until one day, Fang Jiannan learned that Mo Island produced the Purple Vine, and what was more, once the Purple Vine was plucked from its root, it could only be kept for three days.

There was no way to transport it.

That was why, three months ago, Fang Jiannan suggested for her, her grandfather, and her younger sister to all head to Mo Island; Doctor Zuo would follow along as well.

As for everything that happened after that, it was brought upon by the Yun Family.

In fact, when they reached Mo Island, they had already paid them quite an amount of money, but the Master of the Yun Family just had to keep Fang Jiannan on the island no matter what.

They mentioned something about how their Young Lord had set his eyes on her.

And the Yun Family were to be their matchmaker.

Of course, Fang Jiannan never agreed to it. Because of that, they started to have conflicts with the Yun Family. Although the Fang Family’s forces came forward, they were lost at sea during the journey.

The Yun Family then kidnapped Old Master Fang, Fang Yi and the Miracle Doctor.

With that, they forced Fang Jiannan to agree.

Hence, that was what brought them to the scene right now.

When Chen Hao finished listening to the story, he felt remorseful. From the whole story, he gathered that he had some involvement in this issue too.

He had an unshirkable responsibility.

“Chen Hao, Yun Lang is Yun Lin’s only son. He will not let you go for beating his son into a pulp. It’s all my fault! You should run while there’s still time!” Fang Jiannan said while tugging Chen Hao’s arm.

“There’s a master from the Yun Family, and he’s extremely powerful. Our Fang Family’s fleet was blocked by people sent forward by this Master. He is really strong, mysteriously so, and he seems to have a hand in all the sects here. Chen Hao, you have to leave, quick!” Fang Jiannan warned.

“Run? Why should I run? Now that I know what happened to you guys, don’t worry, I will save Old Master Fang and the others!” Chen Hao said with a bitter smile.

Fang Jiannan was extremely touched, but the more moved she was, the more she felt as though she couldn’t possibly trouble Chen Hao any more.

“Let’s go. It’s just a matter of time before the Yun Family’s people return. Just as you said, the Yun Family’s precious son is now in my hands. If he doesn’t want anything to happen to his son, he’s gonna have to make a trade with me!” Chen Hao said coldly.

After that, he walked outside.

A corner next to the hot spring was already surrounded by people.

They were pointing and whispering about Yun Lang, who had already passed out.

“What? Who dares to do such a thing? Hurting my son?”

In the Yun Family mansion on Mo Island, a middle-aged man was enraged.

His face was red and there was a vein straining against his forehead.

“We don’t know! I think his surname is Chen, because those people called him Young Master Chen. He’s way too powerful! There were over ten bodyguards yet they were no match for this one person!

They didn’t even last ten seconds! Young Master Yun got thrown up in mid-air and tossed around, and as of now, he’s barely breathing!” Yun Lang’s friends cried.

“This person is just asking to get killed!” Yun Lin gripped his fists tightly.

“Quickly go and call our Master! Tell him to follow me and save Yun Lang!” Yun Lin yelled.

When they heard the word ‘Master’, the expressions of those youngsters brightened.

That’s right! If Master’s here, no one would dare to cause trouble and offend the Yun Family! That little man is dead meat, no question about it!

The Yun Family was triggered, and many family members stepped up.

The lot of them headed toward the Sea Heaven Villa.

When Yun Lin arrived, he saw a young master drinking tea underneath the lamp post. Above him was the pale, barely-breathing body of Yun Lang, who had long since fainted.

“Even if Yun Lang committed a thousand crimes, this is way too harsh of a punishment! You’re obviously not showing any respect to our Yun Family at all!” Yun Lin was feeling devastated for his son and a flash of resentment glinted in his eyes.

“I was already kind enough to not kill any of you. It seems like you know what ‘harsh’ is as well, considering you kidnapped my junior and one of my seniors. Not to mention, you’re also holding one of my friends hostage. So, how do you plan to pay for your wrongdoings?” Chen Hao put down his teacup.

“Hehe, so you’re the help that the Fang Family called for! No wonder. Too bad, though, no matter how strong the Fang Family is, you still pale in comparison to our Yun Family here in Mo City!” Yun Lin said.

“Old Master Yun, why are you wasting your breath speaking to him? Just call out the Master and kill this man! Let him have a taste of how powerful the Yun Family is!”

“Exactly! We must destroy him and get revenge for Young Master Yun!”

His friends were all extremely angry and started to curse and shout.

“Master, from now on, we’ll hand him over to you!” Yun Lin’s gaze was chilly, and automatically, the crowd parted to form a path.

Right after, an old man slowly walked through the path formed by the crowd.

This man had narrow, slanted eyes, and when he squinted, he resembled a poisonous snake that was ready to strike.

It struck fear in the hearts of many people.

He walked over, taking his time.

Then, he stood still amongst the crowd.

At the same time, he was staring at Chen Hao.

However, the riled-up Yun Family failed to notice the intense twitching of the Master’s eyelids and the sudden shaking of his legs.

Meanwhile, Fang Jiannan was crazily nervous; her hands were drenched in sweat as she clung on tightly to Chen Hao’s sleeve.

In the next second, everyone’s eyes widened.

Thump! A noise sounded.

They all witnessed this Master, well over fifty years of age, suddenly kneeled in front of Chen Hao.

“Young Master Chen, have mercy!” this Master suddenly shouted, his face pale.

Yun Lin was looking at the Master in disbelief. “Master… What is going on?”

“Young Master Chen, please forgive me! I didn’t mean to offend you!” the master pleaded.

Fang Jiannan took a deep breath, covering her mouth in shock.

Just moments before this, she had been incredibly nervous. But right now…

“Mo Changkong, I’ve asked Mo Canglong to get rid of you, but who knew that he would try to play this game with me! So, you’ve come here instead!”

A cold smile crept up from the corners of Chen Hao’s mouth.

This old man in front of him was none other than Mo Changkong!

He had allowed Mo Canglong to take care of Mo Changkong according to their family rules, but clearly, he had underestimated Mo Canglong’s dirty tactics.

Mo Canglong must have known that the future of the Mo Family was in the hands of Mo Changkong. And to think that I even let Mo Canglong join me at the Holy Water Ritual.

What a sly old fox!

Mo Changkong, on the other hand, was in distress. He hid in one place after another, and he thought that hiding at the very corners of the earth would render him invisible on Chen Hao’s radar.

However, being involved in such a community meant that he had to pay his price at some point. He couldn’t hide forever.

Mo Changkong understood very well that Chen Hao was already extremely strong, not even Mo Canglong was able to beat him at this point.

He had long gotten rid of any intention to get revenge on him. At this juncture, he just wanted to keep his life.

“Master, why are you doing this?” Yun Lin was incredibly confused.

“Do you remember when I told you about Young Master Chen? That he’s the reason for the demise of both the Situ Family and the Mo Family of Long Jian as well as the reason for me, Mo Changkong, coming here as a last resort!” Mo Changkong was deathly pale.

Yun Lin asked in shock, “C-Could it be…?”

“He is Young Master Chen!”


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