I Am In Marvel

Chapter 20 - Captain America and Counter Attack (2)

Chapter 20 - Captain America and Counter Attack (2)

Chapter 20: Captain America and Counter Attack (2)

In the training grounds, there hung a super-sized sandbag constantly flung around under the mighty blow of a fist.

Dressed in a sweat-soaked vest, an incomparably tall and sturdy blond youth stood firmly in front of the sandbag. Every time he punched out, he played an unimaginably fight, trampling the sandbags back and forth.

Peggy Carter, who watched at the sidelines, could no longer bear anymore. “Steve, it’s time to take a break. You’ve been at this for an hour.”


Steve seemed to ignore Peggy’s suggestion as he continued pummeling the sandbags back and forth. In the process, pools of sweat covered the ground.

“Steve!” Peggy raised her voice coldly, causing Steve to stop swinging the sandbag finally.

“What am I? I’m a super soldier, right?” Steve smiled bitterly. “Or am I an experiment to be hidden forever in a basement? I don’t want this.”

“Steve, your time hasn’t come yet.” Peggy soothed Steve.

“Kyle…” Peggy flinched hearing his name.josei

“I want to do something. I want to do more.”

“Of course, Steve, you can do so much more.” A middle-aged voice chimed in.

Steve and Peggy looked to the side and saw an old man in suit and tie.

“I’m a senator. There are plenty of resources and opportunities for you to show your extraordinary talents to the people. You’ll be contributing greatly for the American Cause.” The senator smiled and pulled out a business card from his pocket and handed it over to Steve. “I call it, ‘Captain America’s Publicity Program.’”

… … …

Meanwhile, at the front lines.

“Kyle, the colonel wants you at the command post.

“What do they need me for?” He was stunned. Kyle had just returned from the battle handed over his rifle to the correspondent in charge of communications and went directly to the command post.

“Soldier Kyle, reporting in!”

“Come in!’

Soon as Kyle stepped foot into the tent, he found it brimming with officers donned in service uniforms. There were nearly a dozen of them.

The dozen officers immediately focused their eyes on Kyle, amazed at his achievements at a young age. Moreover, he had quite the looks––an All-American heartthrob.

“Soldier, you did a great job.”

“Yes, I heard they created an intel about our camp. Had it been taken back to those savages, I’m afraid we’d be a goner by now.”

“Yes, I could not agree with you more.”

“The quality of our recruits is getting stronger and stronger.”

“Yes, our military needs such talents.”

“Kyle Soldiers, you’ve contributed greatly to this battle. Your contributions will not go unwelcomed.” Colonel Marcos said flatly.

“The outcome of this battle, Colonel Marcos?” Kyle questioned.

“Ah, yes, that’s right.” Colonel Marcos nodded. He spread out the second intelligence map and rolled it on the table. “Thanks to you, Kyle, the second intel map marks several German encampment bases outside the combat zone. With this, the general has given us the latest instructions. We will have our first large-scale counterattack!”

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