I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 194 Kate's Art

Chapter 194 Kate's Art

Auburn Way Street, Elffire City.

Bobby, Buddy, Kaitlyn, and Nomura had just arrived at the truck given by Ayia.

Their eyes shone as they looked at the equipment in front of them.

"Buddy, let's check the cameras!" Nomura said not holding in his excitement.

Even though Nomura was an experienced cinematographer, he had few opportunities to work with types of equipment so modern as the ones he was seeing.

So, it was normal for him to be excited.

"Bob, let's check the electric and lighting equipment." Kaitlyn said with a smile.

"Sure, honey." Bobby replied to his wife with an obedient smile.

The four of them proceeded to check and familiarize themselves with the new equipment.

As they never worked with this type of equipment, they had to check all the settings available.

The types of lighting that the lighting sets provided.

The types of filters and focus that the cameras provided.

The support of the rest of the electric equipment.

They spent the whole morning focused on working on that.

Buddy and Nomura shot some videos to test the filters and focus.

Bobby tested the indoor and outdoor lighting.

And Kaitlyn took care of all the electric equipment to work perfectly.

They tested several types of scenarios.

The four of them only finished their inspection when lunchtime arrived.

They kept the equipment back into the truck and locked it before they took the elevator to the apartment where the rest of the crew was working.

When they entered the room, they noticed that everyone was focused on their own jobs.

"Nomura, guys!" Arthur exclaimed as he saw the four members of his crew.

"How is the equipment?" He asked as he put down the shooting plans he was designing.

"It is amazing!" Buddy exclaimed.

"Yeah, we will have much more options when we shoot the scenes. And all the scenes will have high-definition. Look at these scenes we filmed to test the equipment." Nomura said as he opened his laptop and played the video.

Arthur leaned over and watched it curiously.

He wanted to know if the equipment was good as it seemed.

And when he saw the video, his heart beamed with joy.

In the video, Buddy filmed Bobby and Kaitlyn checking the lighting and electric equipment.

Even though the lighting was not adjusted in the shooting, he was sure that when they adjusted the result would be amazing.Â

The cameras had the highest definition he ever worked with!

He was sure that they would not have any problems with low-quality images.

"We can do wonders with this!" Arthur commented as he watched the video.

"Tell me about it! The lighting equipment is brand new, Arthur. We will not have any problems with it." Bobby chimed in.

"Plus, the electric cables and equipment are also brand new and we will not suffer any shortage with it." Kaitlyn added.

"Although I already expected that with my cousin's efficiency. I'm still too happy about it." Arthur declared with a joyful smile.

"Ayia-san and Shizuka-san are awesome to get us such fancy equipment." Buddy commented with eyes full of admiration.

"I saw the logo of this equipment and apparently they are from the local TV station." Kaitlyn said with curious eyes.

"I saw that! How did she manage to do that?" Buddy asked with shining eyes.

"Let's forget about that." Arthur dismissed the subject with a wry smile.

He knew how she did that.

After all, he knew that Ayia and Shizuka were from one of the four big families of the country, and doing a simple task as renting filming equipment was too easy for the two girls.

But he didn't want his crew to pry too much about the two girls.

"Tell me about the settings of the equipment you checked." Arthur requested with a serious face.

He needed to know these settings to plan the scenes perfectly.

If he didn't know all the settings of the equipment they would use how could he plan the shoot of the scenes perfectly?

The four of them noticed that Arthur was looking forward to knowing these settings, so they proceeded to inform him about their findings.

Arthur listened to everything they said with focused eyes.

Sometimes he asked some questions and sometimes he wrote something in his notepad.

When they finished their explanation, Arthur was silent for a while.

He was absorbing the information he had just gotten.

After a while, he woke from his reverie and saw that the four of them were looking at him.

"I think I found a way!" Arthur exclaimed with a joyful smile.

The four members of the technical crew were happy when they heard that, they trusted Arthur's judgment so they were looking forward to what Arthur had in mind.

"But first, let me introduce you four to the new members of the crew." Arthur said as he saw Helena and Ishii studying the script on the other side of the room.

"Oh, the actors already arrived?" Nomura asked as he looked around the room.

The others had their eyes shining when they heard what Arthur said, they looked around the room until they found two young people looking at a paper with focused eyes.

"Come on, let's go." Arthur chuckled as he stood up from his seat.

The four of them also stood up and followed their director.

"Helena, Ishii." Arthur called when they arrived near the two young actors.

The two lifted their heads and saw 5 people looking at them.

"Let me introduce you two to the rest of our crew." Arthur said with a light smile.

Helena and Ishii stood up and looked at the four new faces they remembered seeing when they did the audition.josei

"I am Nomura, and I'm the cinematographer." Nomura introduced himself as he shook both of their hands.

"I am Bobby, and I am the Gaffer." Bobby said with a smile.

"I am Kaitlyn, and I am the Key Grip." Kaitlyn added after her husband.

"I am Buddy, and I'm the Camera Operator." Buddy said with a shy voice.

"Nice to meet you all! I am Ishii Koichi!" Ishii exclaimed nervously.

He was not good at meeting new people.

"I am Helena Lobo. It's a pleasure to meet you all. I hope to work well with you." The beautiful brown-haired girl politely said.

The four members of the technical crew nodded when they heard the two actors' polite replies.

"I will leave you two alone to study, but we will have a meeting in 30 minutes, so be alert." Arthur smiled at the two of them as he went back to his seat next to Arabella and Obara.

"Guys! In 30 minutes we will have a meeting to discuss what we have so far!" He shouted before seating.

Kanna, Kate, and Niwa turned their heads toward Arthur when they heard that.

The three of them nodded and went back to their work.

They were responsible for the character designs of the personages.

They had been working on that for the past whole morning.

"What do you think of these clothes for this scene?" Niwa asked as she showed an image to Kanna and Kate.

The image was a grey pajama that seemed super comfy.

"Hmm, in this scene the two characters are sleeping together peacefully. So, I think it is perfect. But what do you think about making the colors of their two pajamas with opposing colors?" Kanna replied with a pondering look.

"You mean to demonstrate their opposing personalities?" Niwa asked after a while when realized what Kanna was implying.

"Exactly! You know that throughout the whole video little by little we will demonstrate why they broke up. So, we can use the colors of their clothes to highlight that." Kanna replied with shining eyes.

"I agree. And especially with Kate's work, we will have to make effort with these clothes." Niwa said playfully as she looked at Kate.

"Yeah, Kate will be essential in this production." Kanna agreed with a nod as she also looked at the girl.

Kate blushed a little as she saw her two big sisters looking at her.

She was a little nervous about what they delegated her to do.

But she was also excited!

She could not wait to start her makeup arts.

The only question now was what the Makeup Artist of the crew would do to be deemed to be essential to the music video production.

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