I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 218 Thumb Promise

Chapter 218 Thumb Promise

Aurora felt someone patting her head and calling her name.

She was so tired from last night's party that she didn't even register who was calling her.

Especially because her brother allowed her to drink a cup of wine.

She was feeling an annoying headache as she blinked her eyes trying to see who was calling her.

When her eyes managed to focus on the figure sitting on the border of her bed, through the light coming from the corridor, she saw the familiar silhouette of a man.

He was extremely handsome and was looking at her with doting eyes.

"Big brother?" Aurora asked groggily.

"It is me." Theo's magnetic voice replied.

"I'm gonna work out now. If you want to come with me, you should get up."

"But if you want you can sleep a little more. We can continue our exercises tomorrow." Theo added with a soothing and low voice.

Aurora did not reply immediately.

Through her sleepy mind, she was trying to process what Theo had just said.

And the headache she was feeling did not help her think faster.

It was only when she remembered that she would only see her brother that day when he came from the restaurant that she opened her eyes fully awake.

Her determination to spend time with her brother did not waver even if her body was claiming for her to sleep a little more.

She sat up on her bed suddenly and scared Theo a little, he was not expecting her to become awake so suddenly.

"Big brother! Wait 5 minutes and I will get ready for our workout!" She exclaimed with a hoarse voice.josei

Theo smiled when he saw her behavior.

"Okay, I will be downstairs waiting for you then." He said as he stood up from her bed.

Aurora nodded and also got out of her bed.

Theo exited her room and closed the door behind him.

While Theo was descending the stairs of the house, Aurora took a quick shower and brushed her teeth before dressing in her winter workout clothes.

By the clothes her brother was wearing when she woke, she could imagine that he wanted to run outside even if it snowed last night.

She tied her silky silver hair in a ponytail before she put on a hood on her head to protect herself from the cold.

She was also wearing warm pants and a warm sweater on top of her workout clothes.

A while later, Aurora arrived at the ground floor of the house and saw that her brother was looking at his phone while seated on the comfy couches of the living room.

"Good morning, Cupcake!" Theo greeted her with a warm smile.

"Good morning, big brother!" Aurora replied with a sweet smile.

Theo stood up from the couch and asked with a teasing smile, "Ready to run in the cold weather?"

"Ready than ever!" Aurora declared with a confident face.

But when she arrived in the backyard and felt the cold wind passing through her face, she understood that she may have underestimated the weather.

But even shivering from the cold, Aurora was stunned by the sight she was seeing.

Their backyard was so freaking beautiful that morning!

Theo laughed when he saw the mixed emotions on her face.

He turned his head and observed the lane built for running.

Because the snow did not melt yet, theoretically the lane should be obstructed by the accumulated snow from last night's storm.

But Theo did not have to worry about these things if he had efficient employees taking care of his house.

And he had the most efficient house caretaker in the world!

Sylph had made use of drones to sweep and clean the lane from the snow.

So, a lane made of dark stone could be seen contrasting with the white landscape of the snowy Pedrarruna Forest.

"Let's go! As soon as we warm up our bodies with the run, the sooner we can ignore the cold weather." Theo exclaimed before he started running.

Aurora grunted as she forced her stiff body to follow Theo.

But even then she did not complain.

It was her choice to be there, so she could not say anything about it.

In the haze of the moonlight, Theo and Aurora could feel the loose shirt start to cling to their back in places and the shock of temperatures of their warm bodies and the cold air.

White sparkling clouds came from their mouths as their exhaled warm breaths.

Even through the cold weather, they were still able to sweat.

'I never seem to learn to throw it out before it goes rancid and It feels great to sweat my problems away.' Theo thought.

Aurora, who even though did not have blood relations with him, had the same jade white skin and rose cheeks, the only difference between them was the color of their eyes.

One shaped as the silver moon that illuminated their morning run.

And the other was shaped as the purple thunder that descended on earth through the stormy nights.

The pair of siblings looked beautiful even when they were sweating; their skin becomes more like polished stone.

Their rose cheeks contrasted with the white scenery where they were running.

If someone looked at the siblings running in that ethereal landscape, they would think it was a fairytale scene.

After all, how could such angels be running in such a beautiful place?

After 10 minutes of running, Theo and Aurora had their bodies warm already and they did not even bother with the cold weather anymore.

"So, what did you think of last night's dinner?" Theo asked suddenly.

"It was so fun, big brother!" Aurora exclaimed as she remembered the night before.

"I think so too." Theo laughed.

"And they even said they will come with us to the Heart Islands!" Aurora added with an excited face as she ran alongside Theo.

Although she did not have any doubt that the vacation would be awesome with or without their friends, after all, she would be with her brother and she loved spending time with him.

She was also sure that the two of them would have even more fun if their friends came along.

Aurora even wanted to invite Carolla, Vivian, and Umaru to come with them.

But she was not sure if her friends' families would agree with the idea.

After all, the three girls came from prestigious families in the Bluecorn State.

,m "Well, that took a little bit of persuasion for them to agree." Theo commented with a chuckle.

It was then that Aurora remembered something that she was dying to ask him the night before.

"Big brother! How are you going to get the tickets for Cara's concert in Sakura City?" Aurora asked with avid eyes.

She knew her brother for years, so she was aware that he did not know anyone in Sakura City capable of getting them the tickets.

The only reason she did not ask that last night was because she saw in his eyes that he did not want to talk about it in front of everyone.

"Oh, that!" Theo said.

"Hmm, I can tell you but you have to promise to not anyone." Theo replied with an unusual serious voice.

"I promise!" Aurora replied immediately.

"When I mean anyone, I really mean no one, Cupcake!"

"No one of your friends is allowed to know. You can only talk about it with me." Theo repeated with a serious voice.

Aurora could feel that her brother would not tolerate for her to break this promise.

"I promise, Big Brother!"

"Let's have a Thumb Promise!" She declared as she stopped running.

Theo laughed when he saw Aurora extending her thumb.

He also stopped running and took her thumb with his thumb.

"Thumb Promise!" They both exclaimed as they both smiled at each other.

This was a tradition they had since they were young.

They said that pink promises were easy to break and only thumb promises were strong enough.

At that moment, two silver-haired people had their thumbs locked as they smiled at each other.

It was a picture worth painting.

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