I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 237 Energizing Breakfast

Chapter 237 Energizing Breakfast

Pedrarruna Manor, Elffire City.

After the hellish training that Theo put them through, they rested for a while before taking a shower.

Aurora and Theo went to their rooms to shower while Ayia and the other girls showered in the bathrooms attached to the gym.

The girls were pleasantly surprised by the size and organization of the bathrooms.

All of them could take a shower and change their clothes without any problems.

And the bathroom had all the necessities and was so pretty.

Even Ayia and Shizuka who were used to luxury things had to admit it was a great bathroom.

The girls were relieved that the bathroom was good, this way they did not have to worry about getting ready to work.

After all of them took a shower and changed their clothes, Theo and Ayia started cooking.

Ayia was responsible for cooking breakfast, and Theo was cooking Aurora's lunch.

With Ayia's help, Theo was much more carefree in cooking.

Plus, they finished cooking much faster than when he cooked alone.

A while later, seven people could be seen seated around the table.

Delicious food could also be seen on top of the table.

The girls who had just come from a tiring training were famished.

"I'm so hungry!" Sayuri exclaimed with shining eyes.

"Everything seems so delicious!" Sam chimed in.

"This food can energize you all for the rest of the day. So, let's dive in!" Theo declared as he poured some hot coffee into the personalized mug that his sister gave him.

The girls immediately followed his lead and started filling their plates and cups.

"It better be! I'm so sore after this training!" June complained as she poured hot tea into her cup.

"Me too!" Sayuri exclaimed as she grimaced on her sore legs.

She had done so many squats in the training, that she doubted that she would have much strength to lift her legs for the rest of the day.

"My abdomen is hurting so much! If I do not see results, I will hunt you down, Theo!" Sam threatened as she looked with dangerous eyes at him.

June and Sayuri nodded and looked at him with narrowed eyes.

Theo gave a nervous laugh as he saw the three girls looking at him dangerously.

"Don't worry, girls! The longer you practice, the more benefits you will get." Theo tried to reassure the girls with a confident smile.

Aurora and Ayia were giggling as they saw their interaction.

It was a rare occurrence to see Theo so nervous.

"Theo, I didn't know you were a Red Belt!" Shizuka said suddenly with shining eyes.

She was too curious to know about it.

The girl could not be blamed, after all, the Red Belt was the apex that a martial artist could achieve.

And Theo was so young!

Ayia's golden eyes lit up when she heard her sister's words.

"Can I see your Red Belt?" Ayia asked with an excited voice.

Theo was a little surprised when he heard the two girls' words.

It was only then that he remembered that Martial Artists' Grandmasters were given Red Belt.

"Red Belt? What's that?" Sam asked curiously.

June and Sayuri also had curious faces.

They never heard about a red belt.

"You know about the black belt, right?" Shizuka asked.

"Yeah, I always heard that black belt martial artists were masters." June replied.

Sayuri and Sam nodded to agree with June.

It was common sense that the black belt represented a master.

"A red belt is one of several colored belts used in some martial arts to either denote rank or differentiate opponents in a competition. Like the more commonly known black belt, its use varies between arts, with most using it for the style of founder, grandmaster, or another high rank, while others use it as the immediately pre-black belt rank or even to denote a beginner who holds no rank. In some schools, a red belt signifies ninth or tenth degree Dan rank, the highest rank attainable." Shizuka explained with a professor's voice.

Even though she explained, the girls still were a little confused.

"In short terms, the Red Belt is the highest achievement that a martial artist can achieve. It is above the Black Belt. A Red Belt is also known as a Grandmaster." Ayia explained when she saw the girls hadn't understood Shizuka's words.

It was only then that the girls understood, and they immediately had shocked faces as they turned their faces to Theo.

Theo was quietly eating his pancakes as the girls talked when all the girls looked at him with shining eyes.

"What?" He asked innocently.

"Stop the act! Where is your Red Belt?" Sam snapped.

"Yeah, I want to see!" Sayuri added.josei

The girls looked at him with shining eyes, but they were fated to be disappointed.

"Sorry girls, I don't have a Red Belt. I always trained alone, so I don't have even a white belt." Theo declared as he shook his head.

The white belt was the lowest belt of the ranks.

And his declaration resulted in girls being shocked when they heard that.

,m Especially Ayia and Shizuka could not comprehend how Theo got his grandmaster skills without a teacher to guide him.

How was that possible?

Did Theo have to be the best in everything he did?

"I can't believe it!" Ayia exclaimed.

"Well, you can ask Aurora. I have never earned a belt, right?" He laughed as he looked at his sister.

The girls looked at the silver-haired girl wearing a school uniform with inquisitive eyes.

"Big brother is telling the truth." Aurora agreed with him with a sweet smile.

It was only then that the girls started believing.

"But I bet that you can get the Red Belt if you want." Shizuka commented after a while as she took a bite of her waffles.

"Yeah, but I don't have time for that." Theo said with a nonchalant face that he really did not care about the belt.

Ayia and Shizuka were a little angry when they saw his not caring face.

Their dream was to get the Red Belt, and now Theo could get it whenever he wanted, but he acted as if it was not important!

The two girls had to drink a few mouthfuls of tea to calm their angry hearts.

Even Ayia wanted to punch his nonchalant face.

"When about our vacations?" June asked after she swallowed a mouthful of milk coffee.

They immediately forgot about Theo's infuriating statements and face when they heard June's question.

Their vacation!

Everyone was super excited about it.

"Big brother and I were thinking about traveling after the New Year's celebration. So, we can buy our tickets for January 1st." Aurora said excitedly.

"Oh, I was thinking about suggesting that!" Ayia exclaimed.

"This way we can enjoy the New Year's without problems." Sayuri commented.

The New Year's Celebration was a big day all around the world.

This world did not have Christmas, but the New Year's in Azure Star was as important as Christmas was to Earth.

That's why they were relieved that they would be able to enjoy New Year's at home.

"We should combine which flight we will take. This way everyone can travel together." Sam suggested as she ate her pancakes.

"That's a good idea." Theo agreed.

"I think so too." Ayia added.

"How about I search for the best flight, and after I find it, I inform you all about it? This way, you guys only have to buy the tickets." Sam suggested.

"Would you do that?" Ayia asked with shining eyes.

"Of course, it will be easy to do anyways." She replied with a gentle smile.

"You are awesome, Sam-chan!" Ayia exclaimed.

All of them looked at Sam with appreciative eyes.

The seven of them had a wonderful breakfast as they continued planning their vacation.

It was energizing.

And when they finished eating, all of them were ready for the working day ahead of them.

Theo said goodbye to all the girls with a smile as they left his house.

'It was time to go back to work.' He said inwardly.

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