I Am The Game's Villain

Chapter 119 Milleia Sophren [First Game] [Part Ⅱ] Epilogue

Chapter 119 Milleia Sophren [First Game] [Part Ⅱ] Epilogue

Inside a small, dilapidated house, Milleia stood in front of a small mirror, checking her appearance for the ninth time. Despite her blue hair being a stand-out feature, she was more concerned with her clothes, given the reputation of the academy she had been accepted into. She had heard it was filled with dirty nobles, and the thought made her nervous.

Milleia had done everything in her power to make herself look presentable. She had taken five baths and ironed her clothes ten times, and now she was confirming for the ninth time that her clothes weren't wrinkled. After a minute, she smiled broadly in front of the mirror and proceeded to leave her room. She didn't want to be late on her first day.

But before she could leave, she had one last job to do. Milleia headed to another room and opened the door slowly. Her mother, a blue-haired woman with a pale complexion, was lying on the bed.

"Mom, you don't have to get up," Milleia said, approaching her mother's bedside. "Listen, I already asked Aunt Dalia to take care of you in my absence. I'm receiving a scholarship at the end of each month, and I will send money to you. Don't hesitate to use it!"

"Silly girl," her mother said, pinching Milleia's cheeks with her meager strength. "You're going to make me cry."

Milleia put her hands above her mother's hands and lowered her head.

"A strong girl-"

"Don't cry. I know, Mom." Milleia raised her head, forced a smile, and prepared herself for the separation she had been anticipating for several months.

"You can drop by during breaks, it's okay," her mother said, patting Milleia's cheek gently.

"If you don't eat well, I will learn it, Mom!" Milleia shouted as she left in a hurry. She knew that if she stayed any longer, she would never be able to leave.

"I'm off, Dad!" she called out, waving to a picture frame in which three people could be seen. Then she left her house, determined to make the most of her opportunity.

As she walked down the streets Milleia thought about her mother and the sacrifices she had made to get her to this point. She vowed to make her proud and to become the best student she could be. Despite her nervousness, she was excited to start this new chapter in her life. The academy may be filled with dirty nobles, but she was determined to rise above it all and make a name for herself.

"Goodbye Milleia!"

"Have a nice trip!"

"Bring me a gift big sister!"

"We will take care of your mother, brave girl, study in peace."

"Don't l-leave sister..."

As she ran to catch a carriage, Milleia bid her farewells to her town. Veryone knew Milleia. The adults saw Milleia growing up from child to soon adults while the children were already used to their sister's heroic stories.

"Goodbye everyone!"

Milleia comforted the children and left.

"P-Please wait!"

She barely reached the carriage.

Taking a deep breath, she entered it to find grumpy people inside it.

It didn't last long.

After a few hours, she closed the distance with all of them.

Her mouth seemed unstoppable but her melodious voice was pleasing to everyone's ears.

Everything was going well.

Too well.


Milleia was on her knees.

Tears dripped from her pink eyes.

'Why...so much cruelty...'

'The c-children...'

Thoughts ran through her head.

Strength slowly left her body-

But at that time.

She saw something that she could call only a miracle.

'They are alive!'

Happiness overcame her gloomy thoughts and then a bright sun replaced her cloudy heart.


Her pink eyes reflected a man.

He was wearing a mask that she found quite cool.

He was standing like a wall in front of the children and the adults.

The red eyes she saw behind the mask were filled with confidence.

"Woooow! It's the masked prince!"

She heard the little girl's excited voice.

Somehow these words rang deeply in her heart.

It was merely a story she said but...

That day, her heart thumped heavily inside her chest like never before.


" Lady Carla seems angry... " Milleia muttered after Carla stomped away.


Rather, she must be happy.

It's the Tsundere's way of expressing happiness.

" Then? Can you beat him? " I asked Jayden.

If I had to give a guess, I would say obviously Jayden. He was the protagonist and he has that aura...but I was afraid of the possibility of Thomas being stronger than in the game. If Jayden was expelled, everything would go awry.


I'm worrying for nothing.

Jayden will win.

Jayden nodded at me. " I have my chances. I'm confident, otherwise, I wouldn't have challenged him. "

" But...I heard that Lord Thomas is one of the strongest of the first year promotion... " Milleia said worriedly.

" Don't worry, believe in Jayden, " I threw a random cliché line.

" Yes...you're right! We will cheer you up, tomorrow, Jayden! " Milleia said.

"Yeah, I'm counting on you. " Jayden replied with a smile.

"We won't do anything, though? "

"Edward! It's our role to support Jayden as his friends, " Milleia elbowed me.

"Well... "




The Air Bike race exam to join the elite team, ended. Professor Jeremiah said that he will reveal the chosen ones in the next training session.

"Ah...I'm so tired... " Milleia yawned as we walked toward the dormitory.

Jayden wasn't there as he had to fill some papers for his friendly match against Thomas tomorrow.

"You didn't have to wait for me, Milleia. " I said to her.

I wasn't planning to train since I was also tired but Milleia chose to wait for me despite the fact that I was taking time to change myself and take a bath.josei

Milleia smiled at my words. " I know but you are my friend so it's natural to wait for you, Edward."

" ... "

I really felt awkward each time she or Jayden were calling me their 'friend'.

I mean, during the last five months, I haven't done anything genuinely friendly to them. I was hanging out with them because they were the Main Character and it was easier to be with them. I also have that confidence that I wouldn't die with them near me.

There was that tinge of guilt growing inside me but at the same time, another side of me would ask 'why?'

Why should I feel guilty?

I mean, everything I was doing was to get a happy ending and save the kingdom so I don't have to feel guilty at all.

But the problem was Milleia.

She was too innocent and because of that I felt really bad.

" I'm a little envious... "

"Hm? " I raised a brow at Milleia's mutter.

"Ah! I spoke out loud, sorry! "

"You don't have to apologize for that though? "

"N-No...it's just that I-I am envious of Lady Carla... "


Could it be...

" Why? " Let's start slowly.

Milleia clasped her hands on her back as she walked. " That's...you know...despite her quarreling with Jayden...they both have a good relation... "

I didn't expect that answer.

Does that mean that she is in love with Jayden?

Then that would explain her jealousy.

But why was she holding back?

Milleia has always been someone confident with her feelings. If she had confirmed her feelings for Jayden, she would have directly confessed to him.

Maybe it was because of Carla?

She didn't even think of being his second wife? Strange.

"You know polygamy is something recognized in this world... " I said to her.

" Eh? " Milleia's reaction wasn't in my plan. She was looking at me strangely as if her brain was processing my words. Then as if understanding what I meant, her face turned crimson.

" W-Whaat! I-I d-didn't mean that! "

"What the heck?" Milleia punched my chest with her small fists continuously.

The sun was soon going to set down and here I was...

After a long minute of punching my chest, Milleia stopped and started sulking.

"Then what did you mean? " I asked, hoping she would answer me.

"I won't tell. "

Guess, I will never know...

[<Why does your brain always reach the most twisted answer?]

'What twisted answer?! It's better than having nothing!'

[<I do have an idea, though.>]

'Tell me.'

[<Not gonna tell.>]

Cleenah said in a childish tone.

"I'm so happy to have met you, Jayden, Lyra and Tyler in the academy... " Milleia said in a grateful tone.

What's up with her?

"You know...back in my hometown, I didn't have friends of my age so I felt a little lonely. My days had passed with me counting the children's stories about heroes and princesses."

"Good for you then, " I said but Milleia shook her head.

"Everything is nice here but I miss my mother a lot... ah...I'm sorry Edwa- "

"No, I already said it was okay. You are missing your mother and I am as well. " I reassured her before she apologized for the umpteenth of the day. Still, it's the second time she had said that she must be really close to her mother.

" Thanks- "


Before Milleia could finish, her phone rang out.

She took out her phone and the brightest smile I had ever seen in Milleia appeared on her face.

"Speaking of the devil! "

She swiped and put it on her ear.

And slowly I witnessed her smile vanishing, replaced by a pale face. Two minutes later, she hung up and her arms fell powerlessly. Tears gathered on her light pink eyes and her lips quivered.

It had to come right now...

I sighed at that terrible timing.

Milleia's Event was coming and with that was going to start the last big part of the First Game.




It's the End of the Second Part of the FIRST GAME.

I wanted to progress a little more in the story before but I think the timing is good.

The Third Part will be the last one and the most arduous one for Edward obviously.

What can you expect in this Last Part?

-Death... I already warned you guys. If you don't like deaths of the characters you might love for someone, well, be ready and please don't throw insults at me. I already warned you beforehand.

-The progression of the relation between Edward and the Heroines.


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