I Am The Game's Villain

Chapter 122 Annabelle [2]

Chapter 122 Annabelle [2]

The Cardinal Fabian.

He was Maria's father.

If I remember, Maria told me that her father disappeared three years ago so Annabelle was taken by Fabian more than three years ago.

What a coincidence…

What was the probability that the one who had taken Annabelle was the father of Maria who I met months ago. On top of that she even talked to me about her father.

Annabelle was randomly chosen as the one with a good compatibility with me but again I was surprised by this strange coincidence.

"We will save you, don't worry, Annabelle." Fabian patted Annabelly trying to reassure her.

"Um." Annabelle nodded but didn't show any hint of hope.

Then Fabian brought her to the Holy Church, inside a small room and made Annabelle sit on a chair. Fabian crouched down and met Annabelle's light blue eyes. "You will be fine, Annabelle. Never lose hope."

"Y-Yes…" Annabelle nodded with teary eyes.

Fabian brought the doll




What happened next was really…really coming straight out of a horror movie. A dark substance came out of the doll before forming a three-meter tall dark creature.

"N-No!" Annabelle stood up from the chair and crawled back terrified.

"Lord Eden, lend me your strength." Fabian muttered and a bright light engulfed the room. His mates also muttered something similar and prayed.

What happened?

I couldn't see anything.


It was Annabelle's voice…

The light receded and a gruesome sight reflected in my eyes.

Everyone was on the ground in a pool of blood. They were all dead.

Except one…

"Ah…ah…ah…" Fabian was looking around him with a ragged breath. When he saw the bodies of his mates on the ground, dead, he clenched his fists in frustration.

"!" And eventually his eyes fell on a little girl laying also in a pool of blood. His expression warped into horror seeing Annabelle's body filled with bruises and body. Warm tears were still flowing down from her face.

"I-I am…sorry…" Fabian muttered and closed Annabelle's eyes as tears fell from his eyes.

"..." As I watched that, I felt really painful for Annabelle. Was that because I saw her living-nightmare for a month?


I closed my eyes as the scenery changed again.

It was time to save her.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw a dark place filled with dark mountains.

I guess I'm in that Evil God's dimension?

Annabelle was dead but her core was still alive—for now.

I don't know how it works but it seems that the Evil God was trying to possess Annabelle but in the end he chose to kill her definitely in such a place?

"Who are you?" A ominous voice asked.

I turned around and finally saw them.

The three-meter tall creature was currently busy absorbing lifeforce, I think? Anyway he was absorbing that from Annabelle who was weeping but was unable to do anything. She was chained to one of the mountains.



When I called her the same way her mother would call her, Annabelle opened her eyes to look at me.


"I will take you out of here, just wait a few minutes, until I get rid of this pedo." I put on an innocent smile and said.



The dark creature stopped absorbing and turned toward me. "Pedo, you said?"

I nodded at him innocently. "That's your name, right? The evil god, Pe-do?"

"My name is Baphomet."



Isn't that the Evil God of a cult from Earth?

He is like Satan but in another cult, if I remember…

I enhanced all my senses immediately.

I could clearly tell that the creature in front of me wasn't exactly Baphomet as it didn't have the feeling of a God I felt with Cleenah, the white Goddess or the creepy one.

Was he in a weakened state?

But even like that, he was really scaring the hell out of me.

Cleenah told me that I will sometimes have to fight to save a Banshee. For Mary, I didn't have to fight fortunately but looks like my luck ran out.

I can't fight an Evil God but currently he was a 'Legacy' and in a weakened state on top of that.



Why do I feel like I heard that name in the Third Game?

I played just a little of the Third Game so I barely knew things about that Last Game.

"Can I call you Pedo?"

Let's see if he is hot-blooded.

"..." Baphomet just looked at me and raised his hand. "Suit yourself. You will die anyway."


I jumped back when suddenly, a hand burst out of the ground! Dirt and sand went flying everywhere and out popped someone - or rather, something - covered in grime. At first, I couldn't tell what it was, but then I realized it was a puppet!

Before I could even process what was happening, the puppet's head turned towards me with an eerie cracking noise. I stumbled back in horror and narrowly avoided getting hit by a shockwave that sliced through a nearby mountain.

How was I supposed to beat this guy and his powerful puppet? I knew I couldn't do it alone, but then I remembered something Cleenah had told me: there's always a way to win.

As I looked around for a solution, my eyes landed on a swirling portal above a mountain. Could that be the exit I was looking for? Of course, it couldn't be that easy - the Evil God was blocking my way!

But I can't give up now. I had to try. With a deep breath, I summoned all my courage and shouted, "Rings of Vysindra, Fireball!"

As I cast my purple fire, summoning a blazing ball of fire in my hand. The fireball hit the puppet's hand, causing it to explode in a shower of sparks and flames. The puppet staggered back, momentarily stunned by the attack.

As I focused on the swirling portal above the mountain, the puppets continued to emerge one after another, determined to stop me from reaching my goal. I raised my staff in defense, blocking their sharp claws and blades.

Their movements were erratic and unpredictable, making it difficult to find an opening to strike. But I was determined to reach that portal, no matter what.

I dodged another attack and swung my staff, knocking a puppet off its feet. Another one lunged at me, but I sidestepped it and jabbed my staff into its side.

Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice cry out in the distance.

"Father!! Help me!"

I recognized the voice as Annabelle's and I turned to see her still chained to a nearby mountain a few meters away, Baphomet staring at me.

I had to act fast.

I charged towards the mountain, deflecting attacks from the puppets as I went. They were closing in fast, but I managed to reach Annabelle.

"Rings of Vysindra, Spiral Thrust." I channeled a tremendous amount of mana, in my staff, adding the Anathemas Fire, the Second Wing for the speed, Ruah and raising the overall staff's strength before taking by surprise Baphomet.

"Wha…!!" The staff struck at a frightening speed Baphomet's stomach and he was sent crashing into a mountain.

MY cheat weapon!

I should give a prayer for that tree when I go to Sancta Vedelia!


"I'm not you Papa, Annabelle."



The puppets closed in on us, their movements becoming more frantic as they tried to stop us from escaping. I fought them off as best as I could, but it was becoming increasingly difficult to protect myself and Annabelle at the same time.

I managed to break the last of Annabelle's chains, but the puppets were closing in fast. I held her close and braced myself for their next attack.

"Let's go, Anna! Close your eyes!" I shouted, lifting her in my arms and running towards the portal.

"Y-Yes!" Annabelle coiled her arms around my neck before burying her face in my chest.

"Don't underestimate me!" Baphomet's creepy voice rang out and an army of puppets appeared before me.

I knew I had to do something drastic. I channeled all my mana into my staff, feeling it pulse with energy. The ground shook beneath me as I summoned again the Anathemas Fire, calling forth a wave of purple flames that licked at my skin.

I closed my eyes and focused, feeling the energy building up within me. The puppets were getting closer and closer, their lifeless eyes fixed on me.

"Burning Claws of Vysindra!" I roared, thrusting my staff forward. Fire sputtered out like a volcano out of my staff. The impact sent shockwaves rippling outwards, knocking the puppets off their feet.

I could feel the power coursing through me, my body buzzing with energy. I let out a fierce cry and brought my staff down in a sweeping arc, unleashing a devastating wave of purple flames. The flames roared towards the puppets, engulfing them in a searing inferno.

The ground shook beneath me as the flames engulfed everything in their path. The heat was intense, scorching my skin and making it hard to breathe. The puppets were no match for the fury of my attack, their wooden limbs splintering and cracking under the onslaught.

"Who are you…?"

I ignored him and his puppets which were regenerating at an annoying speed and extended my staff to run on it, leaping through the swirling vortex.

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