I Am The Game's Villain

Chapter 17 NoobMaster

Chapter 17 NoobMaster

"Aahaahahah! Look at him! He froze in fear!"

The irritating laugh of a b*tch rang in the grotto.

-Patter -Patter -Patter

Blood dripped down from my clothes in droplets.

It scared the hell out of me.

I mean, I was ready to pone on the rabbit and blood splashed suddenly on me. It was just like a freaking screamer!

I turned around to see the b*tches were having fun on a noob like me and saw a group of four delvers.

Three men and a woman.

They wore light armor but also wore a smirk on their faces.

They were clearly making fun of me.

When I looked at them, only one thought came into my mind.

[Third-rate villains.]

I smiled beneath my mask at Jarvis' perfect answer.

'You nailed it well, Jarvis.'

[I have a good teacher.]


I was really corrupting them, but since I was corrupted by the people creating such words, I was innocent.


I don't have time to waste with those clowns.

I turned around and walked ahead.

Still, that guy could have given a peaceful death to that rabbit…

I thought as I saw the rabbit's body sliced in two, reddening the green grass.

Don't ask me why the heck there was green grass inside a cave as I don't know either.

"Hey! Wait!"

The guy who laughed like a monkey called out again, but I paid no heed to his call and continued to walk.

"You deaf?!"

One of his mates shouted and blocked my way.

If that skinny guy could see through my mask, he would see contempt-filled eyes directed at him.

These guys really have nothing else to do?

It's so cliché that it's cringing me or maybe not.

There might be people like them even on Earth.

"I'm busy, if you'd excuse me."

I said casually before bypassing him.

If I was confident in my abilities, I'd have punched the hell out of them, including the girl, but I've never fought against such experienced people before, so it was better to play it safe.

"Wait. You have quite the unique sword."

This time their seeming leader came. He ogled my short sword as if it was a gorgeous woman.

He coiled his arm around my neck and grinned.

"How about joining our party for today?"


"We could teach you the ropes of a Delver. What do you think?"

I removed his hand from my shoulder and shook my head.

"No need."

I didn't need to be Einstein to understand that there was no way in hell these guys would teach me anything like good seniors.

"You dare refuse my good will?!"

What goodwill?!


I nodded.

"I dare. Then? What are you gonna do?"

I whispered near his ear.

"Third-rate b*tch."

Don't say it.


I love that word!

It feels good and thrilling when I use it against a bastard.


The burly leader snapped and put his hand on his scabbard to unsheate his sword, but before he could do that, I spun on my heels and kicked his stomach.


The man, caught off guard, was sent flying away and rolled on the ground. My kick was reinforced with mana after all.

"See ya!"

Then I waved at the three remaining fuckers who were frozen by the turn of events and ran away. I only beat that guy because I did something unexpected, but I doubt I'd win if those guys fought me at the same time. It was just a question of experience.

I could hear curses and swears behind me but I ignored and rushed to the next floor. I met several groups fighting monsters, thankfully they were there to clean my way.

Was that because of my Falkrona bloodline?

I felt like I was running extremely fast.

It could be because of my new six-packed body as well.

Third floor.

Yeah, I ended up running until there and it took me two hours.

I met some monsters without opponents but I managed to run away, though it was probable they didn't attack me because they were only natural beasts.

I could have stopped on the second floor but I didn't want to cross those guys again, it would be too much of a pain to deal with them.


I stopped breathing.

Something was behind me and I didn't even feel it until now.

I gripped my sword hard and opened my mouth.

"Falkrona Bloodline, First Wing."

At that moment, I felt like a little spark in my brain and all my thoughts accelerated.

Without waiting, I rolled on the ground.



Thorns like spikes cut several parts of my body. It wasn't serious but I was still injured.josei

I raised my gaze and saw the culprit.



The enigma-scanner scanned the monster.



-Rank: ☆

-Hybrid Mana Beast

-Weak Point: Belly


It was a Hedgehog around my height, so 1M76.



Why was it standing like a human?

What was that?

I shook my head and concentrated on my opponent.

I shouldn't waste my time as I used the First Wing of the Falkrona Bloodline Ability. Thanks to that, I was able to think faster than ever. Yeah, it was a cheat power.

The hedgehug didn't wait for me and jumped at me.

Thanks to my accelerated thoughts, I reacted before and stepped aside.


The ground where the hedgehog landed was filled with spines.


It's dangerous!

I could have easily died.

I started to understand that it was not the game I was playing on my sofa. This time, it was real life. I had not controller. I was the one fighting.


The hedgehog grunted and swung its claws.


I retorted with a swing of my sword.

We were even–no. I had the advantage. I was clearly stronger.

I put in more strength and took a step forward.

The hedgehog used his free hand to block my sword but I continued to push without a problem. It was obvious. I underestimated myself too much. Maybe I could have dealt with those four guys, but it wouldn't hurt to be prudent in my first fight.

Coating my left hand in mana, I punched the hedgehog.


It lost its stance and I swung my sword on its belly.


Blood sputtered and the hedgehog screamed in pain. Its shriek bothered me a little but i quickly accustomed myself to it.

Waving my sword to remove the fresh blood sticking at the blade, I turned around.

Four other hedgehogs were there.

I smiled with a mix of excitation and fear.

If I survive this, I can finally get my grip on this dangerous world.


What followed after happened very fast.

With my accelerated thoughts, I dodged the hedgehogs' attacks easily and dealt the death blow at each of them. It was so easy that I was surprised.


My breathing was slightly ragged but it must be because it was the first time I had fought a death battle like that. I could have died at any moment after all.

[Congratulations! New Title Obtained!]

[Noob to NoobMaster!]

I ignored the snarky title and clicked on Obtaining Rewards.

[Lifestone: Teleport you instantly to a safe place. 3 Remaining.]

I was shocked as I read that.

It was a cheat item. I mean I could run away from any mortal danger with that. Even if I meet an Enigma Beast…

Such items existed in the game as well, but in the whole game I was able to obtain only three and just by luck.

"Your master is quite generous, Jarvis."

[I don't know.]

"You don't know? By the way, how can I use tha-"

I channeled my mana and it was a bad choice.


A blue light shone from the blue stone and I disappeared in a portal.


I fell head-first and pathetically on a bush.


I cursed angrily.

I used one life chance that stupidly.

'Jarvis, you could have told me!'

[You didn't let me.]

"Yeah, it's my fault!"

I retorted.


I turned around, feeling the presence of people and I froze.








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