I Am the God of Games

Chapter 285 Setting Little Goals

Chapter 285 Setting Little Goals

Chapter 285 Setting Little Goals

With the Players having done enough for themselves and the veterans carving out routes for future development for themselves, the Unnamed Town was less lively and had fewer familiar faces hanging around, even though the arrival of new believers kept it ever prosperous-even though that was going to happen eventually.

As such, it had been a while since the Iron Cauldron was a full tavern, with the Players now squeezing inside every inch of the building

At the moment and one after another, many Players who were diligently adventuring and exploring the new continent were returning to the Unnamed Town. Naturally, there were others who returned to Tunaya or the Lancaster Hideout, although the Unnamed Town still held more nostalgic value for most Players.

After all, they had grown to such extent that they could brag to the newbies about their voyages that were full of half-truths, in turn enjoying the worshipful and envious gazes from the newbies.

Bragging notwithstanding, most Players were now discussing one particular topic: The Twin City Cup that was coming soon.

Unlike the Brilliant White Church, the Temple of Glory and the other churches that were completely out of the loop, the Players who could see the related quests from their System page knew that the God of Games was the one who behind the tourney held jointly by Lancaster and Tunaya.

That was exactly why the Players were as thrilled as if they were drugged-other reasons aside, it would be a great humiliation to all Players and their faith if the tourney was won by elements of another church!

That being said, Xi Wei was aware that his believers were all training diligently, with their abilities improving exponentially. Even so, it was impossible to claim that the believers of other churches-especially those who were trained at young ages—were weaker.

That was why he bestowed ‘slight’ special treatment to the Players.

For example, believers of other Churches were not aware of the format of the Twin City Cup (Most were under the impression it was the usual knockout duels), but the Players were informed that there were three different rounds, and it was only by clearing the first two rounds that they could enter the third round.

Naturally, Xi Wei didn’t actually reveal what the first two rounds were, or it was plain cheating instead of ‘special treatment’...




“Plenty of familiar faces around,” Edward said, surprised by the packed tavern when he entered. “We don’t gather like this anymore since the Fishmen Island event.”

“Edward! Over here!”

Jessica was waving at him from nearby.

“Yo, Jessica. Is your training with the wood elves finally over?”

Edward greeted her in return, hurrying towards his childhood friend.

He also noticed Sefarim then—the greatest treasure of the wood elves, who happened to be wolfing down all kinds of delicacies that could only be found in the Unnamed Town.



The young girl who could turn into a divine spear noticed Edward then and immediately looked wary as she quietly shielded every dish on the table from him.

“That’s bad manners, Farim.” Jessica rebuked her mildly. “I’ll treat you to some food at the Emerald Tree House when we return to Trinia, alright?”

The Emerald Tree House was the eatery known amongst the Trinia wood elves to serve the best dishes.

However, Sefarim rejected that offer immediately.

“No way! I’ve had enough of the tasteless wood elves food! The food here is much better! Wood elves and whatever step aside-I shall become a child of this town!”

“The wood elves elders are going to cry if they hear you say that...” Jessica said meekly.

“It’s fine-let her eat. You can have more if you want.”

Edward said casually, finding the scene interesting and not minding about those little dishes.

Compared to food, the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction when completing quests, along with the excitement and anticipation from exploring uncharted lands has a stronger hold on him.

Moreover, unlike Jessica and her plainer tastes, Edward knew how heavily oiled and salted the food around this town was, which in turn drew people with heavier tastes...

“Oh, you’re a good person. I like you!” Sefarim exclaimed, giving Edward a thumb’s up.

Jessica rolled her eyes at Sefarim in annoyance before turning to Edward. “Where’s Gou-I mean, Doug, Joe, and Eleena?”

“Doug Ag is prowling around Lancaster for materials, saying that it’s for a special feature in conjunction with the Twin City Cup, while Joe is with another bunch of Players trying to buy up consumables need in the tourney from the System Shop.”

Edward spread his hands helplessly. “I don’t know about Eleena, though. She was still with me when we came through the Lifestone, but she soon vanished and I can’t find her even after running around town twice. That’s why I came here first, since it’s the time we agreed to meet up here anyway. That said, since the God of Games watches this town and Eleena is a Saintess, there probably wouldn’t be any problems.”

Instead of worrying about Eleena, they should also be remembering that her power was progressively stronger with her level. Few if any Player could survive from being instakilled at her hands, and a single hand could count every Player that had a chance of beating her.

“True.” Jessica nodded, thinking the same thing and smiled sweetly.

With almost everyone in the Unnamed Town being a believer of the God of Games, how suicidal were they for them to think about making a move on the Saintess...

“Is it just me or something stinks?” Sefarim, who had continued eating away while they talked had suddenly frowned.

However, both Edward and Jessica her complaints ignored her.

“By the way, is your training with the wood elves complete?” Edward asked again, suddenly remembering that Jessica didn’t answer him the first time.

“Yeah. I can’t fully control Sefarim’s power yet, but I could at least fight normally.” Jessica said excitedly. “I can return to the party now!”

“Welcome back, party member Jessica!”

“Thank you, party member Edward!”

The two roleplayed an exchange before bursting into laughter.

“Don’t sell yourself short. Even if you can’t use me at full strength, your mastery over me is still amongst the top three!” Sefarim interrupted then, killing the mood.

“So there had been two who could unleash your full power before?” Edward asked, curious.

“No, none could use me at my full power before!” The greatest treasure of the elves declared cheekily then, even puffing her nonexistent chest. “That’s right. I’m that powerful!”

Edward appeared bemused, and the look on his face probably said ‘so she’s just boasting, forget it then’ if described in words.

“Ah, that look! You’re doubting me!” Sefarim complained indignantly, sharply noticing the funny look on Edward’s face.

“There’s butter on your nose,” Edward responded calmly.

In response, Sefarim buried her head in Jessica’s chest-which-wasn’t-any-better and rubbed it firmly, cleaning it and leaving Jessica between laughter and tears.

“This was quite expensive...”

“Never mind. I’ll have the elves give you a new one!”

“But I can’t really appreciate clothing weaved out of nothing but leaves...” josei

“I’m interested. Please give her one.”


“Anyway, Jessica has read the archive records about me in the Moon Pavilion, yes?” Sefarim asked Edward, skipping the conversation about clothing. “I was already born unto this world thirty-eight hundred years ago by the High Elves, one of the first eight. My personal history is even longer than the wood elves!”

“Eh... Was there such records?” Jessica looked stunned.

Edward promptly made a face that say ‘you-are-boasting-after-all’.

“Damn it! To think that I was created for... created for...”

Suddenly, Sefarim looked blank and frowned, repeating the words ‘created for’ just like a broken recorded before looking up in confusion at Edward. “Why was I created again?”

‘How the heck would I know?’ Edward retorted inwardly. ‘I’m not even a sperm thirty-eight hundred years ago!’

Still, he couldn’t bear to say it when she saw Sefarim’s miserable look.

“Aren’t you a superweapon the elves made for war?” Edward suggested by reflex. “You hold such power and wouldn’t even leave a corpse. There’s no way you’re used for hunting...”

At that, he remembered the stunning sight of how Jessica had unleashed Sefarim’s power and blew a Level 85 Ultimate-form Drake.

In Edward’s mind, no being other than a god could withstand a strike of such magnificent proportions.

But maybe, just maybe...

A horrific theory appeared in Edward’s mind at that, but he promptly threw it away.

Nonetheless, he turned to find Sefarim still musing who she was, where she came from and why was she created for while not forgetting to stuff her mouth full of stir-fried chicken.

He shook his head, helpless.

“Jessica, you haven’t registered for the Twin City Cup, right?” He asked, tidying his thoughts.

“No.” She shook her head mildly.

“We’ll have you register when this one is done eating.” Edward smiled and said confidently. “With this, our first little goal after our party reassembles is decided—we’ll win the Twin City Cup!”

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