I Am The Luna

Chapter 233

Chapter 233

Chapter 233

Chapter 0233

| keep my pace steady as | slowly make my way to the doors to unlock them with my key, placing the bags down first, with my hand on my hip, just as | have seen our housekeeper do for years. If someone is watching us or has cameras, | can’t let

anyone suspect us..

Almost inside...

This place is heavily guarded outside, but inside | will be fine.

It's extremely quiet, and | place the bags into the coat closet before | begin searching around the house for Mom. | know the staff has been in and out, but as far as | know, Mom has refused to leave the house since our falling out.

If she thought that would make me come back, she was wrong. | can’t forgive her for all her lies. Yes, | love her. She is my mom, after all.

There’s complete silence, which means not even the staff is here... | was told I'd be notified if Mom left the house. | have heard nothing, so where is she?

| hurry up the stairs when | find she is not anywhere downstairs and head towards her bedroom. | knock on the door lightly, waiting for an answer, but there is nothing.

| frown, trying the door handle. It’s locked.

Is she asleep?

| knock again.

“Mom?” | whisper, glancing towards the stairs, hoping no one showed up like the actual housekeeper. The guards would be on alert then.

“Mom?” | call a little louder. The door is locked. She must be inside.

Closing my eyes, | press my ear to the door, trying to focus on any sound. My eyes blaze as | hone in on my surroundings. | can hear my own heart... the sound of the wind outside... and another heartbeat!

“Mom!” | call a little louder, my voice ringing in the silent hallway.


I think | hear a muffled sound.


Something isn’t right, and my senses are screaming at me..

Stepping back, | focus on the door as | slowly put distance between myself and the door. My back hits the wall opposite and | inhale slowly.

Ok, Zaia... you got this.

Encouraging myself, | take a deep breath as I run at the door and slam my shoulder into it. A surge of orange aura surrounds me, and the door is ripped off its hinges.

| flinch as it falls onto the carpeted floor and hope no one heard the thud. Even if there is carpet, it is still loud. | look up and my heart almost stops when | see Mom lying on her bed, but that’s not what gets to me.

Her hair is a mess, her arms and legs are tied behind her back, and she’s gagged. She’s lost a lot of weight and bruises fresh and old cover her body. She’s injured. |

can see bloodstains on the bed and worry envelops me.

“Mom!” My heart is pounding as | rush to her side, unable to stop my hands from shaking as | untie her quickly.

There are tears in her swollen bruised eyes, old make-up streaks cover her face, and I can tell from the odour she has not bathed in a while.

“Who did this!” | ask, my voice shaking as | remove the cloth from around her mouth. She hisses as | try to help her sit and | realise one of her arms is broken and the goddess knows what else.

“Zaia, leave. Leave my child!” She croaks.

| look around. She needs water!

I'm about to rush to the bathroom when she calls me.

“There’s no time, Zaia, please go,” she whispers, her voice full of fear and urgency.



“I’m not leaving you,” | reply firmly, rushing to the bed again. “Who did this?” | ask, my eyes blazing with rage. The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

| will destroy them.

Her eyes are saddened and they fill with tears. “They came... they wanted it... you have to go. Get it first.” The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

“Wanted what, mom?” | ask worriedly, my heart clenching.

| feel guilty. | left her and this is what happened. | shouldn’t have let my hurt and sadness get in the way! Her tears flow, and she looks defeated.

The state she is in is killing me.

This is the mother who was always ready to do everything for me despite her secrets. ... | shouldn't have left her. The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!


“The dust. It was him, your brother.” Her heart is thumping, and she closes her eyes. Zade... Zade he his left eye, it’s not normal. There’s something more... he... they want the dust.”

She's panicking and | freeze, thinking | heard something. | place a finger to my lips as | listen, but there’s only silence.



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