I am the Monarch

Chapter 251

Chapter 251: Victory (1)

Chapter 251: Victory (1)

Translator: CSV

Proofreader: Deathwing


The once sturdy table shattered together with a blunt sound.

It was an abrupt event, but there was no one who was startled.

For they too were of the same feelings as the one who broke the table.

“We shouldn’t have trusted Supreme Commander Clay, no… Clay so much.”

“Damn it. To think even the 2nd Squad is annihilated……”

“The Newark Region has already gone over to Count Lancephil’s hands, sirs.”

Numerous commanders in the meeting room raised their voices.

Everyone’s gazes turned towards the man who broke the table.

He was Mills Voisa, the one who promoted Clay to Rinse Liberation Army Supreme Commander seat and the chief executive of the remaining main army’s forces.

‘To think that Clay would suffer complete defeat.’

He thought a difficult battle was possible.

He thought a defeat was also possible.

But at the least, if it was Clay, he thought he would fully torment Roan and the Lancephil Fief Regiment.

After that, destroying the Lancephil Fief Regiment that had faced the agonizing battle using the 3rd Rinse Liberation Army which was the main army was the plan.

However, everything was derailed.


Mills spat out a long sigh.

An unpredicted situation.

Furthermore, it was quite a difficult situation.

However, it was too early to despair.

‘We still have the Byron Kingdom Army and the Istel Kingdom Army.’

The two kingdoms’ forces were pressuring the Lancephil County from north and east.

The one that was advantageous was still the Rinse Liberation Army.

Mills looked straight at the numerous commanders’ faces.

“Everyone prepare for the march. We will intercept Roan and the Lancephil Fief Army.”

“Yes, sir. Understood.”

Everyone lowered their heads with resolute expressions.

However, it wasn’t as if they could simply march either.

“We need a man to safeguard the Sedes Castle here.”

The Sedes Castle was the North Rinse Kingdom’s Capital and the place the current king Barry Webster was staying.

At the same time, it was where the Rinse Liberation Army’s headquarters was located.

Even if things possibly went wrong, they could easily aim for a comeback as long as the Sedes Castle at least was safe.

The capital, Sedes, was that much of an important place.

However and even so, they couldn’t carelessly leave behind their forces before a large battle either.

They had to contemplate deeply than they had thought.

At that moment.

“I will protect the Sedes Castle, sirs.”

The one who stepped forward with a clear and ringing voice was a rather young man.

His large eyes were highly striking.

‘This man was a subordinate brought by Clay……’

Mills looked at the young man and slightly nodded his head.

“What is your name and rank?”

The instant his words finished, the young man answered in a voice full of tension. josei

“I’m the Sedes Guard Captain Pichio, sir. I was serving Supreme Commander Clay, sir.”

The young man’s identity was shocking.

The one who left together along when Clay betrayed Roan and left the Lancephil County, it was that very Pichio.

A clear traitor.


‘My turn has finally come.’

Pichio clenched his teeth.

‘Quite a long time has passed since receiving the lord’s secret orders and following Clay.’

At the time, Roan has separately given an order to Pichio with Clay betraying in mind.

Roan too thought of Pichio as the final puzzle piece.

Pichio had committed not a real betrayal but a fake betrayal.

‘Of course, making Clay trust me was the first.’

Coincidentally, a believable reason that Pichio couldn’t help but betray Roan was made.

‘The war of Lancephil Fief Army versus Hexers.’

In that process, the fact that Pichio was of the Hexers’ bloodline had been revealed.

Of course, the one who knew of this fact was only Roan who had received the Hexers’ mind attack.

‘I went to Clay and begged for my life.’

He laid out words saying that Roan was planning to kill him who was of Hexer bloodline.

Of course, this was all a plan Roan and Pichio together had matched their words and schemed.

But Clay, who from the start had suspected whether Pichio was of Hexer bloodline or not instantly bit the bait.

Thanks to that, Pichio was able to tag along with Clay when he left the Lancephil County and headed for the Webster Duchy.


‘Clay who was full of suspicions didn’t entrust important duties on me.’

He left him at the lowest rank position, constantly monitored and eavesdropped on him.

Pichio wordlessly focused on the given duties.

Clay’s suspicion slowly faded as time passed, but even so, he didn’t extend out to him a high position.

At the least, he was able to climb to the position of Guard Captain of the Capital, Sedes, thanks to his outstanding abilities.

But, it was just up to there.

Clay, when he formed the 2nd Rinse Liberation Army, completely left out Pichio.

The pretext was because of the Sedes Castle’s public order, but in actuality was because of the single strand of suspicion that he still couldn’t erase.

Clay’s such feeling was only known to the North Rinse Kingdom’s closest adjutants who followed him, and other commanders, knights, and soldiers completely couldn’t guess it.

There wasn’t even a need to mention Estia Imperial Army’s people including Mills.

‘Thanks to that, I’m one of Clay’s capable subordinates in these people’s eyes.’

In their eyes, Pichio was merely one of Clay’s subordinates and the Guard Captain of the Capital, Sedes.

‘They do not suspect me.’

Pichio deeply breathed in.

Now was exactly the time to raise up his crouched body.

‘I will take over the capital, Sedes.’

It was the reason he particularly stepped up and volunteered for the Capital’s defence.

Mills slowly nodded his head.

“You must be well informed of the Capital’s situation considering you are the Sedes Guard Captain.”

Mills who simply didn’t know of Pichio’s intentions made a faint smile.

“I will give you five thousand soldiers. Protect the Sedes Castle at any cost.”

“Yes, sir. I will absolutely complete this mission.”

Pichio deeply lowered his head.

The tips of his mouth slightly rose up.

Finally, the moment had come to complete Roan’s secret order.

A few days later, the 3rd Rinse Liberation Army’s fifty thousand soldiers belonging to the main army marched towards the south.

A bold and fearless spirit as expected.

However, the truth was not as it seemed.

Unlike the commanders who were spirited, the insides of the soldiers who actually had to fight were greatly complicated and dark.

Because they too had eyes and ears, they were well aware of how the current situation was turning.


Everyone dryly gulped with stiffly hardened expressions.

Especially the faces of the conscripts who were forcibly joined weren’t good.

‘They say they don’t chase those who run from what I hear……’

‘They said they were forgiving of conscripts.’

‘They say they locked up all those who attacked till the end……’

The conscripts repeated the rumours they heard over and across again and again.

They even thought of throwing away their weapons and running if there was a chance.

Of course, the commanders including Mills, knights, and elite soldiers couldn’t even guess such fact.

The 3rd Rinse Liberation Army was creaking from the start.


“Kuu! Damn it! Damnable Byron bastards!”

“Die! Die!”

“Just go back to you bastards’ land, please!”

Wretched looking soldiers shouted in frustration.

Rinse Kingdom Eastern Regional Corp’s emblems were engraved on their breastplates.

Byron Kingdom Army versus Rinse Kingdom Eastern Regional Corps.

A fierce battle unfolded.

“It’s not easy.”

The Eastern Regional Corps Supreme Commander Aaron Tate looked at the battlefield and creased his forehead.

“Since we’re barely ten thousand but the other side is close to thirty thousand, sir.”

One of the adjutants spoke with an expression saying it can’t be helped.

Truthfully, fighting evenly like now itself was an incredible feat.

‘It’s all thanks to that sir.’

Aaron’s gave headed towards a man freely roaming the battlefield.

A warrior massacring the enemy army holding a single spear.

‘Sir Viscount Reil Baker.’

He who was staying in the Lancephil County had led the Baker Viscounty Regiment and the Lancephil County’s defence troops and joined the Eastern Regional Corps.

The Eastern Regional Corps, thanks to Reil and the elite soldiers’ actions, could barely overcome the difference of twenty thousand soldiers.

But even then, Aaron’s expression was somehow dark.

‘The news coming up from the rear aren’t good.’

Rumours that Istel Kingdom Army had crossed the eastern border and captured the eastern region were heard.

Many adjutants proposed to immediately go out in counterattack but Aaron shook his head.

Roan’s letter that arrived before marching to the North.

He was trusting the words that said not to worry about the Istel Kingdom Army.

‘Let’s not worry. I just need to trust Sir Count Lancephil.’

Aaron deeply breathed in.

He braced up his temporarily shaken heart.

He clenched his teeth and pulled out his sword at his waist.


A pleasant metallic sound pierced into his ears.

At that very moment.


A sound of horn noisily rang from the battlefield’s southeast.


Aaron who was about to personally lead the troops and charge creased his forehead and stared at the southeast.

Cold sweats popped up on his back.

There currently was no force in the nearby region that could save the Eastern Regional Corps.

‘If it’s the enemy’s reinforcements……’

A suffocatingly horrible thought.


Many adjutants too dryly swallowed and stared at the southeast.

A moment later.


Together with a sound of horse hooves, tally soaring flags first showed themselves.

Numerous legion names and general names were mixed in and complicated, but the largest flag was separate.

A giant flag roughly fluttering.

Chapter 251: Victory (1)

Posted on September 20, 2019 by fujimaru — 1 Comment ↓

The army that appeared together with the sound of a horn was none other than the Istel Kingdom Army.


Aaron let out a quiet exclamation.

He hadn’t thought that perhaps, at this very moment, at this very place the Istel Kingdom Army would appear.

“I, Istel Kingdom Army……”

“Has the East already gone over to their hands……”


Numerous adjutants and the soldiers who were fiercely continuing their battle all creased their brows with despairing looks.

In contrast, the Byron Kingdom Army that was struggling more than they had thought struck their drums and gongs and cheered.

Dum! Dum! Dum! Jing! Jing! Jing!

“It’s the reinforcements!”

“It’s the Istel Kingdom Army!”


Spirits rose as if to stab the sky.

“This is rather troubling.”

Viscount Reil Baker who was freely roaming the battlefield too made a bitter smile.

However much an outstanding warrior he himself was, it wasn’t to a level of being capable of facing two kingdoms at once.

However, it wasn’t a situation he could move back either.

‘Retreat is in short of a defeat.’

A situation where up to even the Lancephil County would become endangered if the Eastern Regional Corps collapsed here,

In the end, they could only fight with their lives on the line.


Reil put strength into his grasps holding the spear.

In that time, the Istel Kingdom Army put forwards their kingdom flag and legion flags and started a ferocious charge.


Sounds of horn were repeatedly heard.

“Thicken the right-wing! Prepare for the enemy army’s attack!”

Aaron quickly gave out an order and then personally led his troops and headed towards the southeast.

Although they were a small number, he planned to stop the Istel Kingdom Army’s charge in any way.

‘I wanted to have a drink with Sir Count Lancephil, but.’

A bitter smile hung on his mouth.

Aaron was resolved to give up his life.


He tightly clenched his teeth.

At that very moment.

Vvuu! Vvuu! Vvuu!

The Istel Kingdom Army’s sounds of horn oddly changed.

Simultaneously, the charging direction of the Istel Kingdom Army that was running straight towards the Eastern Regional Corps twisted.

The horseheads turned towards the North.


The sounds of horse hooves were heard even rougher.

Their charging speed increased a little more.


Aaron looked at the Istel Kingdom Army that suddenly turned their direction and creased his forehead.

The Eastern Regional Corps’ other adjutants were also the same.

Everyone stared at the Istel Kingdom Army with confused eyes.


“What the?”

“Why are they coming this way?”

The Byron Kingdom Army too was dumbfounded at the Istel Kingdom Army’s charge.

Their eyes sharply shook.

An unknown fear brushed past their necks.

And finally.


A resounding voice exploded out from the Istel Kingdom Army’s formation.

Simultaneously, the cavalry troop at the head charged not towards the Eastern Regional Corps but towards the Byron Kingdom Army.


A heavy sound exploded out.



The Byron Kingdom Army’s soldiers struck by the sturdy warhorses exploded out in every direction.

“You, you stupid bastards! We’re the Byron Kingdom Army! We are you bastards’ allies!”

“The enemy’s that way! That way! It’s the opposite side!”

Sounds of screams and angry shouts burst out one after another.

Especially Baron Hank Villun who was leading the Byron Kingdom Army’s vanguard let out a roar with a face burning with red.

“You stupid Istel bastards! It’s because you bastards are that stupid you’re always getting defeated by the Rinse……”

The moment his words continued to about that point.

“How noisy.”

A sharp longsword appeared together with a quietly sunken voice.


With a chilling sound, Hank’s head was cleanly cut off.

A completely unexpected and empty death.


“Co, commander!”

“Sir Baron Villun!”

The nearby adjutants raced up with shocked expressions.

“Who, who are you bastard!”

One amongst the adjutants shouted towards the longsword’s owner.

The warrior who cut off Hank’s head showed off his giant stature and shouted in a resounding voice.

“I am Istel Kingdom’s Viscount Guy Raymond!”

Simultaneously, the longsword once again split the air.

Ssskuk! Sssguk!

Each time, the heads of the adjutants and knights flew off with a horrid sound.


Guy snorted and subtly looked back.

“Byron brats flap and flap only have a lot of words, and their skills are a mess, sir.”

A disappointed expression.

“That’s because Viscount Raymond is so great, sir.”

The one softly reasoning with him was Viscount Peid Neil.

The Istel Kingdom Army’s supreme commanders had finally shown themselves.

Peid faintly smiled and turned his head and looked at Aaron.


Aaron, who was watching the situation without even knowing the whys, let out a quiet exclamation the moment he saw Peid’s eyes.


A long sigh naturally flowed out.

The face that was completely stiffened slowly relaxed.

Finally, he could understand the words of the letter Roan had sent.

‘So the words we don’t have to worry about the Istel Kingdom Army was talking about this.’

This wasn’t a level of not needing to be worried.

Aaron muttered with an awestruck expression.

“In fact, the side that had to worry about the Istel Kingdom Army was the Byron Kingdom.”

A laugh naturally came out.

A situation where he could only shake his head.

Aaron deeply breathed in and raised up his sword high.

“Attack! Drive the Byron Kingdom Army away!”

A resounding voice echoed through the battlefield.

The Eastern Regional Corps’ soldiers still merely blinked their eyes with flustered expressions.

Aaron pointed at the Byron Kingdom Army with the tip of his longsword.

“The Istel Kingdom Army will fight with us!”

A shout that finally resolved all questions.


“The Istel Kingdom Army is?!”

The Eastern Regional Corps’ soldiers as well as commanders, and even Reil Baker made shocked expressions.


Aaron spurred his horse as he commanded.

To break his soldiers’ doubts, he started charging towards the Istel Kingdom Army alone.



The Istel Kingdom Army stepped back to the sides and opened up a path.


“I, it’s true! It’s true!”

“The Istel Kingdom Army is our side’s reinforcements!”

The Eastern Regional Corps’ soldiers raised their weapons high and cheered.

In contrast, the Byron Kingdom Army that was exuberant faltering moved back with solidly stiffened expressions.

“Ho, how did such……”

“Ri, ridiculous!”

“Thi, this is impossible!”

An incomprehensible event unfolded right before their eyes.

At that moment, Aaron, who arrived in no time before their noses, swung his sword and shouted at the top of his lungs.

“The very sir who makes the impossible possible is Sir Count Lancephil!”

That shout shook the battlefield.


A moment behind, the Eastern Regional Corps’ soldiers burst out in cheers and went up in counterattack.

The battle situation tilted in an instant.

Everything happened as Roan has intended.


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