I am the Nanny of the Villain

Chapter 39

Chapter 39:

Even a child wanted to show off and pretend to be handsome in front of a pretty woman. If his father, Viscount Naven, had known, he would have been jumped up and down and started to flirt with her.

"It hasn't been long since I came to Ambrosia. Nice to meet you here, Young Master Naven"

"......Which family are you from?"

"It's Count Millen's family."

"Was there any Count Millen's family among the Ambrosia vassal families?"

At Sarah's answer, Ruth Naven shook his head and pondered for a moment. Count Millen's family was not on the list of vassal families, which his father had told him to memorize before he came to Ambrosia. Count Millen's family closed the family door and retired when Ruth Naven was only 6 years old, about the age of Claude. It was impossible for him to even know the name of Count Millen's family.

"Our family stopped social and political activities 6 years ago and entered seclusion, so it's natural for you not to know."

"Ah, like Marquis Bollun?"

Ruth Naven's mouth was filled with fishy ridicule when she said which family she was from. The meaning of entering seclusion he learned was to show off to the fullest like the young master of Marquis Bollun's family, but to climb the wrong line and hide behind the ruined family. In Ruth Naven's head, Sarah was now a nobody. A person who he didn't have to play the role of a solid aristocratic young man.

"Then let's just continue what we've been doing."

Ruth Naven turned his gaze back to Claude again. Claude's body flinched and trembled upon receiving that gaze.


Claude hid the knife in his hand behind his back and tried to hide behind Sarah. A blatant smirk appeared on Ruth Naven's lips as he saw that.

"How could Young Lord Ambrosia be so timid?"

"I know."


When Ruth Naven said something, Arold Pable* and Billion Yugen helped each other from both sides. Sarah looked at the small children imitating adults as well as imitating the bad habits of the social world. To themselves, they might feel like grown-up adults, but to Sarah's eyes, the sight of those show-off children felt very funny. It was like they dare to tease her precious child without knowing the subject.


In order not to disturb the gathering of the noble children, Sarah glanced at the servants, including May, who was far away. Then May, who was quick to sense, said something to the servants and tried to lead them elsewhere. After Sarah said she would keep May by her side, the servants who considered May's words as Sarah's words followed May without hesitation.

"Hurry up and do it!"

Meanwhile, Ruth Naven urged Claude, who kept hiding behind the nanny. He was getting ready to laugh at the ridiculous way he swung a knife as big as his palm.

"I, I don't want to. I don't want to."

Claude trusted Sarah, who was close to him, and gathered up the courage to take the knife in his hand and throw it on the floor. It was the first time he openly refused Ruth Naven's words.

'How dare you disobey me?'

Then Ruth Naven's face was horribly contorted in an instant.

"What is this?"

Sarah suddenly entered the sight of Ruth Naven, who was staring at Claude until the end. He looked at Claude and Sarah as they stood in front of him and picked up the knife that had fallen to the ground. Sarah looked down at Ruth Naven, who was shorter than her, with a smile on her face and a knife in her hand.

"You must have been playing something fun with this."

Sarah turned the knife around in her hand. It was a knife used to spread jam on bread, but it was made of silver, so it looked sharp as it was bright and shiny under the sunlight.

"Nice gentlemen shouldn't play with such dangerous things."

At Sarah's words, Ruth Naven said with a sullen face.

"It's not something for the nanny of Young Lord Ambrosia to intervene in."

"Oh my, how can I, as Claude-nim's nanny, stay still when he is playing with such a dangerous thing?"

"What's dangerous about that?"

"Of course, it's dangerous, and it can be a great tool to harm people."

"Hurt people? A knife that is only used to spread jam?"

"Of course, like this……, oh my!"

Suddenly, the knife slipped and fell from Sarah's hand. And that moment.


The knife flew through Ruth Naven's crotch at a tremendous speed! And it stuck right next to his shoes. It was as if she threw it there on purpose.

"Oh my God! I almost got in trouble. Are you okay? Young Master Naven."

Sarah widened her eyes, covering her mouth with her hands as if she was greatly surprised. Ruth Naven stood stiffly, remembering the moment when the knife that had fallen in front of him flashed and flew towards him. Obviously, the blade of the knife, which had fallen helplessly from Sarah's hand, flew toward him precisely.

"You, you……! You threw the knife at me on purpose!"

"I'll be sad if you said that. Did you think I threw it on purpose?"

Sarah asked, looking at the other noble children who were frozen in surprise from behind. Even to the eyes of the young children, it seemed as if Sarah had just accidentally dropped the knife and it had unfortunately flown away. They shook her head, staring blankly at Sarah's face, who smiled mischievously.

"Look at this. It was really a mistake. You must have been surprised and scared by my mistake, I apologize."

Sarah apologized for being rude by bending one knee gracefully and tilting her head forward. Ruth Naven, who had been educated repeatedly that it was a virtue of a gentleman to accept a lady's apology generously, nodded reluctantly without being able to control his facial expression.

"Who's scared?!"

While building pride until the end, as he saw Sarah's beautiful face with a bright smile, the thought that she might have done it on purpose disappeared. Thinking it was a coincidence, Ruth Naven pretended not to be surprised and tried to lift the knife from the ground.


However, no matter how much force was applied, the knife was firmly embedded in the ground and could not be lifted.

How can a knife that was simply dropped lightly by mistake be so strongly embedded in the ground?josei

Just as Ruth Naven was about to think about it, Arold Pable, who was puzzled by his grimacing as he couldn't pick up a knife, spoke softly.

"What are you doing now?"

"Can't you see? It won't come off the ground!"

He screamed with a blazing hot face.

"Where did the servants go?!"

As usual, as soon as the knife fell to the ground, there were no servants who had to run quickly and pick it up. Only then did Ruth look around.

"Where are they?"

Around the table for social gatherings in the garden, there were no servants who had to watch the gathering from afar, and there were no servants from their own families. There were only them, Claude, and his nanny, Sarah.

"......Can I help you?"

Then Sarah asked with a meaningful smile. Somehow Ruth Naven began to feel uncomfortable with Sarah's kind smile. And Ruth Naven didn't know until the end that it was the smile that signaled the start of a strange, unknown, hard day.


"Hic, hic!"

The three aristocratic children invited to Claude Ambrosia's social gathering today went out of the mansion with red faces. In particular, Ruth, the young master of Viscount Naven's family, was so unbelievable. His hair was discolored, and his fine hair was in a messy ridge, and the clothes he had chosen with care were in the hands of his servants, dirty. The change of clothes belonged to Claude, and was too small for the 13-year-old Ruth Naven to wear, making him look ridiculous.

"......I hope you had a peaceful time."

Veron skillfully chewed his tongue into his mouth, swallowed a smile, and saw them off.

"What peaceful time!"

Ruth's face, grumbling in an angry voice, was very contorted. At the age of 13, it was the first time in his entire life that a series of shameful things like today had happened. He was too young to bear it, and his pride was hurt to the point of him crying out of anger. He threatened Veron before getting on the carriage.

"I will never come to Duke Ambrosia's family again! Just keep that in mind!"

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