I am The Villain’s Dad

Chapter 19

Chapter 19:

“Su Yuyang, let’s divorce.”

Upon entering this world, before he had enough time to gain relief from the severe headache, Su Yuyang heard the sweet voice of a woman, accompanied by a divorce agreement flapping in front of him.

Opening his eyes reluctantly, he saw a young fairy dressed in white, who seemed to be real and looked like an 18-year-old girl, staring at him angrily.

Due to the pain, Su Yuyang couldn’t answer her, and he didn’t understand what was happening at the moment. In the end, he chose to close his eyes and pretended to faint.

As she saw him like this, the little fairy not only didn’t step forward to check on him but also scolded him angrily.

“You bastard! Why was I blinded at first and fell in love with you? Coward!”

Well, this contradiction was profound.

Su Yuyang had no way to explain anything. Who knows what scumbag thing he had done?

Thinking of himself as a good citizen who abided by the law, how could he do what a scumbag man did when doing tasks?

Could it be that the system deliberately did this to him?

After thinking about it, Su Yuyang didn’t turn on the shielding function. It had just asked him to use the 6000 points he obtained from the last world to pay off his debts. As a result, Yunyang quickly bought several things in the mall and then directly chose to enter the world.

He didn’t give the system points to pay the debt at all. The system seemed mad, and it started crying and going to the Lord God to complain to him.

He should wait for the system to calm down and then explain to it. The two of them were grasshoppers on a rope. How could he harm the system? It’s a misunderstanding.

(TNote: two grasshoppers on a rope = two people that depended on each other, that had to work together to do things.)

The little fairy’s self-restraint was obviously amazing. Even though she was furious and was scolding someone, there were no unpleasant words uttered. Apart from saying that he was a scumbag and a coward at first, she was reasonably civilized.

Gee, the little fairy is really a little fairy.

Suppose that Liu Zizi knew that when she scolded Su Yuyang, he would get the idea that she wasn’t scolding him. She would have directly killed him!

When the sound of the door closing reverberated, Su Yuyang opened his eyes quietly and confirmed that the little fairy had really left. Then, he closed his eyes with ease and began to accept the plot.

Two hours later, Su Yuyang quickly got up from the bed, hurriedly dressed and rushed out of the door.

This was because he should have picked up his child from school half an hour ago.

When he got there, he saw his daughter Su Yanran standing in the same place, bored, walking in circles. Then, she saw him but didn’t say anything and just kept staring at him. Those big eyes were exactly the same as his little fairy wife. Apart from making Su Yuyang feel guilty, he also couldn’t help but sigh with emotion. Sure enough, there was beauty in the genes!

When he was still lying on the hospital bed last time, he also thought about what his daughter would look like if he could have one.

Ahh, but he never thought that it would be like Su Yanran. A beauty at such a young age.

No wonder the original owner was never at ease whenever Su Yanran went to and from school alone. No matter the wind and rain, he would pick up Su Yanran.

There was such a daughter who looked like a fairy, and her character was so soft and cute. Anyone would be as anxious.

“Dad, you’re over half an hour late, my stomach is so hungry …”

After staring at Su Yuyang for a little while, seeing him keep looking at her with a pleasing smile, Su Yanran expression fell first, before she took a step forward and pulled Su Yuyang’s clothes while acting spoiled as she complained.

“Dad was wrong. Dad overslept. After a while, Dad will cook Yanran’s favorite fish head. Is buying a three-pound big fish head okay?”

Su Yuyang’s heart was going to melt. She was indeed worthy of being a little fairy born from a fairy ah! Even in anger she was so soft and cute.josei

Hey, he’s really ‘good’, to be able to push someone’s little fairy to that point.

“Okay! Dad is the best!”

Su Yanran and Su Yuyang had an excellent relationship. When she heard Su Yuyang’s words, she sat in the back seat of the small electric car and cleverly grabbed Su Yuyang’s clothes, waiting for Su Yuyang to take her to the grocery market to buy food, and then go home, do her homework and wait for dinner.

After processing the fish head out in the bathroom, Su Yuyang saw Su Yanran sitting upright with her homework and couldn’t help but sigh. How could such a good child walk on that dark path later on?

Unlike the last world, Su Yuyang, a father, had made mistake after mistake, which caused his son to go astray.

In this world, the problem instead is with the child’s mother, the wife, the little fairy who had just divorced him.

However, within their family of three, no one was a bad person. Unfortunately, from all kinds of misunderstandings and external attacks, it finally came to that.

Of course, it was also because the relationship between them was inherently problematic that it was too fragile and crushed so easily.

It was precisely because of this that Su Yuyang was even more distressed for Su Yanran, this well-behaved daughter of his.

Of course, the most distressing matter was Liu Zizi.

The 16-year-old was with the original owner, from a rich person with a lot of money to an unmarried mother who was suffering with him and finally giving birth to a daughter. On top of that, she also had to shoulder the burden of making money to support the family.

A pampered rich girl was abandoned by her family, rejected by her loved ones, and ended up in a messy place like the entertainment circle. She had to bear the social pressure that she shouldn’t have undertaken.

From time to time, she would be ridiculed by people she once knew. She also had to withstand the pressure of keeping a secret from fans that she had long been married and have a child.

To earn money, and to keep her secret from getting caught on camera, she didn’t even dare to show how close she was to her daughter.

This directly led to the daughter’s unwillingness to call her mother because of being sensible.

The original owner, Su Yuyang, was forced to drop out of school at the age of 17 because of his love with Liu Zizi and was suppressed by the Liu family. Since then, he had only been able to find some odd jobs like being a waiter.

He had been hiding this point from Liu Zizi, afraid that this would sadden her even more.

Later on, Liu Zizi was spotted by scouts and shot a shampoo advertisement, and their financial situation finally improved gradually.

The couple no longer had to work everywhere, working embarrassingly for only a dozen yuan.

Because of his daughter Su Yanran, Su Yuyang simply took care of his daughter full-time and became the family cook.

Liu Zizi didn’t dislike Su Yuyang, her husband, who made money at home, because she was popular and made more money.

Initially proceeding like this, the life of the couple was also quite good. When Liu Zizi retired, their family of three will be able to be together in a fair and upright manner, and the grievances they suffered would only be temporary.

But they all underestimated the malice of life.

As her daughter grew older, she became more and more concerned about her mother’s existence. Su Yuyang persuaded Liu Zizi to hang out with her daughter several times, but she ended up breaking her daughter’s heart halfway through the trip because of a reporter or an acquaintance.

Later, Su Yanran and Su Yuyang chose to take a step back and hang out indoors with Liu Zizi, only to be interrupted again by that agent of hers, Tommy, who kept getting in the way.

In the end, the relationship between the daughter and Liu Zizi, the mother, was completely down to the freezing point.

It’s not like Liu Zizi hasn’t made any effort, but unfortunately, it always failed.

As a man who has been a family cook for 7 years at home, the child was Su Yuyang’s weak spot. Gradually, he also began to resent Liu Zizi.

At that time, Tommy was instructed to send Liu Zizi to a rich businessman’s bed. The process was naturally photographed, and then the exposure, verbal abuse, and even the news of Liu Zizi’s underage pregnancy had been exposed.

Even Su Yanran hated this tainted mother. On a rainy night, Liu Zizi jumped directly from the top of the hospital building.

Su Yuyang moved away from this nefarious place with his daughter.

Unfortunately, the nefarious things didn’t want to let them go.

When Su Yanran just turned 16, the Liu family found her and told her that she was the only heir of the Liu family.

Even some truths that were exposed year were revealed purposefully or accidentally by certain individuals. Su Yanran finally figured out everything.

It turned out that Liu Zizi’s parents had the intention of recognizing their daughter back then. They were already old, with only a single daughter. How could they really let her keep wandering outside?

Liu Zizi’s first advertisement was also the one that the Liu couple sent to help her.

Unfortunately, the rest of the Liu family didn’t think that way.

Especially the distant relative who always wanted to pass on his daughter to the Liu couple.

They eventually bought Liu Zizi’s agent Tommy, and told him to ruin Liu Zizi, preferably the kind of scandal that would make her unable to return to the Liu family.

They succeeded. Although it wasn’t their intention to push Liu Zizi to death, Liu Zizi died, but it worked to their favor as it saved them from future troubles.

They then coyly took their little girl, passed her on to the Liu parents, and named her Liu Zizi, as a sign that they were honoring her memory.

‘Liu Zizi’ was three years older than Su Yanran. She was raised very well by the Liu parents. She was also the heroine of this world, a Virgin Mary.

After she discovered everything, she couldn’t help but search for Su Yanran and wanted to tell her everything.

But out of selfishness, she concealed the part about the death of her ‘parents’ and Liu Zizi.

When her parents knew what she was doing, they tried every means to deal with Su Yanran, including the fact that they deliberately sought Su Yuyang, the little white-face, to seduce Liu Zizi.

(Tnote: little white face = refers to men who only rely on women to provide financial support, or men who are raised by women, with a derogatory meaning; could also refer to men with very beautiful appearance and fair complexion, this is non-derogatory.)

Although Su Yuyang rejected them at that time, the encounter with Liu Zizi was only accidental, but their purpose was still achieved.

Su Yanran’s world collapsed. She hated her mother for more than ten years. But she turned out to be the poorest one.

And her father, who she had idolized for so many years, was the one who hurt her mother.

In fact, she also knew that it was wrong to blame her father, but at this time, she didn’t care about that much at all.

She was only 16 years old.

The immense guilt for her mother, the remorse for all the things she had done to hurt her mother that she hadn’t understood, and the hatred for those evil people, destroyed her.

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