I am The Villain’s Dad

Chapter 36

Chapter 36:

“Dad, what are you doing? It stinks.”

Su Yaotian, his son, couldn’t help covering his nose. However, he then grew a little scared and forced himself to put his hand down.

Dad hated to be called stinky by himself, or called a beggar, or had money thrown at him.

“Let’s make some money.”

IFortunately, instead of beating his son like the original owner, Su Yuyang held out his hand and handed the big bag with plastic bottles to his son.

“Take this, here’s your pocket money.”

“Pocket money?”

Su Yaotian was surprised. When did Dad ever give him pocket money? And why did he call this bunch of bottles pocket money? Speaking of which, he felt thirsty.

“Ok, Dad will teach you how to turn these things into money.”

Gathering up the cardboard shelter on the ground, Su Yuyang dragged his son over towards the only company in town that recycled junk.


“Boss, can I borrow that bicycle cart you have out front?”

Along the way, Su Yuyang got a lot of things from two garbage transfer stations, and didn’t give up digging for scraps until both father and son couldn’t carry the stuff anymore.

After receiving a little over 40 yuan for the scraps from the boss, he asked.

“What do you want to do with the bike cart?” The boss looked at him warily.

This man, dressed in rags, stinky and dirty, even knew how to pick up waste products and sell them for money?

In these days, most people didn’t know that waste products at home could be exchanged for money. All they do know is that the junk simply exists at home, waiting for someone to occasionally come and collect it.

He was the first person to dig things out of the trash and come for money.

Most importantly, he also knew that the waste products sent are three times more expensive than those collected at home, and he could accurately estimate the recycling price stipulated by the state now.

He was more like a learned man than a beggar.

“I can drag more things with the bike cart. You need this back anyway, so I’ll leave this money with you. Just return it to me when I come back with the cart tonight.”

At this time, the per capita wage was only about 500, but 40 was still a lot of money. Unfortunately, it was still not enough to pay for a bike cart.

“No. You have to give me at least 300 yuan.”

“Okay… I’ll come back later.”

Su Yuyang glanced at the bicycle cart out front and had to look back.

“Dad, I can stay here. Just come and get me later.”

Seeing Su Yuyang keeping a close eye on the cart, Su Yaotian immediately asked, trying to please him. He hoped that Dad would be happy, and if he was happy, he wouldn’t be angry. Maybe he would take him back to his Mom.

Anyway, Dad had once forgotten to bring money before, so he was taken to the shop owner, and then his Mom came to bring him back.

Maybe if he stayed here now, Mom will show up.


Su Yuyang adamantly refused. His son was much more important to him than a bike cart.

Noticing his son’s regretful expression, Su Yuyang picked him up and went out to continue his money-making endeavors.

It should be noted that this era of waste recycling was really profitable. There was no cost, with quick money transfers and cash settlements. It was just dirty work and disgusting.

Thankfully, Su Yuyang didn’t care. In his opinion, it was a great thing for him to support himself and his son by his own hands.

Moreover, this was also the wish of the original owner.

He wanted to atone for his sins.

When Su Yuyang picked up the first plastic bottle, it triggered a branch mission.

The original owner wanted to work a hard, tiring, dirty job to earn money to support his son, to atone for the sin of losing him.

Originally, it was just a whim. Now, it has become something he must do.

By not being afraid of getting dirty, and learning what was most valuable in the trash, in one afternoon, with four or five trips back and forth, he was able to raise 300 yuan.

Leaving money to the man at the recycling centre, Su Yuyang stared at the bike cart for a while and went out for a ride with the cart. Now, he could carry a much bigger load than two people carrying by hand on their shoulders. Furthermore, he could move around much faster now.

After two trips, it was already dark out, and Su Yuyang decided to stop for today. After that, he got back all the money he earned today and gave his boss 10 yuan for renting the cart.

Funny enough, by compensating the owner, he made the owner feel embarrassed as if taking advantage of a poor beggar, and the owner convinced him that he could just put 100 yuan down tomorrow and use the bike.

“Dad, do we have a lot of money?”

The little Doudou Su Yaotian looked at the stack of money in Su Yuyang’s hand, his eyes shining.

With so much money, how many meat buns could they buy?

“Yeah, Daddy will take you to a hotel. Let’s sleep in a big bed and eat delicious food!”

Feeling the excitement from the original owner, Su Yuyang’s own mood also became extremely good.


In one day, he earned 410 yuan, already more than what he made on his first day doing business.

Sure enough, it was better to be born earlier than to be born more opportunely. It was absolutely no problem to follow the national policy.

Upon entering a hotel, the hotel receptionist drove the two of them away at first. But, when she saw the stack of cash Su Yuyang was holding, she covered her nose and quickly gave the father-son pair a room. She threw the key directly in front of Su Yuyang, for fear that he would touch her.

Su Yuyang didn’t mind it, pulling his son with him as they went upstairs.

He was angry at the way people treated his Dad.

“Son, don’t care about other people’s eyes. Just be yourself and have a clear conscience.”

While they walked up the stairs, he talked to his son.

“Yeah, that’s what Grandpa always told Mom, too.”

Su Yaotian didn’t know what it meant, but both his Dad and Grandpa had said as such. Of course he had to obey.

Entering the room, Su Yuyang went into the bathroom with his son in his arms and washed themselves three times over. The father and son finally could wash their bodies clean. No wonder the waiter disliked them so much.

Putting on the new clothes he bought from the supermarket downstairs, they both looked in the mirror. The father and son were handsome, and they looked very much alike. Su Yuyang could finally understand why the original owner could marry such a good wife when he could do nothing but boast.

“Dad, I’m hungry.”

Su Yaotian has finally become a little livelier and brave. Dad seems to be in a good temper today, and hasn’t even yelled at him or scolded him once.

Could he complain to his Dad when he was hungry or sleepy in the future?

“Hungry? Let’s go out to a restaurant!”

With money in his hand, Su Yuyang didn’t intend to let his son suffer, and he directly took his son’s little hand to go downstairs.

When passing by the front desk, the young woman at the front desk saw him at a glance, and she couldn’t open it any wider. When did such a handsome guy check into their hotel? Why didn’t she notice?

Su Yuyang didn’t react, but Su Yaotian turned his face away and made a very big pout at the staff. Humph, didn’t you just think they stunk?

The receptionist immediately realized who the father and son were and blushed heavily.


“Here, eat some more.”

He ordered three or four dishes, all of which were easy to digest and suitable for his son.

His son was only 5 years old now, and he could only eat a few things, especially when he was staying outside with him and starving. His diet must be adjusted slowly.

“Dad, you also eat.”

At an early age, Su Yaotian already knew how to care for his Dad.

Su Yuyang’s guilt grew heavier, because his wife had to go to work, and he often missed work and stayed at home. Outwardly, he was spending time with his son. But in fact, he often left his son alone at a shop near his home.

His son, Su Yaotian, wasn’t growing up well. He was 5 years old, but was only the size of a 3-year-old child.

“Yaotian, Dad used to be very bad to you and your Mom. Do you hate Dad?”

Su Yuyang couldn’t help but ask him softly.

In fact, when Su Yaotian was taken away by traffickers, it was also because the traffickers said they would take him to find his Mom, that he followed those people so easily.

He was afraid that the child hated him, so it wouldn’t be difficult for someone to really take his son.

“A little bit.”

Su Yaotian stopped eating and secretly glanced at Su Yuyang. Seeing from his expression that shows he wasn’t meaning to get angry, he spoke carefully.

From an early age, he knew how to look at the expression of adults, so that his Dad wouldn’t just throw him out or scold him.

“Then, if Dad corrects it later, will you forgive Dad?”

Su Yuyang was stung by Su Yaotian’s actions. What 5-year-old child looks like this in front of his father?

The original owner was really scum.

“Yes! Because today Dad took me to stay in a big room, bathed me, and took me to eat delicious food. I trust Dad.”

Su Yaotian immediately praised him.

He still wanted to go back to see his Mom, and his Dad was really very kind to him today. Mom said that Dad didn’t mean to be bad to him, and that he was just in a bad mood.josei

Dad still loves him.

“Then, when Dad is completely better, I will take you home to find Mom. Can you wait for Dad?”

That’s what Su Yuyang wanted to say.

He can’t watch his son all the time. First of all, he must put an end to the possibility of his son leaving with a stranger.


Su Yaotian was happy to go back to eating again. His Dad sincerely talked to him about his feelings, instead of being nice to him and then asking him to do something he didn’t want to do after a good day.

Nevertheless, it was a very disturbing day, and he was apprehensive, as his Dad was acting like a different person. He was uneasy.

“One more thing Dad wants to make clear to you. You can’t leave with strangers casually, you can’t leave Dad’s sight casually, and you can’t go anywhere by yourself from now on. You have to wait for Mom or Dad to pick you up. Other than that, it’s not okay.”

His son was probably too young to know if he understood what he’s saying or not, so Su Yuyang had to continue to deepen his education.

“But Dad, didn’t you used to say that you had a lot of friends and they were very trustworthy and that it was okay to stay with them and not listen to Mom. And that there weren’t too many bad people.”

Su Yaotian’s words directly hit Su Yuyang’s heart.

He knew, from the plot, that Su Yaotian, the kid himself, was smart. He was only a bit naïve right now, but when he grew up, he became very clever.

Otherwise, it was impossible for him to gain a foothold in the trafficker’s gang.

Also, he hadn’t cared much for his son after wandering around the city for so long. His son could still get money for him, so he shouldn’t have just been cheated by a man who said he could look for his mother so easily.

The man might have been his acquaintance.

“No, there are many bad people in this world. In the past, Dad couldn’t see clearly, and those friends I knew were not good people. Otherwise, how could Dad have ended up like this today?”

He can’t be bothered to teach his son about differentiating good and bad people. The most important thing right now was ensuring his son’s vigilance at the moment.

The rest will come in due time.

“Is Uncle Liu also a bad person?”

Su Yaotian looked at Su Yuyang and asked.

Su Yuyang’s heart thumped. Here it is, the key person who abducted his son!

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