I became a legion lich

Chapter 204 - 204 Wyverns territory

Chapter 204 - 204 Wyverns territory

204 Wyverns territory

Half of the demihuman camp was hit by the earthquake and the ravine collapsed, dropping giant boulders under the non-combat demihumans. The rocks crushed hundreds to thousands, raising a cloud of dust that obscured the interior of the ravine.

The demi-humans roared in fury at seeing their families crushed and rushed back to try to help them, but Treevor ordered the skeletons to resume their march.

“Trolls, help the women and children! Goblins and Orcs, don’t let these things get close!” An orc larger and more robust than its peers shouted in the demi-human language, causing the defensive army to split. The big trolls were the only ones strong enough to move the rocks, so the defensive army leader’s decision was right.

Goblins were physically weak, while Orcs relied on their emotions to enhance their physical prowess. If they were ordered to retreat to help earthquake victims, they would only feel concern or sadness for the victims, rendering their racial ability useless.

Fighting the hateful creatures that attacked their families, on the other hand, the orcs would fight with unrivaled fury. They were the first to race against the undead, using their key abilities to further strengthen their already powerful bodies.

The demi-humans didn’t know what the undead were, as they couldn’t use necromancy and were far from the undead realm in the east, but it didn’t matter to them. Thousands of orcs threw themselves at the first rank of undead, using offensive abilities to try to cut them like paper, but Treevor was quicker.

‘Activate the shared curses.’ Treevor commanded and the skeletons obeyed, a dark barrier rising around them and blocking all orc attacks. The barriers absorbed the kinetic energy from the orcs’ attacks, surprising everyone.

The orcs were shocked that thousands of attacks using all their strength were not able to break a single barrier, while Treevor was shocked that the orcs’ attacks filled half of the shields’ kinetic energy storage.

At this rate, the shared curses would only last for a few more seconds before being forced to release their stored energy. It was incredible that the orcs could exert such a powerful physical force.


“Keep attacking! Your defenses won’t last forever!” The patriarch shouted, waking the orcs from their stupor. They screamed in rage and resumed their attacks, spreading out along the barrier so that their attacks would be more effective and avoid hitting each other, the thousands of attacks from the enraged orcs quickly filling the barriers’ kinetic energy.

The slower goblins reached the barrier soon after, but it was a big mistake. The shared curses became saturated and unable to accumulate more energy, so they released everything in a shock wave in all directions.

The shock wave crushed the small goblins into a pulp of flesh, while the orcs were sent flying with several broken bones. The shared curses fired the shockwaves in a circular fashion, greatly decreasing its power.

It was the only reason the orcs were able to survive.

The orc patriarch ground his fangs in rage not knowing what to do. The explosion injured many of his orcs and killed even more goblins. To make matters worse, the enemy barrier was still intact, as all the attacks had been absorbed and did not damage the energy barrier.

“ROARRR!” A roar of fury sounded from behind him, interrupting his thoughts. The patriarch looked back, only for a pillar of fire to explode through the rocks.

A red wyvern emerged from the pillar, looking angrily around as it sought out the bastard who had destroyed its nest. another wyvern came out right behind him, but this one’s scales were yellow.

They were the pair of wyverns that ruled the region and both were incredibly furious at being disturbed in their sleep.

Adult wyverns were approximately 10 meters long from snout to tip of tail and lacked arms, their wings were prehensile limbs, and they had claws on the ends of the wings. Their tails ended in a retractable stinger that dripped red and yellow liquid respectively.

“Who dared attack my nest?? Attack my hatchlings?” The red wyvern screamed in demi-human language. The female wyvern had recently laid two eggs, but the rocks would have crushed them had it not been for the yellow wyvern’s intervention, which protected them with its own body.

Just as the skeletons predicted, the wyverns set up their nest within the ravine in a cave large enough to accommodate their size. The yellow wyvern was still carrying the eggs on her hind legs as she cast a wind barrier spell around them.

The hatchlings inside the eggs were still fragile, so the yellow wyvern was moving them slowly so they wouldn’t get hurt.

The red wyvern glared at the fallen demihumans he recognized as his servants and the undead army surrounded by a black barrier, his enemy was obvious.

“I don’t know what you guys are, but you’re going to pay for invading my territory and trying to touch my hatchlings!” The red wyvern screamed and flew towards the undead, conjuring fireballs and blasting away any flying skeletons in its path.

‘Flying monsters, spread out and avoid contact. Wizards, is the spell ready yet?’ Treevor ordered through the mind link, realizing that the flying undead were being slaughtered without being able to fight back.

Treevor prepared to intervene seeing the wyvern approach, but the mages finished their cast in time and fired a beam of corrupted mana at the wyvern.

The red wyvern thought about dodging for a second, but realized the beam would hit his partner behind him if he dodged, so he stayed put and took a deep breath, before spitting out a flaming breath.

Like dragons, wyverns were capable of firing elemental breath weapons, but their breath weapons were weaker than their larger cousins and they didn’t need to spend as much time breathing in world energy.

The breath of red flames and the beam of corrupted mana collided, their similar forces pushing each other and not giving up even a step. But to the wyvern’s surprise, he was the one who lost the contest of strength.

There was a limited amount of world energy his lungs were able to absorb and he quickly ran out of gas. His breath disappeared and the beam of corrupted mana hit him in the chest, but its power had been heavily reduced and it only pushed the wyvern back.

“Malic, step away from the fight! Take the eggs to safety!” The red wyvern craned its neck back and screamed.

The yellow-scaled wyvern nodded and cast a float spell on the eggs so they wouldn’t feel the turbulence as much and started flying away.

‘Master, one of the wyverns is trying to escape. She’s carrying wyvern eggs and trying to get away from the fight.’ Treevor spoke, using the hive hawks flying overhead to relay the message.

“Finally it’s our turn. Attack with your best spells from the start, anything less than your best will be useless against a dragon.” Athos ordered Astrus and Emilia.

Everyone nodded as Simogo dove into the clouds below, meeting the fleeing wyvern. He folded his wings and stretched his body like an arrow to accelerate even more, while taking a deep breath to fill his lungs with world energy. josei

The skeletons were forced to bend over and grab the scales to keep from being hurled through the air, while Athos conjured a blade of wind to lighten their burden.

Malic, the yellow-scaled wyvern, sensed their approach and craned her neck back, her eyes widening as she saw the dragon almost behind her. She couldn’t make too sudden movements because of the eggs, so she just released her breath in a rush.

Unfortunately for Malic, Simogo did the same, his black flames almost twice the size of the wyvern’s yellowish flames. The black flames hit the yellow flames for half a second before overcoming them and continuing forward.

Malic veered sharply to the right, conjuring a storm of wind under her wings to get away from the breath of darkness. The black flames were powerful, but not fast enough to keep up with the wyvern’s speed.

The black flames still managed to reach its tail, turning it into dust. Malic stopped holding on and flew as fast as he could, using wind magic to reduce air resistance and increase his speed.

Her hatchlings could end up crushed to death against their own eggs by speeding, but they would definitely die if the dragon caught up with her.

Simogo started casting darkness breath spells as soon as the black flames were gone, but the spells were slower than the dragons’ flying speed and were left behind as soon as they got away from Simogo.

‘A little more, just a little more.’ Athos thought of Simogo’s back, noticing that the speed of both dragons was practically equal. Although Simogo’s physical strength was superior, the wyvern was more skilled in flight and used magic to increase its speed, so the distance was not decreasing.

They had already distanced themselves from the ravine and were too far away to communicate with the skeletons, so they had only themselves to rely on if they wanted to win.

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