I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 138

Chapter 138:

Avery was a pirate lord who controlled the entire archipelago region, the so-called [Gurling Archipelago].

One might think it’s impossible for a criminal to take control of an entire region, but that’s because they’d lack knowledge of the area’s features.

The Gurling Archipelago is a hell where dozens of islands are stuck together, and hundreds of reefs and dozens of whirlpools rage.

In other words, it’s a natural fortification that specializes in defense.

As such, the neighboring nations could only suck their thumb if they tried to use their naval forces to defeat Avery.

They knew what happened to countries that tried to subjugate the [Gurling Archipelago] in the past few hundred years….

It didn’t take a genius to realize it was called the Gurling Archipelago, instead of its original name.

During their voyage.

“How are we going to take down Avery? The Gurling Archipelago is no easy place, and we’re not equipped to handle it.”

Drake asked Otto.

“Of course it’s impossible.”

“Otto retorted, as if that was even a question.

“How are we even going to take on the Gurling Archipelago with just your power? We’d need to make them crawl out.”

“It won’t be easy.”

“Of course it won’t. Avery isn’t confident in his own strength, and he does not want to leave the Gurling Archipelago. He’s too guarded and too suspicious. He didn’t rule the Gurling Archipelago for fifty years as a pirate lord for nothing.”

Otto knew Avery’s scenario as well as he did Drake’s.

He hadn’t delved too deeply into it because it wasn’t his style, but he’d beaten it a couple of times on the highest difficulty.

“So what are we going to do? You said he’s very cautious and suspicious.”

“That’s true.”

Otto replied with a smirk.

“We’ll just have to make him come out no matter how much he doesn’t want to.”

“Make him come out even if he doesn’t want to?”

“You’ll see.”

Otto smirked at Drake.


For a split second, Drake was struck by the eerie look on Otto’s face.

‘What is this? This guy? He’s different from what I’ve felt before.’

A feeling of being confronted by something very dangerous, though indefinable.

It felt like it could pull one into the abyss and plunge them into eternal despair.

“Do you know what’s the most challenging thing in this world? It’s people. People because sometimes you can’t control them. It’s true for me, and it’s true for you too.”

“Hmm. That’s true.”

“So how hard do you think it is to move other people?”


“That’s the hardest thing in the world, to move someone to your will. It’s not easy, especially when they’re your enemy. But there are easier ways to sway people.”

“What is it? Money? Fame? Either that or….”

“Just give them what they want most. Like you.”

Otto gestured at Drake with his chin.

“Like I said, I want you as my vassal, so I’m going to give you what you desire the most.”



Otto inclined his head.

“I’ve decided to give you revenge.”

” And for Avery, it’s….”


Otto smiled wickedly.

“I’ll tempt Avery with the opportunity to gain power, and he’ll fall, just as I intended.”


Drake gasped at Otto’s words.

Otto’s words were correct.

It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that it was no secret what Avery wanted most in the Gurling Archipelago.

Avery was the oldest of the pirate lords, and the least powerful, so his inferiority complex was enormous.

So it was no secret that Avery had a desire for greater power.

“And what is that force? The one that will draw Avery out?”

“The treasure of Pirate King Bardo. That should be enough bait to lure him in. We’ll see. Either Avery crawls out of the archipelago on his own two feet or he doesn’t.”

Otto said in a confident tone.

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Two days later.

Avery, who had attended the Pirate Lords’ regular meeting in the Gurling Archipelago, was furious when he returned.josei

The reason the Pirate Lords held their regular meetings in the Gurling Archipelago was because Avery didn’t want to leave the area.

Additionally, the Pirate Lords were big-time criminals, so they preferred the security and safety of the Gurling Archipelago.

“Damn you, you bastards, how dare you disrespect me!”

Avery’s anger was palpable.

‘I’m planning to go hunting for a rare whale this time, would you like to come? Oh, you cant? Hahaha!’

‘You’ve been a pirate for too long. It’s about time your strength starts to wane. Why not retire now?’

‘Hahaha, I managed to beat up that Admiral with my own hands this time! Avery has never done anything like this before, has he?’

‘How’s your knee, Avery? Your gait seemed unsteady.’

The pirate lords would often tease Avery, gently scratching his nerves.

This was fine when he was younger.

But now, as an old man in his seventies, he was often ignored.

It’s a blessing that his cunning and shrewdness has contributed so much to the Pirate Alliance, or he would have been forced to step down as Pirate Lord long ago.

“You fools, you empty-headed idiots, you dare to ridicule me? We’ll see. Someday I will drown you all in the sea!”

“Drown them! Drown them!”

[Johnson], the parrot that always perched on Avery’s shoulder, squawked.

‘Someday? Pfft. You old fart, trying to be something strong in your old age. Maybe in the afterlife.’

“At your age, you still can’t let go of your lust for power.’

‘Retire already.’

Avery’s underlings saw him lose his temper and mocked him in their minds.

They were tired of Avery’s long tenure and wanted him to retire as soon as possible.

And most of them were ready to revolt at any moment.

But knowing how cunning and crafty Avery was, they weren’t about to cross him….

‘You bastards, I can tell by the way you’re looking at me, even you lot are not respecting me, hmph!’

There was no way Avery could have not noticed.

“I don’t want to see you all, so get the hell out of my presence.”

His subordinates left as if they’d been waiting.

It was a good thing for them.

There’s no reason, nor time, to listen to his every word.

*Glug!* *Glug!*

Avery swigged from his rum bottle and brushed the corners of his mouth.

“If only I could find Bardo’s treasure… I would slaughter you all.”

The Last Pirate King [Francis H. Bardo].

A man who had vanished with the Pirate King’s fleet two hundred years ago.

His disappearance left the seat of the Pirate King still vacant.

Rumor has it that Bardo hid the Pirate King’s fleet and treasures in a secret location, where he arranged for his true successor to claim them in the future.

Grasping at straws, Avery had been searching for Bardo’s treasure for over 20 years.

But if the Pirate King’s treasure was so easy to find, other pirate lords would have found it by now.

“Do I really have to be relegated to the status of an old man in the back room….”

Just then,

*Knock!* *Knock!*

A subordinate pounded on the door.

“What’s the emergency?”

“I have an urgent matter to report.”



The subordinate whispered in Avery’s ear.


As soon as Avery heard the report, he jumped to his feet.

“William, you mean to tell me that William the Bastard stashed the treasure of the Pirate King Bardo…?”

“According to what Mordred has told me, yes.”

“Is that true, did Mordred really tell you that!”

*Thump!* *Thump!*

Avery’s heart began to race frantically.

“Are you certain about this information? How can you be so sure?”

“Modred said….”

The next words that came out of the subordinate’s mouth were rather believable.

“Bardo’s treasure… The Pirate King’s fleet… Ahhh.”

Avery was thrilled by his subordinate’s report.

How many times had he struggled to find Pirate King Bardo’s treasure over the past 20 years?

“Mordred, I’d like to see him.”

“Mordred informs me that he is unable to leave Drake’s side at the moment, and that he has had a hard time getting this message through.”

“Hmm. That could be true, I suppose. Mordred will have to stick close to Drake’s side in order to give me any updates.”

“Yes, Captain. As you know, it’s highly confidential that Mordred is your informant, and I’m sure he couldn’t have come himself, to avoid the attention of the others.”

“Well, that too!”

Avery had not the slightest suspicion that the information Mordred had passed on was false.

Mordred was not a man with a large enough backbone to dare betray him.

Besides, right now, Avery’s judgment was clouded by the mention of Pirate King Bardo’s treasure.


Because with the Pirate King’s fleet and treasure, Avery would be able to obtain the “power” he had been craving for his entire life.

“Prepare our men to set sail at any moment. From now on, keep a sharp eye out for information from Mordred. Do you understand?”

“Aye, Captain.”

The man leaves.

“The treasure of Bardo the Pirate King… Bardo’s Treasure….”

Avery’s eyes gleamed with greed.

“Bardo! Bardo!”

Johnson squawked, repeating Avery’s words.

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Drake was perplexed when Otto sailed westward for the second day.

Once he mentioned he’d fed back information to Avery, he’d been quiet.

But after that, Otto hadn’t appeared to be doing much of anything.

Sitting in the bow, strumming his guitar and singing.

Or sparring with his companions.

By all accounts, Otto didn’t seem to be out to hunt Avery down, but merely to occupy himself with the boredom of the voyage.

“Are we really going to find Pirate King Bardo’s treasure?”

“Then why would I sail westward, when there’s nothing out here at all?”

Otto responded with a frown.

“Are you saying… that Bardo’s treasure is in the west?”



“I don’t know the precise location. I only know that it’s somewhere to the west, but you know the exact location, not me.”

“Me? Bardo’s treasure?”

Drake pointed to himself, as if that was some kind of joke.

“Yes, you do. You know it very well.”

“What the hell are you….”

“Excuse me.”

Quick as lightning, Otto snatched the pendant from around Drake’s neck.

“What the fuck are you doing!”

“Oh, nothing. I’m just looking at it.”

“Look at what?”

“If I do this…”

Otto snatched the map Drake always carried with him this time and spread it out on the table.

Then he opened the pendant and held it up to the map.


The light reflected off the pendant, revealing a hidden part of the map.

“This is….”

Drake was surprised.

“This pendant and map. These are your father’s keepsakes, right?”

“Then surely you can’t….”

“You bet.”

Otto grinned.

“This pendant and map will lead us to the treasure of Pirate King Bardo. See the map? It’s somewhere around here.”


Drake finally understood why Otto had only sailed west.

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