I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 64

Chapter 64:

Chapter 64

After leaving the inn, Amukhan and the 50 warriors immediately headed for Mount Kashmir.

It was clear that he was heading there to find and obtain the Scripture of Reconciliation as Otto expected.

Doo doo doo doo doo!

Such as Amukhan and his warriors rode on huge horses and the speed was truly terrifying to witness. Of course the horses ridden by the Kongurat Tribe were by no means ordinary horses.

These horses are called the [Tatar breed] and are the speciality of the Haver Prairie.

With their enormous size, strength, speed and outstanding intelligence, the Tatar breed was a well known horse on the continent.

The biggest driving force for Amukhan to be reborn as [The Great Conqueror Khan] was this unique breed of horses.

Amukhan led a cavalry of Tatar horses on a campaign of conquest that swept across the continent. 

“It’s quite damn fast.” Remarked by Otto

Otto clenched his tongue when he saw that Amukhan and his warriors had completely disappeared from sight.

As much as that, the mobility of Amukhan’s party was so fast that it was impossible to chase after them.

‘But, That’s why he’s a thug in the early stages of the game.’

Otto nodded, recalling Amukhan’s lord traits.

One of the 100 Lord Characters, [The Great Conqueror Amukhan] was famous for being a strong character in the beginning.

This is because the cavalry, which boast overwhelming mobility, was able to turn other forces into a mess in the blink of an eye.

So, Amukhan was one of the characters who could clear the game [ Territory Wars ] the fastest.

Seriously, the clear time attack record among the other Monarch Lords was also the fastest among the 100.

Of course, as much as there were such advantages, there were certain characters with clear disadvantages.

Like a strong character in the early stages, Amukhan’s potential was not very high.

In addition, the Kongurat Tribe, a force run by Amukhan, was also very slow in technological development and had a low peak.

So, If he couldn’t win quickly in the beginning, Amukhanwas a character whose strength gradually diminished.

The longer the game play time of Territory Wars, the longer Amukhan’s forces could no longer keep up with the technological advances of other forces and fell behind, and eventually can be easily hunted.

But that’s a story for the future anyway.

In other words, Amukhan is one of the most powerful monarch lords at this current point.

‘I have to be careful.’

Otto wasn’t unaware of that fact, so he decided to pay attention when dealing with Amukhan.

Of course, He had a plan to easily defeat Amukhan, but ….

“Wooah!” Otto exclaimed when his sight ventured to Kairos on his left.

At that time.


Kairos began while riding on his horse.

He still has an upset stomach from the drinking he had, and the gastric juices got jostled from the horseback riding.

“Hey! What are you doing that’s so unsightly!” Remarked by Otto


“It looks good, I ate after 550 years being stuck as a soul and thrown up on a horse. Heheheh”

“Therefore, Jim¹ said let’s unpack and leave all this extra alcohol behind. Blarghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

Shaking his head

Otto turned his head away from the sight, not wanting to see the filth.

* * *

At the same time.

Doo doo doo doo doo!

Chief Amukhan, who was galloping toward Mount Kashmir, suddenly felt unwell and shut his mouth.

Just like Karios, his stomach turned inside out after riding a horse while he was still hungover.

‘In front of the warriors, I can’t show such ugliness. Does not exist for a Warrior like me.:

Amukhan sighed and endured vomiting.

But it wasn’t enough to be tolerated.

Doo doo doo doo

The Tatar’s tremendous galloping speed made his body shake constantly, and the more he endured, the more his stomach churned inside out.

“Ughh… Ughhh..”

No, Amukhan couldn’t endure any longer and finally reached his limit.


Against his will, gastric juices began to rise from the depths of his stomach.

Amukhan somehow held on, but that only made it him look even uglier.

“Ughhh…. Uuuugh!!”

Amukhan moaning while clenching his teeth.


Afterwards, yellow gastric juices spurted out from between his teeth like a fountain.

It would have been okay to just vomit coolly aside, but due to the wind pressure that persisted and with his clenched teeth made it even more far ugly than usual.

Could it be a side effect of his willpower over the body?

“… …”

“… …”

“… …”

The warriors who ran by Amukhan’s side were at a loss for words after seeing him.

No matter how much they respected the Tribe Chief, By showing this kind of appearance on his face …

But no one spoke to Amukhan, and turned their heads to look at the distant mountains.

They pretended not to see anything in order to save face for the respected Chief Amukhan.

‘Let’s see. Next time I’ll make you drunk so much you wouldn’t ever think of drinking again.. Ugh’

Amukhan continued to advance toward Mount Kashmir, burning with a vengeance toward Kairos.

* * *

The Red Anvil Tribe, which lived in caves in the Mountains of Kashmir, were blacksmith dwarves who were serious about making various weapons and armor.

They have made various weapons and armors using various minerals mined deep in the mountains of Kashmir.

Some of the weapons and armors they’ve smithed and forged flowed into the hands of humans and later turned into heroes and left their names in history.

So, the Dwarves of the Red Anvil Tribe were busy digging for new minerals and smithing weapons and armors today.

Only one in their life.

In order to create a masterpiece worthy of bearing one’s own name.

However, a crisis soon came to the peaceful Red Anvil Tribe, and it was the raid of Amukhan and his warriors of the Kongurat Tribe.

“Emergency! Sound the Emergency Bell”

“Enemies are coming!”

“Ferocious savages are approaching the village! Prepare for battle, everyone!”

The Dwarves were greatly taken aback by the sudden shouts.

“The savages?”

“N-no! How the hell did barbarians find our village hidden in the depths of the mountain.”

The village of the Red Anvil Tribe is nestled in a cave deep in the mountains of Kashmir.

Also, to get to the village you have to pass through a maze-like tunnel.

So the Dwarves hadn’t even thought of invaders coming to the village for the past hundreds of years.

Invaders who sought the treasure of dwarves often appeared, but they all died of starvation while wandering through the maze-like tunnels.

But what about the current attack by the barbarians?

It was natural for the Dwarves to fall into confusion.

“Prepare for battle! Prepare for Battle!”

“Quickly! Arm yourselves!”

The Dwarves hurriedly prepared for battle, but the enemies were faster than anticipated.

“Kong! Knock!”


Blue wolves the size of calves attacked the dwarves guarding the village entrance.

The wolves were not living creatures, but being made of spiritual energy and were a type of very powerful summons.

In addition, since they have a sense of smell that is several times better than that of normal wolves, they have excellent ability to track prey.

Thanks to that, Amukhan and the Kongurat tribe warriors were able to come straight to the dwarve’s village without wandering through the maze-like tunnels.

“Ahhh! Help!”


The Dwarves guarding the entrance to the village were helplessly defeated by the wolf spirits.

Fortunately, the wolf spirits did not kill the dwarves, but only subdued them by gently pressing them with their paws.

“All of you lay down your weapons and surrender.”

“If you surrender, your life will be spared.”

The warriors of the Kongurat tribe appeared afterwards and warned the Dwarves to not fight back.josei

“Why the hell are you doing this!”

Edham, the Chieftain of the Red Anvil Tribe and the current village chief shouted at the warriors of the Kongurat Tribe.

“Do you think we will give in just because you guys are like this! Come on! I’m going to break all of your bones!”

Armed with his own armor and a huge axe, Edham strongly expressed his will to fight back and never surrender.

Dwarves are a race that can be killed but not easily to subdue.

That’s why there was no such thing as a fine way to surrender in the Dwarve’s dictionary.

“You mean to fight me?”

Amukhan appeared with his summoned wolf spirits and said.

“Good! I highly respect your will. Warriors of the Great Haver Prairie.”

“Yes! Chief!”

“Subdue them all. But don’t kill anyone, Dwarves are very useful slaves.”


The warriors of the Kongurat Tribe, who received orders from Amukhan, attacked the Dwarves all at once.

* * *

Dwarves were basically a race with tremendous fighting power.

Although they were short, the dwarves’ strength and endurance were more than twice as strong as humans.

In addition, because they were armed with high-end weapons and armor that they have made themselves, their attributes were also amazing.

If they weren’t strong, then they wouldn’t be living in the depths of a mountain for hundred of years.

However, the fighting power of Amukhan and the Kongurat Tribe warriors was at a level that overwhelms the dwarves.

“Hahaha! How weak you dwarves are!”

“You guys are just slaves to our tribe now!” mentioned one of the Kongurat warriors to the downed and beaten dwarf he was fighting.

The warriors of the Kongurat tribe showed off their formidable fighting power in subduing the Red Anvil Dwarves one after the other.

And that wasn’t all.


The 50 spirit wolves summoned by Chief Amukhan were also very active and helped a lot in reducing the injury of the Kongurat warriors in subduing the rebelling Dwarves.

Of course, the person who played the biggest role among them was the Haver Prairie Chief Amukhan.

Dual Wield

Chief Amukhan, who freely wielded two large swords [ Turko-Mongol Saber ]², subdued Edham, the chief of the Red Anvil Tribe Dwarves in an instant.

As a typical strong character in the beginning of the game [ Territory Wars ], at this point, he showed tremendous fighting power.

In the first place, the Red Anvil Tribe was not a particularly adept tribe of Dwarves when it comes to fighting.

“This is the last warning, surrender now.”

Amukhan said, thrusting a blackened blue hued knife into Edham’s neck who was in a state of despair.

“I..will never surrender to the likes of you savages. The Red Anvil Tribe …”

However, Edham who glares at him and still resists on surrendering, even when he’s at knifepoint and any small movement of Amukhan will result in his death.

“Even if I die… Don’t give in, It would be better to die honorably than be reduced as slaves.”

“You’re an eyesore of a dwarf.”

Amukhan muttered that, and then plunged the knife to Edham’s throat and was about to proceed to slit it Edham for real.

Amukhan, the best warrior in the Haver Prairie never goes back on his words.

Don’t accept my mercy and still want to fight?

 Then Die

That’s the Law of the Prairie

Amukhan wanted to show the remaining dwarves the weight of his words by killing Edham in front of them.



A mace flew in from somewhere and directly headed to Amukhan’s head at terrifying speed.

“… !”

Amukhan upon seeing the mace instinctively threw himself away from Edham and crossed his two swords to defend himself from the attack.


The two crossed swords collided with the flying mace and a shockwave was created due to it causing a loud sound to reverberate.

“What is this?”

Amukhan who was pushed out by the attack wrinkled his face in disbelief.

It was because the power of that single attack felt as if a huge boulder had flown into him.

“Stop moving”

Kairos, who appeared as he came out of the dark tunnel, smiled.

“Jim will be taking over here, so you should go back quietly and be prepared to be dragged.”

At the same time, Camille led dozens of magic swordsmen and started besieging the Kongurat tribe warriors who were flustered by them suddenly showing up.

“Daring to do this in someone else’s village,” said Erickson.

Finally, Otto appeared with Erickson and warned Amukhan.

“If I came in without permission like you, would I have to pay any price?”

“You guys.”

Amukhan recognized Otto and opened his mouth.

“You people are the ones who stayed at the same inn as me.”

“What are you doing here?”

“I didn’t like it to begin with, but since it’s the only inn close to Mount Kashmir.”

That moment while Otto was reminiscing about the reason in which he stayed on that inn, a tick mark can be seen from Otto’s forehead.


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