I Became a Sick Nobleman

Chapter 52

Chapter 52: Can you use magic? (2)


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At the sound of birds always heard in the mansion, Ruel opened his eyes.

I looked around in a hurry and it was really the mansion.

‘How long did I… sleep?’

I didn’t have a clue.

There was no Leo, and there was no Cassion.

A day must have passed.’

Considering the current strength of recovery, that was just the right amount.


“Did you wake up?”

Cassion emerged from the shadows.

Maybe he was cooking, but he took off his usual suit top.

“How long did I sleep?”

“You slept for a day and a half.”

Ruel was relieved for now.

He had been unconscious for four days before, so he didn’t feel sick enough to at least get there.

“Aris and Leo?”

“He’s playing and training. He must have realized something since he went on the quest.”

It’s a good sign.

Ruel drew an arc with the corners of his mouth.

“I heard you asked Hina about  curses.”


“Why are you suddenly talking about curses? A curse that doesn’t contain a mana is simply a word.”

“… Yes, that’s right.”

I answered calmly, but I couldn’t hide my disappointment easily.

Cassion asked quietly, “Are you having a hard time with your illness?”

“No, it’s the same as usual, it’s just that the Red Ash and the time I got sick overlapped. It made me think for  a while.”

“Did you say it overlaps?”

“Didn’t I tell you? Originally I was healthy, but I had this disease five years ago.”

“I’ve never heard of it before.”

“I heard it for the first time from my uncle, too.”

Ruel put down his clasped hands on his knees.

“Do you want to learn about curses? To be honest, you’re not going to get much.”

“What do you think my illness is?”

“I think my personal opinion will only lead to confusion. The medical doctor and pharmacist sent by His Highness will arrive around 5pm today, so why not check it out with them then?”

“They’re coming so fast.”

Ruel inhaled the Breath.

It would have taken some time even if Banios went back to the royal family first.

‘Did you send it in advance because you knew I’d accept your offer?’

Whatever it was, Ruel decided to put aside his thoughts about his disease until they came.

“What about the Birds?”

“It can move now.”

“Then release the birds and dig behind Banios Leponia to see who the hidden ears are in Setiria.”

“Do you mind if I touch the royal family?”

Banios must have expected that, too.

It wasn’t a problem to slightly nudge them

“And find out in advance who the doctor and pharmacist will be coming this time.”

Cassion put a heat patch on Ruel’s forehead as if hitting him since he gave a series of requests.

“Can you feel it?”

“I just put it on because you had a fever.”

“You’re getting mischievous, Cassion?”

“The trick is good.”

Following Ruel, who smiled broadly, Cassion also smiled brightly.

“When are you going to visit Liberan?”

“There’s something you need to do before that.”

“Do I have to do this?”

“Yeah, I made a promise to the head of Prios, and I have to give him a present.”

Like Setiria did, Prios needed a change.

Since Ketlan, the owner of Prios, has been put on a leash, shouldn’t we at least give him a chance to handle Prios as he wants?

“And one more thing.”

He was now familiar that the demand continued to increase, even if he’s saying that it was only one.

Cassion waited patiently for the rest of his orders.

“I have a letter for Corrence Lumina and Serti Shio.”

I’d be sad if I didn’t do anything for them.


“Here you go.”

Ruel wrote a letter to each of them.

There was only one thing I was surprised about after becoming Ruel Setiria.

Ruel’s handwriting is amazing.

It must have been the calligraphy of Setiria.


It was his own handwriting, but it was amazingly beautiful.

“When will I have breakfast?” Ruel held out the letter and said.

“I’m getting it ready.”

“Then call my uncle on your way.”

“All right.”

As soon as Cassion left, Ruel recounted what Banios had said.

“I decided to send one of my people to catch the rat hiding in the Cyronian Kingdom.”

Banios intended to send himself there.

The power left by the rest of the hero lay dormant there, so he was planning to go to the Kingdom of Cyronian someday.

I didn’t know that the opportunity would come so soon.

‘Liberan is the first. And…’

Ruel stuck out his palm.

The swaying thing soon turned into a sky blue mana.

With the help of Aris, He learned to manipulate Mana little by little, and the power of resistance grew to the point where Mana materialized.

The dream of an archmage that had been thought to have flown away forever was returning.

As the power of resistance grew, it was no longer a problem to use magic.

‘Should I endure it and try poison?’

How much will the power of resistance grow if you take poison?

As Ruel took out the poison he still had and seriously pondered, a knock was heard on the door.

Ruel said to come in, putting the poison in his pocket.

“Please have a seat.”

Tyson stared at Ruel and opened his mouth.

“You’ve become more resistant. “

“I didn’t know how strong my resistance had become, so I called my uncle.”

“Do you want me to find out if your resistance is enough to use magic?”


The short answer left Tyson speechless.

He said he wanted to move, so he strengthened the magic item to move.

Feeling like he’s being threatened.

But this time he says he wants to use magic.

His heart felt like it was breaking.

Tyson opened his mouth after a long time.

“Ruel, I…”

But soon I saw Ruel again with my mouth shut.

Those eyes, which showed no hesitation, were resentful today.

“I am afraid. You know how weak your body is. I broke you with this hand. But now, why would you destroy yourself with your own hands?”

“Uncle, when I walked without a cane, I realized how wide the world is.”

“I can help you.”

“That’s right. The large tasks are for my uncle to help me with. But I don’t want to borrow my uncle’s hand for even the smallest of things.”

Looking straight at the restless Tyson, Ruel asked again, “Can I use magic?”

Tyson’s face is distorted.

He wanted to break it even though he knew it was an unbreakable stubbornness.

Ruel’s potential was, frankly, no less than Aris.

The problem is how frustrating it must be since his body is weak.


Tyson clenched his fist at Ruel’s urging.

“Give as much as you can for Mana. You have to give it until the limit.”josei

“All right.”

Ruel stretched out his palm and made Mana appear.

A mana with a sky blue color that resembles the symbol of lord also appeared.

The sheep grew larger and is now more than enough to cover the palm of Ruel’s hand.

“That’s it.”

Ruel scattered his Mana with a long breath.

It was harder than I thought.

“What do you think? Be honest with me.”

“It’s possible…you can do it.”

Tyson spoke with great difficulty.

It’s so hard to say it’s possible.

Ruel smiled, unaware of Tyson’s feelings.

“I’d like to learn a few things.”

There was a long sigh.

Tyson hesitated again and again and took a bead out of his sleeve.

“Just because you know how to manipulate mana and see it doesn’t mean that everyone can use magic. There are attributes that suit you, and the fields you can use are different. Or you may not be chosen by any attribute.”

“Are you confirming that?”

“Yeah, by the way, Aris is a wizard who can handle all the attributes of what we call the four elements.”

As expected, I picked it up well.

Ruel smiled contentedly.

He raised his hand on the bead, wondering what would come out.

Contrary to the expectation that colors such as red and yellow would pop out, a figure that a kindergarten child might have drawn came out.

The box followed and suddenly appeared, and a hand came out of the shadow of the person in the picture, and lifted and lowered the box.

That was the end of the video.

So what?

Ruel saw Tyson right away.

“What’s this?”

Tyson couldn’t bring it up easily.

He moved his lips with a look on his face, not knowing whether to cry or rejoice.

“It is dark. It is a very rare attribute.”

“Black magic?”

“Black magic has the color of darkness, but it is not darkness. The only thing you can do is cast shadows.”

“Why is the shadow dark?”

I was disappointed because I imagined myself enjoying the force of the devil by wrapping around the black things for a moment.

“Shadows are often classified as another part of a person. And everything, living or dead, has a shadow, hence the name darkness.”

Tyson smiled vaguely, not genuinely pleased or sorry.

The smile made Ruel feel uneasy for no reason.

“Is it a useful attribute?”

“To be honest, we don’t have the proper data yet because of the rarity. You can’t call shadow nature, so it’s usually different from magic.”

“It sounds like you can’t teach me.”

“What I know is very shallow. But remember this. ‘Darkness is not borrowing, but summoning.’ It’s a phrase that definitely goes into any thesis related to the dark attribute.”

“What does that mean?”

“Magic is usually borrowed from nature. Its scope does not deviate from nature’s properties.”


Ruel could not hide his frowning expression.

It was difficult.

Concepts and practice were different.

No matter how many novels I read about using magic, I didn’t have a clue because I couldn’t really use them.

“I’ll help you from the side, so don’t worry.”

The expression of regret on Tyson’s face disappeared, and academic curiosity and interest were shown through the gap.

So wizard-like.

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