I Became A Supporting Character

Chapter 15 The System Is Never Wrong

Chapter 15 The System Is Never Wrong

"10 billion."

Malik made an offer.

"Why don't I know this young man?"

"If this young man is from a big family, I should know him."

"Why does this young man dare to offend young master Gunawan?"

"I don't think the young man knows who he has offended."

'It seems this stone is very important to the protagonist?' Gunawan thought.

About the map pieces he had won. Gunawan can guess that Malik has another map fragment.

Because of that, Malik did not continue with the offer for the map, Malik thought he could take the map fragments from me.

Gunawan could guess what Malik was thinking.

'Unfortunately you met me.' Gunawan ridiculed Malik's thoughts.

'Then let's see how much money does the mercenary king have?'

"50 billion."

Even though Gunawan could exchange the villain's points for money, he didn't.

500 villain points can be exchanged for 500 billion.

Because he still has the support of his family, why does Gunawan have to exchange his villain points?

For now, Gunawan will not exchange his Villain points for money.

However, if Gunawan has no other choice, Gunawan is willing to exchange his Villain points.

If Malik raises another bid, Gunawan will have to call his father.

'Spending 50 billion to buy an agate that only costs around 6 million?'

'Young master Gunawan is very generous.' Malik mocked Gunawan.

'Since you can still smile, I guess 50 billion is nothing to you?'

"100 billion."

Malik said.

'How about now? can you still smile?'

Malik immediately looked at Gunawan.

Sure enough, Gunawan changed his expression.

Even though his family was not lacking in money, 100 billion was not a small amount, he had to seek approval from his father.

Besides, Gunawan hasn't made any money yet.

Then, Gunawan contacted his father.

His father gave his approval, but did not exceed 200 billion.

If Malik offers a price that exceeds 200 billion, Gunawan will exchange his Villain points for money.

Since Malik wanted to buy this item at a high price, it was obvious that this item was very important.

Gunawan thought that, if he managed to buy this stone, he would get bigger Villain points.

The more important the opportunities of the protagonist you seize, the more Villain points you receive.

The system had said that before.

Finally Gunawan smiled again, this time his smile was wider.

"130 billion." Gunawan offers a price.

"Is this stone worth this much?"

"Just look at young master Gunawan's expression, he smiled wider."

"Does young master Gunawan know the secret of this stone?"

"Does that young man still dare to raise the price?"

Seeing Gunawan who smiled again. However, his smile became even wider.

Malik then thought.

'After calling someone, this Gunawan smiled again?'

Malik thinks that Gunawan is getting more financial support from this person.

'Then let's see how long you can maintain your current expression?'

Malik then raised his bid.

"300 billion."

Hearing the offer from Malik, the guests discussed.

"Does this young man have that kind of money?"

"It turns out that this young man dares to compete with young master Gunawan."

"If this young man can shell out 300 billion, I think he must have a solid background."

"Interesting. Let's see who wins the stone in the end."

Hearing the offer from Malik, Gunawan was shocked.

'Looks like I have to exchange the Villain points.'

Besides being surprised, Gunawan is also happy, doesn't that mean this stone is very precious?

If not, Malik will not bid such a high amount.

Gunawan immediately made a decision.

'System, exchange 500 Outlaw points for money.'

[Are you sure about your choice, host?]

'I am very confident.'

[Exchange successful! 500 billion has been sent to the host's account. You can check it.]

After checking his account, Gunawan then offered a price.

"500 billion."

"500 billion is not a small amount, has Gunawan notified his family?"

"I think he already did."

"Does the young man still have money?"

Because Gunawan was still bidding, Malik then called Adhi.

Malik asked if he would still bid for the stone.

"You can continue bidding."

Since Adhi had said so, Malik no longer hesitated.

"600 billion."

Because Malik was still bidding on the stone, Gunawan could no longer smile.

Gunawan was currently wearing a serious expression.

"I asked the auctioneer to check the young man, does he have 600 billion?"

The guests also thought like Gunawan, they doubted that Malik had that much money.

Suddenly Susan's cell phone rang. It turned out that the one who called him was the butler of the Lesmana family. Then Susan immediately answered.

"Miss Susan, you don't have to worry that the young man doesn't have enough money, young master Adhi will pay if the young man wins the stone."

Because the butler of the Lesmana family had already spoken, Susan immediately said to the guests.

"Dear guests, I have confirmation that the young man has a sufficient amount of money."

Gunawan was surprised. 'Who helped Malik?'

'I will think about this later.'

"700 billion." Gunawan said.

If Malik is still bidding, Gunawan will call his father back. Gunawan will say that he will learn about business.

Since Gunawan is the young master, he will inherit the Hartanto family business. But, the owner of this body only knows how to enjoy life.

Because of that, his spending was limited by his father.

If Gunawan said he would study business, his father would allow him to use more money.

After all, if he manages to win the stone, Gunawan will get a large amount of Villain points.

Then, Gunawan will buy stock trading skills from the system.

With these skills, Gunawan no longer has to worry about money problems.

Seeing Gunawan's expression, Adhi felt that this was enough. Adhi then called Malik back.

"Malik, you can stop bidding."

Hearing Adhi's words, Malik also agreed.

Seeing Gunawan's current expression, Malik is already satisfied.

Karina who had been dumbfounded for a long time, returned to her original expression.

'Finally Malik stopped bidding.' Karina felt relieved.

"Malik, do you have that kind of money?" Karina asked.

Because his wife asked, Malik immediately answered.

"No dear, I just tricked this young master Gunawan."

Karina was very impressed with Malik's courage.

"How did you know that Gunawan would also bid for the stone?"

Until now, Malik still doesn't understand why Gunawan targeted him.

Maybe Adhi knows why Gunawan targeted him.

Because Malik didn't know how to explain it, Malik then said. "I'm just guessing."josei

Because Malik didn't want to tell the truth, Karina no longer asked.

Finally the stone was won by Gunawan.

Gunawan really wanted to know how Malik's expression at this time?

Not only can he successfully plunder the protagonist's opportunities, he will also get a large amount of villain points.

'Looks like I made the right choice for exchanging Villain points for money.'

Thinking of this, Gunawan smiled again.

'Is the system able to recognize the stone?'

'I'll try that later.'

Gunawan almost forgot the notification from the system.

'System, why isn't the notification showing?'

[Because the host did not plunder the protagonist's chance]

'What? Didn't I manage to plunder the protagonist's chance?'

[The host does not plunder the protagonist's chances.]

'System, are you sure there are no errors?'

[The system is never wrong.]

'Fuck, what's going on?' Gunawan cursed.

After calming down, Gunawan started to think.

By the end of the event, Gunawan could not find out how he had been framed.

Gunawan couldn't believe Malik could come up with a plan like this.

Obviously someone is helping Malik, but who? Lesmana family? The Basuki family?

Gunawan thought that a Villain had framed him.

It's possible that the Villain recently met Malik. then, the Villain sets Malik as his prey.

Seeing that I was going to plunder Malik's opportunity, the Villain thwarted my plan.

As for how the Villains plan, Gunawan has already guessed it.

The last item to be auctioned must have been arranged by the Villain, then the Villain called Malik, asking him to offer a price.

Gunawan saw that Malik was indeed talking to someone on a cell phone.

[Ding! Host has been tricked by the Protagonist, host's luck -50.]

'Damn it, you bastard.'

Gunawan finally felt the feelings that had been experienced by Haris.

However, unlike Haris who had surrendered, Gunawan would of course take revenge.

'I will remember this complaint.'

Gunawan immediately contacted the butler, ordering him to monitor the movements of the young master of the Lesmana family and the young master of the Basuki family.

Because it was already 21:50. Adhi immediately sent Yuni back.

After sending Yuni back, Adhi immediately returned to his house.

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