I Became A Supporting Character

Chapter 26 Golf Club

Chapter 26 Golf Club

According to Rangga, the young lady would not dare to offend the Adinata family.

Since this young master was from the Adinata family, according to the shopkeeper, there was no need to offend this young master for the sake of an unremarkable young man.

The shopkeeper thought that Jamal's identity couldn't be compared to this young master.

Also, the shopkeeper thought that young miss would think like him.

The shopkeeper then called the young miss back.

"Young lady, the young man who also wanted to buy the stone turned out to be young master Rangga Adinata."

Before the shopkeeper could continue her words, the young miss immediately said.

"Are my words not clear enough?"

The young lady immediately ended the call.

Hearing this, the shopkeeper became confused.

'Young miss is more concerned about this ordinary young man, than the Adinata family's young master?'

This young man must have a strong background, for the young miss to be willing to offend the Adinata family.

'Who is this young man?' the shop keeper is very curious about Jamal's identity.

"Sorry young master, young miss has decided to sell this inscription stone to that young man."

"I will remember this complaint." Rangga said angrily.

Because the young lady would not change her mind and Rangga's plan had failed, Rangga immediately left the shop.

Rangga will find out which family owns this shop.

Since the young miss was fearless, it seemed that her family had not had it easy either.

There was no way that young miss would not know the consequences of offending the Adinata family.

[Ding! The host has failed to change the plot, earning the hatred of the protagonist. Host luck -50.]


Rangga was very angry.

Inside the antique shop.

Jamal was very confused, he felt he didn't know the young lady, why did the young lady help him?

Moreover, it seemed that the young man had a strong background.

Jamal immediately asked the shopkeeper about the young lady.

'Shouldn't this young man know the young miss?'

'Too many things I don't understand.' The shopkeeper complained in his heart.

Since this young man had already asked, the shopkeeper then said the young miss' name.

"The name of the young lady is Yuni Raharja."

Jamal would remember the name.

Because the problem was solved, Jamal thanked him, then Jamal left the shop.

In a company.

Previously, Adhi received a report from one of the bodyguards that he assigned to monitor Jamal's movements.

After recalling, Adhi finally remembered that the shop belonged to the Raharja family, then Adhi immediately asked for help from Yuni.

Yuni agrees to Adhi's request with one condition.

Because Adhi didn't mind the terms, Adhi agreed.

Time 14:35.

Adhi is on his way to one of the golf clubs.

The journey takes over an hour.

Upon arriving, Adhi could see Budi who was already waiting.

"Hello, young master Adhi."

After seeing Adhi, Budi immediately said hello.

"Hello Uncle Budi."

"Wow, you turned out to be very handsome, no wonder many girls idolize you."

"Even my daughter also idolizes you."

They chatted while walking towards the golf course.

Upon arriving at the golf course, Budi immediately asked the purpose of Adhi's visit.

"May I help you, young master Adhi?"

Budi could guess Adhi's reason for meeting him, he had experienced something like this many times.

It's not that he doesn't want to sell his shares, it's just that no one has been able to offer a suitable price yet.

PT. Pure Energy Tbk. Will distribute interim dividends for this year worth 20 trillion.

With 17% of shares owned by Budi. He will earn around 3 trillion.

Coupled with the final dividend, this year Budi will receive around 8 trillion in cash.

As for the price of shares owned by Budi?

1 share of PT Pure Energy Tbk costs 20 thousand, as for the number of outstanding shares? About 32 billion pieces.

If Budi sells his 17% stake, the price will be around 100 trillion.

Because Budi had asked, Adhi then said his goal was to meet Budi.josei

"I will discuss a very important matter."

Adhi looked at the golf caddy.

Budi understood it immediately, he said a few words to the golf caddy, then the golf caddy immediately left.

"Uncle can see for himself." Adhi said handing over a document.

Budi took the document, then he began to read its contents.

After Budi finished reading the document, his face showed an extremely ugly expression.

Not only is there evidence that he hired hitmen, the documents also contain evidence that his son was involved with drugs.

"So what do you want?"

Since Adhi had shown this document to him, of course Budi knew Adhi's purpose.

Because Budi had already asked, Adhi immediately said what he wanted.

"I want uncle to hand over the ownership of the shares to me."

Budi had already guessed it, but he didn't want to lose too much.

"I can agree if you buy it at a reasonable price."

Adhi already suspected that Budi would say this.

However Budi is a businessman.

"What about 100 billion? I think that price is very reasonable." Adi said.

"100 billion is too low, you can earn 8 trillion in a few months."

"What about 1 trillion?" Adhi made another offer.

"You also know how much my 17% stock is worth."

The price offered by Adhi was too low, Budi did not agree.

"3 trillion, if the uncle doesn't agree I will go.

A few minutes later.

Having no choice, Budi finally agreed.

After the transfer of shares was completed, Budi decided to move abroad.

Initially the Lesmana family owned a 21% stake in PT Pure Energy Tbk.

After the transfer of shares is complete, the Lesmana family will hold 38% of the shares.

Because the conversation was over, Adhi left the golf club.

Adi immediately returned to his house.

After arriving home, Adhi called his father.

"So, how much did Budi ask to transfer his share ownership?"

Because he is a fellow businessman, Adhi's father can guess that Budi will still bid.

"Not much, father. Only 3 trillion."

Since Adhi's father is also a shareholder in the same company as Budi, his father knows how much Budi has lost.

His father could imagine Budi's expression after selling his shares for 3 trillion.

"For the handing over of shares, father will take care of it."

As his father had said, Adhi naturally agreed.

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