I Became A Thief Who Steals Overpowered Skills

Chapter 48 The Dragon’s Tail

Chapter 48 The Dragon’s Tail

“…I’m going to die.”

A day after Charlotte left, Kraush woke up groaning in pain that seemed to engulf his entire body.

The duel with Charlotte had lasted a mere three seconds.

Yet, it was he who had damaged himself more than Charlotte’s attacks had.

But there was no helping it.

Against someone like Charlotte, showing his full power without holding anything back was the only method available.

Thanks to which, he managed to land a significant blow on that monstrous Charlotte, though it was just a scratch on her aura.

“Is that really something to laugh about?”

Kraush, who had caught himself chuckling, forced his lips into a straight line upon the critical remark issued by Crimson Garden from the window.

“What else can I do? Although the preparatory process was lengthy, the technique I practiced succeeded, and even Sister got hit by it.”

Annihilation Erosion.

It was a new technique Kraush had conceived by combining Annihilation Erosion and the Art of Fusion, featuring unparalleled destructive power.

If he honed it, it could become a secret technique capable of annihilating an opponent with the first strike.

‘Honestly, because it’s Charlotte, she blocked it.’

Kraush was confident there was no one among his peers who could defend against that strike.

Seeing as that was the case, even Crimson Garden’s ridicule couldn’t dampen his spirits that praise wouldn’t be enough.

“You are the student I trained; I never thought you would delight over such things. Honestly, do you enjoy getting hurt and inflicting pain on yourself, you intractable pervert?”

“Don’t make me out to be something odd.”

Protesting Crimson Garden’s remark, Kraush slowly pulled himself to his feet.

Although his body ached all over, he had kept his aura flowing continuously since morning.

So he was at least able to move around.

‘Lying around would be a waste of time.’

He had to hand over the Golden Dragon Grass and Snow-White Heat Mushroom to Darling to create an elixir.

Therefore, Kraush got up despite his wretched condition.


In that moment, the door to Kraush’s room swung open.

Bianca was standing there, holding a tray with porridge on it.

As Bianca’s expressionless gaze met Kraush’s, his movements halted as he reached for his clothes.

Bianca’s eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly, and Kraush realized it meant she was upset.

“Mr. Kraush.”

“You need to get up if you’re going to eat porridge.”

Having said that, Kraush shuffled toward a chair and flopped down into it.

Bianca, who had been observing him silently, eventually placed the tray of porridge on the table.

Kraush had a knack for detail.

Taking a spoonful of the porridge Bianca handed to him, he realized something.

‘Bianca made this.’

The porridge was sweet.

And this sweetness was reminiscent of the sandwiches he had eaten before.

Is this what suits a child’s palate?

While Kraush pondered this, he tasted the porridge and spoke.

“It’s delicious.”

“Thank you.”

Bianca responded immediately, seemingly without any intent to hide that she was the cook.

“You’ve been cooking quite a bit lately. Do you find it fun?”

In the past, Kraush had never seen Bianca cook.

Out of curiosity, and after all he’d scarcely seen her do anything else, he asked her.

Bianca leaned on the table and replied, resting her arms on it.

“It’s fun watching you eat, Mr. Kraush.”

“Do I eat that amusingly?”

“I’m not sure myself.”

But since Bianca seemed to be in a good mood, Kraush finished his porridge without further comment.

It was a bit sweet but not tasteless.

Moreover, having something in his stomach revitalized him.

After gulping down a restorative potion Bianca prepared, Kraush loosened up a bit more.

“I’ll be heading over to Danphelion’s today.”

Kraush mentioned this, turning to look at Bianca.

“Do you want to come along?”

“Did you intend to leave me behind?”

Bianca pouted as if it was obvious she would accompany him.

Now accustomed to this, Kraush paused while changing to gaze at Bianca.

“Aren’t you leaving?”


Suddenly remembering, Bianca rose from her seat, carrying the plate of porridge, and looked at Kraush again.

“Should I help you dress?”

“Do I look like a child?”

“Well, you’re not an adult.”

His retorts had increased lately.

Kraush gestured for her to leave already, and Bianca stepped out of the room.

Watching her go, Kraush changed clothes and went outside.

Bianca was already waiting there.

As Kraush began walking, Bianca followed closely behind as usual.

It seemed to have become a habit of sorts.

Kraush then saw Aliod, who had been waiting for him, and addressed him.

“Aliod, to Danphelion’s.”

“Yes, Young Master.”

It was time to make the elixir.

* * *

The Danphelion family, famous for their alchemy.

True to their reputation, as soon as Kraush’s carriage entered the street, the distinct smell of chemicals lingered in the air.

“It stinks.”

Just like before, with her sensitive nose, Bianca pinched her nose shut.

Although she would grow accustomed to it over time, there was nothing to be done about it now.

This scent was practically the emblem of Danphelion.

“We’re almost there.”

Kraush announced as he stepped out of the stopped carriage.

There it was, a manor divided into three sections.

One of these was entirely dedicated to Danphelion’s most prized alchemy.

This was where Kraush was headed.

“This place looks splendid.”

“Thanks to a request to the Tower, the exterior of the manor has been enchanted with scent-removing magic.”

Alchemy required the ability to discern by smell, so nothing could be done about the interior.

As Kraush entered the manor, a high-ceilinged library with its countless books was the first thing to greet him.

Bianca, who loved books, glistened her eyes at the sight.

It seemed Kraush might have to buy her a few books on the way.

That’s when footsteps echoed from within the library.

When Kraush looked up, there she was, a girl with flowing blonde hair.

“Darling, you came?”

Darling Danphelion.

She was the future Sovereign of Alchemy.

“Who’s your darling? Stop it; it’s nauseating.”

“Why so? We’ve been accomplices in the shadows.”

Darling chuckled as if she found Kraush’s reaction amusing.

Then, turning to Bianca beside him, she smiled brightly and waved.

“Hi there, little miss! Long time no see!”


“Aww, how cute.”

Delighted by Bianca’s courteous bow, Darling behaved as though she’d seen a cute creature.

Kraush handed over a bag to Darling, who was still reveling in Bianca’s innocence.

“Golden Dragon Grass and Snow-White Heat Mushroom.”

“You really got them. Impressive.”

She admired Kraush with a glimpse.

“How was the potency of the chemicals?”

When Kraush scrunched up his face, Darling burst into uncontrollable laughter.


“Can I punch you now?”

“Just a second, ugh, my stomach, puhuhuhuk.”

Watching Darling’s face turn red from laughter, Kraush merely flicked his tongue in response.

Bianca alone seemed puzzled, unable to fathom what had changed in Kraush.

With one more round of Darling’s laughter ringing loud, the trio moved deeper into the alchemical hall.

Just as its name suggested, numerous alchemists moved busily within it.

They discussed ongoing experiments and trudged around, weariness evident in their steps.

“Speaking of which, isn’t it hard to keep calling you little? You’ve grown quite a bit. Pretty soon you’ll catch up.”

“I’ll catch up within the year.”

“Heh, it won’t seem strange even if you have a boyfriend then.”

Was she still going on about that?

Catching the hint from Kraush’s glance, Bianca seemed too preoccupied exploring her surroundings to care.

“This is my room!”

After enduring Darling’s idle talk during their walk, Kraush finally arrived at her room.

Staring at the door labeled ‘Darling Danphelion’ with disdain, Darling flung it open.

“Come on in, welcome!”

She beamed with excitement as she ushered Kraush and Bianca in.

Inside was a tidily arranged alchemical laboratory, contrary to Kraush’s expectations.

Thinking it might resemble Ebelasque’s disarray, he looked back at Darling, somewhat taken aback.

“You keep things tidy.”

“What did you take me for? I like cleanliness. Plus, there’s a lot of dangerous stuff in alchemy, so if you don’t keep it organized, it’s the recipe for disaster.”

Sorry, but a future Sovereign of Alchemy like Darling won’t be able to pay attention to such things.

With the World Erosion a constant plague, they return messed up daily, too busy to have a moment’s peace.

‘These are certainly your happy days.’

Kraush looked at Darling somewhat pitifully.

“Then shall we start making the elixir? All good?”


Apparently having prepared the other ingredients, Darling immediately began crafting the elixir.

Meanwhile, Kraush joined Bianca in sitting down, watching her work.

Bianca seemed bored and had soon opened a book to read while Kraush stared intently at Darling’s back.josei

Reminded of old times while looking at her, considerably younger than in his memories, Kraush felt nostalgic.

[ Hmm, she definitely has talent. ]

Looking at Darling’s alchemy, Crimson Garden gave a high appraisal of her talent.

Kraush, not well-versed in alchemy, just watched, while Crimson Garden seemed to see something else entirely.

About an hour later…

“Whew, done.”

After adding a final drop of diluted red liquid to the round elixir, Darling looked satisfied with the result.

She turned to Kraush, still gloved, the elixir in her grasp.

“Is it complete?”

“Yeah, it’s done. The nameless elixir!”

Apparently because it wasn’t her recipe, Darling spoke with suspicion.

[ Ask if there’s a training ground. It’s best to consume that elixir in an empty place. ]

Honoring Crimson Garden’s request for the elixir, Kraush relayed her words to Darling.

Following this, Darling wrapped the elixir in cloth and motioned for them to follow.

Clearly, she also sensed the effect of the elixir and acted accordingly.

“Bianca, we’re heading to the training ground.”


Without taking her eyes off the book, Bianca rose from the chair.

Then, she clutched Kraush’s clothes tightly from behind with one hand while reading as they walked.

It must have been an interesting part of the book.

The place they were led to, courtesy of Darling, was an empty training hall within the alchemical wing.

“This place is used for experiments related to elixirs. We have knights on our side, too. When it’s in use, no one enters, so feel free to use it as you like.”

Darling spoke, handing the elixir to Kraush.

“Is it okay if I watch you use it?”

When Kraush glanced at Crimson Garden, she nodded in agreement.


Receiving the elixir from Darling, Kraush approached the center of the training ground.

Crimson Garden flapped her wings, landing in front of him.

[ Swallow the elixir, and sit cross-legged. ]

Finally, the time to ingest the elixir had arrived.

Kraush swallowed it whole.

Despite the bitter and brackish taste, he endured and felt a sudden warmth brewing within him.

Then, sitting down cross-legged, it seemed as if Crimson Garden was laughing for some reason.

Kraush sensed a malicious intent in her expression.

The warmth from the ingested elixir grew hotter within him, spreading throughout his body.

“What have I just eaten?”

“Did you eat it without even knowing?”

Wondering if Darling expected him to answer his own question, she replied with a look of dismay.

[ The elixir you consumed is called the Nine-Weeps Transformation Pill. A miraculous pill said to transform one into a dragon after facing nine sobs. ]

Following Crimson Garden’s explanation, the boiling heat within Kraush suddenly spread to every part of his body.

Simultaneously, the heat began to wildly prick him all over like needles.

There was unquestionably pain.

But amidst it, Kraush’s eyes merely blinked.

[ Endure it just nine times. Only then will you become stronger. Enduring pain is your forte, isn’t it? ]

While endurance was his field of expertise, there was certainly a sensation of spreading pain, yet it wasn’t unbearable.

‘Has it not begun yet?’

Kraush had been on edge thanks to Crimson Garden’s warnings, but the expected nine sobs had yet to come.

Observing him, Crimson Garden herself began to sense an anomaly.

[ …Aren’t you feeling anything? ]

“…Doesn’t it hurt?”

Crimson Garden and Darling asked in unison, clearly confused.

Judging by their reactions, the effects should have manifested by now.

“…Well, I can’t help feeling pain, but it doesn’t seem that bad.”

And Kraush began to gradually realize what this sensation was.

Long before, he had suffered from a curse called the Needle Malignancy, which felt as if needles were piercing his entire body.

This sensation was similar to that.

Because the pain was familiar, the shock was less severe.

Soon after, he also felt a sensation as if lightning were scorching his insides, another memory that recalled a similar curse he had experienced before.

It was endurable.

This too was just another pain he had already faced.

[ …What have you been through? ]

Crimson Garden stared at Kraush in disbelief.

Without even a single sob, the sight of him nonchalantly facing the pill’s effects seemed abnormal to her.

Kraush felt uneasy himself.

Now he could see what Arthur meant when he talked about being ruined by curses.

[ …Tsk, you’ve had too many odd experiences. ]

Crimson Garden clicked her tongue, looking at Kraush, who still appeared perfectly fine.

She had figured out why the Nine-Weeps Transformation Pill didn’t affect him as expected.

[ Since it’s come to this, absorb it properly. The more you focus, the better the absorption rate will be. ]

In that case, he would use the situation to his advantage.

Kraush heeded her words, focusing on the elixir’s effects.

[ Let’s see if you can at least become the tail of the dragon. ]

It was time to rise from the head of a serpent.

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