I Became A Thief Who Steals Overpowered Skills

Chapter 54 What Have You Been Up To?

Chapter 54 What Have You Been Up To?

Dorothy, a first-year student at the distinguished Halgram Magic Academy, vanished, and with her disappearance, Aslan fell apart. Lirina vaguely understood that something significant had happened between Aslan and her, but as she was not directly involved, she didn’t know the reason for the disappearance.

What about Kraush?

‘I know it all.’

On his way back to the Blue Sea Knights’ quarters after hearing Lirina’s request, Kraush was reflecting on a story once told by Aslan.

[ Do you really need to go around like this to hear a story you already know? Looking at that guy, I feel like he would just surrender the Lunar Body if it were taken from him. ]

“No, he wouldn’t just surrender.”

Kraush lightly snorted in dismissal.

Having spent time with Aslan, Kraush knew of his exceptional stubbornness. Even if it went in a direction that wasn’t beneficial to him, his stubbornness would never break. That’s why Kraush was certain. That bastard, on the brink of death, would likely reveal Dial if the Black Hood used the Lunar Body. After all, the Lunar Body was one of the causes behind Aslan’s stubborn nature.

“Plus, the Igrit family may not be as prominent as the Balheim, but they are from the family of the world’s ten strongest, the Flame King.”

Of course, their boundary is heavily guarded, and they have more than a few anti-magic security devices. So, a direct intrusion would most likely lead to capture.

“You, being a crow, may not worry, but it’s different for humans.”

Hence, the need to create an opportunity for an official visit using the least conspicuous method – that meant sneaking into the estate as an acquaintance of Lirina. Given the Igrit family’s considerable grounds, it was common for servants and attendants to invite acquaintances to meet in the estate without much trouble.

“And personally, I’m not going to hold a grudge against that guy.”

Aslan Igrit, called the Flame Emperor despite possessing the Lunar Body. It was the very self-immolation that allowed him to forcibly erase the Lunar Body that gave him the nickname. Thus, the Aslan whom Kraush met was covered in scars from burns. The venomous eyes wrapped in bandages on the first day they met were still vivid in his memory.

‘Though he eventually got over those looks.’

Nevertheless, Aslan burned himself too much in the process. He even sacrificed his own life force, which shortened his lifespan, and he ended his life at the young age of twenty-four. In a way, he was the only one from the Skyborne Generation who died of natural causes.

‘The Flame Emperor is necessary.’

Though his malevolence was acute, Aslan was one of the few who Kraush could communicate with. A man like that should not be left to die.

‘The Annihilation of the worst kind in the world doesn’t just happen one at a time.’

Kraush had witnessed the world’s destruction with his own eyes. He knew all too well how futile the Skyborne Generation was against the worst simultaneously.

He shall prevent the destruction.

Therefore, as Kraush was finishing off the worst, he needed others who could at least hold off and withstand different worsts. Arthur would surely have chosen those three ladies for the role.

They were, after all, talented enough to be up to the task. Indeed, there were none who had given Arthur as much time to appear as those three ladies had. Kraush acknowledged that much.

‘But this time will be different.’

Kraush had no intention of leaving those three ladies to their own devices this time. They had wreaked havoc more than once or twice. Instead, he would seize a different piece. And one of those pieces was precisely the Flame Emperor Aslan Igrit.

If he had been alive up to the point when the worst began, he would have surely blocked at least one head-on.

‘So this time I won’t let that happen to him.’

Would I let his life slip away after thrashing about this much?

‘I’ll make you struggle as much as I do, Aslan.’

With thoughts uncertain whether for his sake or for Aslan’s, Kraush proceeded forward.

[ So, how do you plan to look for this Dorothy? ]

That’s when Crimson Garden asked the question.

Hearing her question, Kraush shrugged his shoulders.

“I’m not looking for her.”

[ Didn’t you just say you were going to find her? ]

“I can’t. So, to be precise, Dorothy no longer exists in this world.”

And with that, a bombshell dropped.

[ What? Then what’s your plan? To summon Ebelasque to resurrect her? ]

“That’s impossible too. There’s likely not even a corpse left. She was burned to death by the hands of the Flame King.”

Challenged with yet another bombshell, Crimson Garden looked stunned.

[ What exactly are you planning to do? ]

Kraush casually cleared his throat.

“I’m going to resurrect Dorothy.”

[ Am I the only one who doesn’t understand what you’re saying? ]

“You’ll understand in due time.”

Kraush lifted his head.

“The Egg of the Spirit King.”

[ …Oh no. ]

Crimson Garden clicked her tongue as a forbidden name was mentioned.

“I’ll steal the egg and use it to resurrect Dorothy. She’s a spirit, after all.”

* * *

A spirit.

What is that, exactly?

A spirit, put simply, is a type of erosion species.

They emanate from one of the world’s restricted areas – the domain of the Spirit King.

Spirits are born there, grow, and venture into the world. Dorothy was one of those spirits.

The forest of the Spirit King was actually not far from Halgram.

The reason was simple.

The Red Spire and Ignis managed it together to slow the growth of the Spirit King’s forest because the flame magic of the Flame King worked best for reducing its size.

Thus, they diligently managed it every day to ensure the forest did not expand.

Now Kraush stood before the walls that surrounded the Spirit King’s forest.

“Not many go through so much trouble willingly.”

Before the wall, Kraush heard a familiar voice and turned his head.

There stood a woman he’d seen before.

Her uniform revealed, along with her swollen belly.

Her fiery red hair and the dark moles beneath it were visible.

This was a member of Sephira, who had recently visited Kraush to investigate the world’s erosion.

“Why did you insist on bringing this child all the way here?”

Crimson Garden looked at Kraush disapprovingly and clicked her tongue.

“Are you being too hard on your master?”

“When have you ever told me to use what I can when I can? Right now, you’re my only card.”

The King of Spirits’ forest was a restricted area, heavily monitored.

Should anything untoward happen within the Spirit King’s forest, an immediate response was expected, hence the surveillance.

Therefore, only those with proper authorization from higher-ups were allowed access.

And who could obtain such permission?

None other than the member of Sephira under Crimson Garden.

Upon her chest, instead of the fourth-grade badge seen previously, she now carried a third-grade one – she had been promoted again.

With such credentials, she had enough authority to freely enter and exit the restricted area for inspection.

It seemed Crimson Garden took great care in nurturing her subordinate.

“Do you harbor ambitions to become the head of Sephira?”

“Pfft, that’s a position I wouldn’t accept even if offered. My servant is simply too competent.”

Saying so, she dissolved the color in her hair.

Then she pulled out a badge for Kraush from her pocket and threw it at him.

Receiving the badge, he saw the insignia of Sephira’s fourth grade – clearly prepared by her to grant him entry into the forest.

“If you wish to settle affairs, you may enter, but do you really intend to go inside? To be honest, I’m against it.”

Crimson Garden showed discomfort at the scent emanating from the Spirit King’s forest.

Had she done something in the Spirit King’s forest before?

Kraush asked, puzzled, and continued.

“Yes, to resolve the issue, I need an egg. And the forest of the Spirit King is safer than other restricted areas.”

He had already experienced the Spirit King’s forest firsthand.

For Kraush, nothing much was difficult.

“Uh, then I don’t want to go in. Just you go.”

“Why this sudden complaint? You know I can’t enter without you.”

Prodded by Kraush, she finally clicked her tongue.

She started walking briskly.

“Don’t you regret it later.”

While they walked, her hair had returned to its original black color.

Kraush also got his badge ready and donned his robe’s hood as he followed. Soon after, soldiers appeared at the entrance.

Recognizing Crimson Garden’s uniform and badge, they straightened up.

A member of Sephira’s third grade was a lofty figure to ordinary soldiers, after all.

“I’m the 3rd grade officer of Sephira, Myrhis, previously notified to you. This is Krad, 4th grade officer, accompanying me.”

“Yes, we have been informed. We will open the gate immediately, please wait.”

The soldier began to move promptly.

Sephira regularly checked on restricted areas, so the soldiers could act swiftly.

The gate creaked open with a rumble after a moment.

Light dust, which could cause dermatitis on human skin but was beautiful to behold, began to spill out from inside.

“Are you fine with no escorts?”

“Yes, the 4th-grade officer is combat trained.”

Kraush nodded lightly.

The soldiers had no particular reason to doubt, despite his youthful appearance, since Sephira specialized in world erosion.

“Here, this magic respirator helps with breathing in the light dust. Please check the charge and duration and keep it charged with aura.”

Kraush and Crimson Garden expertly attached the respirators provided by the soldiers.

After exchanging brief greetings with the soldiers, they entered the forest gates.

The light stung his eyes through the respirator, causing Kraush to squint for a moment before slowly opening them.

Before him, golden light dust fluttered like petals, and enormous trees began to come into view.

This was the restricted area.

The forest of the Spirit King.

For the erosion species known as spirits, it was a paradise.

Was it because this was the first time he’d been in a restricted area in this life? The feeling was different, as was the perception of the world’s erosion emanating from the entire area.

‘Breathing alone would likely increase the world’s erosion at this level.’

Truly, the restricted area lived up to its reputation.

Walking in skilled in the art of Extreme Blood Poison, he came to understand anew the dangers of the restricted zone.

Squeak, thud!

As the gates closed behind them, Kraush wrapped a faint aura around his body and stood next to Crimson Garden.

“Let’s go. I know where the egg is.”


As Kraush moved to walk, Crimson Garden suddenly called out to him.

She was gazing intently up at the sky.

“I hoped to be silent about this unless necessary, but it seems I have no choice.”

Kraush blinked.

“What are you trying to tell me?”

It was then a rumbling noise began descending from the sky.

As Kraush belatedly looked up, at the edge of the sky, tainted gold by world erosion, something black was rushing fiercely towards them.

“Let’s escape first, then talk.”

With no delay, Crimson Garden clapped her hands together.

Several red magic circles appeared beneath her feet, and in an instant, they were both transported.josei

Rolling on the ground in the Spirit King’s forest, Kraush realized they had been relocated by Crimson Garden’s spatial magic.

Meanwhile, she seemed to be feeling dizzy, clutching at her head.

Her servant, Myrhis, was well-versed in literature, not in martial prowess.

Thus, using her mana with a limited aura led to dizziness.

“Ugh, damn, so what’s going on?”

Feeling the disorientation, Kraush adjusted his respirator and asked.

An unexpected spatial shift was unlike Crimson Garden.

She then looked at the golden sky through the trees and spoke.

“…In the past, I needed something from the Spirit King’s forest, so I had my servant fetch a spirit.”

“What did you do?”

Kraush made an incredulous face, and she just wore a troubled look.

“And after fulfilling her duties, my servant did not return the spirit, instead choosing to travel the world with it extensively.”

“Hey, wait, Crimson….”

However, Kraush’s expression began to change as he heard the rest of her confession.

“That wouldn’t happen to be the very first Spirit Master from long ago, would it?”


Crimson Garden remained silent.

The very first Spirit Master.

The world’s only recorded Spirit Master.

That was none other than Crimson Garden’s servant.

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