I Became A Thief Who Steals Overpowered Skills

Chapter 7 The Sanctuary of Stars

Chapter 7 The Sanctuary of Stars

The Sanctuary of Stars.

Kraush couldn’t help but chuckle at the overly grandiose name. It was a name befitting nobility progeny with the kinds of high pride one would expect.

Well, they do consider themselves the future leaders of Starlon. It was, in a way, justified.

‘The reality, though, is destruction.’

Did these youngsters understand their duty as nobles? The reason nobles are respected in this world is because they stand in opposition to the world’s erosion, fighting on behalf of others.

Some feel that duty and train daily.

While others are oblivious to such responsibilities, simply indulging in parties as their reality.

Kraush wondered how many of the lot gathering at the Sanctuary of Stars were of any worth.

Inside the rattling carriage.

The Sanctuary of Stars where Kraush and Bianca were headed was a fair distance from Balheim.

As a result, Kraush was resigned to spending roughly a day living in the carriage.

In such confines, Kraush gazed at Bianca who was dozing off, her head nodding in sleepiness.

She loved to read books, but perhaps the carriage wasn’t the best place for such an activity.

‘Quiet the whole time, I wondered what’s up.’

While on the carriage, Kraush could simply train his aura.

But Bianca, lacking such distractions, was naturally getting sleepy.

The issue was the carriage itself.


Due to the road’s irregularities, the carriage shook intermittently, flinging a drowsy Bianca forward.

Young and light due to her small stature, she was easily unsettled by the carriage’s abrupt motion.

Kraush quickly stretched out his hand to catch her, letting out a sigh of relief.

He lowered his head to find Bianca looking up at him with her eyes wide open.


Kraush straightened her up and stood, then, sitting next to her, he gently laid Bianca’s head on his lap.


Suddenly given a lap pillow, Bianca glanced up at Kraush.

His gruffness hid a tenderness she couldn’t help but feel.

Soon, Bianca closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

With Bianca’s soft breathing as background music, Kraush gazed outside, through the carriage window at the passing landscape.

Was it because this was his first outing since that specific point in time?

The street scenes, too, seemed unfamiliar, a stark contrast to the past.

‘There were places like this, too,’ he thought as the carriage day neared its end.

Kraush’s destination was a luxurious building situated on an island in the middle of a lake.

The building, usually the famous Arayong Inn, a famed tourist spot in the area, was accessible via a bridge.

However, today, the inn was wholly booked for the assembly of Starlon’s young nobility, the Sanctuary of Stars.

The venue for the meeting of the Sanctuary of Stars was decided on a rotating basis.

It was an utter display of opulence.

Stepping out of the carriage, Kraush gazed at Arayong Inn.

“What a waste of money. Such a waste.”

After being unceremoniously sent to Rahelrn Academy from Balheim.

Other than basic support, Kraush hadn’t received much else.

Accustomed properly to financial matters, such extravagance did not sit well with him.


While Kraush pondered, Bianca emerged from the carriage, rubbing her eyes and looking for him through her half-opened ones.

Lately, she always sought Kraush whenever she awoke.

“Awake? You were snoring quite fabulously.”

“I don’t snore.”

Bianca replied with a serious look.

“No, but you were.”

“I don’t snore.”

Watching her stubbornness over something so trivial, Kraush shrugged his shoulders and turned to Aliod.

Aliod approached, with the outerwear he had prepared, and draped it over Bianca’s shoulders.

“It’s chilly, so wear it properly.”

Upon hearing Kraush, Bianca buttoned up the coat.

“Ah, coming from the north, maybe this amount of cold is fine for you?”

Worried he was fussing over nothing, he voiced the thought, but Bianca shook her head.

“It’s warm.”

The warm coat was enough to make her forget the winter chill swiftly.

“Let’s go in.”


“Both of you, take care and have a good time.”

As Kraush started walking, Bianca once again followed close behind like a chick.

Inside Arayong Inn, the opulence of the lobby matched the grandeur outside.

“Welcome. This is Arayong Inn.”

An attendant approached and greeted Kraush and Bianca.

Kraush handed over a letter from his pocket.

“Confirmed. The party is on the 8th floor, I will guide you there.”

The 8th floor of Arayong Inn, the highest level, and thus the most expensive to book.

Upon hearing that it was chosen for the venue, Kraush clicked his tongue and followed the attendant.

Soon after, a magic elevator took Kraush and Bianca to the 8th floor.

There, a sequence of attendants in expensive garb lined up, saluting as Kraush and Bianca passed by.

“Announcing the arrival of Kraush Balheim, and Bianca Hardenhartz!”

One of the attendants called out loudly, and the doors to the party hall swung open.

Instantly, the gazes of everyone inside shifted toward them.


“Is that the youngest one?”

“The pauper of Balheim.”

No sooner had Kraush entered than a barrage of murmurs followed in his wake.

Such whispering crowds were nothing new to him.

At Rahelrn Academy, he would face far worse than this.

But amid these murmurs, there were the genuine ones.

“Balheim? An interesting fellow has come!”

“Balak, stay put.”

Kraush’s gaze was drawn to a group in the distance.

On one side, a feline-looking man with patterns on his arm resembling a tiger’s stripes.

Another was a woman who, despite being only 14, stood tall with features oddly reminiscent of a magpie.

And among them, the most irksome was a man sitting at the center.

With brown hair and down-turned eyes, he was rather handsome.

He was one of the Skyborne Generation, known as Anicks Graizar, the Wood Archer.

Truly, they were the real power players at this party.

And unlike the others, they had already awakened their talents.

The trio who would later be known as the representatives of Starlon.

They all looked at Kraush with interest, though such attention from them was not necessarily a good thing.josei


Due to a certain event that took place at the Sanctuary of Stars.

And through that event, they had witnessed the overwhelming gap between Balheim and the common warrior families.

‘It was Charlotte who singlehandedly defeated twenty nobles of the Sanctuary of Stars in combat.’

And she did so overwhelmingly, without sustaining a single injury.

Since that incident, Charlotte had ceased to appear in the Sanctuary of Stars.

It was when Aliod introduced him to the Sanctuary of Stars that Kraush recalled the event.

And the route through which he learned of the incident was peculiar because Charlotte was the one who had come and told him herself.

‘She had deliberately dressed up in a tight and revealing dress, intending to throw herself at the others.’

To Kraush, the sight of her cackling in such attire was nothing short of horror.

For among those Kraush knew, Charlotte was the one who came closest to pure malevolence.

‘That brings back some unpleasant memories.’

Feeling unwelcome sentimentality, Kraush sensed the attention now shift towards Bianca.

“The loser from the north, Hardenhartz?”

“Isn’t Bianca called the snow maiden? I heard she’s engaged to someone from Balheim.”

“One is a cursed child, the other a pauper. A shame, given how young and pretty.”

“Don’t look at her. You might catch the curse.”

Alongside him, Bianca too was not spared from scrutinizing looks.

He didn’t much care for slights against himself, but Kraush frowned at the unkindness also lumping Bianca in, casting a sharp glance at the snickering few.

Already prickly, his eyes narrowed furiously, and those who feared the name Balheim naturally averted their gaze.

For them, living on power, there was nothing more frightening than power superior to their own.


At that moment, Bianca, who had been following, called out to him.

Concerned she might be uncomfortable, Kraush turned around to see Bianca gently clutching his clothes.

“Don’t mind what others are saying.”

For a moment, Kraush looked at Bianca, dumbfounded.

Was she oblivious to the insults hurled at her?

Kraush glanced at Bianca then let out a snort.

“I couldn’t care less.”

As if the terrors of Balheim were any of his concern.

“What’s ‘care less’?”

In response to her question, Kraush closed his mouth and turned away, vowing to watch his language in front of Bianca.

* * *

As more and more guests arrived, the party continued, and soon the attendees too busy talking amongst themselves to notice Bianca and Kraush.

‘He hasn’t shown up, has he?’

Kraush had come here believing that he would find that certain someone at the gathering of Starlon’s young nobility at the Sanctuary of Stars.

He felt a sense of having wasted his efforts.

Just then.

“Lord Darling Danphelion has arrived!”

With the loud announcement by one of the attendants, a figure entered.

Bright blonde hair, tightly braided and lifted, caught the eye first.

A prominent nose and a sunny smile that filled the face.

With an average height and a slender physique, she stood out in a crowd of dress-clad women, wearing a unique combination of pants and a skirt, topped with a frilled yet simple blouse, drawing everyone’s attention.

“Always arriving late like this, she must love the attention.”

“Tch, eccentric.”

“Ah, Lady Darling, you look splendid as always!”

Curiously, opinions on her varied quite dramatically.

And in Kraush’s view, she was the oddball of oddballs.

And she was precisely why Kraush had come to this Sanctuary of Stars.

‘That publicity hound would never miss an event with her contemporaries.’

His prediction had hit the mark.

“Hello, everyone, hello!”

Watching her enthusiastically greet everyone upon her arrival, Kraush promptly stepped forward.

“Bianca, wait here for me.”

“Hmm, okay.”

While nibbling on a piece of meat Kraush had brought, Bianca answered with her mouth covered.

She was usually good at waiting alone; he wasn’t worried.

With that peace of mind, Kraush made his way through the crowd toward Darling who was surrounded by others.

Those standing beside her began to step back at the sight of Kraush; none wanted to get tangled up with him and face repercussions.

Thanks to that, Kraush easily reached Darling’s side.

Darling tilted her head as she saw Kraush approaching.

“Huh? A kid I’ve never seen before.”

Darling, three years his senior, had the stature of a woman.

Thus, Darling, judging the reactions of those beside her and Kraush’s countenance, canted her head in curiosity.

“Hmm, that face is definitely familiar from somewhere…”

“It’s Kraush Balheim.”

After he introduced himself, Darling’s eyes sparkled momentarily.

Her eyes then filled with interest.

That was to be expected.

Because she was none other than the nutcase who ardently adored Charlotte.

Not as a fan, but genuinely so.

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