I Became a Witch in a World Full of Urban Legends

Chapter 141

Chapter 141: Corrupting the Blood of the Gods

Seeing Jumeng’s frightening expression, Lu Yibei’s palms felt sweaty, and his brain started to come up with various lies and excuses to save himself. Fighting a goddess like Jumeng is pointless, so the only way out is through negotiation!

Plus, Jumeng barely exerted any strength the last time they fought; if anything, Yibei almost died trying to wound her.

“What’s wrong? By the way, isn’t the weather nice today?” Yibei mentioned it with an expressionless face.

“Hmm…” Jumeng narrowed her eyes as she glanced at him. “What are you acting dumb for? Need me to remind you of the ‘wholesome’ and ‘generous’ things you have done to me?”

Lu Yibei’s face turned pale, and he hurriedly replied, “I-I humbly apologise… I don’t know what you mean; I mean, I helped an old lady across the street, I stuffed some money into a homeless girl’s piggy bank, and I helped that student get away from his class.”

“That’s not what I meant!” Jumeng bellowed, her voice shaking the apartment, as she took off her shirt and pointed at her porcelain-like belly. “Look at what you’ve done to me!”

Lu Yibei hurriedly covered his eyes with his hands, intermittently peeking through the gaps of his fingers before hiding them again.

However, Jumeng did not budge, and he reluctantly took his hands away. In an instant, he noticed a wisp of black mist emitting out of Jumeng’s lower abdomen as if it were alive.

“You…” Jumeng pointed. “I can’t believe you would use the blood of corrupted gods to poison me!”

‘What?’ Yibei’s eyes widened. “What are you talking about?”

“I’ll have you know that if I’m contaminated with such filthy and unclean things, I might just turn into a degenerate! And when that time comes, the entire Huacheng will not be able to escape, especially you, little boy.”

“I gave you nothing but grace,” Jumeng sighed. “All you had to do was collect cores for me, and you get to come home to an obedient and beautiful goddess, and yet…”

‘Oh, you are just shameless,’ Yibei inwardly pouted as he cleared his throat.

“I really do not know what you’re talking about. I split the core in half, gave one half to a hungry girl, and you get to eat the other half.”

“You’re acting stupid again.”

“I swear! I don’t know what you’re talking about!”

Hearing this, Jumeng squinted at the contract mark on the back of his hand and sighed.

“What kind of urban legend was it?” Jumeng asked. “Judging from my reaction, you gave me the core of a corrupted, fallen god.”josei

Hearing this, Yibei’s mind was cast back into the pitch darkness of the pit in his dreamscape, and he couldn’t help but shudder.

“Well, I’ll tell you where I got it from, but only if you can explain to me what you just said.”

Jumeng glanced at her contract mark again and nodded, “I’ll use the Night Division’s terms so you’ll be able to understand: corrupted gods are simply gods that have gone insane or deviated from their original purpose, and they will start attacking anything that doesn’t fall in line with their purpose. Their blood contains everything about them—their beliefs, their purpose of existence. When corrupted, their blood changes, too, like a virus. Drink too much, and I’ll be gone.

“I understand,” Yibei gulped. “In a sense, they’re like humans who carry a virus… but don’t isolate themselves?”

“I am not familiar with human culture, but I assume so. Now, tell me where did you get the cores from.”

“Wait a minute, wait a minute!” he said, remembering something and changing the topic. “Last question: if this is as dangerous as you mentioned, then the girl I fed the core to…

The thought of the benign schoolgirl going on a rampage and decapitating every student in her way sent chills down his spine.

“You filthy…” Jumeng growled as her face darkened. “You poisoned me, and you’re still worried about women outside?”


‘Do gods get jealous easily?’

“Well… Will you be alright?”

“I am an ancient goddess. I will be fine.”

“What about the girl?”

“Well, she’ll be fine. There’s too little corrupted blood to even matter, really.”

“One last question?” Yibei asked.


“If you’re fine and the girl will be fine, then what’s the point of throwing your little tantrum just now?”

That’s right, what am I getting angry for? Jumeng thought. And to answer Yibei, she simply slapped him across the face.

“Don’t question a goddess!”

After dealing with the incredibly jealous goddess, Yibei went upstairs to retrieve the bamboo scrolls.

Placing the box on the table, he unlocked it, and Jumeng immediately shrank back away from the box and pinched her nose. “It stinks! What the hell did you bring home?”

“What? It doesn’t even smell like anything,” Yibei replied as he leaned forward to sniff. All he could smell was the slight fragrance of bamboo and camphor wood.

“You’re human, so you can’t smell it. All I can smell is the stench of a corrupted god.”

‘But when I transformed into a witch, I couldn’t smell anything either. Is something wrong with me or her?’

“Well, these are the original bamboo scrolls I asked you to translate yesterday. If anything dangerous comes out of it, you get to have it as your food.”

Jumeng was silent.

“Why are you being so quiet? I thought you wanted cores?” Yibei asked.

“Well, I didn’t expect to be eating turds to recover.”

“They’re still a source of cores; if you don’t want them, I can continue making charms!”

“Absolutely not! I am an ancient goddess! This is an acquired taste,” she retaliated, putting her fist to her chest.

“Whatever, let’s take a look.” Yibei rolled his eyes, and the two got closer to the box.

She carefully took the bamboo scrolls out of the box and untied the thread that held the scrolls together with a look of disgust as if she were unwrapping a piece of turd.

The moment she unfolded the bamboo scrolls, Yibei suddenly felt a sharp burning pain in his eyes, and a strong sense of uneasiness hit his nerves.

The special characters on the bamboo slips were glowing red and dancing a malicious dance, and after a moment, the characters pounced towards Jumeng.

Seeing this, he lunged forward and smacked the scrolls out of her hands before toppling over her with his body over hers.

“W-wait, I can explain…”

“Oh!” Jumeng smiled seductively, wrapping her fingers around Yibei’s neck. “I understand what’s happening.”

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