I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 376 Meeting A Goddess... Figuratively (3)

Chapter 376 Meeting A Goddess... Figuratively (3)

Out of everyone in the crowd, no one was worthy enough to make Eula acknowledge them with more than a nod. That was until her eyes fell on Ashton. He did not have any traits that separated him from the rest of them, yet still, the moment she laid her eyes on him, she couldn't help but walk in his direction.

Everyone was confused by her reaction. Being a succubus, she usually distanced herself from unnecessary situations. The way she rejected the advances of various males and females was the reason she was loved more and more by her fans.

In some twisted logic of their own, the fans began to think she was a goddess protecting herself from the lustful ways of immoral people. That's how she had gained a nickname for herself, 'Hestia'.

Little did they know their 'Hestia' wasn't as pure as they had thought. Her four consorts might act as her assistants, but in reality, they were her partners who have devoted their lives to her. That being said, they were more of her playthings than anything else.

The only reason she had her consorts was for them to act as food sources for her. They might think they were important to her, but in reality, she was simply eating away their life force and would throw them aside the moment they lost their usefulness.

But she was by no means heartless. Even after she was done using them, she would make sure to take care of them financially. They wouldn't have to work for a single day for the rest of their lives. But she had to shorten their lives to live her own... that was a sad compromise she had made with her heart.

Her emotionless approach to others was the reason everyone was a bit surprised when she approached Ashton by herself. However, before she got too close to him, her consorts jumped in front of her and made a physical barrier between Ashton and her.

"Mistress, please step back. We don't know whether he's truly an ally or not." One of them spoke up.

At a glance, it would seem the consorts were doing this to protect their mistress, but in reality, they were acting out of jealousy. She already had four of them who could fulfil any of her desires, why would she need someone like a lowly mercenary?

However, Mazton was not impressed by them or their accusations. It hadn't been a moment when he had mentioned how good Ashton was, and these people dared to say he was suspicious. In Mazton's mind, the consorts were not doubting Ashton but Mazton's judgment. He wasn't pleased with their words and wasted no time speaking his mind out.

"Ahem... It would seem your people don't trust my judgement, madame." Mazton curtly responded, "But I wonder if they were so competent themselves, then why did you need to request our help?"


That statement immediately silenced the consorts who couldn't come up with any excuse. But they had to say something, so they went ahead rambling about random things like how they were only looking out for their mistress and whatnot.

"Since you can't protect your mistress, the least you can do is to show respect to the ones that can." Mazton didn't hold back this time, "I'm only tolerating your comments because of the lady. Had it been anyone else, I would have revoked the contract and kicked you off the space station the instant they doubted me or someone chosen by me."

The consorts tried to weasel their way out of the situation, but the more they spoke, the more irritated Eula got. They were acting on their own, but it was her relationship with the association that was getting affected because of their stupidity.

"Step aside..." Eula spoke in her gentle and calming voice.

However, the moment her consorts heard her voice, they went pale. Unlike the strangers, they were well-versed in knowing how she was feeling just by her voice, no matter how calm it was. At that moment, they knew their mistress was pissed and it was all thanks to them. Not wanting to anger her anymore, they stepped aside like babies in trouble.

"There's a weirdly soothing scent around you... A scent only people of my kind can produce." Eula asked Ashton while the males stared at him with jealousy, "You're not one of us... then how do you have it?"

"Hello to you too," Ashton emotionlessly replied, "As for your question, I have no idea what you're talking about-"

"Have you been intimate with a succubus?" Eula cut him off and asked another question, much to Ashton's annoyance.

The last thing he wanted was to get noticed by her when he already had so much on his plate. Why couldn't she just let him do his job and distance herself from him? It wasn't like he was dying to get to know her.

Although she was technically his client, no one had any business putting their nose in his personal life. Their relationship should stay strictly professional and nothing else. But it did not look like Eula was going to leave him till he answered his question.

[Bullshit. Why don't you admit you're not telling them about Anna, because you don't want her to end up in trouble with the terrorists.]

'Sure, let me do that. Let me tell them I am in a relationship with Anna and let the Phantom know how to hurt me.' Ashton retorted, 'Sometimes I wonder if the xyrans killed you because you annoyed them with such stupid questions.'

[Heh... I thought hearing those words would hurt, but I guess I've gotten immune to your shit talking.]

While Ashton bickered with Astaroth, Eula still had her eye on him, expecting an answer from him. Ashton did not disappoint her either, he gave her an answer, but not the one she was hoping for.

"Apologies for being rude, but I fail to see how knowing about my personal life would be beneficial for the mission."

Ashton might have 'apologised' to her in advance, but judging by the tone of his voice, it did not seem to be the case. He was cold and stern. Everyone there was a bit baffled by her response.

No matter how cold-hearted someone was, there was no way they wouldn't melt under Eula's influence.  But for some reason, it looked like Ashton could not give a shit about her or her questions.

Eula was just as shocked as the rest of them because it was the first time her charm did not work against a man, out of all the beings. If she only knew Ashton's [Charm Resistance] was far superior to anyone else present in the tower, thanks to having a succubus as his girlfriend.

"I-I see... please accept my sincere apology for trodding into your life." Eula regained her composure, "Admiral Mazton talked so highly of you, that I got a bit overzealous."

"No need to apologise, ma'am." Ashton replied, "However if you don't mind I would like to know who has been in charge of your security till now. I have some important matters to discuss with them."

"That would be me." A neatly dressed soldier stepped out of the ship, "Also, I would like it if you don't address a senior so casually. You can refer to me as Sir or Sergeant, nothing else."

Ashton sighed heavily. It was going to be a long month ahead of him, especially for his patience. It hadn't even been an hour since he met the idiots and they were already getting on his nerves.

'What's with these no-good retards and their toxic masculinity? They are acting as if I have turned their mistress into my bitch.'

[Oh, you would like that, won't you?]

'It's a wonder I can't tolerate them, but I can tolerate you. Judging how all of you tend to think with your secondary heads 24x7.'


"Whatever. I assume you have a list of all the soldiers under your command?" Ashton asked the 'sergeant'.

"Why would I do that? I know all of their names by face."

Ashton couldn't believe what he was listening to but remained calm.

"Is that so, then can you name him?" Ashton asked while randomly pointing at a soldier.

"That's Zumien-"

"Are you sure about it?"

"Kid, I know you are new in this field, but you do not have to-"

"What's your name, again?" Ashton immediately cut him off and prodded more into the sergeant.

The sergeant got startled as if he was trying to hide something. Ashton immediately caught on to him and without a moment's hesitation grabbed the man's collar before effortlessly lifting him off his feet.

"I will only ask one more time, what is your name?"

"It's Morrill! Morrill! I swear-"

Without wasting a moment, Ashton slammed him down so hard, that Morrill's rib cage was instantly cracked. While asking him questions, Ashton was using [Heartbeat Sense]. Thus he instantly knew the moment Morrill lied to him.

"What the hell are you doing?" Vimur shouted as the soldiers on Morrill's side appointed their weapons on Ashton.

"Weeding out the impostors. He's no Morrill, his real name is Vance, one of the assassins whose name wasn't in the final list of suspects." Ashton replied before stomping on Vance's hand, shattering it into pieces, "How many of you are there, tell me!"

At that moment, a few of the soldiers took their shot at Ashton. Despite hitting the mark, none of their plasma weapons had any effect on him.

"Looks like you all decided to ease my job," Ashton smiled before jumping into the crowd and attacking those who attacked him, while everyone watched on.

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