I Became The Academy’s Blind Swordsman

Chapter 30

Chapter 30: Seal

Chapter 30: Seal

I choked on my breath and somehow managed to shake Sierra off. If you can call it getting her off my back, that is.

Sierra had developed separation anxiety in the past week, and she wouldn’t let go of me.

“Wow, that’s some bonding. I can’t believe a spirit is attached to a human body. Were you able to make contact…?”

“Yes… Well, I guess so.”

At my answer, Deidros coughed once, muttered something along the lines of ‘I guess there’s nothing more to it’, and started to walk away.

“Anyway…The object is here.”

Deidros said, standing next to the finished Spectral Sword that was wrapped in a fine cloth.

I stepped in front of the Spectral Sword with Sierra hanging off my back.

“You may not be able to see it, but… I was very particular about her aesthetics. I designed it to fit her Eastern origins, and this is my masterpiece, the Spectral Sword Sierra.”

Spectral Swords are usually named after the spirit that is sealed in them.

As Deidros spoke, I slowly removed the cloth covering Sierra, piece by piece.

For some reason, I felt nervous, maybe because of all the hard work.

Finally, the Spectral Sword was revealed.

The sheath is black, darker than a winter night and the handle was embroidered with flower petals. Finally, a jewel from the pendant was embedded in the head of the blade.

Even to the casual observer, it was of the highest quality.

‘The gold dragon’s stash…’

Gingerly, I ran my fingers from the tip of the scabbard to the handle and Sierra’s body trembled behind me.

[ That… disciple, don’t touch it with such a lascivious touch… the blade is now linked to me… ]

“Are you trying to prevent me from handling it, Master?”

I replied gruffly to her and gingerly lifted the Spectral Sword.

Grasping the sheath and handle, I check the blade.

The blade was red and the sheath was black, a well-matched color scheme.

I pull out the sword and hold it in place, and I can feel the raw, unrefined spirit energy spewing out.

“Just hearing the sound of the blade, I can feel the auspiciousness. The spirit energy is also… powerful.”

I say to Deidros as I slide the sword back into its sheath.

“To face spirit energy of that caliber head-on and not be harmed…Is it the warmth of the Master’s touch…? Are you going to do the sealing right away, or do you have a better idea of how to do it?”

“Sure. The sealing… I’d like to do it right away, but is there a suitable place nearby?”

“Hmm. Where would be good…?”

While I and Deidros were talking about sealing, Sierra, who was behind me, said.

[I have no intention of harming my apprentice if you handle it unsealed.]

“If you handle the Spectral Sword without sealing it, it will slowly be eroded by the spirit energy that comes out of it. The spirit energy will build up in your body, and you will become…a demon.”

[Demon… was that what the Spectral Sword caused…]

Sierra’s voice trails off as she listens to my explanation. Apparently, she’s dealt with demons before.

“Demons, I miss them. I haven’t seen too many of you rushing to make Spectral Swords since then, must be the effect of the Vampiric Iron. Damned blood mages… I can’t wait to chew through the materials of such a beautiful creation.”

Deidros, who has somehow managed to catch me and Sierra talking, lets out harsh words.

Possession of Vampiric Iron is a taboo, thanks to the blood mages. However, the main ingredient of the Spectral Sword is also Vampiric Iron so I suppose it’s against the law to make one.

I don’t have a very detailed understanding of the laws of each country on the continent but since I didn’t get arrested for carrying a Spectral Sword in the game, so… I skimmed the surface.

At least as long as I don’t announce that I have a Spectral Sword, I don’t think I’ll get in trouble.

Since the game was fantasy, there was no shortage of swords with unusual blade colors. I remember Spectral Swords coming in a variety of colors.

If they were properly sealed, they wouldn’t emit any spirit energy, so it would be hard for anyone to identify them as Spectral Swords.

As I was tapping my fingers against the wall, Deidros approached me.

“I’ve got an idea for a place to do the sealing, somewhere around here.”

“Let’s go there.”

We walked away from the manor just like that.

I followed Deidros to a large field near the village and across the field.

In the center of the field, a huge tree had taken root.

“If it’s this old, it must contain some spirit energy. It could help with the seal.”

Deidros, who was stroking the tree, looked at me and said.

[ I don’t know what the ‘seal’ is, but I suppose being in front of this tree helps me relax a bit. ]

I nodded at Sierra’s words.

Deidros notices and moves away. Now it was just me and Sierra around the old tree.

The sun was beginning to rise, casting a bright light on the starry night.

I knelt down in front of the old tree and pulled the Spectral Sword Sierra out of its sheath.

Immediately, a powerful blast of spirit energy erupted.

I slashed my palm across the blade as blood dripped down my palm from the deep cut.

I let the droplets soak into the sword since the blood-soaked iron was still intact.

[Why can I feel the blood…? My body is getting hot…]

The sword gurgled in response and Sierra closed her eyes.

I slide down my palm and straighten my bloodied index and middle fingers to sweep across the shaft of the sword.

I smeared it with blood, marking myself as the master of the Spectral Sword. Then I recited a line I knew from the game.

“I ask for a contract.”

The blade glows red as a vast amount of spirit energy pulsates.

“In your honor, I will fulfill your wishes, and may you be the strength of my body.”

[ My wish is… ]

Sierra’s voice rings out, now solemn, the knowledge and process of the seal flowing through her mind.

“Your desire… is to defeat Sword Saint with your sword skills.”

The high-pitched voice carried with the wind that blew across the field. It was a spectral seal, a pact with a spirit.

I had expected this process to be easy, given my previous discussions with Sierra until I heard Sierra’s reply.

[ Wrong ].

Floating in front of me, Sierra crossed her arms in denial. Her blunt denial threw me for a loop.

“Well, then…”

But the sealing was still in progress so she couldn’t possibly be lying in this state.

The spirit energy was all over me, and the sooner I finished, the easier it was on my body.

I swallowed my embarrassment quickly and continued.

“…What is your desire then? I will fulfill it with all my being.”

Sierra was silent for a moment at my question. She must have been concentrating hard.

[ …to not leave. ]

After a short pause, Sierra told me what she wanted. Her wish was an easy one.

‘To not leave.’

For me, there was no abandoning the Spectral Sword, no abandoning her but it was bizarre that she wanted it so badly.

“To never leave you. Is that enough?”

[ It is enough. ]

I felt a bead of sweat trickle from my forehead down my cheek.

I didn’t know why she would want that, but I had to finish the seal.

“This brings us to the end.”

I could feel the mana in my body mixing with Sierra’s spirit energy.

The Spectral contract was a force similar to a mana oath.

As her spirit energy slowly merged with mine her seal and contract with me was being finalized.


Time passed, and I sensed that the roaring spirit energy had subsided.

The sealing was complete so I slid the Spectral Sword back into its sheath.

The sound of the Spectral Sword being retracted echoes across the field, and Sierra steps in front of me.

[ Must, must you? ]

Sierra was back to her usual self.

Haha… You didn’t say anything about that, did you?”

[I can’t help but realize that your true intentions were wrong, I can only reply. Apparently, lying was not a part of this process. ]

Sierra smiles bitterly.

“Why did you change…?”

I say, trying to push myself up from my knees, but I stumble.

The seal took longer than I expected, and it had taken a toll on my stamina.

Sierra supports my staggering body.

[ It hasn’t changed. I still want to defeat the Sword Saint….But the short time I spent with you may have awakened a terrible thirst. ]


I leaned back against Sierra and shivered, even though it wasn’t even cold.

[ I’ve made it through decades, but this short week… It’s been especially hard to hold on, and even if the blacksmith is aware of my presence, it doesn’t mean he’s talking to me… ]

I leaned against Sierra for a moment, listening to her lament. Her body, which had been so cold in the pendant, was now radiating warmth.

[…When I was once again faced with a void that knew no bounds, with no place to turn… I became uncharacteristically afraid. I apologize for being such a bad teacher.]

Sierra’s voice trembled as it echoed in my head.

Loneliness it’s a terrifying emotion, sometimes comparable to fear.

“Don’t worry. The contract will be honored, and we’ll defeat the Sword Saint.”

I said in an affectionate voice while holding Sierra’s hand. I didn’t think it would have a good effect if her mental state became unstable.

Her trembling, which was transmitted from my hand, gradually subsided.

Suddenly, Deidros, who had been watching from a distance, walked toward us.

“How did the sealing go? It’s been a while since I’ve seen a Spectral seal, and it was a good one.”

Deidros says to me, crossing his arms.

I immediately checked the status window at his question. There’s nothing like seeing your success.

<Zetto> Lv.18


-Ghost Slayer Technique Lv.8

-Sierra Reverse Heaven (Incomplete) Lv.2 – [Ghost Slayer Technique] in effect

-Superior Senses Lv.7

-Weakness Detection lv.MAX – [Blindfold That is Beyond Reason] in effect

-Acupuncture Lv.3

Skill Points remaining: 2

Equipped Items

– Blindfold That is Beyond Reason. [Legendary]

– Energetic Silver Necklace. [Rare]

— Bracelet of Origin [Epic]

– Spectral Sword Sierra [Inheritance]

I’m not sure if I gained any experience with this seal, but I gained 2 levels in no time.

‘Edward’s class is…’

It was a shame, but I was glad that the Labyrinth was about to open.

Beneath the Ghost Slayer Technique, I see Sierra’s newly created sword skill, Reverse Heaven.

The word “incomplete” next to it seemed to indicate that it was an unfinished sword skill.

‘Doesn’t it mean that the skill will increase by one level for every four levels of Ghost Slayer Technique…?’

Proficiency in Ghost Slayer Technique could not be gained by directly investing Skill Points.

If I invested skill points in the Ghost Slayer Technique, the level of that skill would also increase. However, the level increase varied depending on the power of the skill.

In the previous game, Sierra’s Purple Moon was only worth one level for every two levels of Ghost Slayer Technique but Reverse Heaven was double that.

It must mean that it was more powerful.

I read along the status bar, noting the word inheritance next to “Spectral Sword Sierra.”

“…The sealing seems to have gone well.”

I replied, my lips curling up in a smile as I dismissed the status window.

I’ve finally gotten the Spectral Sword I always wanted.

“But… That… That’s a weird position, to say the least.”

Deidros said, cupping his chin as he watched me lean over Sierra.

“Is it?”josei

[No. My apprentice must rest a little longer.]

I agreed to rest a little longer, following Sierra’s lead.

A cool breeze from beyond the fields tickles my hair. I look up at the sky and see that the stars, soon to be eclipsed by the sun, are giving their last effort to shine.

‘Things are going well, I’m at peace.’

The world seemed peaceful today.

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