I Became The Academy’s Blind Swordsman

Chapter 34

Chapter 34: The Labyrinth (3)

Chapter 34: The Labyrinth (3)

After a quick scan of the first floor, I made my way down to the second floor, looking for a statue.

It was a statue of a warrior, and I could get a Hidden Piece from it.

‘I can’t see it…’

I thought I’d find it right away, but that didn’t happen so I wandered around the second floor for a while.

Along the way, I encountered a few other cadets whose names I didn’t recognize, but there was no reason for them to fight each other, as there was no point in attacking each other in the Labyrinth if you had a pass.

The only competition between cadets was to see who could go the fastest and the deepest so we didn’t talk much, just went our separate ways.

As a result of all the monsters I killed along the way, I gained a level and am now level 19.

Although I have a 500% increase in experience, the monsters were still much lower in level than me.

On the second floor, I encountered a group of goblins along with the kobolds from the first floor. These are monsters you’d expect to encounter outside of this game.

Goblins could speak and Just like in the game, they spouted lines like “No women!” and “Kill the men!”

[How boring…There’s a staircase and you don’t even go down.]

Sierra lay in the air and yawned.

It would have been nice to see a tense battle, but there wasn’t much to see since I’d just slaughtered them all in one fell swoop.

Now that we’re on the second floor, I find myself talking to Sierra in small bursts, at least when I’m not sensing anything around me.

“The Labyrinth is a ‘dungeon’ after all, I thought there might be something in there… gold, silver, treasures…special items…”

I whispered to Sierra as I walked away, avoiding the traps.

[By the way, you’re really good at avoiding traps. Do you have a knack for it?]

Sierra asked, since she must have seen some of the traps in the labyrinth.

“Things like platforms are easy to detect because they stick out like a sore thumb. Arrow traps, for example, you can feel the wind blowing through the hole where the arrow comes out, because it’s unnatural.”

Stepping on any of the traps in the game caused me to take some damage and feel dirty, so I had a pretty good handle on the easier ones.

After dodging a few traps and slicing through the hordes of goblins I encountered, I finally saw what I was looking for.

‘Statue of a Hero.’

I trudged toward the statue.

Upon closer inspection, I realized it was a statue of a warrior standing in a stern pose with his holy sword slammed into the ground.

[Ho-ho… A statue? Let me see…… It’s a statue of a hero.]

Sierra looked at the inscription below the statue and informed me.

Originally, players could pray to the statue and receive a buff called the Hero’s Blessing. This blessing would also apply to other cadets.

Well, not that many people would pray to the statue… It was already widely known to the older cadets that the statue would continue to appear even if the structure of the Labyrinth changed.

However, I have no intention of praying to it as usual.

“A gap…”

I touched the base of the statue’s front and found a small gap. It was just big enough to fit a sword through so I pulled out my Spectral Sword and stuck it into the gap in the floor.

In an instant, I was in the same pose as the hero statue in front of me.


As soon as I inserted my Spectral Sword into the gap, I heard the sound of machinery around me.


Sierra watches my bizarre maneuverings and questions the sound.

Just then, something small falls from the ceiling toward me but I catch it without missing a beat.

[A necklace…You were right, this is a dungeon, and I can’t believe something like this was hidden here.]

I nod to Sierra in confirmation.

‘The Necklace of the Hero’s Favor.’

This Epic-ranked necklace can be worn once a day for three minutes, converting all of the wearer’s attacks to light for the duration.

Often referred to as the “dragon’s neck” by players, this necklace allowed players to unleash light-based attacks that were quite effective against demons and undead.

This was helpful since there were quite a few demons and undead to deal with in the game.

The next boss I had to face after Lycanthrope was an undead.

I took off my Energetic Silver Necklace and immediately put on the Hero’s Favor Necklace.

[It looks good on you.]

Sierra, who was looking at me, smiled wryly.

‘I wonder if I need to infuse mana into the necklace to activate its effects…’

Maybe I should test it out next time.

By the way, it’s almost time for the other cadets to set up their magic tents and take a break.

Those who were lucky enough to run into other cadets at this time tended to keep watch over each other and rest.

Time may pass slowly in the Labyrinth, but so does your stamina.

You can’t take on monsters when your stamina is depleted, so it’s important to take proper breaks.

I’m guessing that’s because the game company wanted to add a camping part.


I got the necklace, but I haven’t met Lycanthrope yet.

‘By the looks of it, he’s further downstairs…’

The next Hidden Piece is on the 12th floor and the Lycanthrope should be on the 10th floor.

Unlike the other cadets, I wasn’t too tired thanks to Reina’s bracelet.

‘Let’s go down to the third floor.’

With that thought, I headed down the stairs I had seen before.

In the distance, I sensed a figure approaching and judging by the sound of the footsteps, it was a cadet, not a monster.

“Ah… What a difficult path, really.”

But the grumbling voice from the other side was familiar.

It could have been Aizel or Kaen, but if it was her, it was definitely a coincidence.

“Miss Yuri?”

I called out to her from my side of the wall.


Soon, Yuri looks up and calls my name.

She recognizes me and runs straight to me.

‘What if there’s a trap on the way…’

Yuri’s eyes light up as she arrives safely in front of me.

“Zetto was still on the second floor?”

“Yes, I guess Yuri was also looking for hidden treasures?”

“Hmph, well…? I haven’t found it yet.”

Yuri shuddered and ruffled her hair.

I knew she wasn’t really looking for treasure but had a weakness for complicated things like labyrinths.

When the player first enters the labyrinth, there’s a scene that shows the other characters’ reactions to the labyrinth and it shows Yuri casting fire magic on a wall.

This is accompanied by the line, “Wouldn’t it be nice to burn the walls down?”

…Of course, the wall didn’t burn down.

“…Still, I didn’t expect to see you here. How about we form a party? I’ve seen some of the other cadets going around together…I’m sure you’ll want to rest in your tent soon enough, and you’ll need a guard.”

Yuri leaned a little closer to me, suggesting a party.

The Labyrinth didn’t mind cadets joining forces, in fact it was highly encouraged.

The older cadets had been organizing parties since the beginning while the first years were just getting the hang of it.

I didn’t really need to rest in a tent since I had plenty of stamina. But when Yuri asked me to organize a party with that look on her face, I couldn’t think of a reason to say no to her.josei

“I’ll do it, but are you tired?”

I checked Yuri’s condition first.

Judging by how tattered she looked, it was clear that she had struggled through the first floor and barely made it down to the second.

“Yeah, can I take a break right now? I’m tired from running around. I’ve heard that you lose stamina easily…How’s Zetto?”

Yuri sends me a pleading glance.

“I’m fine, then I’ll go ahead and stand guard.”

“Thanks, Zetto. I’ll stand guard next.”

Yuri says to me.

‘I don’t want to spend so much time on the second floor that she has to stand guard next.’

I’ll just have to fake it then so we set up the tent in a suitable spot.

“This is a hero…Is this what he looks like?”

Yuri mumbles as he stares at the statue of the hero.

We decided to set up in front of the statue. It was a good spot, with plenty of room.

It was time to unfold the magic tent so Yuri took the tent out of her backpack.

She placed the small, shrinking magic tent on the ground, and it quickly unfolded itself to reveal a large tent.

“I’ve seen this before in class, but it’s really cool.”

Yuri looks back and forth between the tent and me and smiles sheepishly.

Inside the tent, Yuri and I find it quite cozy.

There are no beds, but there are a few cozy looking futons.

The magic tent was an item owned by the academy and lent to the cadets, so they couldn’t sell it, but it must be quite expensive.

“I’ll go stand guard then.”

I said to Yuri, who was examining the tent.

I had already cleaned up this area, but the monsters in the Labyrinth would spawn again, so someone had to stand guard.

“…Thank you. I’ll be able to rest in peace thanks to you.”

“Then get some rest.”

Yuri looked quite exhausted. Not just physically, but mentally as well.

‘Even with the bracelet, if I don’t rest at all, will I have much stamina?’

I left my backpack inside the tent, stepped out and squatted nearby to wait.

[I see now why my disciple is twisted, you’re unnecessarily sweet…]

Sierra walks up beside me and speaks.

From the look on her face, she’s grumpy for some reason but now that I’m with Yuri, I can’t answer her. Still, I won’t be bored if Sierra keeps talking.

‘I don’t think I’ll be able to meet Lycanthrope today.’

Still, I’ve found the Hidden Piece, so things are going according to plan.


‘I never thought I’d run into Zetto.’

The Labyrinth was very complicated. I tried using fire magic to see if I could break through the walls, but of course I couldn’t.

It was hard enough to get down from the first floor to the second.

Dealing with traps and monsters was easy, but finding the way down took forever.

I also got to vent my anger for the first time in a long time.

The goblins I encountered on the second floor stuck their tongues out at me while shouting, “It’s a girl!” and I couldn’t help but feel angry.

I wanted to get some rest since I was physically and mentally exhausted.

Edward was an asshole. He hadn’t let the cadets know that they could form a party.

‘It’s funny,’ I thought, ‘all the older cadets I’ve passed have been sticking together.’

As I entered the Labyrinth, thought about it, and realized that something terrible would happen to me if I were to encounter a goblin while resting in my tent alone.

I had never been in a dungeon like this before and I lacked the knowledge.

I had to meet a cadet anyway but it was getting late, and the other cadets had already gone downstairs, so it was hard to see anyone.

That’s when I met Zetto.

He didn’t seem to be struggling to find his way down like I was but looked quite relaxed.

Edward had told me there might be some Hidden Pieces in the Labyrinth, but I hadn’t expected to start looking for it on the second floor.

I was hoping to find them further down but this is where Zetto’s meticulous nature comes into play.

He’s out there watching over me and I knew he was a friend I could lean on for comfort.

I also realized that I had done a good job of getting to know him.

‘I’m thirsty…’

I fumbled in my backpack for the water bottle I packed.


I shook the bottle, but it was already empty.

I had run out of water so I stuck my face out of the tent and saw Zetto sitting outside the tent so I cautiously asked him.

“Zetto, do you have any water left? I’ve run out…”

He’s standing guard for me, and I’m nervous because he might not share his water with me but Zetto just smirked.

“It’s in my backpack, I’m sure there’s still plenty left.”

“Thanks, I feel like I owe you…”

“It’s okay.”

I quickly tuck my head in after hearing Zetto’s words.

I must be friends with him, but I don’t know why I feel strangely shy whenever I see his smile like this.


With Zetto’s permission, I rummaged through his backpack.

Zetto’s backpack was full of miscellaneous items. It seems he was thoroughly prepared.

There were needles for the acupuncture he was studying, and a bunch of herbs.

‘What is this…?’

I couldn’t see the water bottle, so I rummaged around in his backpack and found a flask.

‘Bewitching Potion…?’

That’s what the label on the flask said.

‘Why would Zetto want this?’

I had never heard of this potion before but from the name alone, it seemed to be a potion that could mesmerize the person who drank it.

‘Who are you trying to bewitch…?’

I wondered deeply but I couldn’t picture Zetto buying something like this.

‘So there is a woman he wants to bewitch… Who is she?’

Who did he buy it for?

Is it a potion that works?

Many thoughts raced through my head.

‘No way.’

I remember Edward’s first lesson.

He said I was the one with the closest connection to Zetto.

‘I’m not the one he wants to use the mesmerizing potion on, am I? I don’t think so…?’

I’ve been eating with Zetto a lot lately. That’s how I got to know him better.

Zetto and I were ‘friends’.

…It was Zetto’s stuff anyway so I tucked the potion back into his backpack and reached for his water bottle.

‘Never mind. It might not be me.’

But if it wasn’t me, then who was it?

I opened the bottle and drank just enough water to quench my thirst.


I froze in my tracks.

I hadn’t been paying attention to the mesmerizing potion, but I put the bottle to my mouth and drank from it.

It was Zetto’s water bottle, so he must have drunk from it with his mouth and I put my mouth to it and drank it.

“This, this… Indirect…”

My face burned and I couldn’t even get the last word out since Zetto had good ears, so he might hear everything.

The mouth of the water bottle in my hand felt wet for some reason.

I put the water bottle in Zetto’s bag and hurried back to bed, pulling up the covers.

‘Even if we’re friends, I’m always conscious of the opposite sex…’

Zetto hadn’t come to the tent, and I wanted to hide my current state of mind so I should get some rest while Zetto was staying guard…

I wonder if it’s because I used a lot of fire magic but my body continues to heat up.

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