I Became the Childhood Friend of the Northern Duchess

Chapter 38

Chapter 38: Untimely Raid

Edgar, who returned to the residence and lay down, looked up at the night sky, which was exceptionally dark today.

It's not a matter of the unwilling dark clouds covering the light of the moon and the stars, it is just that the atmosphere itself felt gloomy for no reason.

The dark sky was vastly different from the usual cloudy night sky.

“Edgar, are you there?”

As Edgar was staring blankly into the dark sky through his small window with his legs crossed, a voice came into his ears.

Leonel, who was gasping for breath as if he had just run a marathon, appeared.

“What is it, Leo?”

"Me and Enya are going to play cards, do you wanna join in?"


No matter what kind of card game it is, it's not fun if it's just the two of them, so Leo seems to have decided to call him.

If possible, Edgar wanted to help Enya and let the two of them play alone, but it would seem strange if he forced himself to not get in between the two of them..

Besides, he himself is feeling uncomfortable, so it is not entirely a bad thing to play a few rounds to pass the time and also forget about his worries.

“Okay, let’s go.”

“Yayy! After all, it's only fun if a card game consists of at least three people.”

Leonel immediately cheered without a care for his image and leaps to the room first ahead of Edgar.

Leonel's actions aroused a smile upon Edgar and he also got up to follow along.

As he passed by the hallway, he met Creed, who was just entering the house.

At first, Edgar casually asked where Creed had come back from, clearly not expecting a bitter smile on Creed's face.

“Came back from meeting someone I know. "

At this late hour?

Hearing this, he felt something was amiss and asked back in a calm tone with a sly smile that didn't match his young age.

“Oh, by chance,is the person a lover?”

"You bastard, if I had a lover, there's no way I would be stuck living in a place like this."

“Oh, excuse me… … .”

Come to think of it, Edgar has never seen Creed bring up the topic of a woman.

Is he not particularly interested in women?

Judging by his age, he is of an age where he could have had several children under his lap.

‘Well, there must be circumstances.'

Otherwise, even, if a person with the position of former knight commander is in the hands of the Grand Duke, he would not be looking after the orphanage children in a remote place like this.

In this case, it would only be polite for him to quietly withdraw.

“But where are you going to? Kitchen?"

“Leo asked me to play cards. He must have come to me because he couldn't find Sir Creed.”

“Card game, it’s good. I’ll first freshen up and come right away.”

Creed was a person who liked to play with young children very much, in spite of his large size.

Until Edgar came here, he must have been the reason why Leonel and Enya, who were the only two children here, did not suffer from loneliness.

Adults would usually be annoyed to play card games with kids at a time like this, but Creed's mind was well revealed when he said himself he would come join them, even without Edgar requesting it particularly.

Maybe it's because he's bored too.

"Then shall we wait for you?"

"You guys play first, I will come join in with snacks later."

"As expected, you're so considerate."

It happened that he was hungry, but how did it fit so well?

In addition, Creed's cooking skills have long been recognized by those who live in this residence.

And it was Creed, no one else, who took care of their meals every day.

Edgar heard that he's been cooking as a hobby since he was a Knight.

Edgar thought, perhaps that's why Creed's cooking skills were better than the house cook's.

It's not that their skills are bad, but it would be better if their skills are up to par with Sir Creed's.

After watching Creed go to his room like that, when he went to Enya's room, the two people who had arrived first welcomed him.

When Lionel asked if he was hungry, Edgar grinned and delivered the good news he had just heard.

"Sir. Creed said that he would bring us some snacks."

"Really!? I'm glad, En said she was hungry, too!"

"Le, Leo… Such a thing is embarrassing…to say….”

They are a pair that always looks like they don't fit together.

Edgar, who was watching the two with a happy heart, slowly approached the window and checked the balcony that is high up in the night sky again.

They'll meet tomorrow anyway, so he doesn't have to worry.

And it's useless to worry endlessly and stay up all night.

For now, it would be best to play cards with friends and forget about his worries.

Opening the curtains, he walked away from the window and approached his friends sitting on the floor.

The game was decided by poker, and shortly after, Lionel skillfully handed out the cards.

Edgar's first card was a four-card.

The hand that held the card gained even more strength.


A sharp dagger pierced the neck of a guard who was patrolling, and the appeared shadow sank into the darkness once again.

Exquisite dagger shooting skill while hiding in a blind spot is a basic skill of an assassin, and this man was no exception.


He calmly removed the dagger stuck in the neck of the fallen corpse and stabbed it again in the heart.

Since he had seen several corpses, he could tell at a glance that the guard was dead, but the most demanding thing in such an act was thoroughness.

‘I'm sure it'll be over here.'

The man who was looking for a place to hide the body, moved the body behind a large tree right behind him and made the guard lean against a tree trunk.

It was dark tonight anyway, so this was fine.

Besides, this is a place that can not be easily seen by the other guards patrolling, so even if it is bright tomorrow morning, it will not be easily seen.

For such a crime, the later it is discovered, the better.

‘That's it.'

Hiding among the humongous shadow of the tall castle and moving stealthily, a balcony came into view at the end of his vision.

That is the room where the target, the lady of the Robeheim family, is sleeping.

As if the owner of the chamber was quite relaxed, he could see the fluttering curtains through the open window.

It's quite tricky to go through the door like that if he wants to assassinate and infiltrate as much as possible, but it seems that the gods are smiling at him today.

Although, from the young lady's point of view, he was the god of misfortune.

‘Just two? It's definitely poorly guarded.'

The master of the castle believes in the barrier, but it was to the point where people laughed at this.

But their belief is definitely something he is very grateful for.


Even the sound of stepping on the bushes was minimized, and he moved to the corner and disappeared behind the wall.

In the backyard of the castle, a few more buildings were visible, including outbuildings where servants lived, but it didn't seem to matter.

The least worrying part is that he will be caught by the eyes of those who came out of the annex…when he was carrying his target away … .

‘There is plenty of time.’

If he jumps from this position and steps over the castle wall, the possibility of tracking him down will be slim.

Although he is relatively inferior in battle due to his inability to use magic, he also had the advantage of being difficult to locate by using magic to detect him when entering the tracking phase.

It was for this reason that he had been entrusted with missions focused on gathering information rather than combat-oriented assassinations.

However, those two people in front were quite burdensome opponents for him.

If he can't kill them both at once, the other one will eventually call in another guard, and things will get out of hand.

However, when he hid himself in the shade and passed by, he was afraid of getting caught by the light from the building in the back garden.

How should I overcome this situation?

"Hey! Come here for a second!"

"What's going on?"

While the man was in the midst of his worries, he suddenly heard another person's voice from the other side.

Hiding behind the wall, he barely stuck out his face half way and looked at the situation, and a guard with a lamp in his hand was waving at the two as if to come to him.

In case an intruder appeared, the two guards hurried there, and the man did not miss the short gap.

‘The heavens really help me today.'

He didn't expect this to work out so well. It was a lucky day.

He was about to get excited because he felt like he had succeeded in the mission, but the man finally calmed down his emotions and took something out of his arms.

It was a pretty thin rope with hooks.

On the surface, it seemed as if the rope could be cut at once, but it is difficult to cut even with the greatest sword unless it is a spell casted sword.

The man hung a weight from the end of the hook and threw it up with all his might.


"Did it get hooked?"

He didn't have enough strength, so he thought it wouldn't touch, but fortunately, it seems to be caught on the balcony railing.

In the process of successfully progressing step by step, the man smiled satisfiedly and pulled the rope to see if it was hooked well.josei

He pulled the rope tightly with his arm strength.

Then he grabbed the rope with one hand and began climbing the building with his feet supported on the wall.

Since it requires a lot of physical strength, he was quite out of breath when he was almost half way up, but the man went up without stopping.

This is the best opportunity when there are no guards around. There was no stopping.

‘I've arrived pretty well.'

Soon, as he stepped over the balcony railing, he saw the whole backyard of the castle spreading out below.

The guards seem to have not returned yet after heading to the other side.

Then, if he were to run away with the young lady right now, who is sound asleep already, no one will know what happened during this quiet night.


The wind-swept curtains tickled his face, he went inside without caring.

As expected, a girl lying on a bed was sleeping well in the room.

Although she is still young, he heard that she is widely skilled in using magic.

If he were to wake her up unnecessarily, then there sure will be a battle of magic, and it will be an incorrigible mistake.

This mission must be done without a hitch.

As soon as the man tried to take the things he had brought out of his arms ,at this time.


The sudden killing intent he felt from behind caused him to respond by hurriedly pulling out the weapon from his waist.


The sound of metal colliding with metal echoes in the silent room, and what appears in front of the man is the black-haired boy he saw during the day.

The man managed to deflect the incoming sword without a moment's surprise, widened the distance between them, and approached the door of the room.

‘How is he here?’

Perhaps, he isn't just a friend, but a personal guard?

Otherwise, there would be no way he could have set foot in the bedroom of the Grand Duke's daughter, late at this night.

No, even as a personal guard, it is impossible for the boy to be in this room in the first place.

If so, does this mean that this boy also came here from outside and was waiting?

But he must first break through that barrier.

Anyway, it isn't what mattered now.

A disruptor intervened in a plan that seemed to be smooth sailing all the way.

And the momentum emanating from the opponent's body was too much to simply dismiss him as a young guy.

Whoa. Whoa.

Surprised by the unexpected incoming battle, the man's heart began to breathe heavily.

The boy, who had been watching him, took a step forward, with a sword aimed at his neck, ferociously reciting a threat.

"You're waking her up, hold your breath."

At Edgar's remark that is oozing out obvious murderous intentions, the man silently thought that he must have been foolish a few moments ago to have said that he was really lucky today.

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