I Became the Childhood Friend of the Northern Duchess

Chapter 59

Chapter 59: A Cute Lie

Translator : Idris

Edgar trudged out of the main house with heavy feet and headed for the garden at the backyard.

Originally, he should have gone to see Sylvia together with Ariel, but the schedule got messed up.

The reason, of course, was the accident at the gymnasium that just occurred.

It was a mistake, but when it turned out to be a sudden kiss, Ariel yelled at Edgar and demanded that Edgar did not follow her.

Normally, Edgar would have followed her to give her an apology, but today he couldn’t even dare to follow her because the mistake he made was so great.

The image of his childhood friend, whose face was dyed red and unable to say anything, was still clearly lingering in his mind.

‘Driving me crazy.’

Edgar let out a deep sigh and hurried on his steps weakly.

Mistakes aside, he didn’t have the courage to see Ariel in the future.

Even though he normally acted as her childhood friend, he sincerely couldn't bring himself to hate a girl like Ariel.

Recently, Ariel’s behavior has become strangely open, and it was a huge problem, but Edgar’s heart was set on fire through an accident a while ago.

Only then was he able to use the excuses of being a childhood friend or a nabal from now on.

“Oh, Edgar! Why do you look so down today?”

When Edgar arrived in the backyard, Leonel, who had been walking for a while, waved at him happily.

Beside him, sure enough, Enya stood with her hands clasped together and a soft smile on her face.

“Uh, uh… I have a little business.”

“What happened? Do you have any concerns?”

“Nope. Thanks for caring, Enya.”

Edgar tried to reassure the two with a smile, but he couldn’t control his expression.

The two of them looked at each other and had a hunch that something was going on, but since he didn’t want to talk about it, they didn’t ask further.

“But weren’t you supposed to meet the Young Miss's friend today?”

Leonel, who had heard a brief schedule from Edgar yesterday, expressed his doubts.

“I thought it might be okay to leave them for a while. I came here to get some fresh air.”

Edgar came out to organize his thoughts, and when he saw the two now lovers, Edgar sighed again.

He was suddenly stuck with worries that if he stays with this couple any longer, his heart would become more troubled.

“Oh? I heard that you always go out with the Young Miss, what's the big deal today.”

“Sometimes there are days like this.”

Shrugging his shoulders, Edgar noticed Creed walking behind him and greeted him.

Creed, who only raised his hand to greet him lightly in his own way, looked at Edgar with a hand on one side of his waist as if asking what's going on.

“Because Sylvia is here. I let the two of them have some fun alone and I came out for a while.”

“Oh? Then, why don’t you at least have a sparring with Leonel while you’re here?”


Edgar tilted his head at Creed’s sudden request.

The two of them had sparred a few times before, but since Creed was a good teacher, sparring with him was more helpful in improving their skills.

Nevertheless, the fact that Creed made such a request must mean that there was a reason.

When Edgar inadvertently moved his gaze to Leonel, he grinned and confessed that he was the culprit.

“I’ve been wanting to have a spar with you for a long time. Is that okay for you? Edgar.”

“Nah!! It’s not a big deal.”

“Before becoming the knight commander, I thought that if there is someone I could win, it sould be you.”

At Leonel’s enthusiastic answer, Edgar smiled as if he finally understood.

Leonel had always told Edgar and others around him that his goal was to become a knight, and above all, to rise to the position of captain, which is said to be the pinnacle of knighthood.

In other words, in order to aim for the top spot, he thinks of Edgar as a rival that needs to be defeated first.

To Edgar, this was quite surprising.

Edgar knew that Leo was considering the leader of the knights as his final destination, but he had never heard of himself being the passing mark before advancing.

“Leo always said. He wants to become strong quickly like Edgar.”

“Is that so? This is embarrassing. I’m not the kind of person to hear something like that.”

When Enya came forward to prove the fact, Edgar scratched the back of his head shyly.

It was a happy yet embarrassing story for him, who is still acutely aware of his own shortcomings.

Besides, he doesn’t feels anything wrong when someone with a big age difference praise him, but hearing this from a friend of the same age made him feel shy even more.

“Okay then, shall we stick together for the first time in a while?”

“… … .”

When Creed handed Edgar one of the wooden swords he had just brought, he grabbed it and showed his teeth with a warlike smile.

Leonel put strength into the hand that was holding the wooden sword with the fighting spirit that grazed his skin.

When he told Creed that he wanted to fight Edgar, the words Creed said to him echoed in his head.

‘Bump with death momentum. With your current skills, you only have one option, win or not.’

For Leonel, who had huge ambitions, it was a very shocking statement.

It meant that even if he fought to the death, it would be difficult to defeat Edgar with his current skills.

At first, he was dubious, but he could definitely feel it when he saw his friend in a battle face to face and felt the shudder on his skin.

Then let’s fight to the death and win at least once.

Leonel set his target low, then rushed towards Edgar, who gave up to initiate the first attack.

* * * * * *

Edgar returned to the castle after sparring with Leonel.

Still, perhaps thanks to sparring until sweat washed his whole body, he felt like his head was more organized than a while ago.

Because he couldn’t avoid it forever, meeting Ariel was the most urgent thing for him now.

Just as Shuri was approaching from the other side, he lightly raised his hand in greeting and asked a question.

“Ah, Shuri. What about Ariel?”

“She's still with Miss Sylvia.”

“Ok? They seems to be taking their time well. ”

He had heard that Sylvia would be staying for two days, so he had expectated that the conversation would be short, and he seems to be wrong.

‘Or is it that she doesn’t want to meet me yet.’

A small shadow fell on Edgar’s face thinking that it wasn’t an impossible story.

Having gone through such an accident, Ariel will need time to rearrange her thoughts and come face to face with him.

Edgar thought there was no need to think too fast, and shared the luggage Shuri was carrying.

“ Young master… It's okay…Please go and have some rest first.”

“Anyway, if Ariel isn’t around, what’s the point of playing and eating? More than that, you are still busy changing my titles back and forth.”

“Ehehehe… I’m already too used to call you ‘Young Master Edgar’ by now.”

Shuri smiled awkwardly with her tongue sticking out.

This is because Edgar has secretly been favored by Yulken in the castle since he made a remarkable contribution by changing the core of their Robeheim family.

Of course, Yulken didn’t announce this in front of the people, but the people in the castle, including his subordinates, couldn’t be unaware of it.

That’s why Shuri used to stick to the title ‘Mr. Edgar’ because of Ariel’s orders, but at some point it became difficult to do so.

Originally, she wanted to return to the old title of ‘Lord’, but Helene asked in a calm tone one day that ‘Lord’ is hard, so how about ‘Young Master’.

Shuri wasn’t stupid enough to not know the meaning of the words, so she accepted it and it became the current title.

“Call it what you feel comfortable with. But don’t act like you are used to calling me a young master. But the tone you used just now is perfect.”

“Yes I will. Because the lady said it too. Master Edgar doesn’t like being too polite, so I also thought it would be better to be a little more comfortable.”

“Did Ariel say that?”

Hearing this for the first time made Edgar’s eyes wide open.

Shuri nodded with an innocent face and cautiously spoke about Ariel’s hidden side.

“Don’t you know, Young Master? The young lady talks a lot about the young master.”

“I thought she would only curse me at best.”

“Pfft, even if she curse at young master from time to time, she’s innocent.”

Of course, it’s not that her master doesn’t gossip about Young Master.

However, Ariel’s way of talking was to take sides at the end even when gossiping.

‘Is it okay if I help her a little?’

It would be a disqualification as a servant to tell others the master’s private things, but wouldn’t the sin be forgiven if it is for stepping out for the master’s future?

With those thoughts in mind, Shuri cleared her throat and began to tell more of the story between the two of them that she had shared with Ariel.

“She always talk about the young master. For example, what the young master bought her today or about the stories you told her. She would even talk about the most trivial things in detail!”

“… ahh?”

Edgar was embarrassed for no reason and scratched his cheek with his index finger, subtly avoiding her gaze.

He knew that Ariel was not being honest, but hearing the truth at his face like this made him feel really strange.

If possible, he wants to hear more of the story as it is, but hearing these words in the absence of the person(Ariel) concerned made it difficult to do so because of the accumulated guilt.

“But where should I take this to?”

“Ah, we are here. It’s right in front of you.”

In the end, when he subtly changed the topic, fortunately Shuri caught on.

When she replied, pointing to the hallway that passed through the drawing room, Edgar sighed in delight and pretended to be calm.


It was immediately after that, a commotion broke out.

“I told you not to come after me!”

“Ah, Ariel! That’s not, the front! Look ahead!”

Suddenly, the door to the parlor opened violently, and Ariel jumped out and charged toward the two of them.

Sylvia belatedly tried to dissuade her, but by the time Ariel turned her head, Edgar was already at close range.


In the end, Ariel, who couldn’t slow down, collided with Edgar, and things he and Shuri were carrying spilled onto the floor.

“eww… Ariel, are you okay?”

“… … .”

Despite this situation, Ariel didn’t scream a word, let alone apologize.

No, to be exact, she seems to be unable to spit out the words.

Read at galaxytl to help the Translator. Thank you😍.

Treating Edgar as a cushion who first fell down on the carpet, she lay face down on his body, feeling the heartbeat on his firm chest.

“Hey, are you okay? Did you get hit hard?”

“I-I’ll call the physician!”

After letting out a hiccup, Ariel looked down at Edgar in silence.

Surprised by this, Edgar, wondering if she had hit her head, reached out and touched her forehead.

Shuri hurriedly went down the stairs to call for the doctor in the castle, and as for Silvia, she just watched.

“hahahaha… … .”

Ariel, on the other hand, had no time to answer Edgar’s worried questions.

She doesn’t know if it’s because of the magical candy she just ate, she felt something wriggling inside her body, passing through the pit of her stomach and slowly rising up her throat.

‘I want to talk, I want to talk.’

Ariel broke into a cold sweat and struggled to overcome that desire, but she felt that she was gradually reaching her limit.

‘What will happen to me if I spit out those words?’

Even if she happened to convey her true feelings, she did not like to confess her feelings through this method at all.

At least, she wanted to convey her heart to him with her own will without borrowing outside power.

But the moment she put these thoughts into action, even the most foolish man will have no choice but to realize her intentions.

If so, what should she do? Is there any way to overcome this situation?

Within a short period of time, turning her thought circuit as much as possible and continuing her thoughts cycle, fire brewed in her crimson eyes.

There is only one way.

“Ed, I’m fine… Listen carefully.”

“Are you really okay? Why are you sweating like this?”

“Yes. But I am really okay… … .”

Actually, not so okay. But somehow she managed to spits out lies.

And the moment she realized that it was possible to lie even if she ate the candy from earlier, Ariel opened her mouth again without delay and explained the situation to him.

“I just ate the strange candy Sylvia gave me.”


Edgar knew that Sylvia always brought out all sorts of weird things, but he didn’t know what this situation had to do with candy.

In order to further explain this, Ariel continued her explanation with difficulty, keeping her true feelings that seemed to want to jump out of her throat at any moment.

“Yeah, so… Words I don’t want to say keep coming out… . understand? It is not my will to speak from now on.”

“Uh, uh… … .”

“I hope you understand. So… … .”

When Edgar nodded like a broken marionette and expressed his affirmation, Ariel’s eyes changed at that moment.

As if the last shackles binding her reason had been released.

Then, as if her strength had run out, Ariel, who fell on top of Edgar’s body again, brought her mouth to Edgar’s ear.

It’s fine now. Because she already made an excuse so that she could get out of this messy situation safely without a worEdgar trudged out of the main house on his feet and headed for the back garden.

Originally, he should have gone to see Sylvia together with Ariel, but the schedule got messed up.

The reason, of course, was the accident at the gymnasium that had just occurred.

It was a mistake, but when it turned out to be a sudden kiss, Ariel yelled at Edgar and demanded that Edgar did not follow her.

Normally, Edgar would have followed her to give her an apology, but today he couldn’t even dare to follow her because the mistake he made was so great.

The image of his childhood friend, whose face was dyed red and unable to say anything, was still clearly lingering in his mind.

‘Driving me crazy.’

Edgar let out a deep sigh and hurried on his steps weakly.

Mistakes aside, he didn’t have the courage to see Ariel in the future.

Even though he normally acted as her childhood friend, he sincerely couldn't bring himself to hate a girl like Ariel.

Recently, Ariel’s behavior has become strangely open, and it was a huge problem, but Edgar’s heart was set on fire through an accident a while ago.

Only then was he able to use the excuses of being a childhood friend or a nabal from now on.

“Oh, Edgar! Why do you look so down today?”

When Edgar arrived in the backyard, Leonel, who had been walking for a while, waved at him happily.

Beside him, sure enough, Enya stood with her hands clasped together and a soft smile on her face.

“Uh, uh… I have a little business.”

“What happened? Do you have any concerns?”

“Nope. Thanks for caring, Enya.”

Edgar tried to reassure the two with a smile, but he couldn’t control his expression.

The two of them looked at each other and had a hunch that something was going on, but since he didn’t want to talk about it, they didn’t ask further.

“But weren’t you supposed to meet the Young Miss's friend today?”

Leonel, who had heard a brief schedule from Edgar yesterday, expressed his doubts.josei

“I thought it might be okay to leave them for a while. I came here to get some fresh air.”

Edgar came out to organize his thoughts, and when he saw the two now lovers, Edgar sighed again.

He was suddenly stuck with worries that if he stays with this couple any longer, his heart would become more troubled.

“Oh? I heard that you always go out with the Young Miss, what's the big deal today.”

“Sometimes there are days like this.”

Shrugging his shoulders, Edgar noticed Creed walking behind him and greeted him.

Creed, who only raised his hand to greet him lightly in his own way, looked at Edgar with a hand on one side of his waist as if asking what's going on.

“Because Sylvia is here. I let the two of them have some fun alone and I came out for a while.”

“Oh? Then, why don’t you at least have a sparring with Leonel while you’re here?”


Edgar tilted his head at Creed’s sudden request.

The two of them had sparred a few times before, but since Creed was a good teacher, sparring with him was more helpful in improving their skills.

Nevertheless, the fact that Creed made such a request must mean that there is a strong reason.

When Edgar inadvertently moved his gaze to Leonel, he grinned and confessed that he was the culprit.

“I’ve been wanting to have a spar with you for a long time. Is that okay for you? Edgar.”

“Nah!! It’s not a big deal.”

“Before becoming the knight commander, I thought that if there is someone I could win, it sould be you.”

At Leonel’s enthusiastic answer, Edgar smiled as if he finally understood.

Leonel had always told Edgar and others around him that his goal was to become a knight, and above all, to rise to the position of captain, which is said to be the pinnacle of knighthood.

In other words, in order to aim for the top spot, he thinks of Edgar as a rival that needs to be defeated first.

To Edgar, this was quite surprising.

Edgar knew that Leo was considering the leader of the knights as his final destination, but he had never heard of himself being the passing mark before advancing.

“Leo always said. He wants to become strong quickly like Edgar.”

“Is that so? This is embarrassing. I’m not the kind of person to hear something like that.”

When Enya came forward to prove the fact, Edgar scratched the back of his head shyly.

It was a happy yet embarrassing story for him, who is still acutely aware of his own shortcomings.

Besides, he doesn’t feels anything wrong when someone with a big age difference praise him, but hearing this from a friend of the same age made him feel shy even more.

“Okay then, shall we stick together for the first time in a while?”

“… … .”

When Creed handed Edgar one of the wooden swords he had just brought, he grabbed it and showed his teeth with a warlike smile.

Leonel put strength into the hand that was holding the wooden sword with the fighting spirit that grazed his skin.

When he told Creed that he wanted to fight Edgar, the words Creed said to him echoed in his head.

‘Bump with death momentum. With your current skills, you only have one option, win or not.’

For Leonel, who had huge ambitions, it was a very shocking statement.

It meant that even if he fought to the death, it would be difficult to defeat Edgar with his current skills.

At first, he was dubious, but he could definitely feel it when he saw his friend in a battle face to face and felt the shudder on his skin.

Then let’s fight to the death and win at least once.

Leonel set his target low, then rushed towards Edgar, who gave up to initiate the first attack.

* * * * * *

Edgar returned to the castle after sparring with Leonel.

Still, perhaps thanks to sparring until sweat washed his whole body, he felt like his head was more organized than a while ago.

Because he couldn’t avoid it forever, meeting Ariel was the most urgent thing for him now.

Just as Shuri was approaching from the other side, he lightly raised his hand in greeting and asked a question.

“Ah, Shuri. What about Ariel?”

“She's still with Miss Sylvia.”

“Ok? They seems to be taking their time well. ”

He had heard that Sylvia would be staying for two days, so he had expectated that the conversation would be short, and he seems to be wrong.

‘Or is it that she doesn’t want to meet me yet.’

A small shadow fell on Edgar’s face thinking that it wasn’t an impossible story.

Having gone through such an accident, Ariel will need time to rearrange her thoughts and come face to face with him.

Edgar thought there was no need to think too fast, and shared the luggage Shuri was carrying.

“ Young master… It's okay…Please go and have some rest first.”

“Anyway, if Ariel isn’t around, what’s the point of playing and eating? More than that, you are still busy changing my titles back and forth.”

“Ehehehe… I’m already too used to call you ‘Young Master Edgar’ by now.”

Shuri smiled awkwardly with her tongue sticking out.

This is because Edgar has secretly been favored by Yulken in the castle since he made a remarkable contribution by changing the core of their Robeheim family.

Of course, Yulken didn’t announce this in front of the people, but the people in the castle, including his subordinates, couldn’t be unaware of it.

That’s why Shuri used to stick to the title ‘Mr. Edgar’ because of Ariel’s orders, but at some point it became difficult to do so.

Originally, she wanted to return to the old title of ‘Lord’, but Helene asked in a calm tone one day that ‘Lord’ is hard, so how about ‘Young Master’.

Shuri wasn’t stupid enough to not know the meaning of the words, so she accepted it and it became the current title.

“Call it what you feel comfortable with. But don’t act like you are used to calling me a young master. But the tone you used just now is perfect.”

“Yes I will. Because the lady said it too. Master Edgar doesn’t like being too polite, so I also thought it would be better to be a little more comfortable.”

“Did Ariel say that?”

Hearing this for the first time made Edgar’s eyes wide open.

Shuri nodded with an innocent face and cautiously spoke about Ariel’s hidden side.

“Don’t you know, Young Master? The young lady talks a lot about the young master.”

“I thought she would only curse me at best.”

“Pfft, even if she curse at young master from time to time, she’s innocent.”

Of course, it’s not that her master doesn’t gossip about Young Master.

However, Ariel’s way of talking was to take sides at the end even when gossiping.

‘Is it okay if I help her a little?’

It would be a disqualification as a servant to tell others the master’s private things, but wouldn’t the sin be forgiven if it is for stepping out for the master’s future?

With those thoughts in mind, Shuri cleared her throat and began to tell more of the story between the two of them that she had shared with Ariel.

“She always talk about the young master. For example, what the young master bought her today or about the stories you told her. She would even talk about the most trivial things in detail!”

“… ahh?”

Edgar was embarrassed for no reason and scratched his cheek with his index finger, subtly avoiding her gaze.

He knew that Ariel was not being honest, but hearing the truth at his face like this made him feel really strange.

If possible, he wants to hear more of the story as it is, but hearing these words in the absence of the person(Ariel) concerned made it difficult to do so because of the accumulated guilt.

“But where should I take this to?”

“Ah, we are here. It’s right in front of you.”

In the end, when he subtly changed the topic, fortunately Shuri caught on.

When she replied, pointing to the hallway that passed through the drawing room, Edgar sighed in delight and pretended to be calm.


It was immediately after that, a commotion broke out.

“I told you not to come after me!”

“Ah, Ariel! That’s not, the front! Look ahead!”

Suddenly, the door to the parlor opened violently, and Ariel jumped out and charged toward the two of them.

Sylvia belatedly tried to dissuade her, but by the time Ariel turned her head, Edgar was already at close range.


In the end, Ariel, who couldn’t slow down, collided with Edgar, and things he and Shuri were carrying spilled onto the floor.

“eww… Ariel, are you okay?”

“… … .”

Despite this situation, Ariel didn’t scream a word, let alone apologize.

No, to be exact, she seems to be unable to spit out the words.

Read at galaxytl to help the Translator. Thank you😍.

Treating Edgar as a cushion who first fell down on the carpet, she lay face down on his body, feeling the heartbeat on his firm chest.

“Hey, are you okay? Did you get hit hard?”

“I-I’ll call the physician!”

After letting out a hiccup, Ariel looked down at Edgar in silence.

Surprised by this, Edgar, wondering if she had hit her head, reached out and touched her forehead.

Shuri hurriedly went down the stairs to call for the doctor in the castle, and as for Silvia, she just watched.

“hahahaha… … .”

Ariel, on the other hand, had no time to answer Edgar’s worried questions.

She doesn’t know if it’s because of the magical candy she just ate, she felt something wriggling inside her body, passing through the pit of her stomach and slowly rising up her throat.

‘I want to talk, I want to talk.’

Ariel broke into a cold sweat and struggled to overcome that desire, but she felt that she was gradually reaching her limit.

‘What will happen to me if I spit out those words?’

Even if she happened to convey her true feelings, she did not like to confess her feelings through this method at all.

At least, she wanted to convey her heart to him with her own will without borrowing outside power.

But the moment she put these thoughts into action, even the most foolish man will have no choice but to realize her intentions.

If so, what should she do? Is there any way to overcome this situation?

Within a short period of time, turning her thought circuit as much as possible and continuing her thoughts cycle, fire brewed in her crimson eyes.

There is only one way.

“Ed, I’m fine… Listen carefully.”

“Are you really okay? Why are you sweating like this?”

“Yes. But I am really okay… … .”

Actually, not so okay. But somehow she managed to spits out lies.

And the moment she realized that it was possible to lie even if she ate the candy from earlier, Ariel opened her mouth again without delay and explained the situation to him.

“I just ate the strange candy Sylvia gave me.”


Edgar knew that Sylvia always brought out all sorts of weird things, but he didn’t know what this situation had to do with candy.

In order to further explain this, Ariel continued her explanation with difficulty, keeping her true feelings that seemed to want to jump out of her throat at any moment.

“Yeah, so… Words I don’t want to say keep coming out… . understand? It is not my will to speak from now on.”

“Uh, uh… … .”

“I hope you understand. So… … .”

When Edgar nodded like a broken marionette and expressed his affirmation, Ariel’s eyes changed at that moment.

As if the last shackles binding her reason had been released.

Then, as if her strength had run out, Ariel, who fell on top of Edgar’s body again, brought her mouth to Edgar’s ear.

It’s fine now. Because she already made an excuse so that she could get out of this messy situation safely without a worry for the aftermath.

‘This isn’t my true heart. It’s just a lie spouted out by the effect of candy.'

So anyway,

“I love you, Ed… … .”

She can tell him this.

[T: Kyaaaa! So surprised my heart literally jumped out, how I wish I transmigrates as Sylvia just so I could witness this scene personally.]

ry for aftermath.

‘This isn’t my true heart. It’s just a lie spouted out by the effect of candy.'

So anyway,

“I love you, Ed… … .”

She can tell him this.

[T: Kyaaaa! So surprised my heart literally jumped out, how I wish I transmigrates as Sylvia just so I could witness this scene personally.]

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