I Became the Childhood Friend of the Northern Duchess

Chapter 64

Chapter 64: Not Friends, But Lovers

Translator : Idris

Editor : Aizen

After a night that felt like a dream, Ariel awakened from a deep slumber and stretched with a groan.

She traced over her lips as if she could still sense the lingering warmth from the previous night's kiss.

Lost in thought, Ariel unintentionally brushed her lips and buried her face in the pillow, wrestling with her emotions.

‘Am I going insane? Are you out of your mind, Ariel Robeheim!'

Why did she end up engaging in such audacious behavior?

The ambience of confessions had a mesmerizing effect on her, but even though she crossed the boundary, she did it without regrets.

After what happened last night, she wonders how she should face Edgar from now on a daily basis.

"It's all that fool's fault! It's not as if I'm promiscuous or anything of the sort!"

Now, even though their relationship had evolved from friendship to romance, Ariel's blame towards Edgar persisted consistently.

To be honest, it was embarrassing for her as well.

Who could have anticipated that he would confess his feelings at such an unexpected moment?

Perhaps it was because, for a brief moment, the thought of her long-cherished desire coming true overwhelmed her.

Or it could have been the extraordinarily radiant moonlight from the previous night that momentarily made his ugly face appear somewhat more appealing and smart.

"Excuse me, miss, are you awake?"

Meanwhile, in the morning, Shuri knocked on the room door to greet Ariel, unaware that she had already kicked off the futon and was in a state of turmoil.

Under ordinary circumstances, maintaining silence would have been the appropriate response, signifying that she was still asleep. However, her thoughts were far from normal at this moment. Her mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions and jumbled thoughts.

Unable to muster a coherent response, Ariel blurted out something that made little sense.

"Oh no! I haven't woken up yet!" Ariel exclaimed.

"Yes?" Bewildered, Shuri asked.

"Ah!" Without a choice, Ariel sighed.

‘What does it mean when an awake person says she isn’t awake yet?’

Ariel, realizing her mistake too late, sighed, but it was no use crying over spilled milk.

"If you're awake, can I come in?" Shuri's voice resonated through the door, seeking permission to enter the room.

"Yes, you may come in," Ariel responded, aware that denying entry would only arouse suspicion.

She understood it was best to go along with the situation.

Ariel's permission escaped her lips with a sense of acceptance, accepting that things would unfold as they should.

Her head hung low, reminiscent of a puppet with loose strings, as Shuri entered the room, slightly delayed.

"Good morning, my lady. But why is your face so flushed?" Shuri inquired, noticing the crimson hue on Ariel's cheeks.

"Oh, it's just my mood. It’s my mood!" Ariel dismissed it with a playful remark while ignoring the question.

"Um… Is something wrong?" Shuri pressed further.

Ariel's face grew even redder, matching the intensity of her eyes.

The sight was enough to raise concerns, prompting thoughts of calling a doctor immediately.

"Did something happen?" Shuri asked, sensing there might be more to the situation than meets the eye.

Shuri contemplated for a moment, realizing that the recent event, though not catastrophic, had left a significant impact.

‘ Looking back at yesterday’s events, the only thing I remember is Young Master Edgar looking for Ariel's room….' Shuri thought to herself

"Ah!" Shuri exclaimed

At that moment, a forgotten memory resurfaced in Shuri's mind, and she clapped her palms together, creating a sharp popping sound.

Could that be the reason for the shift in Ariel's state of mind? Shuri questioned herself, realizing the importance of this forgotten memory.

‘ I can't believe I completely forgot about it.' Shuri chastised herself silently.

‘I should ask about it right away.'

Shuri approached the bed, trying to maintain a composed demeanor while eagerly anticipating the change in Ariel's expression once she asked the question that lingered in her mind.

With a deliberate nonchalance, Shuri tidied up the scattered clothes and belongings in the room as if nothing was amiss. Then, seizing the opportune moment, she spoke up.

"Observing you, my lady, it seems that you have developed a close relationship with Young Master Edgar," Shuri told Ariel.

"What!?" Ariel's eyes widened in surprise.

Her expression questioned how Shuri had come to know about her relationship with Edgar. Sensing Ariel's curiosity, Shuri paused her tasks and walked over to her side, maintaining a calm and reassuring demeanor.

"I, too, have shared the details of my love story with you, my lady, so I believe I have the right to hear about what happened yesterday… How do you think?" Shuri spoke gently, extending her understanding and support.

"…" Ariel was speechless

Then she nodded.

Ariel, with her face buried in the pillow, nodded slightly, indicating her willingness to share her thoughts.

There was little point in attempting to conceal the truth, as Ariel considered Shuri to be trustworthy enough.

After a brief moment of reflection, the memories from the previous day slowly started to piece themselves together, finding their way through Ariel's lips, eager to be revealed.

* * * * * * *

While Ariel recounted the previous day’s events, Edgar stood in front of her room door, nervously scratching his cheek.

Though he had known Ariel since childhood, today marked the first time they would meet as lovers.

Edgar felt a sense of unease, unsure of how he should present himself to Ariel in this newfound romantic context.

"I never expected to feel this way," he thought.

He reflected on his unexpected worries. Yet, deep down, he knew these worries stemmed from a place of happiness.

Ariel was like a delicate flower, someone who would elicit attractions from other men. And she is now his lover, and the thought brought a surge of joy to Edgar's heart.

Even upon waking up in the morning, he struggled to resist the urge to cheer and pinch his cheeks, almost as if he wanted to confirm that yesterday’s memories were real and not just a dream.

While Edgar couldn't ascertain Ariel's exact feelings, he knew that this exhilarating sensation was unlike anything he had ever experienced before in his life.


"Oh, you're already here, young master," came Shuri's voice as the tightly closed door swung open.

When Edgar, clenched his fists, still caught up in the rush of his own victorious thoughts, the shut door in front of him opened and the figure of Shuri appeared.

Seeing her standing there with a knowing smile made him scratch the back of his head, feeling a mix of anticipation and nervousness.

He then realized that Ariel had likely shared everything with Shuri.

"Uh, yes. I am here." Edgar admitted.

Shuri playfully chided, "Cough, cough, my lady. Master Edgar is here, so you should come out quickly."

“So noisy! I am almost finished… … !”

Ariel's voice echoed inside the room, clearly troubled as usual.

However, Edgar couldn't help but feel a slight sense of relief, hoping that his presence might bring some comfort.

After what felt like an eternity of silent anticipation, Ariel cautiously emerged from the room.

Strangely, she was adorned in a sky-blue dress that she rarely wore.

"Ah…" Edgar uttered, his curiosity piqued.

"What's with that expression? If you feel like laughing, go ahead. I'm not accustomed to this either." Ariel said to Edgar.

Ariel was typically active and preferred clothes that were easy to move around.

It is well known that she did not prefer clothes which seemed to focus on aesthetics rather than convenience.

Edgar found himself taken aback by her appearance and hesitance, with hands on the hem of her skirt and a blush adorning her face. It was a sight that caught Edgar entirely off guard.

Edgar smirked in response. "It's because you're pretty," he remarked,

"Yes, pretty…" Ariel trailed off, unable to respond coherently, feeling her cheeks grow warm.

His words were causing Ariel to react with a mix of surprise and embarrassment.'Ugh, if it were like before, I would have handled it more smoothly.' Ariel thought to herself, a hint of frustration tugging at her heart.

Was it just because their relationship had shifted slightly, that she was so affected by a simple compliment?

Ariel couldn't deny the sensation of her heart being pierced by Edgar's words, leaving her unsure how to respond.

"Well, I suppose I'll have to give up my seat," Ariel mentally resolved, acknowledging that she needed to navigate this new dynamic with Edgar.

Chuckling at Ariel's flustered state, Shuri gracefully bowed to Edgar and left the room so as to give the two a private space.

It was clear to her that as a newly established couple, displaying affection without regard for onlookers would be challenging.

Shuri knew it was her duty as an experienced individual to demonstrate maturity and wisdom in such situations.

"Ariel," Edgar called out.

"Don't look at my face right now! It must look strange…" Ariel protested, feeling self-conscious.

"It does look strange but in a good way. You're simply beautiful," Edgar chimed in.

"Such words are forbidden! Just stay away for a moment!" Ariel insisted.

She did not want to appear as a woman who, after confidently expressing her opinions yesterday, now blushed at a mere compliment.

She wanted to guide Edgar with composure and depth, reflecting her position as the successor of the Robeheim family.

"Huh?" Ariel exclaimed.

She firmly nodded, believing that she had mentally prepared herself somehow. However, without any warning, Edgar launched a surprise attack.

Being almost a head taller than Ariel, he embraced her from behind, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and waist.

"What kind of scream was that? It sounded like a frightened cat," Edgar jokes.

"Don't, don't hug me so suddenly! At least give me some time to prepare mentally…" Ariel protested, feeling caught off guard.

"I can only hug you, but there's no such thing as mental preparation. I'm just glad we didn't accidentally kiss," Edgar responded.

"Kiss…?" Ariel squeaked.

Ariel felt the urge to exclaim that she had never permitted him to go to such length, but at that moment, the memories of their time together yesterday played vividly in her mind.

In a belated realization, Edgar came to understand that it was Ariel who had initiated the kiss first.

There was no escape from that truth.

What…what kiss…?" Ariel

questioned, her frustration evident.

"Why? Do you want to do it?" Edgar replied,

Seeing a playful smile on his face provoked an inward roar of anger from Ariel.

He seemed to know exactly how she felt.

Their relationship had transitioned from friendship to lovers, yet Edgar's mischievous nature showed no signs of waning.

"It's not like I really want to, but… if it's something you truly want, there's nothing I can do to stop it" Ariel reluctantly admitted.

"All right then. Can I hold you like this?" Edgar proposed.

"Argh…!" Ariel felt a surge of frustration.

Ariel felt like she was on the verge of throwing a tantrum.

However, as Ariel insisted on pulling away, she could not resist the growing heat within her body caused by the warmth of their embrace and Edgar's distinct scent.

Gradually, Ariel's resentment subsided, and she reached out to gently untangle Edgar's arms that held her captive.

Turning to face him, she looked up with open eyes.

Her two red eyes held a hint of lingering resentment, silently questioning why they hadn't gone further.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I suppose I teased you too much," Edgar apologized, realizing the deeper meaning behind Ariel's words.

"It's not fair… We're not just friends anymore. We’re lovers… You foolish man."

In the past, teasing was a regular part of their dynamic when they were friends. But now that they had transitioned to a romantic relationship, Ariel expected more tenderness from Edgar.

Recognizing the significance of Ariel's words, Edgar placed his hand on her cheek with a wry smile and lowered his gaze.

"I'm sorry. As compensation, I will devote myself to being with you all day today," he offered.

"If that's just a lie, I don't want to see you ever again," Ariel replied with a hint of skepticism.

"That's a bit extreme. It's only been a day since we became lovers." Edgar chuckled.

"Then I don't know, you idiot. Just apologize properly." Ariel said to Edgar.

Even though Edgar had apologized earlier, he still wondered what else he could do. Then he realized what Ariel's desired ‘proper apology' meant.josei

Then Edgar tilted his head slightly and lowered his lips to kiss hers.

Ariel felt a tickling sensation, but she raised herself on her tiptoes, closed her eyes, and eagerly welcomed his approaching lips.

How many minutes passed as they stood there, eyes closed and lost in the moment?

When their lips finally parted, an unexpected visitor approached the couple, who had just opened their eyes.

"Silvia…?" Ariel murmured.

Ariel had belatedly recognised her friend's presence.

And then there was a moment of silence.

During this time, Silvia's expression shifted as she watched the affectionate display between Ariel and Edgar.

Gradually, Ariel's face flushed from the bottom up, and it was only when Edgar's puzzled smile formed that she hastily spoke up.

"I-I'm sorry! Actually, I came to tell you that the candy I gave you yesterday seems to have been mistaken for just regular candy… I guess I am needed here.!"

Uncharacteristically, Silvia spoke rapidly, pouring her words like a waterfall. Then, with a quick "See you later!" She swiftly disappeared.

Ariel stared blankly at the spot where Silvia had been, her mind trying to process what had just happened.

After about three seconds…

Swoosh! [The sound of a fire ball popping from Ariel's hand.

"Hey, Ariel! What are you planning to do with that?"

"Let go! Release me, you idiot!"

With her face flustered, Ariel attempted to chase after Silvia, wielding a flame that held a different intensity from the one she had shown Edgar as a threat.

"If that hits, your friend will be thoroughly charred! Are you out of your mind?"

"I am gonna burn her! Until there's nothing but ashes left!"

The situation, which had been upgraded from friendship to a romantic relationship on one side and downgraded to a target of revenge on the other side, was anything but amusing.

However, one thing was sure: Even though the candy had turned out to be ordinary with no special effects, it had left more of an impact than any powerful magic could have.

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