I Became the Childhood Friend of the Northern Duchess

Chapter 70

Chapter 70: A Short Memory Trip

Editor : Aizen

Thanks to the time capsule, both of them found themselves caught up in an unexpected commotion.

This time, Ariel held his hand and mentioned that there was a place she wanted to go with him. As a result, Edgar had to follow her without knowing the destination.

However, despite his uncertainty about the destination, he was able to infer it to some extent based on their previous experiences.

Unlike the bustling city of Hespania, they found themselves in a rural town with a few potential places to explore.

Moreover, the fact that the path Ariel led them on held nostalgic memories for both of them added to the significance.

Upon seeing the overgrown grass and dense trees, Edgar couldn't help but let out a quiet exclamation.

Ariel, who had been walking ahead, glanced back at him and sprinted to his side with a small smile.

"It's been a while."

"Indeed. How old were we the last time we came here?"

"Eleven or twelve, I can't exactly remember."

Even for Edgar, the memory was vague, indicating that it was from long ago.

"Well, we haven't spent much time together since that day."

When he referred to "that day," Edgar intentionally exaggerated a bit, alluding to the incident where Ariel had almost lost him.

On that day, as they climbed up the mountain and admired the view from above, Ariel had told Edgar that the mountain was his birthday present. It was a fond memory from their youthful days.

Back then, they encountered a wild boar in the rain-soaked mountain, putting Edgar in danger.

Ariel still carried that memory in her mind like a trauma.

While other memories were hazy, the image of Edgar panting as he descended the mountain with Ariel's cold body on his back remained vivid.

As the atmosphere grew heavier with the recollection of that day, Edgar smiled and spoke playfully.

"I told you not to go because you were scared."

"Me? scared!?"

"What, don't you remember?"

Ariel's feet left the ground momentarily as she jumped into the air, and Edgar chuckled as he recalled that memory.

Even in jest, he was careful not to tell lies about such matters.

Ariel also knew this, so she waited attentively, even though she felt hopeless while watching him.

"And what about a month later? When I wanted to return to the mountain because I felt fine, you almost cried and refused."

"I cried…really?"

"Yes. You said, ‘What if I encounter a wild boar again, and Ed gets hurt?' You cried… Heh!?"

"Ack, I get it, so stop!"

Even the young princess had her moments of innocence when she was ten years old.

Of course, Ariel felt quite embarrassed about her past naivety, so she hurriedly covered Edgar's mouth in disbelief.

Ariel had become quite skilled at restraining him, making it difficult for Edgar to escape her grasp as effortlessly as before.

However, the difference in their abilities was still significant, so he had to make a decision: should he struggle and break free or play along, considering she was his girlfriend?

In the end, he chose to enjoy the prank as a jest. He pretended to be victimised, covering his mouth to just the right extent.

"Shall we continue all the way there today?"

"To where… exactly?"

"The place where I encountered the wild boar. Let's go higher if possible."

Since Ariel was the one who initially brought him to the mountain, her attire was suitable for hiking.

Edgar noticed this and asked quietly.

"You're not planning to meet that creature again, are you?"

"What if I did? Neither you nor I are so weak that a wild boar could defeat us."

"Well, that's true."

Even without a sword, Edgar knew he could defeat a wild boar if he set his mind to it.

As a naturally talented wizard, Ariel had exceptional skills, so it was definitely within her capabilities.

If anything, they might end up roasting the wild boar on the spot.

"Alright, let's go then. It's been a while"

"If you find it difficult, let me know. I'll carry you on my back, just like back then."

"Do you think I'm the same as I was back then!?"

Edgar's words, reminiscing about her when she was ten years old, angered Ariel. She emitted steam in all directions, furious like a raging fire.

Although she was indeed a fragile girl at that time, incapable of mastering martial arts or developing stamina, she now had the strength to climb up and down the mountain as many times as she pleased.

Furthermore, the instances where Edgar had carried her were mere accidents resulting from her own mistakes, such as spraining her ankle or injuring her leg.

There would be no need for such a clumsy descent from the mountain today. Ariel reassured herself.

* * * * * * *

The two of them easily discovered raspberries, which were hard to find at other times, probably due to the peak of the season.

With a handful of raspberries in each hand, they enjoyed their leisurely stroll up the mountain, munching on the sweet fruit.

Their demeanour appeared entirely relaxed.

Who would have thought they were the only heirs to the Grand Duchess and her lover?

To the casual observer, they looked like any ordinary young man and woman living nearby.

Except, of course, for their outward appearance.

While retracing their steps back to their destination, at the cave, Edgar saw something white in his field of vision.

As he squinted and focused on the spot, he noticed that the cave had a somewhat different appearance from before but was undoubtedly the same.

"Oh, Ariel. I see it over there," he pointed out.


"Right here. Can't you see it clearly amidst the trees?"

"Oh, I see it now. It looks different when viewed like this."

In the past, the cave had emanated a truly dark and foreboding atmosphere, but today Ariel perceived it differently.

Perhaps it was because beautiful flowers were blooming nearby.

While contemplating the change in her perception of the cave, she reached their destination while holding Edgar's hand.

"I don't see any wild boars around."

"Aren't they gone?"

"What are you saying so bluntly… Well, maybe they went out to find something to eat."

This explained why wild boars often descended from the mountain and caused damage to the village's crops.

Or perhaps it was simply a change in their habitat.

Even as a pair, it wasn't a thing I particularly desired to see, so I didn't bother searching for it. Instead, I sat down in front of the cave and took a break.

While idly playing with the bright red raspberries, I shifted my gaze to the open landscape. The sunset, as red as the raspberries, gradually sank behind the towering mountain peaks.

"Is it already sunset?"

"Yeah, it must have been quite some time."

"Don't even bring that up. How much time did you spend reading the letter earlier?"

"I-I told you not to mention that!"

Edgar defended her, saying, "Why, you're so cute." But for Ariel, it was just an embarrassing incident.

It would have been better if only he had discovered it.

Since Shuri, who was next to her, also took a peek at the letter, Ariel was already worried about her reaction when they returned to Hespania later.

Of course, she isn't as lenient as Edgar, so if she finds out, she'll likely dismiss it immediately.

It's just that the situation itself felt different.

"It's sunset… It reminds me of that time."

"When we came down after picking raspberries?"

"Yes, the sunset was like this back then too."

Ariel showed her affirmation with a slightly surprised expression because she didn't expect him to guess immediately.

Meanwhile, Edgar, who had been observing her from the side, stood up abruptly with a determined look on his face and reached out his hand to her.

"Why? Are you leaving already?"

"It's been a long time, so I thought we could take a trip down memory lane."

"Memory lane…?"

When Ariel tilted her head in confusion at his vague words, Edgar smiled and encouraged her to hold his hand.

Ariel cautiously took his hand, wondering if he was up to something mischievous.

Then, with all his strength, Edgar pulled her slender body and lifted her onto his back like a sack.

Taken aback by his sudden action, Ariel resisted, trying to stand on her own two feet.

"Why, why! What kind of patient am I!?"

I promised myself that I would never allow myself to be carried so undignified as I was in the past.

But how does this foolish man understand her true feelings and then try to make me break my resolution so easily?

"What about being carried? It's something lovers do."

"Yeah, but…"

"I'll stop if you don't like it. There's something I want to do."

"Ugh, you're only serious at times like this."

If he had said it playfully, she would have demanded to be let down, but Ariel had no choice but to surrender when faced with his serious tone, unlike his usual playful self.

It was a behaviour unique to Edgar, who knew very well that she couldn't refuse when he acted like this.


As they descended the path they had climbed, stepping on the thick layer of fallen leaves, the pleasant sound of their footsteps filled their ears.

Ariel, perched on his back, asked what he intended to do, but Edgar simply continued on with a smile and kept silent.

"Is it here?"


Ariel questioned Edgar's muttered self-talk.

This time, without giving any answer, he headed towards a place resembling the one stored in his memory and stopped with both feet.

When Ariel turned around, she realised that the lush trees had vanished, and the sunset she had seen a while ago now stretched out in front of her, beyond her field of vision.


Ariel let out a soft exclamation as she finally grasped the significance of this place.

"Do you remember this place?"

"Yes, I remember."

She immediately responded to Edgar's question and gazed blankly at the sunset vanishing beyond the mountain peaks.

How could she forget?

It was the place where she first became conscious of a boy named Edgar as someone of the opposite sex.

On that day, her heart had raced without her knowledge.

Even now, looking back, she couldn't fathom the reason, but one thing was certain—since then, she had been observing his every move closely.

"That's where you taught me what it means to grow up."

"Did I tell you that you lose something precious in exchange for something precious?"

"Yes. I think I remember finding those words a little scary back then."

At that time, Ariel was just a ten-year-old girl.

An ordinary, unremarkable girl who still feared the thought of losing something precious.

Edgar kindly said, "It's just that a precious existence is changing."

‘I further added an explanation, saying that for her, the fact that I was transforming into an unknown version of myself was quite frightening.'

But looking back now, it seems really foolish.

Because I've come to realise that changing precious things is actually a blessing in life.

Even her beloved toys, books, and jewellery.

While each of them still holds memories, if you ask whether their presence is as precious as before, it isn't.

Do you feel like something has been lost?

It's not even that.

"So, how are you now? Have your precious things changed a lot?"

"Yes, so much has changed. But of course, some things haven't changed."

"Oh, really? I'm surprised."

Ariel laughed at his casual inquiry about what hadn't changed.

Why can't I notice it when it's a subject I'm usually so quick to pick up on?

But at the same time, I also realised that this was the answer.

Despite being so close, "You are precious." If he didn't tell me, I would never realise it.

Furthermore, I also pondered this thought.

Doesn't that mean everything changes as time passes, yet this man remains the same?

A foolish man who looked elsewhere without even recognising the innocent kindness of a 10-year-old girl.

I was glad to see that the Edgar Billhark of those days was still unchanged.

Even if everything changes, the man she loves remains the same.


Filled with joy by this realisation, Ariel impulsively reached out and planted a sweet kiss on his right cheek.

Normally, he would jokingly ask if it would leave a mark, but today he asked in a relaxed tone, wearing only a faint smile.

“Is there anything that makes you feel good?”josei

"Thank you. Thank you for reminding me of these cherished memories."

"Oh, really? I'm glad you seem to enjoy it."

"Should I come here again next time?" Ariel nodded quietly.

Next year, the year after that, and even ten years from now.

It was a place where I wanted to go together with you forever.

The place that made me realise I love you.

Where else could there be a place with such precious and affectionate memories?

Even if the sun sets on that horizon, the memories won't fade away.

We can climb this mountain anytime, watch the sunset together, and reminisce about those moments.

That would undoubtedly be a happiness unparalleled in the world. Ariel was certain of it.

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