I Became The Mafia Boss Inside The Novel

Chapter 81 Arcane Academy (2)

Chapter 81 Arcane Academy (2)

81 Arcane Academy (2)

After Elias found a guide in the city, he was pointed to the direction where to get the student cards for new freshman.

"We're here,"

Elias stopped in front of a large building. Behind him, the four beautiful women stood while looking at the building with curiosity.

During their walk, Elias kept feeling the glances of the student populace stay on him due to the four beautiful women following after him.

But he didn't mind it. In fact, the fame brought by Sumi and the rest was going to be helpful for his plans in the academy.

However... he would still ditch them given the chance.

"I'm going in ahead. Like we promised, we go our separate ways now that we're at our location."

Elias said calmly before going inside the building. The building, similar to a city hall, was quite large — but most importantly there were a lot of students inside.

After entering the building, a lot of students turned their attention towards them and was instantly smitten by Sumi and the rest who were behind him.

"Yo, Elias!"

At that moment, an energetic voice suddenly called out to him from the crowd.

Elias turned to where the voice came from. Over the crowd, a dark-blue haired handsome man with modern clothing squeezed out and waved at him.

"Hajin. You're still here? Why is Ragna not with you then?"

"Eh, Celestia told me to wait for you here. I didn't want to, but that woman... she scares me. As for Ragna, he's in the bathroom,"

Hajin replied casually as he walked over to Elias. At that moment, his gaze drifted behind Elias back and he saw the group of girls following his cousin.

Not one, but a group of four.


Hajin squinted his eyes to confirm if he was seeing things right or not. He rubbed his eyes and saw that there was no problem with his sight at all.

Under Elias and the girls confused gazes, he quietly walked over to their position and suddenly pulled Elias closer to his shoulder to whisper something.

"...So what's the deal? How the hell do you have four beautiful girls following you? No, not even that. One of them is a goddamn princess, you told us you were going to do something, but don't tell me you were flirting? I understand why you wouldn't want to let Crazy Nun and Big Fellas in the mix, but why would you not invite me? Your dearest, most kind and handsome cousin...."

Elias eyes suddenly twitched violently. Before he went crazy, he put his hand on Hajin's endlessly chattering mouth to shut up the man.

"Will it kill you not to speak too much? Also, I was not flirting. I just happened to meet them in the examination and they started to follow me like lost puppies,"

"Yeaaaaaahhhh, surely that's what happened. You were just walking by and they instantly fell in love with your godly charm. What are you, the MC?"

Hajin rolled his eyes from the reply.

"Hardly. Now, get off me."

Elias snickered before pushing Hajin away. However, Hajin's remarks made him complain in his mind. <nulli>MC my ass, I'm not even a character that supposed to live in this world...

Hajin simply shrugged and didn't talk about it anymore. He looked at Sumi and the rest before his eyes fell on Elizabeth.

In a speed that could only be described as godly, Hajin instantly arrived in front of Elizabeth and took her hand while looking at her eyes.

"My name is Hajin Sanchez, the gentleman lover. It's nice to meet you, princess Elizabeth. By the way, has anyone told you that your beauty is like the sun that it blinds the eye?"

"...I get that a lot. But thank you nonetheless,"

Elizabeth awkwardly chuckled. But Hajin wasn't deterred in the slightest, his expression looked as though he was ready to risk it all.

"Is that so? Thankfully, people still have eyes nowadays.

I saw a café nearby, do you have free time? Perhaps we can talk and get to know each other more? I promise we won't end up like Romeo and Juliet."

"Ah... this is..."

Elizabeth squeezed out a difficult smile. She looked at Sumi and the rest with puppy eyes for help, but Zyrish laughed at her instead.

From the sidelines, Elias couldn't help but facepalm.

"Hajin, that's enough. Don't make her too uncomfortable. Let's go and get our student id cards before this place gets anymore crowded,"

"Tsk, bummer."

Hajin sighed and pulled away. He scratched the back of his head and bowed slightly towards the confused innocent princess.

"Sorry about that, princess. I just couldn't resist your beauty. But the offer is still up though, feel free to call me, here's my numb—"

"...Will it kill you to stop flirting? Look at your surroundings, people are watching you embarass yourself,"

"A man need not to concern himself with the opinion of others, Brother Elias."

Hajin snickered, much to Elias unamused smile. Seeing that his cousin was already walking away, he waved his hand to say goodbye to Elizabeth and the rest before turning around to follow his cousin.

Before Elias disappeared from their vision, Elizabeth suddenly called out to him.

"Thank you for saving us, I'll definitely repay this favor when I can. I hope we meet again!"

Elias suddenly stopped. He raised his right hand and waved it towards them slowly. Then, he walked away as their back disappear from the girl's vision.

Sumi's eyes flashed an emerald gleam as she looked at both Elias and Hajin. It was unknown what she was thinking.

But after the two duo disappeared, the group of girls also went to get their own student ID cards.


After a short process of filling up needed information, Elias finally obtained his own student card. He took the ID card on the table that displayed his name and information.

He put it in his pocket and went out of the room without slowing down. Getting the ID card was easier than he though, no wonder Hajin didn't take any long to get his.

After he stepped out of the room, he saw Hajin waiting for him besides the door.

"So? You done? Told you it was just simple. Anyways, let's go and meet Ragna downstairs. Get ready though, he really wants to kill you for the stunt you pulled on him in the examination,"

"He won't do that. Besides, it was you and Celestia that executed the stunt, not me. I'm sure he would understand if I explained it to him,"

"You shameless bastard,"

"You're the one to talk. You flirted with Celestia in the examination in nude with only boxers." josei

Elias retorted to Hajin. In any case, the "stunt" he pulled was important to prevent any mistakes in his plan. As for what the stunt was...

Why was he alone when he fought Garuda? It was because prior to going to the battlefield he had already sent his team away to the academy.

He needed to do that because Ragna would definitely interfere with the fight and try to fight Garuda on his own.

In short, he sent Ragna away because he was an unstable variable in his plan to defeat Garuda, the Baron of Pride.

As for how he went on doing it, he convinced Celestia and Hajin to get into his plan and stressed the importance of it.

They were convinced rather easily. So by using the fragments they gathered on their journey — Celestia and Hajin took Ragna to the academy and left Elias alone.

Obviously, Ragna was angry at the stunt and confronted them about it. Celestia, like the person she was, deliberately blamed Elias for the mastermind behind the stunt.

Thus, after Ragna discovered that, he was filled with unbridled rage and fury. He thought Elias was running away from him.

Hajin facepalmed himself.

"Ugh, don't remind me about it. I don't even wanna remember that Crazy Nun, much less about that incident. Let's talk about Elizabeth instead..."

"Do you really like her? You seem obsessed with the princess."

"Uh, eh, that's besides the point. Before we walked away, she said something about you saving their group or something, what did really happen in the examination...?"

Hajin raised his brows, curious. However, Elias didn't answer him and shook his head calmly.

"I told you, it was nothing. Don't think about it."

"Eh, you bummer. I'll ask her when she responds to my coffee date. Don't try to stop me, you manwhore."

"...Manwhore? What the hell? I'll kill you if you call me that again."

"But am I wrong? Who's supposed to be the handsome playboy in this dynamic? You arrived at the examination and met all the beautiful girls in the academy and grouped with them. Try to defend that, MC!"

"...I don't know what to tell you, but it's really just a damn. Damning. Coincidence, believe me. I don't want it to happen,"

"Yeaaaahhhh, sureeeee."

Hajin rolled his eyes sarcastically. Typical MC response.

"Whatever, don't talk to me."

Elias sighed and decided to ignore him. Talking to Hajin made him extremely tired for some reason. He deemed himself as a tolerant and calm headed person, but Hajin just knew to push his buttons.

<nulli>'Also, what manwhore... I didn't even had a girlfriend in my past life. Sure, my life of crime in the past led me to some... well, places of pleasure. But that's just it. Never had a girlfriend at all,'

At that moment while they were walking, they heard a sudden commotion occur near them.

Yo I REALLY CANNOT write many chapters rn cuz of stupid dance classes taking my time and thesis

would love I mass update, but hard to do so in this timeframe


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