I Became the Only Non-mage in the Academy

Chapter 64

Chapter 64: Pillager (7)

TL/Editor: looloo

Schedule: 5/Week Wed-Sun

Illustrations: Here

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"Yuhwa, you must always carry yourself with grace."

Those were Grandfather's words.

"The weak rebel because they lack power. They strive to seize even a bit more. But the strong must show generosity because it's their right as those with plenty."

Hong Yuhwa was the embodiment of competitive spirit.

Was it since Grandfather made her compete and crush her adversaries? Or since she transitioned from being a nobody to a someone of significance?

She didn’t know.

Regardless, she had her pride. Was it self-esteem? Or perhaps arrogance?

'I want to win.'

Even if it meant taking away the abilities of others.

That thought...

Hong Yuhwa's eyes snapped open.


It sounded as if something within her shattered.

Crack crack crack.

'Was it because I never truly desired it?'

She desperately wanted to win, no matter the method.

Her talent resonated with that fervent desire.


The Crimson Flame had bloomed.


Raei Translations


It had always been a source of pride for Hong Yuhwa.

Because she believed her Grandfather never spoke falsely.

Do not covet what belongs to others.

Do not envy.

Compete fairly, and one day, you'll stand in my place.

Hong Yuhwa was also the embodiment of talent.

While they were Grandfather’s words, Hong Yuhwa believed them too.

At least she did.

Until she met Kim Seohyun.

Witnessed Ersil, who boasted magical prowess surpassing her own.

And encountered Lee Seoha, a being who stood alone in his own right.

The world was vast.

And the world they showed her, though different from the one Grandfather described, was incredibly intriguing.

Above Hong Yuhwa's head,

A diminutive crown materialized.

Intuitively, Hong Yuhwa realized she had awakened some form of 'talent'.


She wore a smile of both disillusionment and joy.

She could sense the talents of everyone around her. She understood that her talent allowed her to 'choose' and 'pillage' the talents of others.

In that case, first...

Hong Yuhwa reached out her slender arm. Her target was the Minotaur resurrected from death.

A simple act of selection.


There was a sound as if something was being absorbed.

From Hong Yuhwa's hand,


A brilliant, purple flame, a flame of death, erupted.

Turning the clock back slightly, right before the Minotaur's demise.

“Seed of Chaos.”

The Sorcerer of Heavenly Vision spoke.

Seo Yebin raised an eyebrow.

The Seed.

It was an object from another world. When planted in a monster, it would resurrect the creature with the power of that alien world after its death. If used on a human, it would forcibly transform them into one of the Mines.

“It is odd. For such a malevolent force to have emerged, yet there's no destruction in its wake.”

“It's not that surprising. Wasn't the barrier responsible for containing most of the threat?”

The barrier.

A confinement spell that trapped everyone inside. Even Professor Song Rahee, revered as the Echo of Pama, could not break it due to its exceptional strength.

Yet, Lee Seoha managed to dissolve it in mere moments.

‘Should we reward him more?’

Seo Yebin mused with a wry smile.


A mysterious force enveloped the Minotaur.

Purple flames flared to life.

“How should we proceed?”

The Sorcerer of Heavenly Vision and the Emperor.

Both transcended norms with unique abilities. In the eyes of mere students, a creature of such magnitude symbolized sheer despair. Yet these two possessed enough power to make even a horde of such monsters feel hopeless.

For they were unparalleled.


Seo Yebin looked at Lee Seoha.

‘As always.’

He remained enigmatic, as ever.

That very mystery drew Seo Yebin's curiosity. She always prided himself on discerning talent, even more than The Sorcerer of Heavenly Vision, but with Lee Seoha, she wasn’t so sure anymore.


Lee Seoha raised his sword. The Minotaur swung its fist powerfully. Lee Seoha was pushed back.

“Chances of victory? Maybe 10%?”

“In my view, closer to 30%.”

“Is that so?”

The Sorcerer of Heavenly Vision gazed ahead.

Although Lee Seoha's form was concealed, the scale of his power was now somewhat predictable.

That boy...


The Sorcerer of Heavenly Vision's attention shifted.

Toward the red-haired girl, Hong Yuhwa.

“What’s happening?”

“My God. She possesses the power of ‘Negation’? No, it also resembles the ‘Affirmation’ power of the Star Maiden.”

The Sorcerer of Heavenly Vision murmured, gazing at Hong Yuhwa with a stunned expression.

Seo Yebin also looked her way.

Suddenly, above her head, a crimson halo blossomed. It soon transformed into a crown, settling on her brow.

‘...What's this?’

Instinctively, Seo Yebin felt hostility toward Hong Yuhwa.

While she could never pose a direct threat to Seo Yebin, she felt a momentary danger emanating from her and grew wary.

Hong Yuhwa extended her hand, aiming at the Minotaur engulfed in flames.



And from her fingertips, death had bloomed.


Raei Translations



A dark fist surged toward me, imbued with the power of Demonic Qi.

"Dodge it!"

"Master Lee Seoha!"

Voices from both Heavenly Demon and Heavenly Spirit reached my ears. Feeling a chilling sensation, I kicked the void beneath me.


A tearing sound echoed as I dodged once more.

'This won’t be enough.'

Relying on mid-air battles was insufficient now. I needed to draw the Black Heavenly Demon Sword.

Quickly, I fetched a potion from my spatial pocket and gulped it down.

[You've consumed the Potion of Strength! Strength increased by 5 for 30 minutes!]

[You've consumed the Potion of Agility! Agility increased by 5 for 30 minutes!]

[You've consumed the Potion of Stamina! Stamina increased by 5 for 30 minutes!]

I then touched the black bracelet, conjuring the Sword Phantom. Using my will, I manipulated the Sword Phantom, creating footholds and launching some as projectiles.


However, attacks without Demonic Qi proved ineffective.


Both defense and offense were commendable. If only one was weak, it might have been a different story.


Those violet flames bothered me too. As they roared to life, my senses screamed a warning. Though I found them merely annoying, a direct hit could be fatal.

He had hundreds of coins; I had only one.


Damn this cursed game.

I exhaled deeply, infusing my attacks with Demonic Qi.

'I can't overdo it.'

While it boasts immense power, it also drains a lot of Demonic Qi. Using it even once could exhaust me entirely.

The plan was to gradually wear down his health, then strike a powerful blow.

"Lee Seoha!"

A desperate shout echoed. Rushing forth with his weathered sword was Kim Seohyun.

"Park Woonhyuk, block him! I'll finish this!"

"Got it!"

The Minotaur lifted its massive foot.

Coming down with immense force, Kim Seohyun swiftly approached, drawing a Tai Chi symbol with his sword.

Tai Chi Sword Technique.

As the circular Tai Chi symbol formed, it effortlessly redirected the Minotaur's stomp.

"What kind of power is this...?!"

In astonishment, Kim Seohyun summoned a dragon with his other hand.


From the ground, a dragon-shaped force sprung up, binding the Minotaur.


Park Woonhyuk, as quick as lightning, charged with his spear imbued with both wind and lightning.

"Wind Lightning Thrust!"

Shouting out the skill's name might seem comedic, but the attack was far from a joke.

With dozens of lightning bolts and wind-infused thrusts, he grazed the Minotaur's tough skin.

"...Is my Wind Lightning Thrust merely scratching it?"

"Don't lose focus, move aside."

Ersil charged forth.

The stars in her eyes spun.

"Dreamlike Butterfly."

Azure butterflies emerged, numbering in the dozens.

Dreamlike Butterfly.

A skill from a grandmaster of illusion magic, it allows the caster to meld their illusions into reality. While it consumes a lot of mana, it can attack creatures or humans who are susceptible to illusions.

Butterflies clung to the Minotaur, turning its dark skin ghostly white.


“The damage is getting through.”

I slammed into the ground.

I activated my Divine Vision, and swiftly approached with my Black Flash Swordsmanship.

I thrust the Shadow Serpent into the Black Abyss. The Black Abyss, which consumed the Shadow Serpent, shimmered with a black aura.

This wasn’t just any sword aura. This was a blade formed by crudely infusing the Shadow Serpent and controlling its power.

Although it lacked the power to slice even concepts,

"This should do for a test."


A burst of violet flames expanded, trying to engulf me.


Black Storm.

[Black Storm’s proficiency has increased.]

[Black Storm has reached ‘Mastery’. It can now interfere with space.]

Everything in my sight started to be outlined in white against a black backdrop. I felt as if 'space' folded, letting me pass through the violet flames.

And I grasped the Black Abyss in reverse grip.

If I could just impale him with this...

Suddenly, the Minotaur's eyes gleamed violet.

A sensation warned me.


The violet flames condensed into a single point.

"Even adding patterns, huh?"josei

A smirk formed on my lips.

I conjured a black blade right beneath my feet.

The size wasn't ideal for Black Flash Swordsmanship, but I gritted my teeth and leaped using the blade as leverage.


A beam condensed from violet flames shot through the air, aimed right at my heart.

"I can't dodge it…"

It was an instinct.

Derived from countless battles I had been through.


I reached out.

Conceptual Stat Spirit Against Heaven. Pouring almost 70% of it into my hand, the Black Scales appeared.

"With this.”

I'll pierce through.

It was the only option. Betting my life on the method with the highest success rate.

Death loomed palpably closer.


The violet beam clashed with my defense. I could feel the heat, even the residual energy making my skin sting.


My hand trembled. Demonic Qi leaked uncontrollably. I gritted my teeth.

“Just a bit more.”

What felt like an eternity was mere seconds. The intensity of the violet beam waned and eventually stopped.

Before me stood the surprised Minotaur.

I held the Black Abyss up.

And just as I was about to strike,


I lost my balance. But why? My limbs were fine.


The Minotaur's eyes curved in amusement, raising its hand once again as violet flames ignited.

Biting down, I concentrated the power of the Shadow Serpent in the Black Abyss and slammed it into the Minotaur's chest.

And the violet flames...


“It wasn’t as impressive as I thought?”

A haughty voice chimed in.

Just as I was about to fall, someone caught me in a princess-carry.

“You seem weaker than I thought.”

I couldn’t help but laugh reflexively.

Wearing a ruby crown, a smug-looking Hong Yuhwa said with her violet flames blazing, “Just watch from there.”

“Going for the last hit? After we’ve drained all its energy?”

“Well, it might seem that way. Can you stand?”


Leaning on Hong Yuhwa’s shoulder, I managed to stand. Using my skills to stabilize myself, I found my footing.

"The horn on its head is the weak point."

"That's right, see? Mana is concentrated there."

"But can you use it properly now?"


Hong Yuhwa smirked.


The air vibrated.

Hong Yuhwa reached out her right hand, and a magic tome radiated a crimson light. She extended her left hand, and a violet flame ignited.

Crimson and violet merged, condensing into a single point.



"Let me borrow your talent."

Saying that, Hong Yuhwa reached out to Ersil. In an instant, her magic surged, focusing into a pinpoint.

A brilliant flare.


A dazzling flash pierced through the Minotaur's upper body.

"Sorry, I killed it because it was too weak."

Hong Yuhwa said nonchalantly.

Just as she was about to faint with a wry smile,

"And yet again, I've won. Seoha, you're more pathetic than I thought."


Given Hong Yuhwa’s track record (2 wins, 89 losses)…

I couldn’t finish my sentence.

I lost consciousness, my sense of reason lost.

enjoy! :)

seoha can NOT just let that slide goddamn

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