I Became the Only Non-mage in the Academy

Chapter 74

Chapter 74: Ferocious Clash

TL/Editor: looloo

Schedule: 5/Week Wed-Sun

Illustrations: Here

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A massive water snake, nearly 5 meters in length, stood before us.

It's the elite monster that appears only after defeating all other monsters on the first floor.

"What should we do?"

"I'll take the lead."

Upon Tak Yoonil's words, Kim Seohyun stepped forward. He brought his hands together.


A dragon, cold yet blazing, appeared. A dragon forged from blue flames, known as Cheongyeom.


It was a power that manipulated the nature of magic to contain both cold and heat simultaneously. Seeing my surprise, Kim Seohyun smiled.

"I saw this power in a video recently. It looked fun, so I tried it. What do you think?"

"...It seems unnecessary."

To be honest, Cheongyeom felt like a trick. While it contains both heat and cold, it's less potent than using a single attribute. Kim Seohyun didn’t really need to use it.


"Yeah, it feels gimmicky. You can manipulate multiple attributes; it might be better to maximize just one."

"...You're right."

Kim Seohyun nodded and advanced. The Cheongyeom dragon lunged at the colossal water snake.


Sizzle sizzle.


The cold began freezing the water snake, while the heat started burning its flesh.

However, Kim Seohyun's expression darkened. Perhaps the power of the dragon, summoned through the Nine Heavens Nine Dragons Divine Art, was weaker than expected.

"How did you notice this flaw instantly, Seoha?"

Well, because I am that 'Veritas' fellow.

"...It just seemed obvious."

"Sharp eyes, huh?"

Tak Yoonil looked at me with a curious expression.

"Anyway, let's defeat that thing first, then we can chat."

Hearing my words, everyone refocused on the battle.


Kim Seohyun summoned two more flaming dragons with the Nine Heavens Nine Dragons Divine Art. Roaring, they flew towards the massive water snake.


The dragons, alongside their searing heat, tore into the giant water snake. Chiiiik- An intense steam fogged our view.

However, none of us here were blinded by the steam.

"I got this."

Park Woonhyuk shouted, holding his spear and dashing forward. ZAP! Lightning concentrated on his spear, emitting a shockwave. SWOOSH! He slashed right through the massive water snake's body.

"Heh, piece of cake."

"Don’t show off, get back!"

Using the Black Heavenly Demon Sword, I grabbed Park Woonhyuk by the nape of his neck and pulled him back. The wounded part of the snake swelled for a moment and then BOOM-! exploded.

"What the?!"

"It's a kind of self-destruct mechanism using water pressure. It wasn't in the briefing, but some monsters without corpses have such features."

Park Woonhyuk looked surprised.

It's rare to encounter monsters with such characteristics.

‘It seems like Tak Yoonil purposely led it to this.’

I glanced at Tak Yoonil.

Because he possesses a twisted sense of justice.

"It looks like we're wrapping up."

Kim Seohyun was dominating the water snake with overwhelming aura. The number of flaming dragons, now three, reduced the 5-meter water snake to less than 1 meter in size.


"Well, it's Kim Seohyun after all."

He's a character who's unreasonably adored by the world.

A prodigy who learned magic from The Sorcerer of Heavenly Vision and inherited the entirety of the Thousand-Year Martial Art from the central martial world.

Furthermore, while Kim Seohyun's abilities are still sealed due to limitations, he has a dragon's heart dormant within him, capable of producing near-infinite mana.

For now, he may be below the likes of Kim Ara, Ersil, and Hong Yuhwa. But the moment Kim Seohyun catches up to them, they'll never surpass him again.

'It's somewhat unbelievable.'

Kim Seohyun's growth rate is similar to how it was in the game.

And the standard for that, of course, is me.

He's growing at a rate comparable to when I received all kinds of benefits and growth boosts in the game.

Even though he didn’t rank first in the Tower of Trials, Kim Seohyun reached that point purely based on his talent.

'I should look into the relationships and connections a bit more.'josei

His growth rate is surprisingly fast. If I utilize this properly, I can accelerate the growth of the others faster than I anticipated.

"Shall we head downstairs?"


Tak Yoonil led the group.

Downstairs, there were water lizards, each at least twice the size of those on the first floor. Kim Seohyun and Park Woonhyuk methodically dealt with the water lizards.

"Are you holding back?"

"Yes, I specialize in one-on-one fights."

"Is that so?"

Tak Yoonil asked me with a suggestive tone. I glanced around. There was Tak Yoonil and two Celestial Guild members. Those two might be Tak Yoonil's subordinates, but if they knew he was a Mine, they would surely turn on him.

After eliminating most of the water lizards and just before meeting the boss, Tak Yoonil spoke with the same suggestive tone.

"What would you do if you met an enemy you absolutely couldn't resist?"

"... I'd probably run to prepare for another day."

I looked directly at Tak Yoonil.

His dark eyes seemed like they were peering into an abyss.

"What if, no matter how much you prepare for the future, you can't win? Even if you used every resource and trick you had, there's an insurmountable gap that makes you feel utter despair. What then?"

"...I'm not sure."

Tak Yoonil's voice became increasingly rough.

I knew why he was getting agitated. I was aware of the strength of the invaders from another world.

"Well, we'll figure it out. We still have Korea and the US."

"Is that so?"

Tak Yoonil nodded, sounding convinced.

No, it wasn’t conviction. It was more like resignation. Tak Yoonil, becoming a Mine, was just that kind of person.

He wouldn't even fight. Seeing the entities from another world, he gave in to his fear and decided to end the students' suffering before they could face that despair. He became a being that killed the students.

That was the true nature of Mine Tak Yoonil.

"We seem to be almost there?"

Kim Seohyun said in a cheerful voice. He didn't look exhausted at all. Probably because, even though it's sealed, the dragon's heart continuously supplies Kim Seohyun with immense vitality and mana.

We entered deeper inside, finding ourselves in a vast cavern.

"This is where the boss monster appears, a colossal water snake with the power of frost. It has awakened its ice attributes, so be careful," Tak Yoonil warned.

"Should I take the lead this time?" I asked.

"Seoha, you're stepping up?"

"If it's you, there should be no problem," both Kim Seohyun and Park Woonhyuk nodded in agreement.

I stepped forward, drawing not the Black Heavenly Demon Sword but the Sword of Winter.


The blade gleamed a cool blue.

"Whoa? That's a rare blade you have there," Tak Yoonil remarked in admiration.

[Wait, Master? You... You aren't planning on abandoning me, are you?]

'Don't be ridiculous. Just getting in some practice.'

Pushing my startled Black Heavenly Demon Sword aside, I advanced with the Sword of Winter radiating a chilly aura. Ahead, I spotted a frozen snake about 10 meters in length.

I didn't wrap my Black Heavenly Demon Sword's energy around me. The moment I did, the Sword of Winter's capabilities would diminish.

'I need to obtain it quickly.'

Not the Black Heavenly Demon Sword’s energy, but that other 'power' I had previously contemplated.


The gigantic water snake lunged, wrapped in chilling frost. Though far away, the temperature dropped, and frost began to form. Fortunately, the cold wasn't as harsh as expected due to the Sword of Winter's protection.


I activated a switch in my mind, invoking the Divine Vision. The world transformed, filling with vibrant hues of mana.

Swiftly, I extended my right foot and angled my sword to the left, heightening my senses. The snake slithered closer.

I might be restricted from using the Black Heavenly Demon Sword's energy, but my physique, honed by the Black Divine Martial Art, was formidable. Even by the standards of Korea Hero Academy, I could best many students with just my physical prowess.


My heightened senses detected an opening as the snake lunged. A split second late, my Divine Vision pinpointed a weakness. I swung the Sword of Winter with lightning speed.

The blade, fueled not by the Black Heavenly Demon Sword's energy but by my robust physique, flashed with a speed rivaling seasoned martial artists.


Metallic resonance echoed as the Sword of Winter clashed with the snake. The noise was deafening.


Although the cut was shallow, I managed to wound the snake. Accompanying the slice was a blast of extreme cold, freezing the injured part.

'If a frozen snake gets frozen at its wound, it's still just a frozen snake, right?'

I sheathed the Sword of Winter and stored it in my void space.

[Lord Seoha, you wielded it well, but without the Black Heavenly Demon Sword's energy, you can't use other swords as you would a magical blade.]

[That's right, Master. So, please continue to take good care of me in the future... Ah!]

While activating my Nimble Hands talent, I touched the Heavenly Demon, causing it to blush and let out a moan.


I deliberately ignored it, infusing the Black Heavenly Demon Sword with its energy. The blade resonated with a unique hum.

The aura of the Demonic Qi began to envelop the Black Heavenly Demon Sword. The energy waves started to ripple.

"...This is truly an unknown power."

"Isn't that a unique external magic?"

"No, it denies magic, yet it seems bound by some rules. It doesn't seem like a power from another realm...?"

The members of the Legion of the Sky were perplexed.

"Did you see? Seoha's power is incredibly unique, isn't it?"

Kim Seohyun chirped excitedly.

Why is he so excited?

With disbelief, I dashed forward with my Black Heavenly Demon Sword.

The water serpent opened its mouth wide, gathering a sky-blue magical aura inside it.


I leapt into the air.

Flipping in mid-air, I thrust my Black Heavenly Demon Sword forward, embedding the exquisite art of the Black Flash Swordsmanship.

A delightful shockwave followed through the Black Heavenly Demon Sword, creating a platform in mid-air, and I leapt again.


In an instant, I cleaved the head of the water serpent.


I was taken aback.

It seemed the water serpent had intended to do something, but it died instantly.

"...I must have miscalculated."

"It's because the vessel of the power you wield has grown. As you ascended to the middle stage, you can hold more of the Demonic Qi, resulting in a tremendous increase in attack power."

"...Is that so?"

"The previous owner had this happen too... but it seems more intense with the current owner."

If I'm not careful, I might kill someone during a duel.

I don't want a power I can't control. I hesitated for a moment but then shook my head, as Tak Yoonil was glaring at me with dark eyes.


His voice was as harsh as scraping metal.

Kim Seohyun, Park Woonhyuk, and the two members of the Legion of the Sky who came with us seemed to sense something wrong and became wary of Tak Yoonil.

"You were the prophesied being, born with the destiny to exterminate all Mines."

With a voice that sounded both sad and yet joyful, Tak Yoonil laughed.

It came with the manifestation of his legal power.

enjoy! :)

the author gotta shut up about the moans (っ °Д °;)っ

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