I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game

Chapter 162

Chapter 162

It took three days to get from Crossroad to New Terra by airship.

If you only considered the flying time, it would take less than a day, but because periodic landings for mechanical inspections and Magic Power recharge were necessary, it took that long.

I had to spend most of these three days seated.

The officers attended to me constantly, so there was no discomfort, but my back started to ache as we went along.

"Yawn... When on earth are we going to arrive?"

The initial excitement had long faded, and I now felt a desperate urge to arrive and face the dignitaries of New Terra as soon as possible. Let’s land already!

I was killing time so pointlessly.

Just when I sensed that the airship was lowering its altitude, a grand view of an enormous city started to become visible through the window.


I gasped softly and pressed myself against the window.

It was finally in sight.

The center of this world. The largest city on the globe.

New Terra, the capital of the Everblack Empire, revealed itself in all its overwhelming majesty.


New Terra.

A port city situated on an inland sea.

It was the hub of global trade and logistics, and the size of this ever-expanding city was already comparable to a small country.

’I don’t know much, but it seems tens, if not hundreds, of times larger than Crossroad.’

Of course, this was a city you wouldn’t see in the game. The game’s stage was strictly confined to Crossroad.

Even viewed from a distance, the city was far from ordinary beauty.

The turquoise sea waves crashed against the harbor of the city situated by the inland sea, breaking into scattered droplets that sparkled under the clear sunlight.

Fishing boats and merchant ships were busily moving in and out of the harbor, while carts were ceaselessly transporting goods from the harbor into the city.

Broad and neatly organized roads branched out in every direction, and countless people moved along them.

’I thought the city would be dark and gloomy since the country’s name is Everblack.’

It was not. Rather, it was a bright and dazzling city, the complete opposite.



The royal palace situated at the city’s center was fittingly black, in line with the nation’s name.

The dark towers of the palace, standing in a row as if swallowing light, came into view.

The airship I was on was flying toward that palace. I quietly muttered the nickname of the palace.

"Thornbush Palace..."

The other airships that were patrolling the skies of New Terra slowly made way.

The Royal Special Ship Alcatraz that I was aboard, along with its two escorts, gradually reduced speed and landed towards the palace.



The hatch opened, and I slowly stepped out of the airship.


The air of New Terra, which I inhaled for the first time, felt warm.

It made sense, as summer was drawing near. It was natural for the weather to become so mild.

An old man, neatly dressed in a butler’s uniform, was waiting at the landing pad of the palace.

The old man bowed respectfully as I approached.

"Welcome, Your Highness, the Crown Prince. I have been waiting."

"Ah, about that..."

"I am Alberto, the Chief Steward of the Royal Palace. It has been a long time."


One of the people Lucas had told me about.

A strict old man who managed the palace’s domestic affairs. He had been doing this job since before I was born.

’Oh, I need to greet him... How should I do it like Ash...’

After a brief hesitation, I eventually yelled, perhaps a bit too freely.

"Heyyy~! Old man! Long time no see! Are you still active at that age? Don’t strain your joints, retire already~!"


Silence ensued.

Not just Alberto, but also the other servants who had been waiting were staring at me, taken aback.

I froze with my arms up, breaking out in a cold sweat.

Did I go too far? Was that too rude? Should I have been a little more polite trash?

"Your, Your Highness..."

But no.

"You have matured so much after your hardships in a distant land... To receive such a candid greeting from Your Highness... I am simply moved."

"Uh, huh...?"

"To see Your Highness in such a mature state, this humble servant Alberto, is just overwhelmed with emotion."

Alberto pulled out a handkerchief and wiped away a tear. What was he talking about?!

’What the hell was Ash up to before? How could this guy get compliments for being gentle and mature after pulling this crap?’

The natural-born loser that was Ash and the fake loser that was me seemed to have an insurmountable gap between us.

Is this the difference in talent...?

"Come this way, Your Highness! Since you’ve come home after a long time, I will personally guide you."

Somehow, despite my unintended polite(?) appearance, I was guided into the imperial palace’s interior amidst Alberto’s hospitality.

The place where Alberto guided me was a separate palace located on the outskirts of the main palace. It was quite far from the main palace, so it took a while to reach.

Carrying my baggage and leading the way, Alberto personally opened the main door to the separate palace.

As I stepped into the building, I inadvertently let out a cry of admiration.

"Wow, is this my house?!"

Alberto then turned pale and bowed his head.

"I apologize, Your Highness. We cleaned vigorously and hung new decorations at the news of your arrival, but it seems we have failed to meet your high aesthetic standards..."

What the hell are you talking about? It’s damn splendid! I was purely admiring it! Don’t twist my words!

Anyway, the separate palace was grand.

The mansion of the Lord of Crossroad was more than enough for a commoner like me, but this place looked three times bigger and ten times more magnificent.

I sighed as I looked at the chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and the jewel decorations on the wall.

Selling this palace alone would probably cover several months of military expenses for Crossroad!

"Then, please rest comfortably. I will prepare dinner as it is soon time for the meal."

"Hold on, Alberto."

I quickly stopped the old butler as he turned to leave. Alberto looked back, puzzled.

"Yes, Your Highness. Do you have any instructions?"

"It’s not that... Did Father or my brother say anything? About when to meet... or something?"

"Yes. There were no specific instructions. His Majesty and the other Highnesses are always busy, and especially now, they are preparing for a major event."

A major event? What’s that?

"Perhaps instructions will come soon? Please wait and see."

"Um... alright. Thanks for letting me know, Alberto."

I thanked him without thinking, and Alberto looked at me in surprise. Suddenly realizing my mistake, I yelled.

"Enough! Now get out and prepare my meal!"

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Finally, Alberto bowed again with a relieved face and left.

Bravo, Ash! You’ve even managed to tame(?) such a grandfather like that!

I shrugged my shoulders and entered the separate palace. Well, I should look around my house.

Although a series of misfortunes occurred as I encountered the servants cleaning or doing their tasks inside, each time they would startle, step back, or even scream and run away(...).

I decided not to care much. It’s all Ash’s doing, what can I do about it?

I looked into every room inside the palace.

Since this would be my place during my time in the empire, I felt the need to understand its layout.

’I was worried that they might throw me in jail as soon as I arrived, but that’s not the case.’

Despite the ominous welcome, I felt well-treated.

Is it because, rotten or not, I’m still royalty? For the first time, I was thankful for Ash’s background.

I passed through the kitchen, wine cellar, wardrobe filled with luxurious silk clothes, a large bath, and a small library.

I entered a room with a luxurious bed. It seemed to be a bedroom.

’The bed... is freaking big...’

I gently touched it, and the entire bed wobbled as if filled with water.

I quickly got up, startled. Damn, the taste of these royal folks!

There was a small desk in the bedroom, and on it, many framed portraits were lined up.

Most of them were portraits of Ash. Since he’s royalty, he sure got painted a lot.

One frame was knocked over, so without thinking, I picked it up and placed it upright.


In that frame was a portrait of young Ash, nestled in the arms of a woman.

The woman’s face resembled Ash quite a bit. Could it be Ash’s mother?

’Ash said his mother has already passed away.’

Lucas refrained from mentioning anything further. There seemed to be something unspeakable, something deep he couldn’t share.


Though she wasn’t my real mother, an unsettling emotion stirred within me as I looked at her portrait.

I carefully laid the portrait back on the desk.


Restaurant. Dinner time.

Alberto personally served the meal, nearly spoon-feeding me like one would do for a young child.

Is this how royalty usually eats? Or is Ash a unique case?

I couldn’t bear this the entire time I was at the palace, so I insisted on eating by myself. Alberto, moved to tears, wiped his eyes with a handkerchief.

“To see Your Highness so grown-up... It is truly magnificent. This foolish Alberto has lived well until today...”

Come on, even if it’s the royal child! If you’ve reached this age, you should be able to eat by yourself! Why are you moved by something so ordinary? I’ve grown up, so enough with the fuss!

The meal was delicious.josei

My chef at the Crossroad was not bad, but the skill of the royal chef was on another level. Hmm, yum-yum~ yum-yum~.

During the meal, I had the chance to chat with Alberto and hear an unexpected piece of news.

“A victory celebration party...?!”

“Yes. A celebration to commemorate the end of the war with Bringar Duchy.”

Alberto looked at me with a slightly puzzled expression.

“Weren’t you returning for this event, Your Highness...?”

No, I didn’t know. I had no idea at all. I was practically dragged back here.

The grand event being prepared at the palace was none other than a victory celebration for the war against Bringar Duchy.

The official reason I was summoned to the palace was to attend this party.

I incredulously stroked my chin.

The war’s not even over, is it? The Duke’s not captured, and guerilla attacks are still happening. And they’re holding a victory celebration party?

‘So that’s what it is.’

Externally, they must declare the war is over for some reason.

The atmosphere has been unstable due to the long war with an ally, and it must be remedied.

So they were advertising and preparing the event everywhere, and suddenly I trollingly declared support for the Bringar Duchy side.

From the perspective of the second prince, Fernandez, they hastily sent me support and brought me here so I couldn’t interfere until the event was over.

‘I see how it works now...’

Annoyed, I gestured to Alberto.

“So when’s the party?”

“It’s a week from now. We scheduled it to coincide with the return of the first prince, Lark.”

First Prince Lark ’Avalanche’ Everblack.

The general who held the empire’s military power, commander of the western front, and the undefeated knight who spearheaded the Bringar Duchy annihilation operation.

‘I’ll be seeing the first prince this time, too.’

Unexpectedly, it seemed all the royal family would gather together as if for a conference.

I swallowed dryly, feeling the situation growing beyond my control.

I hadn’t intended to go this far. If possible, I wanted to meet only the second prince, Fernandez, and leave.

‘Well, think positively.’

With many people gathering, the number of those willing to send support to the southern front would increase, too.

Whether it’s money, soldiers, or heroes, Crossroad always desperately needs support.

‘A party, though...’

As I lifted the teacup Alberto brought me and savored its scent, I thought to myself,

‘I know nothing about party manners, am I going to be okay...?!’

Well, whatever. If push comes to shove, I’ll have to rely on Ash’s reputation as a lunatic and break through!

--TL Notes--  

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