I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game

Chapter 237

Chapter 237

After walking back to the base camp, I took the teleport gate to return to Crossroad.

Verdandi stayed behind at the base camp.

When I asked her if she wanted to come along, she immediately refused. 

"I can’t leave this place until I complete the mission I’ve been given," she said, chuckling awkwardly.

I was briefly at a loss for words. What must it feel like to wander in the darkness for a century, searching for a treasure that might not even exist? Especially when the king and the country that had commanded her had long since disappeared.

’Dungeon-wandering NPCs are all like this,’ I thought. 

Either they were mad, or they clung to delusions hardly distinguishable from madness.

’...Will we end up like that too?’

If we fail to clear the game, my teammates might share the same fate—roaming these underground labyrinths on a pointless quest to save a world that no longer exists. 

I glanced briefly at my comrades. 

They all gathered around the teleport gate, their faces flushed from soaking in the hot springs, smiling lazily. 

Clenching my fist, I made a renewed vow. 

You guys, I won’t leave you in the darkness.


Over the next two weeks, we cleared four dungeons in Zone 5.

Before advancing to Zone 6, it was necessary to clean up Zone 5 first.

The goal was also to get our members up to Level 50. 

For Hero characters to advance to the third class and obtain ultimate skills, they must reach Level 50. Although their stats and traits can still increase beyond that, their skill set growth ends there.

Reaching this crucial level required an obscene amount of experience points, especially between Levels 48 and 50. The sluggish growth in this range earned it the nickname ’the commute.’

Even if characters pushed hard to reach Level 50 before the next defense battle, many still ended up at Levels 48 or 49. Viewers often referred to this as ’being late.’

Currently, Lucas, Evangeline, and Damien were at Level 49.

There were still two weeks left until the start of Stage 10, so they should be able to hit Level 50 without being late.

"I’m sorry I couldn’t keep up with the exploration..." 

Early in the morning, as we gathered in the backyard of the mansion to prepare for a new exploration, Junior spoke apologetically.

"I thought I was getting better and pushed myself too hard. It seems the backlash has hit me hard…"

While the other heroes had fully recovered from the after-effects of the battle with Jormungandr, Junior was still struggling.

And for good reason. That day, she had used her ultimate skill, which was already life-draining, multiple times.

"Still, Lady Reina is continually aiding me with her spells, so I should fully recover by the next defense battle… I’m really sorry."

Evangeline greeted Junior’s pallid and apologetic face with a bright smile.

"It’s alright, Juju! Taking care of yourself comes first!"

I nodded in agreement.

"Don’t feel burdened. Focus on recovering, understand?"

Anyway, Junior was among the highest-level characters in my party and didn’t immediately require additional leveling. 

It was a shame not to bring a wizard on the exploration, but clearing the upcoming dungeon wouldn’t be much of a problem with our current members. Junior could focus on recuperation.

"If I’d known it’d be like this, I should have taken you to the hot springs too. Even a slight boost in recovery would’ve helped."

Access to the hot springs required defeating a monster at its entrance, and the springs could not be used again until the monster respawned next season.

’If I’d known Junior’s after-effects would last this long, I should have just taken her along.’

"Ah… I think I’d prefer a private bath a bit more..."

"Private baths are available, so let’s go together next time, Sis!" Evangeline kept nudging, but Junior wasn’t budging.

However, I made up my mind.

’Next season, I should throw all the members who keep complaining into the hot springs at least once. A small recovery buff should help, even if it’s just a little.’

Leaving behind Junior, who was waving her hand with a puzzled expression, we hurled ourselves into the teleport gate.



The members who had been exploring with me for the past two weeks were as follows:

Excluding Junior, the main party of four consisted of me, Lucas, Damien, and Evangeline. Add to that Kuilan and five from the Penal Squad.

We were joined by Verdandi, who had been aiding our exploration for the past two weeks, making it two full parties of ten.

"Ah, you’re here!"

Verdandi, who had been checking his equipment at the base camp, greeted us with a bright smile.

Still, it was hard to tell he was smiling due to his tear marks.

Over the past two weeks, Verdandi had effectively served as our guide.

He fit in well with the main party that Junior had left and was quite skilled in dungeon navigation. He had been a big help.

That’s why I had brought a gift. I took a pouch from my pocket and handed it to Verdandi.

"Here, as promised, sunflower seeds."

Surprisingly, there were no sunflowers in the Crossroad area. We had to send someone to the neighboring city to secure the seeds, so it took a little time.

"Th-thank you so much…! To think I’d see these again before I die…"

Bowing repeatedly, Verdandi carefully pocketed the bag of sunflower seeds.

’I expected her to eat them right away like a squirrel, but is she saving them?’

So far, she had devoured the carrots and cabbages I’d given her right on the spot, delivering excellent eating reactions. I was secretly looking forward to it again, but she carefully tucked away the sunflower seeds, the first thing she had requested, without even tasting them.

I was curious about why, but didn’t ask. That could be her privacy.

"Today, we’re heading to the Colosseum. It’s a place we cleared before. Do the main party members remember?"

Upon my words, Lucas, Damien, and Evangeline all nodded their heads in agreement.

The last dungeon in Zone 5, the Fiery Colosseum.

Back then, there was no way to get there by land, so we used a shortcut to enter. We also had to cheat to defeat the boss since we weren’t strong enough yet.

Our party had grown strong enough to venture further afield, and we had already defeated the bosses in the other five zones.

’Everyone has grown so quickly.’

Looking at my main party members, who were almost level 50, I couldn’t help but feel proud.

Oh, my little ones. Let’s keep walking the path of victory.

"Are you really going to the Colosseum?"

Verdandi, who had appointed herself as our guide, widened her eyes.

"The area has been completely devastated since the Vampire Legion invaded a few months ago. There won’t be much to see."

"A friend there helped me, at the cost of being attacked by the Vampire Legion."

I recalled Jackal, who had kneeled before me and wept. 

I had told him then: ’The Empire has not forsaken you.’

Even if that had been a blatant lie to overcome the crisis at hand.

Jackal had risked his life for me, believing those words.

So now, at the very least, I have to make that lie a truth.

’The Empire has not forsaken you.’

’And I have not forgotten you.’

"Now that I have the power to help, I should at least check whether he’s alive or dead. It’s a matter of principle, isn’t it?"

At this, Verdandi’s eyes widened even more. Why are you so surprised? Was there something strange about what I said?

"Principle, you say..."


"No, it’s just... surprising. I never thought I’d hear such a word again in this hellhole."

I smiled awkwardly.

"Truth be told, it’s hard to hear even outside this place."

In the world outside and in this one, only fools talk about things like ’principle.’ But who doesn’t know that?

I simply don’t want to forget the kindness I’ve received.

Even if I’m not some paragon of virtue, even if I’m just satisfying my own ego, I want to be that kind of person.

- Bro!


I will never forget.


Even after teleporting to the nearest safe point to the Colosseum, it was quite a distance away.

’It took ages to get there last time, even with a shortcut. Was the Colosseum built on the outskirts because it’s such a noisy and dangerous facility?’

It was just a guess about the layout intentions of Lake Kingdom back then. Anyway, after walking for a few hours and fending off the occasional monster that attacked us, we finally arrived at the Colosseum.

[Zone 5 - The Flaming Colosseum]

A stone structure, built in a giant circle, reminiscent of ancient Rome. 

The last time I saw it, this place was magnificent and majestic. Now it was in ruins.

The roof was gone, the pillars were broken, and the dust-laden ground showed no signs of life.

My party members tensed up, their eyes flashing as they guarded our surroundings.

Silent, I walked into the Colosseum.


The Colosseum was empty inside.

The expansive stands, the arena where I had fought bloody battles for seven rounds with monsters. Everything was empty.josei

As I looked around with a bitter taste in my mouth,

"Pr—Prince Ash...?"

A voice, frail and drained, reached my ears.

All my party members instantly aimed their weapons in that direction.

Upon closer inspection, an old goblin was seated in a corner of the Colosseum.

The bearded goblin was soaked in blood. I hurriedly ran toward him.

"Ah, you really came. Just as Master Jackal said you would..."

"Who are you?"

"I am an underling of Master Jackal, the caretaker of this Colosseum..."

The goblin struggled to speak as he coughed up blood.

"Ever since the battle with the Vampire Legion, the Colosseum has been partially destroyed, but Master Jackal continued to guard this place waiting for you..."

So Jackal survived the battle against the Vampire Legion. Good.

But where is he now?

"Where is Jackal?"

"A few days ago, a Werewolf Legion suddenly invaded..."

I clenched my teeth. Those bastards again.

Five claw marks adorned the goblin’s chest as if etched with nails.

I took out a potion and poured it over the goblin, but the wounds didn’t heal much.

"After losing all our forces in the battle against the vampires, and the Colosseum not being in any condition for battle... Master Jackal was ultimately captured and taken away."


"He left a message for me to give you. ’If Prince Ash comes, tell him not to worry about me...’ but now that I’m in this state..." 

The old goblin’s voice began to fade.

"Still, being able to deliver his message before dying is... fortunate..."

The goblin’s body slumped, his vitality visibly ebbing. He seemed to have clung to life solely to pass on the message. Then, he died.

With mixed feelings, I looked down at the goblin’s body before slowly standing up.

Anyway, Jackal’s whereabouts had been ascertained. He, too, appeared to have been kidnapped by the Werewolf Legion.

"I have one more reason to go rescue your comrades, Verdandi."

I nodded at Verdandi, who nodded back with a stern expression.

Wolf Lair, Zone 7.

Kidnapped NPCs were gathered there.



As we concluded today’s exploration and returned to Crossroad,


Aider was waiting in front of the teleport gate with a stern face. I asked, puzzled.

"What’s going on, Aider? Is something wrong?"

"My Lord."

Aider spoke to me with a gravitas I had never seen before.

"Junior and Lady Reina Windwell have been ambushed."

The eyes of all the returning party members widened.

"...they are currently missing."

--TL Notes--  

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