I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game

Chapter 252

Chapter 252

Before long, the weather had become pleasantly cool. Autumn was just around the corner.

The next defensive battle—Stage 10, the boss stage, was now close at hand.

I and my party members had been putting our utmost effort into last-minute farming.

As a result, during our final free exploration before the stage began,

[Free Exploration Completed!]

[Characters Leveled Up]

> Main Party

- Lucas (SSR) Lv.50 (↑1) (3rd job change available!)


- Evangeline (SSR) Lv.50 (↑1) (3rd job change available!)

- Damien (EX) Lv.50 (↑1) (3rd job change available!)

> Sub Party 1

- Kuilan (SR) Lv.49 (↑1)

- Tuesday (R) Lv.42 (↑1)

- Wednesday (R) Lv.42 (↑2)

- Becky (R) Lv.41 (↑2)

- OnTheRock (R) Lv.39 (↑2)

Lucas, Evangeline, and Damien. The three main party members had all reached level 50. Hooray!

‘Finally, the 3rd job change! The ultimate skills!’

Having checked the status of the three, I internally cheered. Now, we’re all set to take on those monsters!

Additionally, Lucas and Evangeline, being of SSR grade, could now farm for their exclusive equipment!

Effectively, this trio was now complete as combat members. 

There were still numerous tasks left—like acquiring end-game equipment, optimizing attributes, and more upgrades. But at least, they wouldn’t be overpowered by the enemy due to a lack of skills.



"Ow, what’s this...?"

Lucas, Evangeline, and Damien looked down at their bodies, groaning.

Characters that reached level 50, colloquially known as ‘Awakened Ones,’ would have a unique emblem appear somewhere on their body. 

Through these emblems, they manifested their ultimate skills.

‘The location of the emblem is personal. Let’s not ask where it’s engraved.’

Junior proudly revealed her emblem on her burnt left hand. Anyway, whether one hides or shows it, it’s their personal choice.

...But, wait a minute, Evangeline? Why do you keep looking under your arm like that? It didn’t... appear there, did it?

"Is it a mosquito bite?"

Watching Evangeline poke at her armpits, I clenched my eyes shut.

Damn it, girl! Didn’t I say not to do that out here!

We were in front of the teleport gate in the lord’s mansion, having returned from our free exploration. 

Everyone was wrapping things up.


Kuilan let out a soft sigh.

The growth of the Penal Squad had been swift, and Kuilan was now level 49.

It was a shame not reaching level 50, but the growth had been promising.


Somewhat withdrawn compared to before and gazing down at his fist with an uncharacteristic serious expression, it felt a bit off... But, hey, as long as he’s diligent.

‘The five hero characters of the Penal Squad are all members of the Leaf Tribe.’

Among the other regular bandits we had recruited, none were from the Leaf Tribe.

The refugees they brought along were all just humans.

In other words, the only party with the potential to turn into werewolves was just this one.

’...If such an event were to occur.’

What choice would I have to make as their commander?

With these worries, I furrowed my brows.

Apart from the main party and the Penal Squad, I had also formed two more sub-parties. They were sent to the initial zones for autonomous exploration and leveling.

Everyone was to play their part in the upcoming defense.

’Four awakened characters, and four available hero full parties. Though Reina was excluded, the four mages of the magic brigade can be used as reserves. Plus, there are the reserves of Lilly and Margarita.’

As much as I always whined, it was quite a luxurious setup at stage 10.

’This should be stable enough to clear.’

It’s important not to let my guard down, but there’s no need to be excessively apprehensive.

We can definitely handle this defense. I clenched my fist.

"There’s a strategy meeting this evening!"

To the party members, weary from battle, I offered a confident smile.

"As always, I’ll feed you well. So, prepare for a meal! Come here by evening. Got it?"


The party members replied in unison. I felt like a middle school teacher.


Upon summoning the director, Aider, who had been waiting near the mansion, hurried over. I nodded toward him.

"Prepare the dinner for the meeting tonight, and call the people I name."

"Yes, my lord! Who should I bring?"

"Lilly, Margarita, the four mages of the magic brigade, and..."

Considering the decisive battle wasn’t far off.


It was time to call upon the mage who’d been absent from the main party for quite some time.


While Aider gathered the others, I personally fetched Junior. It was only appropriate to personally escort the esteemed mage.

I met with the pensive Junior just outside the prison a short while ago.

We now rode a carriage back to the mansion.


Having recently met with Reina and Camus, Junior was lost in deep thought.

I smiled warmly. Whatever conclusion you come to, I support you, Junior.

And thus, in the evening, at the mansion’s dining room.

As the party members sat closely together, I smoothly began the meeting.

"Eat up as you listen. You probably all know this, but our opponents for this defense are the Werewolf Legion."

I spoke while biting into a simple sandwich.

"They are directly under the Nightmare Legion Commander, one of the strongest ten legions. And among them, the Werewolf Legion can be described as particularly malevolent."


Half-human, half-wolf.

Smart like a human, fast like a wolf. That’s a werewolf.

We need to be wary of their Howling skill, which they use for group coordination, and the buffs they get on a full moon night.

But the biggest problem is this.

’They’re infuriatingly cunning.’

In the game, while most monster legions attack with one or two patterns,

The Werewolf Legion attacked with different tactics every time. There were so many patterns I’d given up counting.

I don’t know which tactic they’ll use this time.

Whether it’ll be a surprise attack, a frontal assault, a pincer move, digging tunnels, or bringing siege weapons... I know nothing!

The only consolation was that since it’s a boss stage, there would be no dark events.

"Since I can’t predict their tactics, there’s only one thing we can do."


I pointed to a chalkboard Aider brought in.

On it was a detailed description of the basic tactics we’d used to defend the walls up until now.

The standard attack strategy.

No, from our defender’s perspective, it would be the standard defense strategy.

Form a kill zone, reinforce with long-range firepower, and deploy melee troops.

Equip artifacts, prepare the mages, and have the heroes ready to be dispatched to the front lines at a moment’s notice.

I assigned each hero their basic role and positioning for this defense. Of course, this was just the basic setup.

"We don’t know what will happen. We need to be flexible and rearrange our command structure on the spot."

Dinner was wrapping up. I nodded as the party members began to set down their utensils one by one.

"Now, after finishing our meals, let’s have some tea and discuss our strategy in more detail."


The meeting concluded near midnight.

While everyone else was sent away, the main party was summoned to the Lord’s office.

They all looked a bit worn out from their free exploration during the day and the relayed meetings up till now.

Evangeline’s eyes drooped, and Damien stifled a yawn when he noticed me watching. Even Lucas, whose blonde hair was always lively, looked a bit deflated. They all seemed tired.

’But I can’t let them sleep yet!’

After all, they’ve reached level 50. Level 50! They could do their third job change! We have to get it done today!

"Start by telling them, Junior! These three ’awakened’ today."


Junior, a senior Awakener, looked surprised.

Seeing the three slightly awkward newbie Awakeners, I nodded in affirmation.

"As someone who awakened earlier, I hope you’ll share some tips with these newcomers."

"Uh, um~ Tips? I wonder if there’s really anything to..."

Caught off guard by my sudden request, Junior stumbled over her words.

"You’ve all probably checked your awakening symbols, and at the same time, you would have established one technique that embodies all the combat experience you’ve accumulated so far, so, um..."

The other three watched Junior, who was clumsily trying to provide advice, with amused smiles.

Those rascals! They looked at her like high school seniors watching a student teacher during their first practice lesson.

Anyway, I didn’t genuinely expect Junior to provide useful tips. While the four of them were occupied...


"Right here!"

I secretly planned to surprise them with this gift I had prepared.

I intercepted the tray on wheels Aider brought, which held ’that item,’ and pulled it into the office.

"To help solidify the vague skill you’ve conceptualized into a solid theoretical one, it would be helpful to... Wait, what’s that?"

Junior covered her mouth in surprise.

Lucas turned to me with a startled look, Damien’s eyes widened in shock, and Evangeline cheered, jumping with joy.

I laughed wickedly. 

"It’s a cake, you fools!"

"A cake?"

"Why suddenly a cake?"josei

The sight of the unexpectedly delivered large whole cake left everyone puzzled. I folded my arms, chuckling.

"It’s a thank you for growing safely thus far, and also a congratulations."

In the game, when a player awakened, a special ’Awakening Pop-up’ would appear, radiating bright light. This signified that the player had acquired their unique job and ultimate skill.

Reaching level 50 wasn’t an easy feat, deserving of a celebration.

Not only was leveling up a challenge, but surviving to such a high level in this damn game wasn’t easy either.

The same went for these guys.

They had endured hellish defense battles and dungeons, and thankfully made it safely to level 50.

If this isn’t worth celebrating, then what is?

"Junior secretly awakened without us knowing, didn’t she? Let’s celebrate together this time!" 

Aider, spinning the cake knife in his hand, grinned mischievously.

The rest of the party members looked taken aback as they took plates and forks from Aider, but soon smiles spread across their faces.

Holding the cake knife confidently, my poor slicing skills resulted in uneven pieces. Yet, when distributed in large chunks, it looked presentable.

Aider served juice and milk next. We each took a plate of cake, raising our glasses in a toast.

"Cheers to awakening!"


"Yahoo! If you’re giving cake at night, I want to awaken four times a year!" 

Evangeline exclaimed jokingly, which I chose to ignore. That’s your last awakening cake chance, my friend!

After having dinner and munching on snacks during our meeting, I wasn’t sure if we could eat more cake. But everyone seemed to enjoy it, cream smeared around their mouths.

Especially Evangeline, who seemed to be inhaling her slice. Slow down, girl...

"Wow! This is so good! What is this?!" 

Evangeline exclaimed, cream smeared around her mouth like Santa’s beard.

I chuckled as I wiped the cream off her face. 

"I had the chef make something special for today. You like it?"

"Yes! Can I eat the rest?"

"Sure, eat up and grow big."

I remembered seeing Evangeline’s belly protruding a few days ago, but decided to let her eat as she pleased. After all, it’s her growing phase.

As everyone happily enjoyed their cake and drinks, chatting away, I discreetly opened the system window.

It seemed that unlike in the game where they’d radiate light upon awakening, here they’d simply determine their growth tree on their own. I wanted to check their unique jobs and ultimate skills.

’Let’s see, let’s see...’

It’s been a while since I checked our main party members’ stats.

[Lucas (SSR)]

- Level: 50

- Title: Emperor’s Guard/Knight

- Job: Night Closer (TL Note: Explained next chapter.)

- Strength 50, Agility 45, Intelligence 20, Stamina 45, Magic Power 30

- Skills:

  > Passive: Man of Steel

  > Skill1: Strike of Will (TL: Changed it from Soul Strike to Strike of Will.)

  > Skill2: Step of Persistence

  > Ultimate: Divine Descent

[Evangeline (SSR)]

- Level: 50

- Title: Heir of the Cross Family

- Job: Frontier Guardian

- Strength 50, Agility 40, Intelligence 30, Stamina 50, Magic Power 20

- Skills:

  > Passive: Battle Cry

  > Skill1: Damage Save

  > Skill2: Damage Payback

  > Ultimate: Final Fortress

[Damien (EX)]

- Level: 50

- Title: None

- Job: Magibullet Marksman

- Strength 13, Agility 50, Intelligence 25, Stamina 13, Magic Power 37

- Skills:

  > Passive: Magibullet Refinement

  > Skill1: Healing Magibullet

  > Skill2: Ruin Magibullet

  > Ultimate: Showdown

"Huh, um..."

...A lot of information had popped up!

--TL Notes--  

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you want to support me or give me feedback, you can do it at patreon.com/MattReading

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