I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game

Chapter 286

Chapter 286

Barracks. Conference Room.

Before the final match, I was giving Lucas some specialized training on attributes.

"You get it, Lucas? Our opponent is a half-human, half-dragon with extremely high output."

As I drew a dragon on the chalkboard, Lucas nodded intently.josei

Beside us, Evangeline smirked.

"Is that supposed to be a worm?"

"Someone who already got double-hit should keep quiet!"

At my retort, Evangeline’s lips pursed into a pout. Ignoring her, I continued the briefing.

Dusk Bringar, our opponent in the finals, might look human, but her composition was half-dragon.

Her existential stature was different; her soul’s capacity was different. Beings like these have insanely high peak outputs, but in exchange—

"Their fuel efficiency is garbage."

I drew a depleted battery icon on the chalkboard, but both Lucas and Evangeline looked puzzled.

Ah, right. They don’t have batteries in this world.

Anyway, Dusk Bringar had a terrible fuel efficiency—be it mana, energy, or even calories.

Her MP pool was enormous, but she consumed a ton of mana with each skill use and her recovery was slow.

A prime example of high output, low efficiency.

That’s Dragonkind for you.

There was a reason why Dusk Bringar had been sparingly flicking her fingers in combat until now.

The bigger the action, the greater the power exerted, the higher her own consumption.

"The longer you stall, the better your chances."

In the end, the conclusion was simple. I looked Lucas in the eye and nodded.

"Endure, endure, and endure. Wait until she exhausts herself. Your opportunity will come then."

"I will accomplish this, my Lord."

Lucas nodded, his fist clenched tightly.

"I will secure the victory and bring the glory of winning the martial arts tournament to you, my Lord!"

"You’re the only one who can, kid."

You are literally the only one aiming for first place under my command!

Just then, a cheer erupted from outside. It looked like it was time for the finals. I gave Lucas a light pat on the back.

"Go and take her down!"

"Yes, my Lord!"

Lucas dashed out of the room.

Munching on some snacks, Evangeline hummed as she watched his retreating figure.

"Do you think Lucas will be alright? He seems really stressed out."

"Why do you look so stress-free?"

"Oh, come on, I did my best too, you know?"

Evangeline, who was shooting me a sly glance, mumbled as she looked at the spot where Lucas had left.

"I’m just worried because Lucas seems like he’d stake his life on this."


This martial arts tournament was a battle of pride between Dusk Bringar and our Monster Front.

However, it was merely a clash of egos.

If things got too violent, I would naturally intervene. I hoped it wouldn’t come to that, though.


Due to the tournament running all day, the final match was held late in the evening.

Before we knew it, the sunset was casting long shadows over the arena. Two figures stepped onto the battleground illuminated in a reddish glow.

Dusk Bringar, who smirked malevolently from under the hood of her robe.

And her opponent, the last hope of Monster Front, Lucas.



For a moment, the young girl and the knight glared at each other.

Hidden beneath the shadow of Dusk Bringar’s hood, her pumpkin-colored eyes sparkled like those of a wild animal.

Dragon of the Evening Glow.

The girl bathed in the crimson sunlight was the epitome of the title.

Lucas assumed a slow battle stance before her, clenching both fists and gradually raising his guard.

’If only I could use a wooden sword, this would be so much easier.’

Lucas thought.

But if he did, there was a real chance of seeing blood. Dusk Bringar wasn’t using any special abilities either; it was like they were both operating under the same self-imposed limitations.

’Just like the lord advised, I’ll bide my time and go slow.’

Lucas clenched his jaw and slowly gathered his fighting spirit.

The arena was filled with a tense atmosphere that was almost suffocating. From the stands, the sound of people swallowing their dry saliva followed one after another.

Standing calmly in the center, Aider grinned and sharply dropped his hand.



Without a moment’s delay, both fighters dashed off the ground.

Dusk Bringar made the first move. Her tiny fingers gathered strength and flicked forward.

If Lucas allowed it, he could easily be knocked out of the ring by the sheer force of her attack. But Lucas did not dodge.


Instead, he reached out, grabbing Dusk Bringar’s wrist, and forcibly redirected the attack.


The powerful flick of her fingers hit nothing but empty air.


While her wrist was being held, Dusk Bringar sounded genuinely curious.

"You’re a pretty fearless kid."

"Fearless is the only option."

Holding Dusk Bringar’s arm with his left hand, Lucas gathered strength in his right fist and growled.

"That’s the only way to become a dragon slayer...!"


Lucas’s fist exploded.

He intended to take his time and measure her, but when the opponent so openly displayed an opening, there was no reason not to strike.

His fist connected squarely with Dusk Bringar’s empty cheek.



She didn’t even flinch.

Despite being hit squarely by Lucas’s massive fist, Dusk Bringar’s small face didn’t move an inch. 

Instead, her tiny lips parted, revealing a wicked smile.

"Why so hesitant, knight? The evil dragon is right here. Slay it and claim your glory. If you can’t do that..."

She easily shook off Lucas’s grip on her arm and flicked her fingers forward once again.

"You’re just prey!"


Lucas barely dodged her finger flick and once more landed a hook in Dusk Bringar’s open flank.

But she remained unfazed.

Thud! Bang! Thud! Bang!

Standing close to each other, the dragon and the knight exchanged blows.

Lucas avoided all of Dusk Bringar’s finger flicks and diligently landed his counterattacks.

But Dusk Bringar was not affected. Instead, the smile on her face grew darker.

"You really are tenacious, knight! It’s like you’ve walked into a battlefield rather than a fighting tournament!"


"How about we enjoy this a little more? We’re not on a battlefield, we’re in the midst of a festival. Let’s play and smile!"

"Shut up."

After exchanging over a dozen blows without a moment’s rest.

Struggling to catch his breath, Lucas spoke roughly to Dusk Bringar, who stood before him with an air of indifference.

"I have to... prove my worth."


"I have to prove in this tournament that I am a unique entity on this frontline... that I am needed by my lord."

Lucas’s azure eyes ignited with a fearsome murderous intent.

"Don’t get in my way, just fall, you wicked dragon...!"

"...Ah, I see."

Dusk Bringar, who had been quietly observing Lucas, burst into a hearty laugh.

"You were abandoned once before, weren’t you?"


"So you’re desperately trying to avoid your master’s disdain?"

Lucas’s shoulders tensed up.

Dusk Bringar burst into loud laughter, clutching his stomach.

"Ahaha! How adorable, so adorable! Knights are all so similar! You’re like my knights, only ever focused on their masters, like loyal dogs!"

After a full round of laughter, and wiping tears from his eyes, Dusk Bringar let out a clear, mocking laugh.

"...That’s why I prefer cats."


The next moment, Dusk Bringar’s small fist struck Lucas’s guard like lightning. 

Despite effectively guarding, Lucas couldn’t mitigate the damage. 

Coughing up blood, Lucas was flung across the arena floor and slammed into the edge of the ring.

"A pet needs to have a bit of a sharp bite to be worth raising, don’t you think?"

Brushing off his fist lightly, Dusk Bringar shrugged his shoulders and turned away.

"After all, if you could play that kind of hard-to-get, you wouldn’t be a mere dog."

Confident the match was over, Dusk Bringar began to walk slowly out of the arena when,


She sensed something amiss and looked back.

"Huff, huff, huff...!"

Lucas was slowly getting up.

Blue eyes flared like fire between disheveled golden locks. Steam burst out from behind his back.

A flicker of interest crossed Dusk Bringar’s eyes.

"The power of the beast...? With a face as pretty as a saint’s, you’re harboring a beast inside you."

"... "

But Lucas reigned in the beastly power himself. 

The steam puffing out from his back dissipated, and his once fiery eyes turned cold.

He neatly brushed back his tousled hair.

Standing once again in the arena was the impeccable knight Lucas. Dusk Bringar’s elegant eyebrows furrowed.

"Why not unleash the beast’s power?"

"My lord told me not to."

Lucas spoke in a measured tone.

"As you said, wicked dragon, I was abandoned once, a long time ago."

"Heh, a dog with many scars, huh?"

"So I don’t want to be abandoned ever again."

Lucas slowly raised his guard again and spat out,

"Therefore, I will no longer use the beast’s power. I’ll defeat you with just my two fists and earn my lord’s recognition."

"... "

Dusk Bringar slowly scanned Lucas from head to toe before smirking, curling the corners of his mouth upward.

"How about joining me, knight? I’ll let you wield the power of the beast as much as you like. I’ll even give you the ability to control it."

Lucas’s eyes narrowed. Dusk Bringar continued.

"You’re unable to properly wield the power of the beast because you lack control."

Using the power of the beast was not unique to the beastmen, but they were far less concerned about the risks involved in the transformation. The blood of beasts flowed in their veins, serving both as a benchmark and as a brake that prevented them from going too far in their transformation.

Even if they exceeded that limit, they would eventually return to their baseline state.

However, those who dabbled in this transformation using human bodies lacked such benchmarks or brakes.

Ultimately, they risked being consumed by the rampaging power of the beast.

This wasn’t just true for the transformation; it applied to all powers that had a ’temperament gauge.’

If you dabble without a controlling factor, you’ll inevitably spiral into destruction.

"You seem talented. I’m willing to share a little of my ’Dragon Blood’ with you."

Dragon Blood.

It was the legacy passed down through generations of Dusk Bringar, and a gift she bestowed upon her knights—factors of the dragon.

"The power of the beast is nice, but the power of the dragon is on another level. You won’t regret it."


"You could become several times stronger. What do you say?"

Lucas had heard the rumors.

The berserkers of the West.

Knights of Bringar Duchy who wielded the power of dragons through Dragon Blood. They were killing machines, capable of taking on a hundred enemies at once.

"What have you been hearing so far?"

However, Lucas coldly sneered.

"I aim to become stronger to gain recognition from my lord. What meaning is there in growing stronger under your banner? I refuse."

"Hmm... that’s a shame."

"I am my lord’s escort. So,"

Lucas spat out, his eyes fierce.

"The prize for winning the tournament, a chance to become my lord’s knight, is mine."


"You think you’re getting it, you evil dragon...!"

Dusk Bringar, who had been momentarily stunned, hurriedly stuttered.

"Wait, hold on, what did you say the first prize is?"

"...? The first prize is becoming a knight under my lord. That’s the prize."

"What? Wait, wait a minute!"

Sweat trickled down Dusk Bringar’s slender chin.

"Then I shouldn’t win, should I?!"


"I mean, I am Dusk Bringar! A Duchess! I would never willingly go to the southern frontlines!"


"I just joined the tournament because it looked fun; I didn’t even check the prize list! What kind of first prize is that?!"

Caught off guard and flustered, Dusk Bringar was full of openings.

"Then lose graciously, Duchess...!"

With fierce eyes flashing, Lucas rushed forward and launched a fist toward the flustered Dusk Bringar.

"The victory is mine-!"

--TL Notes--  

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