I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game

Chapter 321

Chapter 321

In the garden courtyard where an engagement ceremony was unfolding, Fernandez and Lucas were discreetly engaged in a private conversation, avoiding the eyes of others.

Fernandez grinned as he praised Lucas.

"You've done an excellent job on your surveillance assignment, Lucas."

For the past five years, Lucas had diligently reported on the affairs of the Star Palace to Fernandez. It had mostly been mundane, peaceful day-to-day activities, so Lucas had rationalized it to himself. But deep down, he knew.

This could be a betrayal not just of Ash, but of everyone in the Star Palace.

Fernandez's gaze shifted to the sword strapped to Lucas's waist.

"It seems you've gained quite a bit of trust."


Startled, Lucas clutched the sheath on his hip. It held a short iron sword recently bestowed upon him by Ash. Being permitted to carry a blade within the palace was a sign of absolute trust.

Feeling the weight of that trust, Lucas clenched his mouth shut.

Ash had entrusted him with a sword, yet here he was, colluding with Fernandez.

Fernandez chuckled at Lucas's inner turmoil and turned his head.

"Don't worry too much. All of this will be over soon."


"Your surveillance assignment is coming to an end, Lucas."

Surprised, Lucas looked at Fernandez with widened eyes, but Fernandez was already looking at the ongoing engagement ceremony in the courtyard.

Ash, who had been dancing awkwardly, finally tripped and fell, stepping on Serenade's skirt in the process. Both the boy and the girl rolled on the ground, screaming, and soon were looking at each other, laughing heartily.

As Fernandez watched this adorable and innocent scene unfold with a warm smile, he gestured with his hand.

"There won't be a need to deceive these people anymore. However, one thing from your last report needs confirmation."

Fernandez's eyes, seen through his glasses, flashed like a snake's.

"Next week, the Second Empress Dustia and Ash are set to visit the House of Silver Winter. That's confirmed, correct?"

"Yes... Yes, it's confirmed."

Dustia was a former war slave of the Emperor. She had become frail due to lingering after-effects from participating in various wars with the Emperor, and therefore never usually left the Star Palace.

However, this time she was planning to visit the Serenade's house—soon to be her in-laws—the House of Silver Winter.

The entire Star Palace had already begun preparations for this rare outing.

All possible measures were being taken to ensure that no information leaked to the outside world. And yet, Lucas had divulged this information to Fernandez.

After observing Dustia and Ash in turn, Fernandez spoke calmly.

"There may be a 'small incident' at that time."


Fernandez nodded slightly.

"So, do not get involved. You might get hurt if you're caught up in it."

"No, wait a minute, Lord Fernandez...!"

"All the hard work you've put in will be properly rewarded once this is over. The McGregor family will receive ample compensation. Know that if you continue to follow my orders, you may rise to become a powerful family under the protection of the Imperial Family."

Grinning, Fernandez waved his hand and headed out of the Star Palace.

"Let's keep up the good work, Lucas. Have a great day."

His entourage, who had been waiting, escorted him away.

Lucas stood there, bewildered, watching Fernandez's receding figure.

'A small incident might occur...? What does that mean...?'

A vivid sense of dread crawled up his spine.

Trembling, Lucas turned around.

In the bright sunlight, the people of the Star Palace were still joyfully conducting the engagement ceremony.

Lucas trembled as if a child had accidentally spilled black paint into a clear pond.

However, the spilled paint was already spreading throughout the pond.


A few days later.

Dustia and Ash were scheduled to visit the Count of Silver Winter.

This day also happened to be a rare day off for Lucas.

He had been encouraged to return to the McGregor family home, which he had not been able to visit frequently, and take some rest.

"Send my regards to the McGregor family. Deliver the gifts I sent, too. Rest well and come back. You understand, right?"

Dustia gently smiled as she patted Lucas's head. Unable to reply, Lucas simply nodded.

"See you later, Lucas!"

Ash and Dustia waved and climbed into the carriage.

Watching the scene in a daze, Lucas suddenly blocked the carriage.

"Wait, hold on!"josei

"Huh? What's the matter? Is something wrong?"

"I want to come too!"

Ash and Dustia widened their eyes.

"You want to go to the Count of Silver Winter's place?"

Trying to keep up a casual air, Lucas grinned.

"I can't let Your Majesty and Lady Serenade have all the fun. I'll come along and be a third wheel."

"Lucas...! You insensitive brat...!"

While Ash was angered, Dustia covered her mouth to laugh, opened the carriage door, and extended her hand.

"Alright, Lucas, let's go together. Come on."

Dustia stretched out both hands to lightly pinch the cheeks of Ash and Lucas.

"Sure, we're already a family, after all. It'd be weird to go on separate vacations. Let's have some fun together, Lucas."

Already a family.

Those words from Dustia burned Lucas inside, but he silently bowed his head.

"Yes, Empress Mother."

The carriage set off.

Ash playfully elbowed Lucas in the side, asking 'Are you happy now, sabotaging my love life?' Lucas retorted, 'Then introduce me to a nice lady quickly.'

Dustia personally peeled some fruit and handed it to the two boys.

In an atmosphere as lively and peaceful as usual, Lucas made a vow.

Whatever Fernandez meant by a 'minor accident,' he would protect these two as long as he was here.


The shattered carriage rolled on the road.

As soon as they left the Imperial Capital, they were attacked.

The guards and coachman fell to unidentified attackers' crossbow fire, and the pierced horses let out agonizing screams.

Bang! Boom!

Explosives had even been planted on the road. The wheels burst, and the carriage, flipping mid-air, crash-landed.

"Ugh, what...?"

Inside the broken carriage, Lucas struggled to regain consciousness. Blood from a forehead wound soaked his face.

Examining the blood on his hands, Lucas shivered.

How could this be considered a 'minor accident'...!

Inside the carriage, Ash also wobbled, holding his bloody forehead, and Dustia was motionless, possibly unconscious. Lucas clenched his teeth.

'Get it together, Lucas...! You're the escort! You have to protect them!'

Wobbling, Lucas drew his sword from its sheath and stepped out of the destroyed carriage.

Thud Thud Thud!

Unidentified attackers in dark robes rode on war horses, rushing forward. A savage gleam of metal flashed in their hands.

Grinding his teeth, Lucas swung his sword to meet them.



Even for a child born into a knight's family and trained all his life, fending off the powerful attack of a mounted assailant at just twelve years old was impossible. Lucas was sent flying back.

Clang! Clang!

The attackers surrounding the carriage had suddenly drawn their crossbows and loaded them. Then,

Whoosh! Whoosh-!

Without a moment's hesitation, they fired their crossbows at the carriage.

There was no chance to dodge. Lucas blankly stared at the incoming arrows.

Just then.


Someone grabbed Lucas's shoulder and yanked him back before lunging forward.

It was Ash, a member of the Imperial Family, who was a year older than Lucas but smaller in stature.

Lucas's eyes widened.

Thump! Thump...!

A volley of crossbow bolts struck Ash, who had stepped in front of Lucas.

The bolts easily tore through the frail young body, piercing his chest and exiting through his back.

Ash's blood splattered generously onto Lucas, who was standing right behind him.

"...Your Highness?"

Staggering, Ash collapsed backward. Lucas hurriedly caught him. Arrows had penetrated vital points all over Ash's small body.

With trembling eyes, Lucas looked down at Ash, not knowing what to do.

"Your Highness, Your Highness! Are you... ah... quick, we need a doctor... Your Highness...!"


With a blood-soaked face, Ash mumbled.

"I told you... to just call me 'bro'... how many times have I said..."

"Please don't speak, Your Highness! I'll go get a doctor right away...!"

"Haha. Stubborn till the end... not listening..."

The life drained from Ash's dark eyes.

"Ah... I want to see... Sister Serenade..."


Ash's arm fell to the ground.

Lucas blankly stared at Ash's lifeless face.

The boy who had been happy at his engagement ceremony just a few days ago and was joking around moments ago was now lifeless.

Lucas couldn't bring himself to believe this reality, and no tears came.

"It's all my fault, it's..."

Because he had colluded with Fernandez and given him information, this... everyone had died.

That's when it happened.

A gentle touch landed on Lucas's shoulder. Startled, he turned to see it was Dustia.

The Second Empress gave a composed smile and nodded her head slightly.

"It's okay, Lucas. It's okay."

And then she extended her hand-

And snapped her fingers.


A sound he'd heard before, the activation of magic power.

Then... something unbelievable happened.

Gray magic power burst from her body, spiraling around the area like winding clock springs.

And time began to rewind.

The shattered carriage twisted back into shape mid-air, its broken parts fusing back together.

The dead horses, the coachmen, the guards—wounds healed, they staggered back to their feet in the state they were before the ambush.

And—Ash too.

The arrows lodged in his body reversed out, the splattered blood was drawn back in, and even his torn clothes restored—returning to the moment just before he was shot.


Breathing normally again, Ash blinked his eyes in dismay.

It was as if time around the carriage had rewound.

"Cough! Cough!"

Then Dustia collapsed, coughing up blood. The gray magic power that had filled the area couldn't return to her and dispersed like fog.

"Empress Mother!"

Lucas hurriedly checked Dustia's condition.

The attackers were just as confused by the situation.

Clearly flustered, they hastily readied themselves for battle again, while the resurrected guards scrambled to prepare their defense.

Just at that moment.

Clop! Clop! Clop!

A line of knights could be seen galloping from the direction of the King's Castle.


With a hiss of their tongues, the attackers exchanged signals and quickly mounted their horses to flee the scene.

Watching the retreating figures of the attackers, Lucas blurted out in a daze.

"Di-did we survive?"

Thump! Thump! Thump!

That's when it happened.

A man leading knights arrived at the scene of the ambush and gave a grim command.

"Everyone, chase after them."

"We obey your Highness' command!"

"These scoundrels dared to attack my wife and son. I'll have them caught alive and slit open their bellies for interrogation. Understand? They must be caught alive."


The knights spurred their horses and chased after the attackers like a whirlwind.

The man's voice seemed to glitter like gold.

Lucas trembled as he turned his body backward. All the others around him had already bowed their heads to the ground, shaking with fear.


With a light move, the man dismounted from his white horse and came up to Dustia, Ash, and Lucas.

"You were warned not to misuse the art of Time Regression."

The man.

The emperor who ruled the empire and controlled half the world.

"That magic is not a blessing, but a heavenly punishment imposed upon your tribe."

Traha 'Peacemaker' Everblack whispered, unexpectedly in a gentle voice.

"My beloved Dustia."

--TL Notes--

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