I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game

Chapter 415

Chapter 415

During my absence, the heroes had diligently conducted autonomous dungeon explorations, and therefore, the opponent for this stage had already been identified.

'The Ghost Pirate Legion.'

A pirate legion composed of ghosts that command various marine creatures, with Ghost Pirate Captain Bernardt Poker as their leader.

The summoned sea monsters are troublesome, but the real problem is the ghost fleet they lead.

'Ghost Pirate Captain Bernardt Poker possesses a special skill [Stormy Sea].'

When this skill is activated, a torrential downpour falls from the sky, and this rain is all seawater.

It's a crude magic that connects the real sea and sky through a kind of gate.

And if even a little seawater is on the ground, the ghost ships of the ghost fleet can advance.

Their main tactic is to lay a field of seawater with their special skill and whip it up with ghost ships.

These ghost ships, protected by evil spirits, are more powerful than an average warship when in full condition.

They’re almost comparable to airborne ships in power, just lacking the ability to fly.

'And the Dark Event they've triggered for this boss stage is ‘Rapid Advance’.'

A horrendous Dark Event that greatly increases the speed of the monsters.

Having saved up Dark Events to trigger all at once, the expected speed increase is about double.

'Just thinking about these already insanely mobile ghost pirate ships moving at double their usual speed...'

It's a terrifying thought.

Moreover, as soon as they emerge from the Black Lake, they head north, covering in a day and a half what would normally take three.

This speed increase is a headache both in and out of battle.

It could be even more troublesome to deal with than the ‘Breeding’ Dark Event that the Goblin Legion had last time.


I smirked.

"We're not the kind to just stand and take hits."

Crossroad, which has endured for over a year and a half in this game that spans three years.

It means we’ve all grown seasoned enough. Such a challenge is now laughably surmountable.

The heroes, who had been tensely listening to the ghost pirates' specs, looked puzzled.

Smirking, I tapped the portable blackboard Aider had set up with my staff.

"If we follow the plan I’ve devised, maybe... this defense battle could turn out to be the easiest yet, practically a walk in the park."

Twisting the rules, circumventing them, leaping over them-

Destroying them.

I grinned as I explained the ‘plan’ I had concocted. Confusion and astonishment flickered across everyone’s faces.

Lucas stuttered as he asked,

"Can such a strategy... really work?"

"Of course, it will. Definitely."

742 attempts.

And a year and a half of real combat.

Thanks to the experience we’ve steadily accumulated, I can now intuit which strategies will work in real combat and which won’t.

And I have a hunch.

This will work. No matter what!

"Of course, we’ll prepare a Plan B just in case... but trust me. This strategy is definitely viable."

I clapped my hands with a smack!

"Alright! Less than a week remains until the defense battle. For the remaining time, all workers and available forces will start preparations for this operation."

I looked around at the heroes and went, Ah,josei

"By the way, do you guys like sashimi?"


"Yeah. Freshly sliced fish, dipped in soy sauce or vinegar sauce..."

Most looked bewildered, perhaps because Crossroad is inland and sashimi is an uncommon food culture in this area.

I grinned and winked.

"Alright, let's feast to our heart's content this time. Everyone, look forward to it!"

It seems like this town doesn't have soy sauce or vinegar for dipping, though!


The next day, construction began immediately.

The workers remaining in the city, along with the soldiers and heroes, were all mobilized to start construction on the plain in front of the city walls, as per my instructions.

"It may seem like sudden, pointless digging on bare ground..."

Evangeline, who was energetically shoveling and digging the ground, wiped the sweat from her forehead and grinned.

"Now it really feels like our senior has returned!"

Standing next to her, overseeing the construction blueprint, I turned my attention to Evangeline.

"Really? In what way?"

"Pulling out seemingly nonsensical strategies at a glance, and leading everyone without hesitation to execute them... like that?"

Evangeline shrugged her shoulders.

"There have been more than a couple of times when I doubted if such strategies would really work. But they all dealt effective blows to the monsters. So, everyone believes and follows this construction project too, believing it will be meaningful."


At the bustling construction site, people dug the ground and sweated without a hint of doubt.

They all trust me.

Then I must repay them with results. Defeat the monsters impressively...

After confirming the construction site was up and running properly, I moved towards the city center. I had business with the Silver Winter Merchant Guild.

"Ah, Your Highness."

Serenade was already waiting, as I had sent a message ahead.

Perhaps due to yesterday's incident, Serenade blushed and averted her eyes as soon as she saw me.

Her shy demeanor made me feel embarrassed as well. Um...

However, my visit this time was not for personal reasons, but as a public duty of the Lord of Crossroad.

So, I opened my mouth in a strictly business-like tone.

"Serenade. As I mentioned in my message earlier... I would like to see the condition of the airship."

"Ah, yes! Please follow me."

Serenade, snapping back to reality, led the way. I followed her.

"While Your Highness was away for the past half-year, the airship ‘Geronimo’ underwent repairs and upgrades under the supervision of Master Smith Kellibey."

In the property owned by the Silver Winter Merchant Guild, several new warehouses had sprung up over the past few months. Serenade brought me to the largest of these.


The warehouse door opened, revealing the monstrous form of the waiting airship. I involuntarily gasped.

The bulky thrusters like furnaces attached directly to it. Two propellers attached to the head and tail. An archaic, thick design that exudes brutality.

While its characteristic blunt and brutish appearance remained, several more layers of sturdy external armor had been added, and several more protruding weapons were affixed.

"Besides adding armor and weapons, we've especially overhauled the engine... The current output is 1.5 times what it was before."

"1.5 times?"

"Master Smith Kellibey put in a great deal of effort. He regretted not being able to complete this airship, saying it was his lifelong regret..."

As we approached, the airship's hatch slowly opened.


Inside the airship, in a maid uniform, was the swordswoman Elize, whom I hadn’t seen in a long time. She gracefully bowed to me.

Extending her arm towards the open interior of the airship, Serenade smiled brightly.

"How about it, would you like to take a test flight?"

And so.


As we took our seats, the airship took off with a heavy mechanical sound.

The giant metal mass gently lifted off the ground, and before we knew it, it had gained altitude and soared into the sky.

"The control system was only roughly mastered by our people, but after Master Smith Kellibey’s new guidance... it became much more efficient to operate."

As I listened to Serenade's explanation, I looked out the window.

Crossroad looked different when viewed from the sky.

I observed the city, which I hadn't been able to closely watch until now, in silence. The airship circled the city slowly and not too high, as if to be considerate of my observation.

"In the half year I was away, the city itself has changed a lot."

I remarked, after observing Crossroad for a while.

There were many buildings that hadn't been there half a year ago, although some of it might be due to the different perspective from the sky.

Among them, one particularly tall building under construction caught my eye. I pointed to it.

"Is that building under construction, by any chance..."

"Yes. It’s a hotel."

Serenade smiled.

"The very one you requested to be built."

"Wow, it's come up quite a bit."

"Here in Crossroad, we've been researching magical construction methods."

I had left the Defense Tower Scroll at the alchemy workshop. It must be that technology.

"We're applying various technologies, so it's being built very quickly. It might be completed sooner than expected."

The hotel construction was a plan I pushed for not long after I took charge here, but only now, after a year and a half, tangible progress was emerging.

The city has changed tremendously in the year and a half since I took charge. I think there are aspects where it's unrecognizably developed, though it feels odd to say this myself.


And again, in another year and a half.

At the end of the third year, when all these battles are concluded. I wonder how much it will have changed.

As I silently observed the city, Serenade cautiously broached a topic.

"Your Highness. The reason for your visit today is..."


I came out of my reverie and faced Serenade.

"Firstly, I plan to use this airship in the upcoming battle."

Serenade nodded brightly.

"By all means, please do. After all, this airship has been repaired to assist you, Your Highness. We will keep it ready in perfect condition."

"Thank you, Serenade. And..."

I cautiously brought up the next topic.

"I would like to know a little about the news from the Imperial Capital."

Serenade's expression stiffened slightly at my question.

The Silver Winter Merchant Guild is based in New Terra, the Imperial Capital.

Although the head of the guild is in this remote southern territory, its roots are still in the Imperial Capital.

Furthermore, the Silver Winter Merchant Guild has been focusing on information trading at my request.

There must be information about the war between the First and Second Princes – the battle for the throne – that took place in the Imperial Capital.

Serenade looked down for a moment to gather her thoughts, then slowly began to speak.

"You must have already heard that the war between the two princes ultimately ended in victory for Prince Fernandez."

I nodded. Serenade continued.

"During the war, we maintained contact with the inner part of the Imperial Capital. Our guild advisor, Alberto, periodically sent couriers."

The image of Alberto, an elderly valet with a splendid beard, crossed my mind.

After retiring from his valet position, Alberto joined the Silver Winter Merchant Guild at my recommendation.

And he stayed in the Imperial Capital even during the critical situation of the war.

"But... communication has been completely cut off since the end of the war. Even the regular reports that he would send without fail in the event of no major incidents have stopped."


"It's premature to jump to conclusions without information, but it's certain that something... significant is happening in the Imperial Capital."

Serenade hesitated for a moment before adding more.

"And, there's something I must apologize for. Your Highness."


"...It's about the First Prince's wife and three sons, whom you entrusted me to protect."

The wife and three children of First Prince Lark.

My sister-in-law and nephews, whom I had managed to extract from Fernandez's grasp and escape here. What could have happened to them during the half-year I was away?

I looked at Serenade with surprised eyes. Serenade closed her mouth tightly and bowed her head to me.

"After the news of Prince Lark's defeat spread... the Princess and the three princes left this place. It was just a few days ago."


"I tried to persuade them to stay, but she left, saying, 'How can I just stand by as a Princess in the face of my husband's misfortune?' There was nothing... I could do to stop them."

I ran my hand over my face.

This was an aspect I hadn't fully considered.

'I intended to keep them safe from Fernandez's clutches and simultaneously use them as a deterrent to prevent Lark from acting recklessly towards this place.'

With the rumors of Lark's defeat and death coming in, it seems the entire family couldn't stay put and took action.

With the Third Prince – myself – also missing, they probably didn't feel a strong need to stay here.

'If I hadn't disappeared and had been here, I might have been able to stop them...'

But it's already in the past.

Lark's wife and children have slipped through my fingers. And they have walked into the maelstrom swirling around the Imperial Capital.

I hope Lark is safe. And that he reunites with his wife and children safely.

That’s all I can wish for from afar.

I gently patted the guilt-ridden Serenade on the shoulder.

"Don't blame yourself, Serenade. It wasn't something you could have controlled. It's already in the past."

"...The Princess left a message."

Serenade cautiously looked up at me with her silver eyes.

"She said to tell you when you return."

"What is it?"

"If Prince Lark has truly passed away. And if... she and her three sons also meet with misfortune."

I clenched my mouth shut.

"Please stop Prince Fernandez."


"She said that now, the only person who can do this in the world is Prince Ash. Then she left."

I clicked my tongue and looked out the window.

This time, not at the city, but beyond.

At the near south, where the monster legion would soon invade.

And at the far north, from where ominous news might arrive anytime. Alternating between the two.

"I was going to do that anyway."

I muttered, glaring at the horizon with my eyes wide open.

"...because I've decided to protect this world."


Five days later.

New intelligence arrived from the north.

The news of Lark's execution, and...

The news that his wife and three children were also captured and brutally killed.

--TL Notes--

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