I Became The Villain The Hero Is Obsessed With

Chapter 160

Chapter 160: Ep.160 Provocation

Ep.160 Provocation

Round table.

At that solemn gathering where numerous villains were gathered, the man with the red mohawk sitting across from me, Hitchkan, was being annoying.

Well, it’s not bad to do this to raise awareness in the free talk. Watching this kind of thing is actually the most fun.

But the problem is that he’s bothering me.

“No, let’s all think about it. Where are we? This is where all the S-class villains who lead one organization gather, isn’t it? Does it make sense for an A-class villain like him to come here?”

Shouldering, the redhead said so

In a situation where some people were looking this way, wondering what was happening all of a sudden.

Towards the red-haired person who was talking to me like that, I just smiled quietly without any retorts.



Our Atlas guy next to me is taking care of it for me.

Atlas, who punched the round table and almost stood up, shouted at the guy with anger.

“You’re just blabbering with a big mouth! How dare you speak such nonsense to my friend Atlas? You!!!”

“…Well, what did I say wrong?”


Atlas almost stood up from his chair, apparently to beat up the red-haired person. His shouting was so loud that it could break through translation magic, and his swearing could be heard in the original language.

Hitchkan, who was still folding his arms against him, looked a little surprised. Didn’t he see me sitting here talking and chatting with Atlas? Anyway, just when Atlas was about to summon even a spear to fight.


Celest’s clear voice, who was sitting at the end of the round table, suddenly echoed.

“In a sacred meeting, violence is never acceptable. Please calm down, everyone.”

“Hmm, tsk.”


A round white barrier appeared around the round table, blocking the two.

Atlas, who sat back in his chair with his tongue, and Hitchkan, who frowned and sat with his chin on his hand.

… Well, in the end, Celest had to intervene to end the situation.

Phew. What a commotion.

Especially the guy with the red Mohican hair still looked unhappy, probably because things didn’t go as planned. Still, he seemed to have his tongue tied, knowing that Atlas, who had the ability to attack cities around the world at once, had no mercy.

Hmm, that’s why people need a backup plan after all.

After the sudden fight between the two, the atmosphere at the round table became awkward due to the sudden incident. However, it seemed like no one cared, and the meeting continued as if nothing had happened.

Perhaps everyone is so used to such incidents in this underworld.

Anyway, the meeting continued without any problems, but with one difference…

Atlas. He may look like an old man at first glance, but in reality, he is someone who is strong enough to stand among the villains on this towering cliff. I am someone who can even make Atlas angry, so you might wonder what our relationship is. Moreover, I am A-class.

This is difficult. I didn’t expect to draw attention like this from today on.

…No, now that it’s come to this…?

Of course, Celest, the representative of this meeting, did not give me any attention after that. Well, she must know that Atlas recommended me and that we have a relationship.

Anyway, the order that started from Celest came back to the short blonde knight sitting right next to Celest.

“…My name is Arthur. I am the leader of the Seven Heaven Knights.”

That man briefly introduced himself.

He stood out wearing armour, but there were many more bizarre outfits that people paid attention to, so no one really paid attention to him.

However, I was the only one who paid attention to him.

Arthur, the leader of the Seven-whatever, is just a follower of Celest. In the first place, Seven is a subsidiary organization of Celest’s united Etheria. You can tell just by seeing him sitting next to Celest.

By the way, it’s easy to mistake her ability for combat-related skills, including his armour, but it’s actually a disguise. She has a more special ability.

It’s the danger level of the opponent. In other words, strength. She has the ability to know that. Thanks to this ability, she immediately became Celest’s core follower. Perhaps one of the purposes of Celest’s meeting today was to measure the danger level of other villains.

Of course, I, who am weak and harmless, don’t care at all. I might be evaluated with teleportation or telekinesis… black tentacles? Even if I am treated as C-class, it’s not surprising. Therefore, since Celest will not pay attention to me today, I need to find another way to show my influence later.

By the time I was thinking about such things, Celest finally came back to her turn after going around in a circle.

“I am Celest, the leader of Etheria. And I am the host of this gathering, Catedral.”

She repeated what everyone already knew and then spoke again in a holy and clear voice.

“…Now that we have finished introducing ourselves, let’s start with the main reason why I organized this gathering.”

Like the Hero Association, which shares information flexibly among each country’s branches, there was a call to form a gathering where villains could come together and share information.

With her explanation, everyone nodded their heads in agreement and understanding. Just as those who have an impact beyond one city affect countries and continents, they all empathized with the importance of information.

In other words, this gathering was a good meeting for everyone.

Although they would have to divulge their own advanced information, they could gain dozens of pieces of information in return. Celest managed the group, ensuring the quality of the information remained at a certain level. If they only shared low-quality information, they would be expelled from the group.

Anyway, everyone understood Celest’s explanation and nodded in agreement. She explained that they would have their usual time for information sharing, but they could skip this time if they didn’t have any significant information to share.

She started to share the information she had prepared. “Everyone, as you all know, the number of people with abilities is gradually increasing worldwide.”

Some people nodded at the statement, as it was a fact that appeared in the news often. Then, Celest shared shocking information.

“As a result, the International Hero Association, which now has better access to heroes, will be dispatching S-class heroes from the United States and other hero countries to other nations. Please be extra careful.”

The villains’ faces hardened at her words. The atmosphere was one of disbelief that the United States, which had been extremely cautious about leaking its own heroes, would do such a thing. However, since Celest had shared the information, it was hard not to believe it, and everyone had an expression of shock.

Of course, I didn’t feel much excitement since it didn’t affect me as I was in Korea. I just had to deal with Stardus.

Celest continued to encourage everyone to share any significant information they had. Most people passed, saying they weren’t prepared. However, a few shared brief and speculative information they knew.

Meanwhile, it was my turn, and I hesitated. I had no intention of participating from the first day; I just wanted to pass quietly. However, I couldn’t help but think about the red mohawk in front of me. Well, I had already drawn his attention, so why not?

Is it okay for me to step forward like this?

So, my turn came.

I decided to step forward.

Yeah, well, the faster you secure your influence, the better. There are even sacrifices involved.

That red guy, Hitch-something, is going to die in three months anyway, right?


After a moment of silence, I opened my mouth.

“I also just heard the information, but it’s in German in Europe.”

I took my chance like that.

When the conversation turned to Germany, where he was living, the red guy turned his head and showed interest.

In that state, I smiled slightly and spoke again.

“I heard there’s a rumour that something big will happen in Germany. I recommend being careful when going to Germany for a while.”

Stopping there, I turned my head slightly towards the red guy.

“Especially for those who live in Germany. Be more careful.”

Then I looked straight at the guy.

“Who knows what tragic event might happen within three months?”

It was an obvious provocation, and I spoke with a smile.

At that, the red guy was not quiet either.

“You bastard! Are you threatening me?”

The guy slammed the desk.

And then, Jilserra Atlas also stepped forward, slamming the desk.

“You, you!!! Is he trying to give advice and still causing trouble?”

The fight that was about to break out again was eventually mediated by Celest’s sigh.

In the end, Hitchman sat back in his seat, still with a face as red as his hair, glaring at me. Of course, I ignored him with a smile.

Well, it worked out well.

He wouldn’t believe me, and he’ll die in that incident in three months anyway, so there’s nothing more to worry about.

And so, it was my turn to pass, and like before, everyone seemed uninterested in the commotion that had just happened. They just saw it as a fight between the usual villains.

…Of course, if that guy dies from what happened in three months, I don’t know how I’ll feel about it then.

Well, it doesn’t matter. It’s not like anyone could blame me for killing him just because I said something. His death will obviously have nothing to do with me.

However, people might still think it’s strange how I knew it would happen. Of course, they could also think that I just got lucky… but they might suspect that I actually took some action.

It may not seem related at all, but there’s always the suspicion that I used some kind of advanced tactics.

And that kind of suspicion will make me even more threatening.


This is the strategy of the weak.

Making other people think that I’m a dangerous person. Packaging myself to look stronger than I actually am.

And our Red will be the scapegoat.josei

Well, it doesn’t matter anyway. I’m not really going to do anything, so that’s not it. I don’t know if others will think that way though.

While I was thinking about that, the time for information sharing had ended.

After Celest’s last words, “Let’s meet again in four months,” we dispersed.

Everyone got up and went back to the hallway they came from.

As I was leaving, that Red looked at me again, but I just smiled and ignored him. This is the last time I’ll see this guy in person. Good luck to him for the remaining three months.

“Thanks to that weird guy, you must have been a bit uncomfortable, but it was a pretty good meeting. Especially your last provocation, it was really great! It was so satisfying. Hahaha!”

“Hahaha, thank you for your help. It was almost embarrassing, but thanks to you, I got through it.”

“Hahaha! Of course, of course! I had to help!”

We laughed heartily and returned to the black corridor where we came from.

Hmm, I guess I’ll head home now.

Since the big problem is over, I can finally rest.

Today, even though no one paid any attention to me, it’s okay. I’ll take it slow from now on.


The empty round table after everyone had left.

In the dark place, Arthur reported to his superior Celest in a serious tone.

“…Is that true?”

“Yes, Celest. The one called Egostic among them…was judged to be the most dangerous based on my abilities.”


Celest stroked her white hair and fell into deep thought.

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