I Became the Youngest Prince in the Novel

Chapter 15

Chapter 15: The Black Forest (6)

"Damn... Hart!"

With a loud crash, Ragnod deflected the massive dark hand shooting towards him.

Only moments before, Hart and another member of their team had disappeared into the morphing forest. The sinister hands rose up immediately, preventing them from going after their companions.

"I can't believe that shorty was the one who disappeared with him."

"Hey, pay attention!"

Thinking of Zion, Kaila yelled at the distracted Ragnod, her magic continuing to blaze forth.

With a massive eruption, her flames burst forth, proving the public opinion correct - her magical prowess was indeed on par with Chilgeol. Her fierce flames scorched everything around them, even incinerating the dark hands reaching towards them.

Her fire was more potent than the pale flames she had conjured earlier.

Ignis Chain.

Her hands sent out another stream of flames, extending like a whip and wrapping around the massive hand of darkness.

The hand twisted and squirmed, releasing a pained screech and lashing against the fiery chain.

But, their team wouldn't just stand there watching.

A woman with a noticeable scar moved with the graceful agility of a fairy, darting to the rear of the dark hand. In an odd angle, she thrust her sword deep into the creature's skin, tougher than any steel.

At the same time, Lian and a middle-aged knight charged forward, as if they had planned it beforehand.

With a loud grunt, they swung their weapons, each slicing off a leg of the dark hand.

Unable to keep its balance, the hand of darkness toppled backward. And as it fell, the figure of Rain, who had leaped high into the air, appeared in its sight.

Her hand pulled back, holding a spear that blazed not with blue but white-hot lightning.

Thunder Dragon Flash.

In the instant Rain's arm propelled forward, a bolt of lightning came crashing down from the sky. Without resistance, the lightning bolt blasted through the dark hand's head, burrowing into the ground.

With a resounding thud, the now headless body of the dark hand hit the ground.

Rain landed next to the defeated hand, quietly contemplating as he stared at the lifeless form.

"What a nuisance."

With a grunt, Ragnod, now standing next to Rain, gave the fallen monster a frustrated kick. He then turned to Rain.

"What's the plan? Should we go after them?"

Even though he didn't specify who he was talking about, everyone present understood his question.

Rain shook her head in silence.

"No, we need to keep moving forward."

Her fists tightened at her own words. She wanted to search for the missing members, but wandering aimlessly in the forest would likely result in all of them getting lost - or worse.

They could only hope that the separated members would survive until they could regroup.

'And if Hart is with Zion... they might have a chance.'

Remembering Zion's unusual ability to absorb the malice, Rain held onto this thought. She chose not to ask Zion about his power, aware of the traitor among them and not wanting to reveal her suspicion.

Rain believed that Zion's power might be the opposite of the malice infesting the forest.

"Alright. I understand."

Recognizing the difficulty of Rain's decision, the others didn't challenge her. They started tending to their wounds and preparing to move forward.

Rain's gaze lingered on her companions, filled with uncertainty.

'None of them could be the traitor.'

Ever since the attack on the lord's castle, suspicion had tainted her trust in those around her.

Yet, she couldn't help but dismiss these doubts. Lian had been like family to her since childhood, and Ragnod, Kaila, and Hart were old friends.

She refused to believe any of them could betray her.

'I have to think positively.'

With that resolve, Rain began to trudge deeper into the Sechaman Forest.

Hart of Chilgeol, known as one of the rising stars of the northern empire and the second son of the Sidmael family - a noble house that ruled the north alongside the Dranir family.

But there was another, unknown aspect to his identity.

He was a high-ranking member of the Purification Sect, serving the 'Evil' of the Black Forest.

"No... how?"

The usual easy-going demeanor of Hart turned somber.

He didn't deny his association with the Purification Sect. The moment he looked into Zion's eyes, he knew his secret was out.

"Who else knows?"

Hart quickly shifted the topic, deeming the 'how' irrelevant at this point.

"Only me, for now."

Zion met Hart's eyes, his own gaze relaxed yet intense.

"Is that so? Are you shrewd or just reckless?"

Even with his secret laid bare, Hart maintained his calm demeanor, continuing his walk through the forest.

Uncovering Hart's hidden identity, which had eluded everyone else, was indeed sharp. Yet revealing it here, alone in the forest with him, seemed like folly.

"Do you not fear I might kill you? Or perhaps..."

A hint of incredulous amusement colored Hart's expression.

"Do you think you can escape from me?"

The notion of Zion confronting him directly hadn't crossed Hart's mind.

Zion remained silent in response to Hart's queries.

Drawing closer to Zion, Hart continued his discourse.

"Do you know this? The 'One' we serve was not originally dubbed 'evil'."

He was merely superior to others, wielding a power beyond their comprehension.

"But humans, in their ignorance, branded the 'One' as evil, banishing him to this forest, simply because his power was beyond their grasp."

Zion knew this was not the truth.

The entity they worshipped had gathered more than its share of ill repute.

Yet Zion was uncertain if they genuinely held such a belief.

"We await the day when 'He' will break his seal and cleanse this world."


Hart's twin swords, slightly curved at their tips, smoothly slid out of their sheaths.

"Our duty as members of the Purification Sect is to eliminate any vermin obstructing 'His' path."

His words came to an end.josei

With a swift kick off the ground, Hart vanished from his spot, reappearing before Zion in an instant.


Swish, swish, swish!

A flurry of silver flashes filled the air.

Hart was known as the Flash Sword, a moniker bestowed due to his blindingly swift blade, so quick that his opponents failed to see it coming.

By the time the silver flash had occurred, his opponent's life was typically at its end.

This rule seemed to hold true in this instance.

No, it was flawless.

The unique charge that triggered mana to explode from the soles of his feet was even more satisfying than usual.

The strike he unleashed towards Zion, who stood still seemingly oblivious to his movements, was impeccably executed.

And yet, why?

Why on earth?


Hart could not comprehend why his own arm was now soaring through the air.


His right arm, still clutching the sword, hit the ground with a thud.

Perhaps it was the sheer unexpectedness of this situation.

"This is..."

As Hart stared in shock at his severed arm, Zion's calm voice wafted through the silence.

"You made two mistakes."

Only as he unconsciously turned towards Zion did Hart truly comprehend.

"First, you assumed that I am weaker than you."

Why hadn't he realized sooner?

Those eyes, appearing dull, as if veiled in fog.

"Secondly, you held back, failing to strike me with your full strength from the onset."

It finally dawned on him that those languid eyes were, in fact, the gaze of a being looking down upon everything from an untouchable height.

Step by step.

As Zion leisurely made his way toward Hart, the twirling Black Star began to flicker in his eyes.

It was true that Zion, in his current state, couldn't be entirely certain of victory against Hart of Chilgeol, but that didn't mean he was without a fighting chance.

Especially against an adversary who was this unprepared.


A chill ran down Hart's spine, the unsettling sensation growing stronger, like darkness emanating from Zion.

"You... wretched bastard!"

Finally succumbing to the oppressive aura, Hart charged toward Zion, his fear compelling him to attack first.

Escape was futile.

Hart's instincts screamed at him, leaving him with one path to follow.


The air exploded as Hart hurtled toward Zion, faster than ever before.


His remaining sword glowed with a lethal aura, sharp enough to tear the fabric of space itself.

One gleaming arc of light shot towards Zion.


A technique passed down through the Sidmael family, fabled to have once cleaved the moon itself. As the secret twin-sword technique, only the family's successor could wield it.

'With this...'

They say a crisis triggers evolution.

As Moonlight unfurled, more perfectly executed than any other stroke he had previously dealt, a glimmer of desperate hope lit up Hart's face.


"One more mistake."

Zion's hand leisurely extended towards the radiant arc.

Ink Flame.

Darkness poured forth from Zion's hand, kindling into flame. The moment it made contact with Hart's sword, it consumed the condensed moonlight entirely.


Shock seared through Hart at the sight unfolding before him, leaving him at a loss for words.


With ease, Zion knocked aside Hart's sword, now reduced to mere steel, and closed the distance to his adversary in a heartbeat.

"You should have fled immediately."

The next blow was swift and lethal.

Zion's other hand, already drawn back, plunged into Hart's chest, shattering his heart.



Blood-tinged breath escaped Hart's lips as he gazed at his own skewered chest.

His body began to topple backward.

Victory was Zion's from the moment Hart lost his arm.

Even though the attack had exceeded his usual skill, Hart was limited by the execution of a dual-sword technique with only one hand. Zion wasn't going to miss such a glaring weakness.

"Cough! Heh… You really had me fooled."

As death encroached and blood spewed from his mouth, Hart managed an empty laugh, locking eyes with Zion looming over him.

"But... you can't stop us. There's still…"

"Another one, you say?"


Hart's eyes widened in alarm at Zion's indifferent murmur.

"I already know."

"How could…!"


Before Hart could finish his sentence, Zion silenced him permanently, crushing his head.

Zion briefly surveyed Hart's lifeless form, his gaze void of any discernible emotion.

With one of the Chilgeol and a Purification Sect executive eliminated, Zion lifted his gaze to the sky.

'I must act swiftly.'

Zion gazed up, his eyes piercing through the evil cover of the Black Forest. What met his sight was a night sky that had silently taken hold.

By this time, Rain would have advanced closer to the heart of the forest.

Before she confronted the 'evil' awaiting there, there was something he had to do.

'Is it this direction?'

Based on his knowledge from the ancient chronicles and the celestial cues he had just observed, Zion set his course.

The Grey Marshlands.

Zion's current destination was a solitary 'true' sealed area concealed within the forest.

It was here where the hero and the 'evil' first clashed many centuries ago.

And it was here where the key resided, the key that would grant Zion the power to welcome a new ally.


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