I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 167

Chapter 167

Chapter 167

Chapter 167 She Falls Into His Arms

Aziel continued to laugh and said, “Hehe, isn’t… isn’t it like Simon? You know, like a simp.”

It sounded reasonable.

Later, Zayla and Linda took the little stray dog to a nearby pet shop. It was given a shower and a check-up. It was also vaccinated.

Linda proposed to name it Simon.

However, Zayla felt that this name was not good for the dog.

As a sign of Twilight Studio, he finally got a great name: Superman.

When the puppy heard “Superman”, he instantly jumped up and down, wagging its tail crazily. He was obviously very satisfied with this name.

After all, “Superman” sounded much more powerful and domineering than “Simon”!

When Simon returned to the hospital, he saw a figure squatting at the door of his ward.

“What are you doing here?”

Norah raised her head and looked at him, her eyes instantly turning red.

“Simon, you left the hospital without permission. I am very worried about you, but I don’t dare to tell your parents. I didn’t know where you went, so I could only wait for

you here.”

Norah looked weak and innocent.

Simon looked at her, who seemed lonely and helpless, and thought of her father’s


“Get up.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he reached out and pulled Norah up.


Norah’s body went limp, and she fell into his arms.

It was only a few seconds…

Simon immediately pushed her away!

“Go back to your ward. I’m fine.”

Norah knew that her goal had been achieved, so she nodded obediently.

“Simon, have a good rest. I will come to see you tomorrow.”

Simon looked at her pitiful face, and his heart softened. He couldn’t say anything to

refuse her.


He coldly said, then turned around, and entered the ward.

Mark, who followed behind him, immediately closed the door and stood aside to protect


Norah glanced at Mark. When she turned to leave, she muttered.


At Twilight Studio.

Zayla headed to Ira’s office.

“Were you the one who arranged the banners and canopy?” Zayla got straight to the

point and asked.

Ira shook his head and confessed, “This is all Mr. Nash’s idea.”

Zayla did not speak. She blinked with her long and curly eyelashes.

Lincoln’s steady and powerful voice echoed in her ears.

He was a careful and self-disciplined gentleman, but such a gentleman may find it hard to say no to his beloved one.

Was a gentleman like him really going to turn against his own nephew for her?

Was Lincoln… serious?

Zayla frowned and shook her head gently.

She did not believe it.

Coincidentally, Linda came in with Superman.

Ira immediately left.

“You go and withdraw the banners and the canopy,” Zayla said.

Ira quickly went to handle the matter.

Only Zayla and Linda were left in the office.

“Zayla, did you have them get the banner and the canopy?”

Zayla shook her head.

“Whose idea was that?”


Linda exclaimed, “Damn! I knew it! You didn’t see them confront each other. It is a

great show!

“However, I think Simon really wants to remarry you. He just used the wrong way…”

Just as Linda finished her words…

Their phones rang at the same time.


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