I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 178

Chapter 178

Chapter 178

Chapter 178 Firefly Is Sick

Zayla narrowed her eyes, crossed her hands, and slightly tilted her head to look at Norah…

She especially looked up and down at Norah, who was dressed in a white knight suit.

“It is fine to compete with me, but do you want to change your clothes first?

“After all, there is a great disparity in our strength. When Firefly gallops, there will be a lot of mud and water splashed.

“It won’t be good if your clothes get dirty and affect your mourning.

“But don’t worry. I’ll try to distance myself from you in three seconds. I’ll try my best not to let you get muddy.

“Don’t feel thankful for me, loser!”

Zayla was very good at dissing others.

As soon as she finished speaking, she turned around and left.

Norah was completely dumbfounded. She was so angry that her face turned ashen, and she stared fiercely at Zayla’s back.

She clenched her fists tightly and muttered through gritted teeth.

“Zayla, let’s wait and see!

“I will see with my own eyes that you will be at the bottom in the finals!

“A good show is about to play!”

There was only a quarter left before the finals began.

All the contestants went to stables to lead their horses.

A staff member hurriedly ran to Zayla.

“Ms. Vargas, bad news. Firefly… Firefly… It seems that she has eaten something wrong.

She has a loose bowel now. Her legs are weak, and she fell to the ground.”

As soon as the staff member said this, everyone looked at the stable where Firefly was Firefly fell to the ground and looked listless, and it did not even have the strength to stand up.


Zayla ran into the stable and shouted its name. She held it nervously, her eyes red.

“What happened to you? Weren’t you fine before? How could you be like this?

“Firefly, don’t scare me… The competition is about to start soon…”

Soon, the news that Firefly, who was the champion in the preliminary and semi-finals, was sick spread among the contestants….

It had to be known that a horse was the most important in a horse race.

Now, everyone was whispering to each other…

Now, there were only two choices for Zayla.

The first was to change a horse.

However, there were only 15 minutes left before the start of the game. She didn’t have enough time to familiarize herself with a new horse. So, there would be no tacit understanding.

Without tacit understanding, the speed would be greatly reduced.

The second was to withdraw from the competition.

She got first place in the preliminary and semi-finals, and if she could not get first place in the finals, it would be too shameful.

After all… no one would care about her horse. What everyone cared about the most was

her score.

Norah led her horse and frequently looked at the stable where Firefly was in.

She pretended to be very anxious and spoke in a voice that everyone could hear.

“Zayla is very skilled. With her personality, she will definitely not withdraw from the competition.

“Even if she has to change a horse, I believe that it won’t be a problem for her. She will definitely crush us and get first place.”

Norah’s words were full of hidden meanings.

Everyone knew that no matter how skillful they were, their skills needed to be brought out with an excellent horse.

Now that there was a problem with her horse, it would be a fatal blow to her.

Everyone felt that even if Zayla participated in the final match, she would not be a threat to them.


None of them had expected…


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