I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 207

Chapter 207

Chapter 207

Chapter 207 Something Is Fishy

Opposite Hanson sat a man in a suit.

The man had a ferocious scar on his face, stretching from the end of his eye to the corner of his lip, and he wore a pair of small glasses on the bridge of his nose. His eyes behind the glasses were fierce and shrewd.

Just by looking at his face, one could tell that he wasn’t some nice guy.

“How about 96 thousand dollars? It’s a nice number, don’t you think?”

It looked like Hanson was very familiar with bargaining. Apparently, it wasn’t the first time he had made a deal with the scarred man.

Zayla took a closer look.

She thought, seriously? 96 thousand dollars for this stone? The man might as well go and rob a bank!

I swear that this stone will crack!

“113 thousand dollars. That’s the best offer. I can do no less than that! We are friends, and I’m doing my best here. It’s a great number as well.”

“Come on! You are Tyler Watson, and everyone around here knows you. You don’t lack money at all. What’s more, I’m one of your regulars, right?” Hanson tried to persuade Tyler.

Tyler pushed a cup of coffee in front of Hanson and shook his head.

“I’m sorry, but no. Mr. Vaughan, take a look at the stone. Even if there is no Imperial Green jade inside, I’m sure there’s a purple one inside. If you buy it for 113 thousand dollars, you won’t suffer any losses.”

Hanson looked at the stone and hesitated.

Suddenly, a man shone a flashlight at the rock and stroked his chin, looking experienced.

“If Mr. Vaughan doesn’t want it, then sell it to me for 108 thousand dollars. Tyler, I am also one of your regulars. I do think it’s a nice stone. Whoever doesn’t want it is a fool.”

The onlookers echoed.

They thought, whoever doesn’t want it is a fool?

Alright! Just let Hanson be the fool. It’ll still be better than giving away 96 thousand dollars for nothing.

Hanson was about to buy the stone, but before he could open his mouth, a tender voice sounded.

“Hanson, since you don’t have enough budget, just let him have it.

“It seems to me that he wants it badly. Listen to my advice and do him a favor.”

Zayla’s tone was so gentle.

Her appearance made the eyes of the onlookers light up.

They thought, she is so pretty!

There are all kinds of pretty women in San Diego, but none of them is as gorgeous as she is!

She’s even more beautiful than the big stars.

When Hanson saw Zayla, he was stunned for a few seconds. Before he could react, Zayla had already stepped forward and pulled him away.

“Hanson, let’s go eat. I’m hungry.” With that, Zayla dragged Hanson out.

When Tyler saw Hanson leave, he shouted hastily, “Mr. Vaughan! Mr. Vaughan! Fine! 96 thousand dollars it is!”

Hanson thought, the man offers you 108 thousand dollars, and you pick me

over him? And it sounds like you are so flustered.

Something is fishy here.

He realized something.

He waved his hand at Tyler and grinned heartily. “Tyler, that man offered you 108 thousand dollars. You can sell the stone to him. I might as well do him a favor.”

The second Hanson finished speaking, Tyler’s expression changed greatly. The smile on his face vanished at once, and he looked particularly ferocious.

“There’s no business here I can’t do!

“I don’t care who you are. As long as you bargain with me, you must buy the stone.

“Otherwise… Humph!”

Tyler snorted from his nostrils.

Something was going to happen.

Zayla and Hanson ran out of the factory at once.


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