I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 217

Chapter 217

Chapter 217

Chapter 217 Heirloom

Lincoln did not go home after what happened that day, nor did he pick up the phone.

Felipa was very worried and refused to go to bed. She sat in the living room and waited anxiously.

Alec and Hanson both tried to persuade Felipa, but their persuasion was futile. They could only go to ask Zayla for help.

Zayla was lying on the bed, swinging her fair and beautiful legs, her slender fingers sliding on the tablet computer as she read the information about Cadrinan.

Until today, she did not know what the characters on the mural actually meant.

Zayla studied it very seriously.

Lincoln had not returned home, and she did not notice it.

Until Alec and Hanson showed up….

After they talked for a while, Zayla roughly understood. She looked up at the clock on the wall. It was almost twelve o’clock.

“Lincoln hasn’t come back yet?

“He didn’t answer your call?”

Alec and Hanson nodded in unison.

Zayla went downstairs and looked at the dazed and worried Felipa.

Zayla comforted Felipa and told Felipa that she had already contacted Lincoln.

However, there were still some private accounts in the store that needed to be checked. It would take several hours before it ended.

“Linkin often checks the accounts as fast as he can. I’m really worried about him since it took him so long this time.”

“Felipa, the private accounts are chaotic. The store owners sometimes feather their nest. It’s very troublesome to deal with it. Linkin asked me to tell you to go to bed early. When you wake up tomorrow morning, he will have breakfast with you.”

“Alright, alright. I’ll go up and sleep now,” said Felipa as she looked at Zayla’s smiling face. She finally rested assured.

Zayla nodded with a smile and immediately turned to look at Alec.

Alec went forward to support Felipa.

When they reached the elevator, Felipa looked at Hanson, who was standing by the stairs.

“What time is it already? Why aren’t you going to sleep? You still have to take your lessons tomorrow!”

Hanson did an action of cheering up, “Grandma, I am studying hard and staying up all night to do the exercises. I want to improve my grades from last place to second to last in my class as soon as possible!”

“Naughty boy! Why can’t you learn from Linkin?” Felipa was both angry amused. She raised her hand and patted the back of Hanson’s head.

Then, Alec helped Felipa up the stairs.

When Zayla went around the sofa, she seemed to have kicked something on the carpet.

She looked down and found that it was a booklet.

Zayla bent down and picked it up. At first glance, the contents of the booklet were words she could not understand.

She took a closer look and realized that it was actually Cadrinan.

Zayla was dumbfounded.

Hanson said, “It belongs to Grandma. Every time she feels uneasy, she will take out this booklet and read it for a long time.”

As he spoke, he shrugged. “But we don’t understand… We don’t know what the words inside it mean.”

At that moment, Alec went downstairs.

He saw the booklet in Zayla’s hand and quickly said, “Mrs. Vaughan, this is the old Mrs. Vaughan’s heirloom. Give it to me. I’ll put it on her bedside.

Otherwise, she won’t be able to sleep well.”

Zayla nodded and quickly handed it to Alec.

Alec took the booklet and quickly went upstairs, placing it on Felipa’s bedside.

Zayla frowned.

She did not know what the characters in the booklet meant, but she was sure that it was definitely Cadrinan!

Could it be that Felipa’s ancestors were Cadrinans?

Perhaps, Felipa could help Zayla understand the characters engraved on the mural in Snow Building.

Alec went downstairs and looked at the thoughtful Zayla.

He asked, “Mrs. Vaughan, did Mr. Vaughan really contact you?”


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