I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 222

Chapter 222

Chapter 222

Chapter 222 Zayla’s Identity Exposes

“Shut up! Do you think that you haven’t caused enough trouble for yourself?” Timothy shouted angrily.

“Amara, listen to your father… Don’t be childish.” Melissa quickly grabbed Amara.

Timothy looked at Amara’s unconvinced expression. He also knew that his daughter had been stubborn.

Timothy sighed and asked, “Do you know the Vargas family in Houston?”

Amara was dumbfounded and nodded, “That, that woman’s surname is Vargas…”

“She is the daughter of the Vargas family who has never appeared in the high-society circles! Zayla!”

Amara couldn’t stand still anymore. The Beckley family could only claim that it was the king in a small place like San Diego, but it had no access to the high-society circles at all. However, the Vargas family was the head of the famous ten great families!

Amara had never thought that the bitch she was talking about was actually the lady of the Vargas family!

“Timothy, did you just say that Zayla was the lady of the Vargas family?”

Coincidentally, Tyler had just come with some gifts.

“Timothy, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop. I woke up early and heard about

Amara’s experience, so I rushed over in a hurry. I thought I might be able to help.”

“You are a member of the Beckley family. It doesn’t matter. Don’t worry.” Timothy glanced at Tyler.

“Timothy, is Zayla particularly beautiful and close to the Vaughan family?”

As he spoke, Tyler pulled out the photo shot by the surveillance camera from his phone. The surveillance camera at the factory captured Zayla’s face.

Tyler asked, “Is it her?”

Timothy looked down and nodded with certainty. “Yes, it’s her!”

“After Amara was taken away by the police last night, I immediately arranged for someone to bail her out, but the Vargas family suppressed it.”

Timothy shook his head helplessly. “I tried my best to bribe the police. I paid a lot of money and used a lot of connections to get Amara out.

“Now, everyone outside thinks that she is taken into police custody. If she goes out to wander around, doesn’t that mean that we want the Vargas family to know that she is free now?”

Amara, who had been angry and wanted to go to kill Zayla, was now completely withered.

Tyler suddenly clenched his fists and gnashed his teeth.

Timothy saw his expression and then looked at the screenshot. He realized. that something had happened.

“Tyler, do you also have a conflict with this woman?”

Tyler nodded and told Timothy what had happened earlier.

Timothy was very surprised. “I didn’t expect this daughter of the Vargas family to be so powerful. She is typically fooling you. First, she pretended to give you 500 million dollars first and let you leave the Vaughan family with your people!

“In the blink of an eye, she sent someone to confiscate your goods. She even said that she would give you a VIP discount and asked you to pay 800 million

dollars in one go. This time and time again, she earned 300 million dollars in total, not including the continuous income later!

“The news of Amara’s scandal spread all over San Diego. She must be the one behind it. We have suffered a lot because of her.” Timothy sighed.

Tyler couldn’t be more furious!

Tyler worked for Timothy and they dominated San Diego, but now they were being played around by Zayla, a girl.

“Amara’s reputation is ruined, and I have lost all my money. I can’t let Zayla go! I have to take revenge!”

Timothy looked at him. “You mean…”

Tyler made a gesture of cutting his neck.

“But this is the Vargas family…” Timothy hesitated.

“Tyler, I support you!” Amara’s eyes lit up. “I absolutely can’t let this bitch continue to be arrogant!”

“Amara is right.”

Tyler nodded in agreement. He looked at Timothy and advised.

‘So what if she is the daughter of the Vargas family? They are not in charge of this place. This is your territory, Timothy!

“Think about it. Why did the daughter of the Vargas family come to San Diego? Why is she messing with Linkin?”

“She must be helping the Vaughan family gain a foothold and snatch your position as the nominal king of San Diego!”

When Timothy heard Tyler’s words, his expression immediately changed. He felt that Tyler’s words were reasonable.

“Then we’ll do as you say!”

At this time, in the hospital.


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