I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 226

Chapter 226

Chapter 226

Chapter 226 He Occupies Her Love Forcibly

“Who are you? You actually know about Simon? Let me tell you, Simon is a bastard, as well as a scumbag!

“When Zayla was young, she went to her grandfather’s house and fell into the pool accidentally. In the end, she was saved by a neighbor! It was Simon!

“Simon is a bastard. Otherwise, how could he be so good at swimming at such a young age? He was just like a dog that is born to know how to swim. After he saved Zayla, he gave her a pinky ring and wished that she would be happy and safe forever!

“From the moment I knew Zayla, she had been wearing the ring and never took it off. Zayla always wanted to marry Simon. However, what did she get during her five-year marriage with him?

“A happy and safe life? Bullshit! Zayla was only six years old when she was saved, and Simon was just lying to an underage girl!”

The drunk Linda kept cursing.

The words “bastard” had been said hundreds of times…

Simon turned off the recording pen with a gloomy expression.

Although Linda was drunk, her words were clear, and her tone was certain. It

seemed that she was not making up nonsense.

Simon had indeed seen Zayla’s ring.

Simon’s expression became more and more serious and painful. Even his breathing stopped for a moment.

It turned out that Zayla’s expectation and love for him for nearly twenty years was because of someone’s kindness in saving her life when she was young.

Simon had never saved her, nor did he give her the pinky ring…

The person who saved her was someone else!

Simon smiled bitterly and gripped the recording pen in his hand tightly as if

he wanted to split it in two.

Zayla’s joy and anticipation had never belonged to him!

It was he who had occupied her love for another man forcibly.

“Eden,” Simon called out.

Inside the large cabin, there were all Simon’s subordinates.

“Mr. Russo.” Eden stepped forward quickly.

“Check Zayla’s grandfather’s address and all the property information of the Russo family.”

Eden complied with Simon’s order.

However, the investigation required a certain amount of time.

Even if Simon was anxious, he could only wait.

No matter which man had saved Zayla, Simon had to get rid of him.

He thought, since I was wrong from the very beginning, I would make the best

of my mistake.

The private plane arrived at the San Diego Airport. As soon as Simon turned on his phone, he received a call from Dawson.

“Simon, is your anger gone? Have you heard the recording? Have you recalled the deeds that you saved a beauty in the past?”

The veins on Simon’s palm bulged.

“Get lost!”

The call ended.

On the other side of the line, Dawson did not know what he had said wrong. He looked at the screen of the phone with a face full of confusion…

Simon walked out of the airport. An unlicensed taxi driver stepped forward and was trying to fool him.

Simon was furious, and he grabbed the driver’s hand.

With a cracking sound, the driver’s hand was broken.

He wailed in pain.

Simon said casually, “Eden, pay up.”


After that, Simon got into the luxury car that had been waiting for a long time.

Eden paid the money and warned the unlicensed taxi driver. The latter, who was originally shouting, did not dare to say a word.

Sitting in the driver’s seat, Eden said respectfully, “Mr. Russo, the hotel has been arranged. You can stay at any time.”

“Go to the Vaughan’s place,” Simon instructed.


Eden followed the address given by Dawson and drove the luxury car to the Vaughan’s place….

In a bedroom of the Vaughan’s place.


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