I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 272

Chapter 272

Chapter 272

Chapter 272 Am not Angry Now

“I will accompany you to stay here.” Zayla’s back stiffened instantly, and she clenched her white palms.

Did he know something? Or was he worried that she would be wronged in the Russo family? So he lived with her to help her? Soon, everything was ready for returning to the Russo’s Villa.

Zayla’s phone rang several times. It was her father. She worried it would attract Simon’s attention, so she could only block her father then. But in the next second, there came Leroy Nelson’s news.

Ms. Vargas, Mr. Vargas is back! He is angry now because he can’t get through to you on the phone. He will rush to the Russo Manor to find you!] Zayla’s heart tightened suddenly. Once her father rushed to the Russo Manor, then Palmer would know her true identity! Zayla immediately replied, [Leroy, you need to calm my dad down first and tell him I’ll be back soon.]

After receiving the message, Leroy answered her several OKs and urged her to return as soon as possible because he couldn’t delay too long!

Zayla put away her mobile phone. Then she found an excuse to pack her luggage to go back after the Russo family got into the car one after another.

Palmer ignored her and sat in the car with the wash that she would never enter the Russo’s Villa.

Lucy nodded and said with concern, “Let Simon accompany you back. It’s too late.

We are worried about you if you drive alone.”

Just when Zayla was about to say no, Ophelia followed her mother.

“Yes, I agree with that. Zayla, you need coolies when you go back to pack your luggage. Let my uncle go with you if your luggage is heavy!”

Zayla was speechless about this suggestion.

Lucy immediately glared at Ophelia.

Ophelia realized she had said the wrong thing, so she hurriedly silenced and got into the car with a smirk.

Simon put on a long face, showing his anger.

Lincoln was exceptionally calm and said, “I am willing to help.”

Before Zayla could speak, Simon grabbed her arm!

“She is my wife. We don’t need your help.”

Then, he almost dragged her and walked toward the luxury car.

Simon lost his mind again!

Zayla looked at the man before her who was dragging her to walk like flying. She wore high heels, so she could only trot to follow him.

Fortunately, her ankle was not injured!

Otherwise, she had to go to the hospital!

If it was not to avenge grandpa and fulfilled his last wish to retrieve the Blue Crystal.

She would not return to the Russo family and have anything to do with Simon!

Zayla bit her lower lip tightly, telling herself she would make trouble if she couldn’t bear it.

Simon opened the front door for her but said with an ominous tone.

“Get in.”

Zayla sat in the front seat.

He buckled her seat belt and slammed the door shut.

On the way, Zayla felt Simon’s constant anger.

She had no choice but to comfort him.

“Are you angry? Because of Lincoln?

“After living in your house, I will keep away from him. And he will move out at the beginning of next month. He won’t live for a long time.

“Most importantly, I don’t like him, so you don’t have to be jealous.”

Her voice was soft.

Zayla knew that this kind of person she pretended was what Simon wanted.

In the past five years of their marriage, she comforted him in the most gentle tone whenever he was furious, trying to calm him down.

But what he always got in return was his indifference, his ignorance, and even his fiercely pushing her away.

But now, Simon raised his hand and touched her head.

“Well done. I’m not angry now.”

He had indeed progressed now.

But Zayla couldn’t help laughing in her heart.

He calmed down, and his tense, angry face gradually regained calm.

But they didn’t know that on the way back to the Vargas family were followed by different cars until they arrived safely.

After getting off the car, Simon wanted to enter Vargas’s house with her but was stopped by Zayla.


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