I become a SheEO After Dirvorce

Chapter 274

Chapter 274

Chapter 274

Chapter 273 Full of Danger

Zayla shook her head toward him and said, “I disowned my dad before because of you. You’d better not go in. My father will be angry with you. I don’t want to see you suffer any harm.” Simon nodded and agreed, “I’ll wait for you here.”

Zayla breathed a sigh of relief. She knows Simon well. As long as she obeyed him, there will be no problem. She smiled at him, then turned and entered the villa. “Ms. Vargas, why is Simon here? I’ll take a hammer and beat him out!” A When Leroy saw Simon, he thought of Zayla’s grievances in the past and rolled

up his sleeves angrily.

Zayla immediately stopped him. “Leroy, it’s a long story. You listen to me and don’t do anything to him.” After Zayla said that, Leroy nodded repeatedly.

“Where’s my dad?” Zayla asked again. “Upstairs in the study room. Mr. Vargas and Mrs. Vargas came back together, and they put a long face.” Zayla knew why her parents put a long face.

That was because she returned to the Russo family to avenge her grandfather. How could parents feel at ease when their daughter was in a place full of danger? Zayla poured a glass of water and walked

upstairs quickly. As soon as she opened the study room door, Theodore Vargas scolded her before she spoke a word. Behind his angry words was a father’s concern for his daughter.

Zayla was not angry with his words and put the water glass in front of him with a smile.

“Dad, are you thirsty? Drink some water first to moisten your throat before scolding me,”

Zayla’s tone was very relaxed, trying to make Theodore calm down.

“You don’t know how dangerous it is! You are lucky to return today without being skinned by the Russo family, but you don’t have such luck every time! Palmer is cruel. How could you be his opponent? You are no match for him.”

After these words, Theodore picked up the cup and drank.

“Dad, I returned to pack my luggage, and I’m going to live in the Russo Manor.”

Theodore was choked and coughed a few times. Then he put the cup heavily on the table.

What did you say? Repeat it!”

“I want to return to the Russo family.”

Zayla’s eyes were extremely determined.

Theodore and Scarlet Trevino saw the determination in her eyes.

This time, Theodore controlled his fiery temper and ordered aloud, “Leroy, you guard the door.”

“Yes, Mr. Vargas.” Leroy also realized the situation was severe, so he stood at the door, not letting anyone get closer.

After the study door was closed, Scarlet held Zayla’s hand. “Zayla, listen to me.” Zayla looked at Scarlet and shook her head.

Then, she looked at Theodore and said, “Dad, do you still remember? After you and mom got engaged, the Vargas family continued to decline due to the financial crisis.

“Others thought the Vargas family was going to declare bankruptcy. You chose to dissolve the engagement to prevent mom from getting into trouble. But mom refused to agree with that.

“After grandfather knew it, he sold all his collections and even took out all his savings to help the Vargas family overcome the difficulties. “Later, you often talked about this matter with me. You told me always to respect grandpa, and grandpa is the most important. “So to avenge grandpa is a top priority!” Theodore was speechless and burst into tears.

“In the past, I prevented you from marrying Simon because of Palmer.

“Fortunately, you have been well protected by us since childhood. You have never shown your face before others.

“Palmer doesn’t know your identity or who your grandfather is, and you don’t know that he is the murderer of your grandfather. Hence, we think you are safe.

But now, it’s too dangerous!”

Zayla smiled faintly and raised her hand to wipe the tears of Theodore and Scarlet.

“Dad, Mom, I just want to ask you one question.”


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